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When will this school year end for you?

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My kids will finish up May 1st for my little and May 15 for my older, barring any unforeseen circumstances. That is 180 days for each of them. Of course, we will move right on to next year as soon as we end this year (we school year round for the most part and take breaks when we need it). So...when will this year end for your kiddoes?

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This year is a little different, because we moved mid-summer, and so we didn't begin until Sept.


We'll school full-time through May, and then go lightly in June. We'll take July off, and begin again in mid-August.


USUALLY what we do is to school year round, but we take many days off in May/June and Sept./Oct., when we really want to be outside. We school during July/August afternoons, when it's to hot/humid to be outside.

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Our virtual academy requires us to continue school through June 30th. It's a late end because they give us all of December off. However, if we have "banked" extra hours throughout the year, we can use them in lieu of doing school any time we like. My son has enough to be done mid-May. My daughter had enough to be done mid-June.

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I was just looking at my calender yesterday. We are on track to finish mid-late April. Of course we started in July. We will take off May and June for the most part. I plan to do some review here and there, and maybe a fun, no pressure unit study for those months. I hope to start back in July again. It makes it so much easier when I don't feel pressured to finish getting all my days in, plus it gives us plenty of wiggle room when we need to take days off.

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I'll try at the end of May but it is doubtful. We took them out of ps in Oct. so I've spent all this time bringing them up to grade level. They were behind in a couple of subjects. Plus we're moving in a couple of weeks. We'll probably do school 2 or 3 times a week during the summer too.

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May 28th is our last day ... then we have a week of standardized testing to do and submit to the state. Then our oldest graduates from homeschooling!!


We'll start up again on August 31st. I've already typed up my curriculum ideas list for next year and, for the first time in 14 years, my oldest daughter isn't on it. :crying:


It's all good...just rather bittersweet!

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It depends on the subject....


We school year round, but try to take a break in the summer. We should be done with everything by the end of June (Spanish, MBTP, FIAR), but we finished reading and handwriting for K already so we have moved on to 1st grade work there, and math will probably be done by the end of next month. We'll take a break in July (just 3Rs, lightly) and start the next "official" grade in August.

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We'll finish the end of April. My parents own a greenhouse and we work for them in May and the first two weeks of June. Then we have school for two weeks. A week off for church camp, a week of school, two weeks off for the kids church camp and Bible Quizzing finals and then back to school full time in August. We just start and stop books whenever. New books come out as soon as the old one in that subject is finished. We don't really have a beginning or ending to our school year or even when we "switch" grades. I can't even decide what "grade" to call my oldest since he works on a spread of 6 grade levels between his strongest subject and weakest subject. School and life are so intertwined we just consider it all a forward progression.

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