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I'd be a bit sad that my kid had that experience without me. But I don't find anything to be really upset about. Certainly I couldn't be upset with the person who was watching my kid. I might be a little disappointed, for just a minute, with my kid for not telling the person about previous plans to see the  movie, but that would pass quickly because it would be a bit much to expect.

Edited by marbel
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I might be disappointed in the situation, but not at the adult.

I did ask my sister to check with me first before watching classic movies with my kids, because I had looked forward to watching some with them (first).  But it was on me to let the adults know in advance.

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If someone watches your kid for WEEKS you kiss their feet and look the other way on anything that’s non-toxic. You certainly don’t ask that their family skip seeing a current movie so you can have the experience later. Even missing the movie you are winning the trade-off olympics. 

ETA: This scenario has troublesome SIL vibes

Edited by KungFuPanda
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If I leave my child with you for a few hours it's because I trust that I can rely on you in some basic way, and I'm confident that my children will mostly be ok.

If I leave my child with your for a few weeks it's because I trust you with their lives and, in a way, my own. While you're watching my child for a few weeks IDGAF if you allow them to watch a movie that I would also allow them to watch! I'd forgive you allowing them to watch some movies that I wouldn't have allowed.

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Weeks? Of free childcare? And the parent is upset about missing the movie? That seemed excessive to me unless there was previous discussion between the adults about that movie.

I will say however that when I was doing in-my-home child care (for pay even thought it was low pay) I did tell the parent if I had planned something different or special for the day so she would know that I was going to take the kid somewhere. 

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1 hour ago, BandH said:

Well I think she and I need to agree to disagree about who is the bad SIL in this scenario.

But yes, one SIL took the other SIL’s daughter to Barbie.

And this Barbie is a SIL.

Yes but you & this board don’t disagree about who is the bad SIL. Good SIL can tell her where to… nevermind, I can’t think of an appropriate way to phrase that. 

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3 hours ago, maize said:

Upset/disappointed sure. Not angry though--the person watching the kid did absolutely nothing wrong. I would deal with my personal disappointment privately and find something else to do together with my kid.

Exactly. I would probably be disappointed, but if I had not specifically told the carer, then I would keep it to myself. I wouldn't blame my kid either, because they might not have realized that it was that important to me.

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