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What do you do for YOU?

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I realized the other day that I really don't get out much. I leave my house only to drive the kids places, grocery shop and the occasional hair cut!! I have one volunteer group that I work with and we meet once every other month. I need something for ME!!!


I don't really want another hobby (I have scrapbooking stuff, knitting stuff, and sewing stuff upstairs that already don't get used enough). I really don't want to do anything that costs a lot, but I'm willing to spend a bit if necessary.


So, what do you DO???

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Since you aren't lacking on the hobby side, are you thinking more about what you can do for you in terms of getting out of the house? I like to meet a friend for coffee or to walk for exercise or to browse home decor stores to give me ideas of things I can create during hobby time...which I don't have more of simply because I get caught up with the computer, reading, etc.

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and other forms of exercise (jogging, lifting weights, ride bikes).


I have only taken four classes and so far my friend and love it. It's a great stretching, low-impact exercise. My dh gets a kick out of it too!! We wear the coin belts over our yoga pants and sweatshirts and laugh and have fun.


I like to tie in socializing with exercise. On Sundays, after church I have begun to run with two other moms. I feel refreshed as well as have had a chance to enjoy company of other women I enjoy.



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Go on frequent cheap dates with my dh. :) It is absolutely my favorite thing to do.


Do you need a sitter? I think once my oldest is a bit older, we can start to do this. I'll file away this idea!!


Judo. And running.


I also have scrapbooking & knitting supplies, but I just don't seem to manage my time well enough to do these things right now. If I cut out the time I spend here, I'd get some done, but....:p


Yea - I think I'll start running once the ice clears (and my ankle heals - grrrrrr). For now, I exercise inside while the baby naps.


Glad I'm not alone on the hobby supplies!!!;)


Since you aren't lacking on the hobby side, are you thinking more about what you can do for you in terms of getting out of the house? I like to meet a friend for coffee or to walk for exercise or to browse home decor stores to give me ideas of things I can create during hobby time...which I don't have more of simply because I get caught up with the computer, reading, etc.


Yes, I'd really like to get out. I think it would help me be a bit refreshed and able to handle the noise and activity of four children!! Maybe it's as simple as picking up the phone and calling a friend for coffee. I'm not usually the initiator of these types of things!! Maybe it's time to step out of my comfort zone.


Crocheting, Painting and drawing


If only I had an artistic bone in my body!!! I can see how painting would be very relaxing!


and other forms of exercise (jogging, lifting weights, ride bikes).


I have only taken four classes and so far my friend and love it. It's a great stretching, low-impact exercise. My dh gets a kick out of it too!! We wear the coin belts over our yoga pants and sweatshirts and laugh and have fun.


I like to tie in socializing with exercise. On Sundays, after church I have begun to run with two other moms. I feel refreshed as well as have had a chance to enjoy company of other women I enjoy.





We do have a gym very closeby. Dh thought I should join (not because he thinks I need to lose weight - but for the social aspect!). It's cheap. I just don't want it to become something that I feel like I HAVE to do just because I paid for it. KWIM?


Thanks all! Keep the suggestions comin'!!

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Walks early in the morning.


Hot baths with a book. Take the time to paint my toenails. :)


For the dates...a friend and I recently have done some babysitting swapping. She and her husband dropped off her kids and we babysat, then another time we dropped ours off at her house. You might know someone who would be interested in doing that...most Moms would love the idea of free babysitting. My kids loved it and were sad to leave when we came to pick them up. :)

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Ours has a phenomenal child care place that the kids LOVE. I go to the grown-up side and have two hours to myself. Most of the time, I work out and shower in peace. Sometimes, I take a steam, maybe use the hot tub, shampoo, etc etc. I've met several other moms at the gym, and the kids have made friends at the child care facility. The icing on the cake is that the kids can take little classes too -- tap, ballet, etc.

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As you know, I run ~ and hopefully you (Jennifer) can join that bandwagon soon. A handful of friends and meet once a month for book club. Now and then I get together with some of those same friends for lunch or dinner or whatever. I go to conferences & meetings related to sustainable business practices, organics, environmental ethics, etc. At this stage in life, I don't even want to get too invested in activities or commitments outside the home, though. I'd like to run for the Board of Directors for two particular organizations, but it would require too much of me right now. Seasons and so on.:)

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I started taking college class. I run daily, go out Saturdays for a few hours and window shop, at the mall, I like browesing hobby lobby, Michaels, bookstores, antique shops, go to the craft show if it's in town, go to breakfast or lunch depending what time I leave the house, starbucks or Atlanta Bread company get may favorite coffee and read a book or right now study for my class. On Wednesdays when I have a few hours with no children I get my nails done, hair cut, brows waxed etc. or I rent a movie, get some sushi and relax.

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I was driving my kids to the children's program and watching and they were sort of lukewarm to it. I looked into adult classes, went and fell in love with this sport! Now I'm super-flexible, feeling really strong, have advanced a bunch of belt colors, have competed in a tournament, etc. I'm out of the house 2 nights a week and I LOVE IT!



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Send dh out with kids to visit grandparents for a night or 2 without me for a weekend alone.

Buy new clothing on occasion -- stuff that I like and that makes me feel good.


Oh I love this idea!! My dd isn't quite old enough to be with the grandparents alone, but I'm wondering if my mom and dad would take the boys for a few nights this summer!!


I love buying new clothes too. It makes me feel so peppy when I'm wearing something new!!


Yep, I'm with "momof7. I enjoy frequent dates with dh and other things we do together...... when we're alone..... if you know what I mean.;)


ROFLOL!!!! Yea - we enjoy our alone time too - it just happens really late at night!!


I go to the grown-up side and have two hours to myself. Most of the time, I work out and shower in peace. Sometimes, I take a steam, maybe use the hot tub, shampoo, etc etc. .


Sounds like you belong to a really nice gym. We belong to a club like this (it has a gym as well as restaurants and a hotel and everything!). Problem is, it's 25 minutes away. Maybe it'd be worth it a couple times a week though!


As you know, I run ~ and hopefully you (Jennifer) can join that bandwagon soon. A handful of friends and meet once a month for book club. Now and then I get together with some of those same friends for lunch or dinner or whatever. I go to conferences & meetings related to sustainable business practices, organics, environmental ethics, etc. At this stage in life, I don't even want to get too invested in activities or commitments outside the home, though. I'd like to run for the Board of Directors for two particular organizations, but it would require too much of me right now. Seasons and so on.:)


You know, I'm really not wanting activities or commitments either. Those end up feeling like obligations rather than fun KWIM? yea - I'm looking forward to getting out and running (care to come and spread salt to melt the ice ahead of me?? LOL). Where do you find these conferences on organics and all? That sounds really interesting!


I went through this recently and decided to go back to school part-time. I'm taking a class at night so my dh can stay home with the kids.


I thought about this. But, for now I'm going to wait. I think it would end up feeling like an obligation that I would resent (especially if I had much homework!). But, I have thought about taking a class at the local law school. So, what class are you taking?


Thanks all! You've given me a lot to think about!

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My life is totally out of balance right now. I am so overwhelmed at home (trying to catch up on stuff after 6 months of pretty debilitating illness). My dh is working the equivalent of 3 jobs so he's just as busy. Coming to the WTM boards and e-mailing a close personal friend is my most consistent thing I do for me. I am going to the do the "Moms night out" for WTMers here in WA next week.

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I run and practice yoga. My yoga practice has suffered lately but I AM going to get started again. Today. I promise. Really.

I like to try new classes at the gym just to have something new stirring all the time. It seems that trying new things is addictive, once you start you have to do it all the time.

I am taking college classes online through a local university and it is wonderful. I find that the literature classes are my favorite "me" time.

I eat dinner alone with my husband once every couple of weeks.

I recommend time that you do just for you. It is good.

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I realized the other day that I really don't get out much. I leave my house only to drive the kids places, grocery shop and the occasional hair cut!! I have one volunteer group that I work with and we meet once every other month. I need something for ME!!!


I don't really want another hobby (I have scrapbooking stuff, knitting stuff, and sewing stuff upstairs that already don't get used enough). I really don't want to do anything that costs a lot, but I'm willing to spend a bit if necessary.


So, what do you DO???


Do you get together with other scrapbookers or knitters? I have had various of scrapbooking groups and my sister has a knitting group. I've had scrapbooking groups where we meet at the local scrapbook/craft store and ones where everyone brought their kids over to my house and we scrapbooked. It's always more about the socializing than the craft at hand. For a while half the women who came over for scrapbook day didn't scrapbook at all, lol.


In the town where we used to live I had the kids in PE at a local gym and I worked out with some of the other moms at that time (or sat and had coffee with them).


I haven't really found my niche here yet so I'm not going out and doing anything on my own.

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