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Kids home alone


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Would you leave a responsible 10 year old home alone with an irresponsible 7 year old? For two hours in late afternoon (as in, dark outside)? No nearby neighbors to be helpful. I'm inclined to say no way, but maybe I'm being over-protective. Thanks.



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"Things" can happen in the blink of an eye. I would say no. But, I would start preparing for the day that I could do this... I would start with going for a walk, giving the children very specific instructions and following through with seeing how that went and re-instructing and doing this over and over... They could get practice being alone in the home with you getting exercise... or running a quick errand... something where you are gone from 5 minutes and working up to 20 minutes, but never far away and having a cell phone and the child knowing how to reach you. Set some goals and work towards a longer errand in years to come. I think 10 is too young to be responsible for another child's well being and to know the correct emergency responses. Like I said, start training for that in the future, like when the oldest is 12.

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Would you leave a responsible 10 year old home alone with an irresponsible 7 year old? For two hours in late afternoon (as in, dark outside)? No nearby neighbors to be helpful. I'm inclined to say no way, but maybe I'm being over-protective. Thanks.





I would take the seven year old with me. An irresponsible 7 year old should not the be the responsibility of his or her 10 year old sibling.

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"Things" can happen in the blink of an eye. I would say no. But, I would start preparing for the day that I could do this... I would start with going for a walk, giving the children very specific instructions and following through with seeing how that went and re-instructing and doing this over and over... They could get practice being alone in the home with you getting exercise... or running a quick errand... something where you are gone from 5 minutes and working up to 20 minutes, but never far away and having a cell phone and the child knowing how to reach you. Set some goals and work towards a longer errand in years to come. I think 10 is too young to be responsible for another child's well being and to know the correct emergency responses. Like I said, start training for that in the future, like when the oldest is 12.


Excellent advice. Although I would be comfortable leaving an 11yo home with an 8yo for a couple of hours if the 7yo takes a leap in maturity between now and then.



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I really agree with everyone else on this in every aspect mentioned.


HOWEVER, I have a friend who leaves her kids home alone very frequently. Her daughter is 10, the son will be 8 next week and she has been doing this since her daughter was 8. Yes, I said 8 (well, I typed 8, but you know what I mean). In her opinion, her daughter is mature enough to handle babysitting. This summer, she began leaving her son at home alone for about an hour or so while she picked up her daughter from gymnastics. Not only that, she is an overnight nurse, so she sleeps during the daytime and even when her kids are off from school, she will be sleeping in her room (with her door shut so they dont wake her up).


So I would not, but there are people who do!

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Take the 7yo with you. I recently put my 11yo through the Red Cross babysitter training so that we can lead up to him watching some of his younger siblings. But not yet. I think I want him to be closer to 13yo before he watches his brothers or sister. But I'll leave him alone now for 2 hrs or less during the day. HTH



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I am not a fan of children babysitting siblings at all really, so maybe my opinion is skewed. I was responsible for my then one year old sister when I was 13. All day, five days a week, while on summer vacation, and frequently in the evenings and on weekends during the school year. It is VERY stressful for a child to be so responsible for their sibling. Ironically, my now 19 year old sister lives with me, dh, and our family. Funny how I'm responsible for her again after all these years. But I digress...


I don't even have my very mature 14 year old stepdaughter babysit my 3yo and 5yo boys. She will play with them and occupy them while there is another adult home, but never without an adult here in case of an emergency. I know she could, she is absolutely wonderful with them. Very patient, thoughtful, loves them to pieces. But I just can't bring myself to put that responsibility on her. I'm sure that has much to do with my childhood, and very little to do with reality. But that's how I feel.

Edited by bethanyniez
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No, no, no and absolutely not. My kids are 9 and 5 and they will NEVER be home alone together...ever! LOL How is the relationship between the two. Do they fight a lot? If they do, then No. And really just no because they are young, it is after dark, and a lot can happen in 2 hours.

Edited by Tree House Academy
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I'd at least see if it's "legal" in your state. Here in OR, it seems that it's ok for a 10 year old to stay at home alone, 11 with siblings, and 12 with other people's kids. That being said, I plan to leave my 11 yr old with my 6 yr old, starting next year, to drive half a mile for dropping off items at the Post Office, run to get a gallon of milk...or something like that. (We live in a small town where everything is within 1 mile.) I wouldn't run to Salem....which is 15 miles. I would be gone a max of 1/2 hour...and make sure a neighbor is home in case of problems.


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for the reassurance that I'm not nuts. This actually happened to me this afternoon; I was at work and found out that the two of them had been left alone at home by someone who shall remain nameless. I couldn't leave work (no transport) and by the time I found out I had half an hour to go before I could get home. I did manage the reach the kids, they were fine. Fortunately the ten year-old didn't start throwing up until AFTER I'd arrived home. This will (obviously) be discussed with the person involved once I've calmed down a bit. I tend to be overprotective, so I thought maybe I was letting that cloud my judgment.

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