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Anyone else NOT caring about the Super Bowl?

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I feel so alone. Even NPR spent what seemed like an hour this morning talking about this "event." My family cannot be the only one in the U.S. who just plain doesn't care? Right?



If football ceased to exist from this moment forth, I would not be bothered one bit. Thankfully, neither would my dh. :D

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What shocked me yesterday was hearing on NPR that Pittsburgh public schools have planned a two hour delay on Monday because students will be staying up late on Sunday. :confused: Guess that tells us what is truly important in America these days.




To be entirely honest, it was like that back in the 70s too. We wore black and gold to school every Friday during football season and if you forgot even the teachers would razz you. The day after the Steelers won a Superbowl was an all day party in my 5th grade class.

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Guest janainaz

My husband does not watch sports. We are in Arizona and it's a big deal this year. We're going to a superbowl party for the food and friends - that's it.

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My husband does not watch sports. We are in Arizona and it's a big deal this year. We're going to a superbowl party for the food and friends - that's it.


My husband doesn't watch sports either....but I DO!! :-) I love football and I'm rooting for the Cardinals tomorrow!! (They aren't the Seahawks, of course, but I'll be cheering them on anyways!!)h

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I didn't even know it was this weekend. Then we made plans to come to Tampa Bay to prep our house in Largo for sale. I had no clue it was in Tampa until 2 days ago. We drove down from SC to FL today and were among many, many PA fans driving down. My dh is happy that they will all be going to the game tomorrow and not at the beach where he will be fishing. I plan to catch up with some girlfriends at a NON-Superbowl party tomorrow night.

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Well, it sort of loses something when it comes on at 10am on a Monday morning! It's just not the same!


But my husband does get a half day off. He chose to work the morning and have the afternoon off, because he doens't really care. If you are watching in the morning, you have to work the afternoon. Unless you are drinking and then you have to take an entire day of leave.

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so I have been trying to get him to invite himself to someone's Super Bowl party. Maybe I can ask around at church tomorrow and talk someone into inviting him.





Oh, well...It must be pretty lonely to live in a household where you are the only one interested in sports. The funny thing about this is dh is a die-hard Cowboys fan and he doesn't want either the Cardinals or the Steelers to win. My response of course is "Then why watch?"


"It's the SUPER BOWL!"



Claire in NM

Edited by Claire in NM
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I so often feel so left out and isolated in the world. My family just doesn't seem to fit in particularly well in any group. And when I heard the Super Bowl being described on NPR (NPR!) as a "big tent" event that includes everyone, it just hit me harder than probably makes sense to anyone else.


It's nice to know we're not completely alone . . . at least in this one small thing.

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Well, it was a joke. However, one person said they couldn't even follow the game! And several said they don't know who is playing.


I can't follow the game. I don't understand it at all. I don't know who's playing. We don't follow professional sports at all - not even dh. I guess even if we did it would be CFL?


We don't even follow hockey though you can't get away from hockey talk in Vancouver so I know more than I want to through osmosis (apparently we currently suck and someone has a groin injury; I always think radio folks get a perverse pleasure from saying groin on air because they say it a lot. Like it's a bit of a naughty word or something....)


But I gather lots of people find it a very fun day & I can understand that even if I don't get it. The big thing I don't get is that football seems a summer sport to me & I don't understand why half the time it's played on snowy fields.

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I didn't care until I found out that Bruce is playing the half-time show. So I will watch the half-time show. :D


We are going to my sister's house because my BIL has one of those ginormous projection televisions in the basement. The only real reason that I wanted to attend is my sister just had twin girls and I want to munch on them. Nom-nom.:001_smile: The only time my husband really watches sports is the Superbowl and I never bother him about it.

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Super Bowl = Clean House. My boys wanted to have a Super Bowl party today with all their friends and the friends' dads. OK, but the house has to be cleaned, I said. So, the house is now vacuumed, dusted, bathrooms cleaned, windows cleaned, kitchen sparkling, etc. and *I* didn't have to do any of it. :hurray:

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Oh, is that on today?


No, we don't care either. And I used to LIVE in Pittsburgh, where people are just a tiny bit Steelers crazy. Hubs turned on the pre-game coverage for a moment but it didn't last long before the Playstation was deemed a more exciting Sunday afternoon activity.

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Not caring here.:glare:


We like baseball (St. Louis Cardinals!) and that's pretty much it.


Today our church had its annual meeting. We have it right after the morning service and then have a fellowship dinner and no evening service. My husband and our pastor picked the date for the meeting this year...neither of them pay much attention to football and neither of them knew they were scheduling it for Super Bowl Sunday. ...thereby leaving the evening free for as many families as wanted to to get together for a totally guilt-free party instead of going to evening service and leaving quickly. I have a feeling this might become an annual tradition.:tongue_smilie:

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I don't care, which is why I am working on lesson plans. However, DH and my 7yo DS are huge football fans which is why I currently hear hollering over a call from the family room. Ugh! My DS has never met a sport he didn't like.


I am a mother destined to hours spent on the sidelines of athletic fields.

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I can't follow the game. I don't understand it at all. I don't know who's playing. We don't follow professional sports at all - not even dh. I guess even if we did it would be CFL?



Right--the CFL has the Grey Cup. At least I think that's what it's called. I didn't follow the CFL when I was in Canada, either.


But hockey--don't you have to watch it to be a Canadian ;) :lol::tongue_smilie: (just kidding, although my dad did take me to a few NHL games when I was younger and he and 2 of my brothers played, so I learned by forced osmosis).

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I can't follow the game. I don't understand it at all. I don't know who's playing.


Exactly what I was going to say. I have watched one football game in my life, it was a Superbowl, didn't even go the high school games. I have no idea what the rules are and could care less. DH has watched more football than me and has even been to Superbowl parties but I think that was for the party not the bowl.;)

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didn't even go the high school games. ;)



I was in marching band in highschool, so I had to attend every home game whether I wanted to or not, so maybe that's why I understand most of the basic rules of the game. Also, maybe that's why I like attending games now, because I'm not having to wear an ugly, heavy polyester outfit and can sit in the stands like any other self respecting fan.

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