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Coronation of Charles III and ASD

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In case anyone cares, the last coronation procession from The Tower of London was Charles II and so obviously Charles III should have considered that and spent the last two nights in the Tower and proceeded from there.

DS is ready to email the Earl Marshal to complain. He probably will if there’s no King’s Champion who rides into the feast in full armor, throws down a gauntlet and threatens anyone who might challenge the new king’s rule as happened at George IV’s coronation banquet.

Edited by Mrs Tiggywinkle Again
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7 minutes ago, Terabith said:

Dumb question:  he’s been king for a really long time.  Why is it just now taking place?  

Planning, I assume. Elizabeth II’s coronation didn’t happen until well over a year after her father’s death. As coronations go, Charles’ has been rather speedy, probably because the plans were already in place long ago and they just had to put the details together.

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2 hours ago, Terabith said:

Dumb question:  he’s been king for a really long time.  Why is it just now taking place?  

My understanding is that it allows for a grieving period.  And King Charles intentionally chose not to schedule it on June 2 (QE2's coronation date).

I thoroughly enjoyed watching how well the Brits do ceremonies.  And parades.  With 4000 people in sync.
Yet I still am thinking the lyrics of "My Country Tis of Thee" . . . while I'm hearing "God Save The King".

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2 hours ago, Scarlett said:

I think William and kate were late. I guess even royals have trouble getting out the door with 3 kids. 


It does appear they had some trouble getting out the door this morning. 😂

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Given Diana is dead, it was never going to be Queen Diana.

I watched it.

What a palaver.

I did like the multi-faith nature, and the lady of the sword - Penny Mordaunt.

And Princess Anne always looks swashbuckling.


When I opened this thread I thought someone was going to comment on Charles' neurodiversity. But also, every time I look at Camilla, I think, 'this is not a woman at ease with the social game'. They are an odd couple - and I say that as someone with a preference for the odd.


Not coronation related - neurodiverse related - my favourite singer was on Jimmy Kimmel recently, and he did not do the eye contact (he is known for not doing the eye contact). And I felt so reassured, because I also do not do the eye contact. And I often feel freakish for not doing it, and fining eye contact so flipping intense, and now I feel less freakish.


OK, back to the coronation. There are so many facts! OP, did you see the podcasts Laura Corin linked to in a thread yesterday or the day before? Your dc might be interested.

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2 hours ago, Ellie said:

I think there should have been tiaras. Also, it should have been Queen Diana.

Both Katherine, Princess of Wales and her daughter, Princess Charlotte wore tiaras. I haven’t seen a full slate of pictures yet - hoping for some fascinators!

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I was so sad watching Harry. I am annoyed at MM for not coming to support him. And yes I know they are total strangers to me. 

Kate and WM have adorable kids. So much personality in each of them.Little Louie is so adorable clasping his hands together trying to be good.  

It is hard to believe Camilla is actually queen.  The long game indeed. 

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57 minutes ago, TechWife said:

Both Katherine, Princess of Wales and her daughter, Princess Charlotte wore tiaras. I haven’t seen a full slate of pictures yet - hoping for some fascinators!

They were actually headbands, not tiaras.

Personally, I believe that if Camilla was/had been classically beautiful, and if Diana had lived(because early death cast her forever as sainted Diana), the Charles and Camilla story would be considered a fairy tale where they were cruelly kept apart but true love won in the end.  
I do think Charles is probably neurodiverse on some level which was only reinforced after reading his autobiography/authorized biography. I know, I know, king and wealth and privilege, but the man seems to have never wanted much more than to be loved by his parents, not bullied at school, to marry someone he loved and settle down in a country home somewhere and grow plants.  I hadn’t considered Camilla as potentially ND, but I don’t necessarily buy into the “she played the long game to be queen” either, because she always looks like she’d rather be doing just about anything else. The only time she actually looks happy in public is when she’s interacting with her rarely seen grandkids or the Wales children. Honestly, I think she and Charles actually really love each other and have for a long time, they’d just be happier not being King and Queen.

Edited by Mrs Tiggywinkle Again
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The long game is just conspiracy theory stuff - the kind of people who talk about that on SM are the same kind of people who think the Palace killed Diana.

I thought they both looked as if they were thinking 'what face should I be making right now?' and 'is my face making the right shape for what I'm supposed to be projecting?'

I don't think people who willingly ride in gold carriages during cost of living crises need a lot of my sympathy, but it would not surprise me to know they both found the day excruciating. Camilla looks as if she is in pain, quite frequently, and I wonder if she is suffering from osteoporosis - that's one of her primary charities.



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11 hours ago, marbel said:

I can relate. 


Me, too. Only it was the Kentucky Derby with my horsemanship obsessed autistic dd. 🙂 50th anniversary of Secretariat!!

I also think Princess Charlotte and Prince George and Louis are absolutely precious. Charlotte reminds me a little of Georgie Henley when she was little in the Narnia films (Lucy). 🙂

Edited by popmom
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1 hour ago, Melissa Louise said:

The long game is just conspiracy theory stuff - the kind of people who talk about that on SM are the same kind of people who think the Palace killed Diana.

I thought they both looked as if they were thinking 'what face should I be making right now?' and 'is my face making the right shape for what I'm supposed to be projecting?'

I don't think people who willingly ride in gold carriages during cost of living crises need a lot of my sympathy, but it would not surprise me to know they both found the day excruciating. Camilla looks as if she is in pain, quite frequently, and I wonder if she is suffering from osteoporosis - that's one of her primary charities.



Ha, well, my comment was tongue in cheek about the long game, I am not in to the conspiracy theories.  But you have to admit she did actually play the long game in one sort of way or another. 

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3 hours ago, TechWife said:

Both Katherine, Princess of Wales and her daughter, Princess Charlotte wore tiaras. I haven’t seen a full slate of pictures yet - hoping for some fascinators!

I don't believe those were tiaras. Apparently, there was quite a kerfuffle about it. Quite a few women "qualify" to wear tiaras, but for some reason which escapes me, there was a kerfuffle about wearing them at this coronation.

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The American woman who was the commentator for the event kept saying "vestaments," instead of "vestments." And since she said it more than once, I'm sure that's what she said. argh

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2 hours ago, Scarlett said:

Ha, well, my comment was tongue in cheek about the long game, I am not in to the conspiracy theories.  But you have to admit she did actually play the long game in one sort of way or another. 

I mean, I guess, if the long game is being in a horrid marriage, and then getting divorced, and then getting remarried.

But all these aristocratic people live a very different life to the rest of us, so who knows?!


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8 hours ago, Melissa in Australia said:

 the coronation is a religious ceremony, making him the head of the Church of England, he already had the legal ceremony part right after the Queen died. 

Not just the Church of England. The anointment signifies assumption of a religious duty to rule/lead/symbolise the country, a major reason why the late queen did not abdicate.

Apparently  George I couldn't see why he needed to be crowned and had to be persuaded, as the sacral nature was unclear/unwelcome to him.

Edited by Laura Corin
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I thought Charles and Camilla both looked a bit overwhelmed. Camilla seemed really nervous at the start of the carriage ride, but relaxed a bit once she was in the Abbey. But then back to nervous once the crown was on her head. It makes sense; I'd be a wreck, too, if I was wearing it. 

They both looked physically uncomfortable, to me, like they were in pain. 

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12 minutes ago, Shoeless said:


They both looked physically uncomfortable, to me, like they were in pain. 

I agree. Charles was doing those tiny shifts in the St Edward's chair that you do when your back is killing you - in heavy robes with 2.2kg on your head.

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20 hours ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle Again said:

For a fun time, watch the coronation with your history obsessed autistic child.

I now know more details of every single coronation since 1066 than I ever wanted to know. Glad I bought freshly made bagels this morning on my way home from work. They helped.

It sounds like you both made great memories of your own yesterday! 

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12 hours ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle Again said:

They were actually headbands, not tiaras.

Personally, I believe that if Camilla was/had been classically beautiful, and if Diana had lived(because early death cast her forever as sainted Diana), the Charles and Camilla story would be considered a fairy tale where they were cruelly kept apart but true love won in the end.  
I do think Charles is probably neurodiverse on some level which was only reinforced after reading his autobiography/authorized biography. I know, I know, king and wealth and privilege, but the man seems to have never wanted much more than to be loved by his parents, not bullied at school, to marry someone he loved and settle down in a country home somewhere and grow plants.  I hadn’t considered Camilla as potentially ND, but I don’t necessarily buy into the “she played the long game to be queen” either, because she always looks like she’d rather be doing just about anything else. The only time she actually looks happy in public is when she’s interacting with her rarely seen grandkids or the Wales children. Honestly, I think she and Charles actually really love each other and have for a long time, they’d just be happier not being King and Queen.

The only times I've seen the Queen (weird that it means Camilla now) interact with the grandkids she seemed annoyed with them. Once she seemed to tell Kate to mind her kids because they were (barely) fooling around. Then yesterday on the balcony, she was fussing at her pages and at the ladies in waiting (maybe family?) to get them properly positioned. On the other hand, Charles let his pages sort themselves out and they did quite nicely.

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38 minutes ago, Indigo Blue said:

@Mrs Tiggywinkle AgainI love when you post this stuff. You make it so funny. I think one of the funniest things I’ve seen posted here is when you showed your son (same one in this thread?) covered in mud from being outside and his being irritated that he couldn’t go sit down and play video games (or something). The look on his face. 😂

Different son.  I have one that’s history and video game  obsessed(this 13 year old) and an eight year old son that loves being outdoors and riding the four wheeler in mud with his Dad. Both are neurodivergent in different ways.

My house is very fun, if anyone wants to come visit.  Writing about it keeps me sane. Mostly I post it on FB but occasionally here.

Edited by Mrs Tiggywinkle Again
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