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What subjects do you outsource?

Jumping In Puddles

What subjects do you outsource?  

  1. 1. What subjects do you outsource?

    • Writing/Language Arts
    • P.E. (sports, dance, etc.)
    • Art
    • Foreign Language
    • Music Instruction
    • Math
    • Science
    • Nothing, I do it all!
    • Other

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We outsource PE, writing via online classes for the older kids, music instruction, and math when needed for older kids. I'm most happy with outsourcing writing. That is my big luxury. I was never getting to it and then I didn't feel strong critiquing my kids work. My older two are great writers and have great online teachers. As long as we can eek it out of the budget I'll keep doing this and do it when my younger kids get old enough for it.

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P.E. and music - Becca goes to gymnastics twice a week and participates in a local children's training choir.


Sometimes I outsource art classes, like in the summer. Otherwise, I just insource it to DH!


We are very, very, very lucky to have one little oasis of culture in our small town that's the source of the music and art instruction. Becca goes to a local gym for her gymnastics instruction. Actually, Sylvia gets to take her first gymnastics class next week too!

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For my daughter, she does Ballet twice a week, and Latin with her sisters and another Mom and her daughter...at my mom's, we also do a once a week Classical Conversations program....and on the day that she does Latin...she spends that whole day with my mom doing Latin, playing some games and doing Home Making skills like Baking bread and cookies. So, basically we have 3 school days at home that we use for History, writing and homework from her CC classes.


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My kids take Karate and Dance and every friday is Park day where my kids run around for hours. I also outsoarce Music with private teacher and my two oldest will be part of an orchestra that will start in 2 weeks as part of co-op.



ds (10), dd (8), dd (6), ds (2), ds (2)

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karate classes 2-3x week

swimming lessons 1x week at local rec center, plus 1-2x week free swim

Keys for kids - group piano class

2x week art classes (art exploration and cartooning) local rec center

skating 1-2x week lesson and free skate at local rec center

1x month for the school year 2 hour aquarium class

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Well...I put Foreign Language. I outsourced Latin for a year (tutor). We are going to try Writing (online class) next, but I'll still do writing here. I forgot to add Music, as that's been outsourced for years and years. I guess I could have checked PE as well, for soccer, basketball, flag football, baseball, and homeschool PE.

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We outsource more as our children get older...sequaying into college.


PE: Outsourced on swim team...start at pre-team level at 6 years and so far all have gone through to the college level. My 2cnd to youngest started this year and youngest will begin next year.


Writing: Online courses...bravewriter, Write@Home and I am thinking of using Veritas press with IEW next year for my 6th grader.


Art: We do lots of art at home...LOTS! But we still use museum programs and other art teachers and opportunities as they come up...same with music instruction.


Math: I outsource this at the high school level. This year we used VP Geometry which is WONDERFUL! We have also outsourced LOGIC with memoria press which was ho-hum, but I am using it with ds #2...just so it gets done...sigh.



Science: I never outsourced this before, but I plan on using an online class for ds's chemistry next year. he is too science oriented to just let it slide.



We do not have access to many co-op opportunities or homeschool groups...but I really love the option of online classes for my older students. It gives us the best of all worlds.




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We use Time4Learning for math and language arts. My two oldest dds are also going to take a Time4Writing course this spring.


In a sense, I suppose we're outsourcing foreign language, because we're using the immersion technique (living overseas), and are letting the kids pick up things as they are out and about.





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Flute lessons (dd)

Scottish Drum (ds#1) with local Pipe Band

violin lessons (ds#2)

Youth Music Concert Band (dd)



sailing (summers-all 3 dc) @ local yacht club

sailing, rowing, canoeing, hiking, etc. with Sea Scouts (ds#1 & ds#2) or Young Mariners & Venturers (dd)

gymnastics (ds#1 & ds#2)

karate (ds#2)

fencing (winters-dd)

swim lessons (ds#2) with homeschool group

soccer or field hockey (winters-ds#2)

+ all 3 dc have paper runs that need be done twice a week.



Sustained Rural Development (dd) twice a week with the local polytech


We used to attend a homeschool science club, but that only lasted a couple of terms. And we've taken homeschool art lessons a couple of terms as well.



Edited by Deb in NZ
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It would have been helpful to have an option that included age/grade level :-)


When my dc were young, there was nothing they needed to learn that I could not teach. When they were high school age, I'd have looked into outsourcing things like math, science or foreign language if we hadn't done community college instead of high school.


I don't count dance as outsourcing for "p.e.," as we didn't do dance for p.e. We did dance because dd was a dancer from the womb :-)

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For a long time, drama, and sport, but only sport this coming year (and only gymnastics).

Music lessons.

Use to do Latin in a class, but now we are back to doing it ourselves.

One of the things I am most grateful to outsource is Science. It takes almost a whole day to get through both of their classes, but it doubles as a social day. It is so great to have an enthusiastic science teacher teach them.

Dd has done two online writing classes- very successful.

Online foreign language not so sucessful.

Dd has done a watercolour class for 3 years, we dont do much art other than that, except for a bit of artist study.


Outsourcing has been good while they are young, for socialisation. As they are both teens now, I rely on it more to cover academics that I know I could do with some help with.

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DD takes science classes at the natural history museum, about 5 or 6 sessions each semester. We do some science on top of that at home, but since we are covering animals/human body/plants, and she loves to read about those topics, I don't even think she's aware that we are "doing school." I guess I could also say PE, since both kids take weekly dance classes. I also take them swimming once a week.

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I checked "other." We've outsourced more as dd has gotten older--she currently takes writing and art at co-op, and a homeschool science class at a local store. I anticipate even more outsourcing as she enters high school--we may do math and latin via virtual school next year.


For younger ds, he takes outside piano lessons, and also does a drawing class and a math games class at co-op. However, I don't consider these part of his curriculum, as I do with dd's classes. Youngest ds also takes co-op classes, but again these are just extras.


I guess that's why I checked other--we do outside classes, but only as the children get older do we actually count those classes as curriculum.

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. . . because those are the ones we have outsourced most consistently. However, we don't always outsource all of them, and we sometimes do more.


For example, last year, my son had outside instruction for PE (dance) and music (piano, drums, choir) and took math online through FLVS.


This year, he's still dancing, still taking music (choir and organ), but is doing math with me using an online curriculum. He's also taking geography through FLVS and chose to take their art course in the first semester.


Next year, the current plan is for him to take math and science through FLVS and to continue both dance and music with local instructors.


Similarly, my daughter started taking FLVS math classes when she was 9. So did music instruction (two choirs, piano and classical guitar, although not all at once) and an occasional dance class. She also took quite a few drama/theatre classes over the years, but I don't remember that being an option in the poll.


In addition to math, she took an FLVS science course, Spanish, American Government and AP Microeconomics.

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My dd takes private piano lessons and Irish Dance classes. My ds in on a swim team and a basketball team.


However, once they hit high school, online classes, etc. might be something we use. Right now, my oldest is working through Henle Latin. Once he completes the Latin grammar (9th grade) and begins straight translation courses, I may put him in an online class. It takes a lot of work and time to grade those translations and I have 2 other children!

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I put both PE and Music Instruction.


My younger son does travelling soccer. He has a trainer. So, I feel that it outsource since I don't have the slightest idea how to teach soccer.


Both my boys play an instrument. I started teaching my older son the piano. It was such a failure. So, now, I pay someone to teach my sons the violin and the piano.


May the Lord grant you peace in the New Year.





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I consider outsourcing anything that I don't teach myself and thus don't have to worry about. With this definition, I outsource P.E. and Art (but dh is the instructor ;)). However, I make sure ds gets plenty of exercise and fresh air outside P.E., and some visits with our Wii Fit.


This year I'm teaching Piano but the following year this will be outsourced as well, to a music teacher and friend.

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I've outsourced music with dd1, now that she's old enough to take lessons. I'm still doing it with dd1. It is so nice when there's a subject that I just don't have to worry about. Now if I could outsource 2nd language instruction I'd be laughing. It's just too expensive. Hmm maybe I should give Rosetta Stone some consideration.:001_smile:

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PE is outsourced here. Tae Kwon Do for the 17yo and 9yo; Baseball for the 14yo and the 6yo.


The boys (14yo and 9yo) are in an art co-op with our local homeschool group, but it's only once a month, so we still do art as a homeschool subject -- the group is just for fun and a chance for them to learn from an actual artist.


My 17yo takes classes at the community college also. She started this during her junior year; she's now a senior.

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Writing this year for 7th and 4th grade. Next year in 8th grade writing, Latin 1, and Spanish 1 will be outsourced. Scholars Online for writing and Latin 1. For spanish, I have no idea. I am also thinking that my 8th grader will benefit from doing a literature class with Angus Dei before doing the SO literature sequence but I am still thinking about that.

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