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7th grade planning 2023


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I officially consider Jan 1 to be the start of a new year and promote at that time. 


Latin- still working on FFL 

Math-AoPS self paced Algebra 1 then AoPS C&P

Spanish- HSA -2 times a week  (goals: learn some Spanish and learn study skills)

History- The Good and the Beautiful Constitution Unit Study along with MP Story of the 13 colonies; then go back to Human Odyssey book 1 ancients/ History Detective

Geography- mapping the world with Art, finish MP geography 1.  


Science-  interest led mini units


Moving Beyond the Page (Animal Farm)

Grammar- finish R&S 7 then MCT Magic Lens

 MCT Caesar’s English 2 then WWW 

Windows to the World- slowly- focusing on annotations  and WTM or TtC questions until ready to move onto lit essay section. Taking breaks to do Movies as Literature.

Read aloud of classic books/Shakespeare’s as you like it with lots of free reading. 

Grammar of Poetry- 1 lesson per week

Spelling- I used a curriculum in the past and he did great, but it never spilled over into practical applications. So finding/correcting mistakes of his own. 


One independent day per week which ends up a little light, but I hope to ramp it up. 

Extras about once per week and mostly for exposure and fun together are:

 Philosophy for kids 

 Art of Argument

Art Appreciation

Art (trying clay and painting)

Music Appreciation and piano

classical/ Christian studies- MP- Christian book 1/ Horatius at the Bridge and Famous Men of the Middle Ages

Edited by Kezia
Easier to read
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Oof! My youngest will be here and I haven't put an ounce of thought into it until responding here. I would have already had skeleton plans drawn up for the older ones. 🫣 

He's doing evolution and prehistory this year. BYL 7, lit based World Geography, is already on the shelf for him. If we use it I'll drop the science and art and probably add a separate earth science. We both prefer lit based, so I imagine the earth science will have to be built from scratch. This assumes he doesn't get a sudden strong interest like the one that led us into this evolution and prehistory year! 😂

Math will be algebra 1, hopefully with a solid workbook. 🤞 He was doing well with AoPS prealg after finishing Beast, but it takes so much time. We ended up shelving it for something more traditional, which reliably gets done before he heads to dance class in the evenings. 

English will likely be Grammar for the Well Trained Mind, Megawords spelling, and Winning With Writing. He's dysgraphic so all of these will be slowed down to his speed. I'll do his literature and we might start slowly going through Figuratively Speaking and/or Art of Argument. 

Language will be more gentle French. 

Extracurricular is dance. Lots of dance. He takes multiple genres and is on a company team. 

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I'll play! 

The only reason I can think of posting what next year's 7th grader will probably be doing is because he's my fifth one; I already have a house full of books and I saved most of the schedules I used with the older ones.  I just have to tweak things for this time around.  🙂  Homeschool hoarding for the win!

Math:  R&S 7 and 8 (condensed -- doing odds or evens of each lesson to get through lessons more quickly).  He is having no problems in math this year, and I think he could easily handle the pacing of finishing most of both books in one year.  He would then be well set up to go to Dolciani Pre A or BJU Pre A for 8th grade.

Latin: continue with Latin for Children and Latin Book One (vintage text by Scott and Horn). 

Grammar/Spelling/Writing:  Vintage Warriner's for grammar, and R&S for spelling; writing will be focusing on outlining and rewrites from history reading along with working on beginning to write lit analysis paragraphs from some of his reading (using SWB's questions from WTM... "Who is the main character, what does he want," etc.). 

Reading/Literature:  a grab bag of titles, loosely tied to history, which will include (but is not limited to): Letters from Rivka (Hesse), War Horse (Muropurgo), Pushcart War (Merrill), Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry (Taylor), The Phantom Tollbooth (Juster). Kidnapped (Stevenson), The Thief (Turner), Black Ships Before Troy (Sutcliff and Lee), The Wanderings of Odysseus (Sutcliff and Lee), The Aeneid for Boys and Girls (Church), The Golden Goblet (McGraw), The Bronze Bow (Speare),and Holes (Sachar).

History:  finish SOTW 4, and then reboot the history cycle with two terms of ancients using The Story of the Greeks and Augustus Caesar's World (I'm inspired by Ambleside's Year 6, but I make some changes. )  Finish Halliburton's Book of Marvels for geography.  He's also going to read and draw through most all of David Macaulay's books (Pyramid, City, Castle, Cathedral, Mill, Underground) because he's discovered he loves drawing and architecture. 

Science: not sure yet which direction we'll go.  I have a house full of books, we'll find something. 🙂

Fine Arts: architecture from the Macaulay books, The Usborne Book of Famous Paintings, and maybe some Russian composers (I use Ambleside Online's composer study, but usually not on their schedule...)

and continue running XC and track for local middle school.




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We generally follow mostly the same programs year to year so not many changes. He has been working ahead in most subjects and we were going to consider 7th his 8th grade year. Recently, we have talked about the option to do 7th and then make 8th a more relaxed year instead of skipping up a grade. Some LOF or Kahn just to keep skills up, some funschooling journals, Bible study of his choice, etc. Anyway, I will come back to list our plans for 7th.

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My upcoming 7th grader is my 4th born so I took life a bit gentler on her than my oldest.  She will officially have to follow a mama made weekly checklist to practice keeping to a schedule a bit better.  She is a hard worker and will do great.

Math- She is loving LOF Elementary books right now, so I will encourage her to go as far as she is able in them.  I expect through at least Decimals and Percents.  I tutor her in math and my focus will be Fractions, Decimals/ Percentages, and PreAlgebra topics. She has been working on Teaching Textbooks independently and really likes it, but  my plan in the fall is Saxon wherever she tests into it...probably PreAlgebra at that point.

English- Rod and Staff level 6 1st semester and Intermediate Language Lessons 2nd semester. Pentime Handwriting in the summer. 

Essay writing for a 6 week focus at some point when I am bored with other curriculum 😂.

Reading- McGuffys 5th reader, Robinson/ Sonlight/MFW book basket books. Possibly CLE reading program to work on certain skills.

Spelling- Rod and Staff 7, Spelling Power when she finishes.

Geography- Memoria Press Geography 1 and 2 plus as a family we may do MFW Exploring Countries and Cultures.  I am heavily leaning on a Geography year for all of my children.  Littles BF Around the World with Picture books in my nursery hour, Middles-MFW ECC, and olders HOD geography program.

History- Biographies through time...using All Through the Ages as my book finder😁.

Schoolaid Health

Science- I will allow her to choose science topics to focus on and let her study whatever fancies her in addition to our ECC studies.  My children have read Apologia, Rod and Staff, and Abeka science text for fun, so I do not push formal science until 8th grade when they do General Science which seems like review to them at that point😉.

She loves to draw and paint, so I will probably find her something exciting to learn more of that well from.  I also want to have her learn chess.


Planning is so fun.  I love seeing how far our sweet babes have come.   



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Saxon Algebra 2

Rod and Staff English 8

2 Progeny Press Lit guides of his choosing

Mystery of History III and most reading assigments will be curated to follow this time period

MasterBooks God's Design for Chemistry and Ecology and Elements of Faith, plus Apologia Exploring Chemistry and Physics again

Travel Dreams: Israel for geography


I haven't decided if we will do more IEW or if we will take a year for Easy Grammar. I also want to add to the chemistry to bulk it up, but haven't found resources yet. Plus sports, random community classes, etc.

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Bible: Inductive Bible Study

History: Concise History of Us

Science: Exploration Education

Math: Saxon Pre-Algebra

LA: WWS & Skills For Literary Analysis

Foreign Language: Minna no Nihongo II, 1/2 of Athenaze I Reading Koine Greek, 1/2 of Oxford I

The Arts: Violin, Virtual Instructor Drawing & Watercolor

Logic: Introductory Logic

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This is my oldest/guinea pig, so subject to change:

Bible: daily reading as a family. Friday a deeper study with me. This year we're using a Kay Arthur -we just started so I'm not sure if I like it or not. eta: scrapping Kay Arthur

Math: finish Saxon 8/7

Logic: ? See previous thread where people gave me lots of ideas. We're finishing Fallacy Detective this year. Fridays we've been doing a little coding -might continue that. eta: we'll finish Fallacy Detective and then I bought a book on works religions and cults-it's a 3 book series that should take us a couple years to go through together. We are both excited about it.

Science: Berean Builders Atomic Age

History: SOTW 3 with kingfisher. Appropriate book by MB Synge (author of the other story of the world series) eta: he'll still listen to this as I read it during lunch, but nothing extra in the "history"for him. Instead I'm doing a geography year-we've picked 18 countries that we will research (history, current government, geography, etc) and write various papers on. We're both excited about this one too 

Greek: Hey Andrew 2x per week

Latin: Latin's Not so Tough 2x per week

Spelling: Dictation Day by Day

Grammar: Analytical Grammar (this will be year 2/3). After we're done with the weekly assignments I'll do some kind of short poetry analysis one day a week (maybe I'll pick up grammar of poetry again-it got a little advanced and we stopped it last year)

Writing: writing stands 6/7 2x/week, quarterly history and science reports, 2 book reports

Reading history aligned books and other books

Art: daily quick drawing exercise. Weekly art class that I teach

Piano: continue with our Alfred books 

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-Math mammoth 7 --not this. We went back to RightStart. He needs a bit of modification, but it really fits him much the best! So he'll finish G and do H next year.

AAS 4 maybe start 5?

Rod and Staff 6

Something else for writing either WriteShop E or writing strands (vintage from 90s) 4.

Literature books I assign

Some written narrations 

Apologia General 2nd edition I have an audio cd for this which should be a good thing-- nope Berean builders science in the atomic age....again with the audio book companion

Something for modern American History perhaps Notgrass America the Beautiful pt 2 or books I pick

Simply Charlotte Mason Matthew through Acts and Ancient Rome as a family has visits to Europe geography which we'll do

Simply Charlotte Mason Enrichment 3 (I'm trying preplanned we'll see. It has art, handicrafts, hymns character...I have most of the books already)

I think that's all ...this is oldest so this could change.

Edited by countrymum
Changed math and science already;)
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3 hours ago, countrymum said:

Me either in many ways! He is growing up nicely though and is so responsible that in other ways it seems so right;) Parenting is such a series of letting go.

Also, I feel like we just started 6th grade because we got a late start due to me having all day sickness due to pregnancy.

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Saxon Math

History Odyssey, Human Odyssey, History Portfolio (ancients)

elemental Biology for Logic Stage

Logic: We’re going to pick a couple of the casual informal logic selections from the WTM book

Latin for Children

ELA: Hake grammar, Vocab from Classical Roots, Ancients booklist from WTM, Writing & Rhetoric 

Bible/Religion: World Religions study, Grace and Grit devotion 

Composer & Picture Studies from Simply Charlotte Mason

Artistic Pursuits 



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  • 2 weeks later...

We're still planning this, but saving my spot.

Math: She's done well with her switch to TGTB, so she may just do the next level.

Science & Nature:

  • Blossom & Root Level 5 Oceanography & Astronomy
  • For the Love of Homeschooling Nature Study Club

Social Studies:

  • heavy focus on modern Canadian History
  • Guest Hollow's Whirlwind World History (Modern portion)
  • Layers of Learning World Geography

Language Arts:

  • We're skipping a handwriting program this year as she's "ahead," so she'll write summaries to work on her penmanship
  • Spelling Wisdom 2 & Using Language Well 2
  • Vocab from Classical Roots 7
  • Lightning Lit - Grade 7


  • She'll be starting Junior Canadian Rangers
  • French
  • Piano
  • Masterpiece Society - Art School: Drawing 101?
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  • 2 weeks later...

Bible - Finishing The Story for Teens then going to The Bible Recap chronological plan, Bible memory, Westminster Shorter Catechism

History - SOTW 3 w/ lots of historical readers and read alouds

ELA - Man, I dunno. I’ll admit I’ve slacked on this one. She’s doing 180 Days of Spelling along with copywork but that’s it right now. I’m thinking maybe TGATB 6?

Geography - Book of Marvels and map work, Seterra

 Math - CLE 6 / 7

 Science - Apologia General Science



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  • 2 weeks later...

I changed alot so reposting

On 2/25/2023 at 9:25 PM, 8filltheheart said:


Not sure how I accidentally quoted the above or how to remove it...

On 1/17/2023 at 7:20 AM, countrymum said:

-Math mammoth 7 --not this. We went back to RightStart. He needs a bit of modification, but it really fits him much the best! So he'll finish G and do H next year.

AAS 4 maybe start 5?

Rod and Staff 6

Something else for writing either WriteShop E or writing strands (vintage from 90s) 4.

Literature books I assign

Some written narrations 

Apologia General 2nd edition I have an audio cd for this which should be a good thing-- nope Berean builders science in the atomic age....again with the audio book companion

Something for modern American History perhaps Notgrass America the Beautiful pt 2 or books I pick

Simply Charlotte Mason Matthew through Acts and Ancient Rome as a family has visits to Europe geography which we'll do

Simply Charlotte Mason Enrichment 3 (I'm trying preplanned we'll see. It has art, handicrafts, hymns character...I have most of the books already)

I think that's all ...this is oldest so this could change.

Math RightStart G finish and do H

Calculadder math drills

Math games with little siblings 

Analytical grammar with little sister (10 weeks)

WriteShop E with little sister (20 week schedule)

All About Spelling level 4 may start 5 we're plugging along slowly

Berean builders science in the atomic age were trying no cd. He said he'd rather read.

Notgrass America the Beautiful pt 2 with other books assigned for literature l assign

Simply Charlotte Mason Matthew through Acts and Ancient Rome as a family. This has visits to Europe geography which we'll do.

Simply Charlotte Mason Enrichment 3 (I'm trying preplanned we'll see. It has art, handicrafts, hymns character...I have most of the books already)

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It's good to think about this.  I'm sure stuff will change, but here's The Vision so far.   Seems overly ambitious, but one's reach should exceed one's grasp I suppose ...

  • Logic: Art of Argument, read together & discuss
  • Math: MEP Y7 or AoPS; a few living math books
  • Science: biology & start physics: both are based in AQA textbooks + projects to do + books to read
  • History: SoTW + OUP series + DK encyclopedia History: The Definitive Visual Guide
  • Geography: MP Geography
  • English:
    • All About Spelling or Wordly Wise
    • Grammar for the Well Trained Mind
    • Literature a la WTM + Figuratively Speaking
    • Writing With Skill, some writing across the curriculum
    • Presidential Penmanship, MonkeyType
  • Greek, Latin (??)
  • Religion
    • Bible:  ???
    • World Religion: weekly section from The Religions Book
  • Fine Arts
    • Harmony Fine Arts / History of Classical Music
    • Drawing: ??? / Artistic Pursuits?
    • Art Projects / Artistic Pursuits?
    • Piano
  • Technology
    • The child wants to start a YouTube channel.  !!!  So, approach that goal constructively.
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  • 2 months later...
On 1/10/2023 at 7:52 PM, Brittany1116 said:

Saxon Algebra 2

Rod and Staff English 8

2 Progeny Press Lit guides of his choosing  We decided to go with one so we can go heavier elsewhere, namely Chemistry

Mystery of History III and most reading assigments will be curated to follow this time period

MasterBooks God's Design for Chemistry and Ecology and MasterBooks Elements of Faith, plus Apologia Exploring Chemistry and Physics again

Travel Dreams: Israel for geography

Adding 2 Not Consumed Bible studies, as well as Foundations in Worship from MasterBooks. He will be back at typing lessons, too.


I haven't decided if we will do more IEW or if we will take a year for Easy Grammar. I also want to add to the chemistry to bulk it up, but haven't found resources yet. Plus sports, random community classes, etc.


Flag football. 


Spelling bee and geography bowl.

Daily work is Alg 2, English, science, history, and music study and appreciation (Foundations in Worship), plus assigned reading. He can complete the lit, geography, and typing in whatever order he prefers. This year, he did lit, then geography, then his other elective, then another lit to finish the year. We prefer that to 8 or 9 subjects every day, all year long. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everyone. I'm trying to figure out what to do with my seventh grader this year.  Maybe do mostly Wildwood for content subjects and MEP 7 for math. She wants to try Korean so maybe an Outschool class for that? For grammar maybe Winston Word Works. We had a great experience with the basic level of Winston grammar last year.  Writing/Composition is a real issue. I haven't done any targeted essay writing or anything composition oriented. Mostly just written narrations. Maybe we can do Beyond the Book Report? I'm not sure what the right next step up is here.

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1 hour ago, Bev said:

Hi everyone. I'm trying to figure out what to do with my seventh grader this year.  Maybe do mostly Wildwood for content subjects and MEP 7 for math. She wants to try Korean so maybe an Outschool class for that? For grammar maybe Winston Word Works. We had a great experience with the basic level of Winston grammar last year.  Writing/Composition is a real issue. I haven't done any targeted essay writing or anything composition oriented. Mostly just written narrations. Maybe we can do Beyond the Book Report? I'm not sure what the right next step up is here.

Is your older child the 7th grader?  (I saw your status report message about being worried about high school and being ready for life).  My suggestion is to start a new thread specifically on composition.  I did a Charlotte Mason approach in all our subjects and it wasn't hard to transition from verbal narrations to written ones.  It looks like you've already done that.  We did a mix of reports that tied in with our history and science.  But because I never did a formal writing program (and my kids did fine in college writing), perhaps others will have better suggestions for you. 

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3 hours ago, Bev said:

Hi everyone. I'm trying to figure out what to do with my seventh grader this year.  Maybe do mostly Wildwood for content subjects and MEP 7 for math. She wants to try Korean so maybe an Outschool class for that? For grammar maybe Winston Word Works. We had a great experience with the basic level of Winston grammar last year.  Writing/Composition is a real issue. I haven't done any targeted essay writing or anything composition oriented. Mostly just written narrations. Maybe we can do Beyond the Book Report? I'm not sure what the right next step up is here.

I really like Writing With Skill level 1 from WTM for the average 7th grader.  

My high schooler is super interested in Korean right now too. He has a full enough load and I'm not sure how much he's willing to commit, so after a basic alphabet workbook we're starting with one of the K-pop sets (probably the BTS one, as it appears to have more online extras).  

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I feel like 6th grade went by too fast and accomplished too little. I want middle school to feel like a time to have more fun and explore more interests, but I'm still figuring that out in practice.

So, with that in mind, here is my 7th grade (boy/girl) twins plan:


Figuratively Speaking with Mom using the list of resources from this forum. I expect this to really take 2 years to finish.

Writing To Learn if we get a spot or Lantern English grammar and essay practice courses if not

Continue Phonetic Zoo for spelling

Lukeion Grammar Diagramming semester in spring

Foreign Language:

Latin for middle school with the Ancient Languages Institute 

Greek Alphabet with Memoria Press


Thinkwell or CTC math 7th grade plus Algebra 1 over two years using Jacob's


Story of Civilization Volume 2 Middle Ages (listen only)

Vita Beata Discussion group for Famous Men of the Middle Ages



No clue. Probably homeschool science tools kits plus a selection of books with reports. Also homeschool zooacademy.

Updated: After spending some time researching and considering, I think I'm going to try and implement Wildflowers and Marbles Physics with The Way Things Work Now.

Simple Machines with Fantastic Physics - Lesson Plans and Materials

My original plan had been to do Physics with Science Mom, but I waited too long to sign up and it filled up! I may still purchase when it goes on her site as a recorded course (maybe in the spring?) but in the meantime this will get us doing something.

Still also Homeschool Zooacademy


Python programming with Mom

Electrical engineering with Mom

Logic with Dad (Art of Argument)

Sewing class continues for year 2 for my daughter. Tried to get my son interested but he refuses. 😅

Fencing - PE. We are now at 8-10 hours a week after starting last year with just 1 hour a week. 😅

Homeschool PE class for social opportunities 

Homeschool religion class for same

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I have had the hardest time figuring out 7th Grade!  Still working on a few things, but this is our plan:

Math- Saxon 87

English- Writing with Skill (took me ages to pick, but I'm excited about it), Growing with Grammar,  Soaring with Spelling (she requested), Wordly Wise, and finish Mosdos Pearl

World Geography- Still working out the details, but it will be a mom-made course

Health using TGaTB Nutrition,  and other stuff on TPT, Science Expolorer series.  I think this will last the whole year if I focus deeply on each part. Anatomy, diet and nutrition,  and exercise. 

Electives will be co-op and maybe a cooking class with the neighbor.  

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And now we are adding on Guest Hollow Gov, Econ, and Personal Finance via co-op. Big $ I was not planning to spend but it's part of a 3 class set and the other 2 are virtually free and he wants to do those, so we are in for all of it. 

I am also likely to swap Sax Alg 2 for Into to Alg with AOPS.

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DS #2 is a young 7th grader who is a voracious reader and a reluctant writer. Science, History, Literature, and Writing will be combined with his younger brother (5th grade) with beefed up assignments where necessary.


Math: Finish the last little bit of Math Mammoth 6 and move on to 7 

Science: RS4K Middle School Physics + an assortment of books + some unit studies from TPT

History: Build Your Library 4/ SOTW 4 (History of the Modern World)

Literature: Build Your Library 4 + a couple of lit guides from TPT + a couple of book reports

Grammar: Finish up Daily Grams 5 and move on to Daily Grams 6

Spelling: Spellwell CC/D/DD 

Writing: Write Shop E + various writing assignments across Science, History, and Literature 

Art: Drawing 

Spanish: Duolingo. This is mostly just for fun/exposure. 

Various other electives with our homeschool group. This fall he's doing Intro to Archaeology and 3D Modeling Art. 



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On 6/29/2023 at 2:48 PM, Bev said:

Hi everyone. I'm trying to figure out what to do with my seventh grader this year.  Maybe do mostly Wildwood for content subjects and MEP 7 for math. She wants to try Korean so maybe an Outschool class for that? For grammar maybe Winston Word Works. We had a great experience with the basic level of Winston grammar last year.  Writing/Composition is a real issue. I haven't done any targeted essay writing or anything composition oriented. Mostly just written narrations. Maybe we can do Beyond the Book Report? I'm not sure what the right next step up is here.


On 6/29/2023 at 5:53 PM, SilverMoon said:

I really like Writing With Skill level 1 from WTM for the average 7th grader.  

My high schooler is super interested in Korean right now too. He has a full enough load and I'm not sure how much he's willing to commit, so after a basic alphabet workbook we're starting with one of the K-pop sets (probably the BTS one, as it appears to have more online extras).  

There are also free Korean courses on Coursera.org.

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On 1/8/2023 at 12:46 PM, SilverMoon said:

Oof! My youngest will be here and I haven't put an ounce of thought into it until responding here. I would have already had skeleton plans drawn up for the older ones. 🫣 

He's doing evolution and prehistory this year. BYL 7, lit based World Geography, is already on the shelf for him. If we use it I'll drop the science and art and probably add a separate earth science. We both prefer lit based, so I imagine the earth science will have to be built from scratch. This assumes he doesn't get a sudden strong interest like the one that led us into this evolution and prehistory year! 😂

Math will be algebra 1, hopefully with a solid workbook. 🤞 He was doing well with AoPS prealg after finishing Beast, but it takes so much time. We ended up shelving it for something more traditional, which reliably gets done before he heads to dance class in the evenings. 

English will likely be Grammar for the Well Trained Mind, Megawords spelling, and Winning With Writing. He's dysgraphic so all of these will be slowed down to his speed. I'll do his literature and we might start slowly going through Figuratively Speaking and/or Art of Argument. 

Language will be more gentle French. 

Extracurricular is dance. Lots of dance. He takes multiple genres and is on a company team. 

We're definitely more settled now. 

Science: chemistry, using the Big Fat Notebook and Crash Course (with TPT worksheet sets) as the spines, a wall table of elements to assemble, and a large pile of nonfiction books

Social studies: world geography, pulling lit and readers from BYL 7 and a handful of physical geography books 

Math: He's been plowing through Keys to Algebra. I still can't just choose between Thinkwell or Jacobs to chase it but I'm leaning Jacobs. If there was a workbook for Jacobs it would be the clear winner. 🙃

English: Winning With Writing, 6 Trait Writing, Nonfiction Writing, and likely another Killgallon; he does best with a rotation. Grammar is going to be reduced to Daily Language Review so he can focus far more on the writing. Megawords for spelling. 

French: Ouino

Elective: Broadway Musicals, diy with a DK spine

Extracurricular: He's now on TWO company dance teams. #sendmoney 

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We will most likely follow the same ole thing:

R&S Bible 7, reading 7, English 7, spelling 7, math 7

R&S Science 8

Notgrass Uncle Sam and You with the literature books because this child loves to read

Not sure about art/music

Sports change with the seasons

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/29/2023 at 6:34 PM, Jean in Newcastle said:

Is your older child the 7th grader?  (I saw your status report message about being worried about high school and being ready for life).  My suggestion is to start a new thread specifically on composition.  I did a Charlotte Mason approach in all our subjects and it wasn't hard to transition from verbal narrations to written ones.  It looks like you've already done that.  We did a mix of reports that tied in with our history and science.  But because I never did a formal writing program (and my kids did fine in college writing), perhaps others will have better suggestions for you. 

My younger daughter is a 7th grader. You're correct, she's already doing written narrations. I will create the next steps in composition thread, thanks.

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On 6/29/2023 at 7:53 PM, SilverMoon said:

I really like Writing With Skill level 1 from WTM for the average 7th grader.  

My high schooler is super interested in Korean right now too. He has a full enough load and I'm not sure how much he's willing to commit, so after a basic alphabet workbook we're starting with one of the K-pop sets (probably the BTS one, as it appears to have more online extras).  

I think we've settled on an Outschool class. I'm considering this a "fun" thing for this year and if she likes it I'm going to take it more seriously in high school.

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On 7/7/2023 at 3:08 PM, Renai said:

There are also free Korean courses on Coursera.org.

Oooooh, thanks, I'll go check it out. I did get her a "learn Hangul" workbook and she is into it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I still am not sure, so I’m just going to add stuff as I think of it.

Math - Sticking with BJU 7, maybe doing video courses because I have 4 to teach this year plus a baby. 

Language Arts 

Writing- Lantern English

Spelling - Spelling Power

Grammar ?

Literature ?

Science - My 7th grader is a younger 7th grader and I’d like to keep science a family thing. We are doing something from Apologia Elementary series. Not sure if I will do anything to make it more middle school level or just call it a day. We will be doing Anatomy and another one I’m not sure which.

Social Studies - We finished up VP history cycle, so this year we are doing World Geography. I *think* we will be doing the continent units from Gather Round.

Other - Gym days with our homeschool group, family hikes and playing (while he still will).

Homeschool library programs. 

Bible: AWANA and More Than Words

Homeschool co-op - First semester will be watercolor painting, car maintenance, and sign language.

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I have changed more this year than I have changed in the last 6 years combined. Final:

AOPS intro to algebra

RS English 8


MB Chemistry, Elements of Faith, Apologia Chem and Physics book

GH gov/econ/finance with co-op

Not Consumed for Bible

Typing til Christmas, then PP lit third quarter, geography fourth quarter. Assigned reading. 

Plus flag football, art class, chorus. Spelling bee and geography bowl. 

Edited by Brittany1116
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