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    Sewing, teaching reading and math, reading good books

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  1. Math mammoth or math with confidence from well trained mind if you want more hand holding. Math with confidence is a teacher book and 1 student book (or A and B each a 1/2 year workbook so 1 at a time 3rd grade).
  2. Yes to dancing Bears being reading. I meant apples and pears for spelling....I guess I'm too distracted;)
  3. You could look at All About Spelling (seems to be slowly helping my dyslexic 13 yr old... being past 12 helps the most though. His brain is now mature enough to spell or something.) Dancing Bears from sound foundations may also help. Don't try to do a whole lesson in either of these books. Just work for 10+15 minutes.
  4. Christian light light units might work I've not used it. It may be annoying to skip the other LA components. I did Abeka grammar way back. It is thorough and good on drill. I knew my grammar....
  5. That is interesting I'll have to look it up I n my ABCs and all their tricks book! What spelling curriculum did you use?
  6. I'll 3rd writing with skill;) My current 8rh grader is using level 1 at half speed. He actually does not mind it.. He is dyslexic and perhaps mildly dysgraphic . He is very mechanical and doesn't like school at all;) He is learning to outline....once he realized the point was brief phrases not even sentences he thought it was great ..... I don't know about spelling. We are using AAS. He is in level 4. It actually started to click last year at age 12. It is still slow, but we're getting somewhere.... You could go back to AAS or look at Apples and pears or another OG based spelling. The ladies at rainbow resource center may also have some ideas.
  7. Math with confidence from the Well trained mind press has the abstract thinking and mental math component of math mammoth. It is less busy and has good teaching help.
  8. I really like it. The length is just right. The pictures are interesting. The mapwork is good and so are the questions for 1 child. I've never done a workbook with history before, but this kid is different. It does have a lot of missionary stories in it. I don't think it's forced and really like them. You'd have to look at the sample on the notgrass site. It is pretty indicative of the book I think.
  9. We always start after Labor Day, so we did 3 days last week. It's a little early to tell, but the big kids and I are optimistic. Everyone seems appropriately placed. We have 4 in school a 3 yr old tag along and a very busy 1 year old. I wrote out weekly plans for the oldest 2 and they are liking the independence that gives them. DD 11 took over science for DD kindergarten. They are liking that. I'm teaching 4 levels of rightstart and 2 levels of AAR. None of this is taking too long and everyone knows what to expect. Only the 3rd graders AAR takes 20-30 minutes as he's dyslexic and this is our focus right now. Oldest is doing WWS 1 we are on week 2 day 2 now. I am doing it with him.... dyslexia again....but I think might get more independent. He is really taking off in the last year or so. I'm also teaching science in the beginning to 1 the new elementary notgrass geography to 3 ( preK is listening and coloring along) and Simply Charlotte Mason middle ages module to the 3 oldest. I seem to so far be able to fit this in. We need to add All About Spelling in next week for 2-3 kids and I'm really not sure where to put it. The big kids have to add on Spanish somehow also and DD 11 needs to add in writing skills for today. I am cautiously optimistic. We'll see how the next few weeks go;)
  10. Betsy and Eddie books by Caroline Haywood Thornton Burgess bedtime stories. Chatter the Squirrel excreta
  11. I really like the looks of CP stuff I thought about using it with a child this year....I think I looked at Bards and poets.... The author is super responsive and helpful. Maybe email her? I think bards and poets 1 is a full year. Good luck;)
  12. I agree with the above but also loved raising little shoots Exploring Nature with Children. We have used it for ideas for nature walks and explores for years!
  13. My 7th grader did it independently last year. He has dyslexia, but reads quite well. His writing and spelling are very slow and inaccurate. He does not love school... Like he'd rather work than do school.... I got him the book and audio. He listened while following along in the book and did most of the experiments. He did not keep a lab book, he wrote the answers to the daily reading questions in a notebook, he did the chapter review orally with me, he did not do tests. He actually found the course pretty interesting and learned alot he says;) We're doing earth science this fall. I may or may not require more writing.... we'll see. I'm working on it separately.
  14. I like the Simply Charlotte Mason geography guides. They are maps to label and some outside reading. I add geopuzzles to this. I love them. For the k-4 or so group notgrass has a brand new geography book. It looks great!
  15. Right start G and H are very interesting reviews of elementary math (mostly via games that can be played solo), introductions to algebra (Pythagorean theorem, moving figures algebraically...), and tons of practical geometry (using shadows to find building/ tree height, lots of work with circles and triangles). Most every lesson uses a drawing board. It is written to the student. It does make the student think, but gently leads them to the answer also.
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