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I don't need this stress


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My crappy landlord is being extra crappy.

I am waiting on my new home (rental) to be move-in ready. The landlords still have some things to do on the place. My first official month there will be August and I have no written contract/lease with my current landlord (trust me, I tried, but he refused). I pay month-to-month and told him in writing via certified letter that July would be my final month here and I am up-to-date on my payments. I will pay him for July and whatever utilities remain (there's an overlap with the months and utility bills so I anticipate an extra check to write after I move out). He is arguing about when I moved in and what I owe. He also keeps insisting I owe him for part of a plumbing bill because I "got ripped off" when I hired a plumber and he fixed a leak (this was after weeks of the landlord refusing to investigate the leak and hire a plumber himself). I took that plumbing bill out of my rent check but he said he wouldn't pay for the full bill so tells me I owe him $95. This guy also didn't specify if the initial security deposit was refundable or not. No surprise, he's keeping it in full. I think he should stop harping on the $95. He got my sec. deposit. 

He routinely texts late at night to tell me what my rent/utilities are for the month. He's been listing my month a month off since the second month I've lived here. I tried to point this out to him, but he argued with me that he was correct. I date all my checks with the right month (ie. first month I paid was May 2021 with May rent in the memo, second check I wrote June in the memo, etc.). My dang bank has had issues with check images for months. They fixed some recently, but I guess it didn't apply to really old images so I can't get an image of the original check and I can't find the original check book. I tried to message my bank to ask if there's any way they can retrieve the check images, but then the website goofed up. If I can't get my message to go through I'll just call the bank in the morning. 

Ok so tonight he sends me a text at 1am saying I'm wrong about when I moved in and I need to be out next week. Wait WHAT?? He has no reason to kick me out early. He needs to go through the eviction process if he wants me to leave. And by the time we got a court date I'd be gone, anyway. What is his deal? He said I moved in in March. I said no, that's when you promised it would be ready, but it wasn't. I even had to stay in a hotel waiting for it to be ready -- which he knew (sent him an image of my hotel bill that has April dates). UGH. 

At this point I will just try to get out of here ASAP but I don't know why he's acting like he has a leg to stand off. The last time I moved it was a nightmare (evicted from the marital house and this rental wasn't ready). I don't need a repeat of that. 

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Just got my message to go through to the bank. No guarantee they'll be able to get that image, though. The reason the first image would be significant is because it shows security deposit in the memo and obviously that would be the first one. He let me move with a few days of April remaining in the month and said I didn't owe for April. That could be why he's confused on months but this is ridiculous. 

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Ignore him. Move out when you’re ready and not a day earlier. Don’t cave to his pressure. Do not pay extra for the plumber. Your deposit is history unless you’ve credited it as part of your last month’s rent/utilities. Block his texts. You don’t need the stress. Keep your records in order just in case he tries something. If he shows up at your door call the police and report him for harassment. He’s a bully and a slumlord and I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of responding to his tactics. He’s too cheap to pay court costs for anything. 

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14 minutes ago, KungFuPanda said:

Ignore him. Move out when you’re ready and not a day earlier. Don’t cave to his pressure. Do not pay extra for the plumber. Your deposit is history unless you’ve credited it as part of your last month’s rent/utilities. Block his texts. You don’t need the stress. Keep your records in order just in case he tries something. If he shows up at your door call the police and report him for harassment. He’s a bully and a slumlord and I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of responding to his tactics. He’s too cheap to pay court costs for anything. 

This. Ugh.  My blood was boiling for you as I read this.  I am so sorry, but yes just try to ignore  him.  

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1 hour ago, lauraw4321 said:

I’ve dealt with them in the past. They only deal with certain issues. I don’t think this is one. 

I called a few real estate lawyers over the course of my time here and they weren’t much help but confirmed that in my state it’s legal to have no insulation in the attic so I didn’t know if there was a way to prove my conditions were not habitable. This house never heated/cooled adequately. Summer is extremely hot and winter extremely cold (3 bedroom, 1.5 bath plus laundry room with only 2 small gas heaters and two small window units for the entire home. I bought the 3rd window unit and I’m taking it with me when I move). That’s the biggest reason I’m moving. New home has central air. And this landlord is raising rent in Aug. Good riddance lol 

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47 minutes ago, KungFuPanda said:

Ignore him. Move out when you’re ready and not a day earlier. Don’t cave to his pressure. Do not pay extra for the plumber. Your deposit is history unless you’ve credited it as part of your last month’s rent/utilities. Block his texts. You don’t need the stress. Keep your records in order just in case he tries something. If he shows up at your door call the police and report him for harassment. He’s a bully and a slumlord and I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of responding to his tactics. He’s too cheap to pay court costs for anything. 

Good idea. It amazes me he acts like this and is an alderman. I know some of the police because I used to work next door to them when I was the librarian. 

for my own records I found time stamped messages and images from the past. It shows in mid April all the construction junk and boxed up a/c units in my living room showing they were behind schedule and I wasn’t living here yet. 

He takes so long to cash checks that for the last several months I’ve done cashiers checks (and kept the stubs) and never put the plumbing on them lol 

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7 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

Good idea. It amazes me he acts like this and is an alderman. I know some of the police because I used to work next door to them when I was the librarian. 

for my own records I found time stamped messages and images from the past. It shows in mid April all the construction junk and boxed up a/c units in my living room showing they were behind schedule and I wasn’t living here yet. 

He takes so long to cash checks that for the last several months I’ve done cashiers checks (and kept the stubs) and never put the plumbing on them lol 

If you have cop friends, maybe you could run the situation by them and see if they have advice going forward. It’s good to have a plan in place BEFORE your next interaction. 

If you have clear before/after photos and have done no damage, I’d apply your deposit to any final amount owed. It’s why he has it and should have offered. It’s a little nuts that he took a deposit without a lease. This tells me he’s never refunded a deposit in his life and just looks for reasons to keep it when people move on. 

I’d be tempted to draft a letter spelling it all out so you never have to have another conversation justifying what you paid. “These are the check numbers paid on these dates for these months. These are the repair bills incurred after giving you x time to maintain the property. This is my last month’s rent minus the security deposit. I have before/after photos to prove that no damage, beyond normal wear and tear, was inflicted.” 

I’d also keep a log of my interactions with him just in case  and I would not clear the property until July 31st if he has that July rent in his pocket. Also, I’d set my phone to not receive his calls/texts outside of reasonable hours. 

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9 minutes ago, KungFuPanda said:

If you have cop friends, maybe you could run the situation by them and see if they have advice going forward. It’s good to have a plan in place BEFORE your next interaction. 

If you have clear before/after photos and have done no damage, I’d apply your deposit to any final amount owed. It’s why he has it and should have offered. It’s a little nuts that he took a deposit without a lease. This tells me he’s never refunded a deposit in his life and just looks for reasons to keep it when people move on. 

I’d be tempted to draft a letter spelling it all out so you never have to have another conversation justifying what you paid. “These are the check numbers paid on these dates for these months. These are the repair bills incurred after giving you x time to maintain the property. This is my last month’s rent minus the security deposit. I have before/after photos to prove that no damage, beyond normal wear and tear, was inflicted.” 

I’d also keep a log of my interactions with him just in case  and I would not clear the property until July 31st if he has that July rent in his pocket. Also, I’d set my phone to not receive his calls/texts outside of reasonable hours. 

I tried to read up on security deposits but I don’t know if I’m allowed to deduct it from any rent checks because I think technically they are supposed to receive every month of rent then return deposit minus repairs and include itemized list (per that legal aid link). I will never get that from this man. 

his response when I verbally asked him about the sec deposit over a week ago (he was outside mowing) was that he needs it for things like painting. They painted just before I moved in. 

I could call the legal aid number just to confirm the sec deposit question but I’ve mentally filed that as a sunk cost. 

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I’m sure you have,  but look up specifically tenant rights group in your area. Not legal aid,  but tenant rights. 

I am a landlord and your guy is not allowed to do what he is doing. He can loose his license to rent in my area with those actions. Where I live, withholding security deposit means he has to provide you with a detailed list of reasons why within 2 weeks of your leaving. Painting isn’t considered a reason to withhold security deposit, that is just cost of being a landlord. It has to be things like unpaid rent or damage. 





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2 minutes ago, KatieInMN said:

I’m sure you have,  but look up specifically tenant rights group in your area. Not legal aid,  but tenant rights. 

I am a landlord and your guy is not allowed to do what he is doing. He can loose his license to rent in my area with those actions. Where I live, withholding security deposit means he has to provide you with a detailed list of reasons why within 2 weeks of your leaving. Painting isn’t considered a reason to withhold security deposit, that is just cost of being a landlord. It has to be things like unpaid rent or damage. 

I don't know if the rights vary from county to county. I did call and investigate once asking what would be required to be a landlord, inspections etc. They didn't have those requirements in my area. So there was no formal inspection done on the place and when I inquired about one before moving in he got very defensive and said he's the inspector. So if they vary from county to county, I don't think there's such a group for my area. I have talked to others about some of my situations (mommy group) and got mixed responses, so I think the landlords have different rules from city to city. 

This is a very landlord-friendly area. When I was going through the divorce I sent my lawyer updates occasionally on issues with the landlord as they could reflect poorly on me as a mother ("why is your house so hot?", etc). My lawyer at the time called my landlord but got voicemail. He left a message. As usual, my landlord didn't acknowledge it. He ignores 2/3 of all interactions. I have sent like 3 certified letters to my landlord. One or two of them included photos and lists of issues with the home and a request for resolve. Things were ignored. He never provided smoke alarms. I installed a couple myself. I am taking them when I move out. The letters are all saved on my computer. Legal aid notwithstanding, I know it costs $200+ an hour for a lawyer so I didn't pursue anything. My sec deposit is not a full month's rent. 

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Whatever ends up happening, I would create a detailed paper trail. I would add photos (with screenshots of the metadata showing the actual date taken), screenshots of texts - including what time those texts are sent! 1 a.m. is an inappropriate time to be texting tenants - although probably not illegal it could dictate a pattern of unprofessional behavior. Make sure you create a timeline of the plumbing issues including how long it took him to respond or not respond to the issue. 

I would be prepared to be out and cleaned out by the end of the month. Take copious photos after the place is empty to show the state in which you left it. Even inside the oven, around the toilet, the tub, window sills. 

If it turns into an issue, you have proof, not he said/she said. I would also consider how much more stress you want to deal with regarding the deposit. While he may not legally be able to keep it, it may be more stressful to fight him on it. Right or wrong, I do believe there is a limit we need to place on fighting a&&hats. Sometimes we need to just place them in the rearview mirror and move on so WE don't get completely stressed. 

I'm sorry you're having to deal with this. 

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12 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

I don't know if the rights vary from county to county. I did call and investigate once asking what would be required to be a landlord, inspections etc. They didn't have those requirements in my area. So there was no formal inspection done on the place and when I inquired about one before moving in he got very defensive and said he's the inspector. So if they vary from county to county, I don't think there's such a group for my area. I have talked to others about some of my situations (mommy group) and got mixed responses, so I think the landlords have different rules from city to city. 

This is a very landlord-friendly area. When I was going through the divorce I sent my lawyer updates occasionally on issues with the landlord as they could reflect poorly on me as a mother ("why is your house so hot?", etc). My lawyer at the time called my landlord but got voicemail. He left a message. As usual, my landlord didn't acknowledge it. He ignores 2/3 of all interactions. I have sent like 3 certified letters to my landlord. One or two of them included photos and lists of issues with the home and a request for resolve. Things were ignored. He never provided smoke alarms. I installed a couple myself. I am taking them when I move out. The letters are all saved on my computer. Legal aid notwithstanding, I know it costs $200+ an hour for a lawyer so I didn't pursue anything. My sec deposit is not a full month's rent. 

Legal aid has a huge article about tenant rights on its website. Read it. Call them. If they can’t help, at least understand your rights under Mississippi law. It isn’t county but county. 

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1 minute ago, elegantlion said:

Whatever ends up happening, I would create a detailed paper trail. I would add photos (with screenshots of the metadata showing the actual date taken), screenshots of texts - including what time those texts are sent! 1 a.m. is an inappropriate time to be texting tenants - although probably not illegal it could dictate a pattern of unprofessional behavior. Make sure you create a timeline of the plumbing issues including how long it took him to respond or not respond to the issue. 

I would be prepared to be out and cleaned out by the end of the month. Take copious photos after the place is empty to show the state in which you left it. Even inside the oven, around the toilet, the tub, window sills. 

If it turns into an issue, you have proof, not he said/she said. I would also consider how much more stress you want to deal with regarding the deposit. While he may not legally be able to keep it, it may be more stressful to fight him on it. Right or wrong, I do believe there is a limit we need to place on fighting a&&hats. Sometimes we need to just place them in the rearview mirror and move on so WE don't get completely stressed. 

I'm sorry you're having to deal with this. 

The only way I would even pursue the security deposit is if legal aid says, "You can deduct it from your rent" in which case I would do that for the July rent. He sends me an "invoice" so to speak via text every month with the previous utilities and rental total. But it's confusing since the reference is a month off. Sometimes when I go to the bank to request a cashier's check I get confused what month to ask for on the memo. But I have accounted for every single one and the discrepancies in numbers (ie. I sent one with a smaller amount because I deducted the electrician fee for installing the plug and vent for my dryer. The landlord approved that. The memo on the check says rent minus elec invoice). Plus I'm friends with the electrician and on good terms with the plumber -- who both agree my landlord is a jerk lol. 

I will definitely photograph everything, probably do a walk through video. I pay at the end of each month as that's when he has utility figures. All the house utilities are in his name (that led to issues because he wouldn't make me a contract or anything for me to prove I lived here. I needed proof of residency for something and they would not accept my internet bill or security system with address as proof. They wanted a water/elec/gas bill but none had my name). I ended up going to the DMV and getting my address updated on my DL and using that as my proof. Everything has been way more complicated than it should be due to his inflexibility. 

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7 minutes ago, lauraw4321 said:

Legal aid has a huge article about tenant rights on its website. Read it. Call them. If they can’t help, at least understand your rights under Mississippi law. It isn’t county but county. 

Yes I read that, but just because they put something on their site doesn't mean it's a case they take on. When I was separated I called legal aid for divorce help. They said while they do take on cases of that nature, I didn't qualify because I had to be physically separated at least 6 months to qualify. It's a lot of crap like that... their site is a list of info but not everything they post is an area in which you will necessarily receive help. I called them earlier but the outgoing message said they don't open til 9:30. I'm going to call again. 

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3 hours ago, KungFuPanda said:

Ignore him. Move out when you’re ready and not a day earlier. Don’t cave to his pressure. Do not pay extra for the plumber. Your deposit is history unless you’ve credited it as part of your last month’s rent/utilities. Block his texts. You don’t need the stress. Keep your records in order just in case he tries something. If he shows up at your door call the police and report him for harassment. He’s a bully and a slumlord and I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of responding to his tactics. He’s too cheap to pay court costs for anything. 


And at a minimum, please put him on Do Not Disturb or something during the night. It is inexcusable for him to contact you at 1 am.

You’re in the homestretch. Keep your documentation, take pics when you leave, and soon you will be in your new space.

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Just now, Spryte said:


And at a minimum, please put him on Do Not Disturb or something during the night. It is inexcusable for him to contact you at 1 am.

You’re in the homestretch. Keep your documentation, take pics when you leave, and soon you will be in your new space.

My phone was on silent. I just happened to see his text lol. He frequently mows my lawn at 9pm in the dark, too. Then, when I feel up to it, I throw on some other clothes to run outside and move my car or else there's a huge patch of tall grass that remains under my car where the driveway/carport was supposed to go that he never finished. 

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I've been on hold with legal aid for 14 min. so far. 

From the legal aid website:


If the landlord fails to return the deposit without reason or compliance with the statute, the tenant may file an action in justice court for return of the deposit. If the landlord acted in bad faith, the tenant may get $200.00 in addition to the returned deposit.

Unless legal aid pays for that, not worth it. The filing fee and/or attorney fees. 

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10 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

I've been on hold with legal aid for 14 min. so far. 

From the legal aid website:

Unless legal aid pays for that, not worth it. The filing fee and/or attorney fees. 

I agree it is not worth messing with paying for an attorney. Couldn’t you do this under small claims?

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He's harassing you because he thinks you are the type of woman who will give him extra money if he uses enough tough-sounding words. He's probably dealt with plenty of women who think, "My landlord says I have to (xyz)." means "I actually have to do that."

He can keep your damage deposit. That's frustrating but it's true, unless you sue for it, it's probably gone.

The rest of the stuff is nonsense. You know he won't sue for it because 'it's not worth it' on his side either. (And if he did, you have the records and you know he would lose.) He's just trying to use his words to 'earn' money for himself (like any other hustler out there). He has nothing over you. He can't actually *do* anything.

Ignore his nonsense, stick to your plans, and take lots of photos.

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33 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

I agree it is not worth messing with paying for an attorney. Couldn’t you do this under small claims?

I don’t know how any of that works. I would assume every legal action has upfront costs. I after 47 min on hold I got a human at the MS legal aid office. They asked household size and income and I was immediately rejected like always. I make too much to qualify for programs like SNAP etc. and I don’t get the claim the kids as members of my household so I’m listed as a one-person household. 

I asked if she knew if this was something that could be handled in small claims and how that works and she gave me a number for MVLP (MS Volunteer Legal Project). Their phone number says fill out our intake form on MVLP.org 🙄

this is probably a dead end and not worth my time but a part of me wants to put him in his place so he thinks twice about taking advantage of others. 

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3 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

I don’t know how any of that works. I would assume every legal action has upfront costs. I after 47 min on hold I got a human at the MS legal aid office. They asked household size and income and I was immediately rejected like always. I make too much to qualify for programs like SNAP etc. and I don’t get the claim the kids as members of my household so I’m listed as a one-person household. 

I asked if she knew if this was something that could be handled in small claims and how that works and she gave me a number for MVLP (MS Volunteer Legal Project). Their phone number says fill out our intake form on MVLP.org 🙄

this is probably a dead end and not worth my time but a part of me wants to put him in his place so he thinks twice about taking advantage of others. 

Small claims is fairly easy I think. It is a small fee $50-$75. You can fill out the forms yourself.  I could go either way with this…..let it go because not worth the stress or put him in his place.,….

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6 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

Small claims is fairly easy I think. It is a small fee $50-$75. You can fill out the forms yourself.  I could go either way with this…..let it go because not worth the stress or put him in his place.,….

I read on Google that there may be a trial fee too. I just don’t know. I asked in a local group if anyone can give me info pertaining to our area. 

More than likely I will walk away from this all. But I don’t like how corrupt he is. He doesn’t even reside in this town as his primary residence but he’s an alderman for this town. That’s why he’s so slow to pick up his mail. He has a home in the city. 

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I forgot the cat messed up some blinds, which I had intended to fix if I had a chance at my sec deposit back (not buy all new sets, but enough to replace a few rows). 

I called the justice court and they said the fee has gone up to $84. 

My plan is to just move out with the place in good condition, do a walk through with him I guess?? and take lots of photos. Then after enough time lapses (landlord has 45 days to return deposit) decide if I want to file. It's not something I have to decide today. 

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I sent him like 5 letters and at least a few of them were sent certified. They include pictures and requests such as before/after plumbing was addressed. He didn't send a plumber over here to look at the half bath which currently leaks (I might be able to fix it by tightening the pipes but so far I just told the kids don't use that sink and shoved a bucket under it). 

The bank gave me the images I requested. One of the letters says, "I have paid May, June, July, August, and Sept and have lived here 5 months. I am up-to-date on my rent" because he claims the dates are different. He told me in text this week that I moved in here in March and I have photos of the house with a time stamp showing that in mid April the living room was full of his ladder, commercial mop bucket, a/c units in boxes, paint can etc. To cover my butt I'll try to move out a few days before the end of July since he let me move in like April 29 and didn't charge me for April rent. 

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7 hours ago, heartlikealion said:

I don't know if the rights vary from county to county. I did call and investigate once asking what would be required to be a landlord, inspections etc. They didn't have those requirements in my area. So there was no formal inspection done on the place and when I inquired about one before moving in he got very defensive and said he's the inspector. So if they vary from county to county, I don't think there's such a group for my area. I have talked to others about some of my situations (mommy group) and got mixed responses, so I think the landlords have different rules from city to city. 

This is a very landlord-friendly area. When I was going through the divorce I sent my lawyer updates occasionally on issues with the landlord as they could reflect poorly on me as a mother ("why is your house so hot?", etc). My lawyer at the time called my landlord but got voicemail. He left a message. As usual, my landlord didn't acknowledge it. He ignores 2/3 of all interactions. I have sent like 3 certified letters to my landlord. One or two of them included photos and lists of issues with the home and a request for resolve. Things were ignored. He never provided smoke alarms. I installed a couple myself. I am taking them when I move out. The letters are all saved on my computer. Legal aid notwithstanding, I know it costs $200+ an hour for a lawyer so I didn't pursue anything. My sec deposit is not a full month's rent. 

This sounds like a nightmare. So very sorry. All you can do is document everything, photos, checks, etc. 

He likely won’t show up for a walk thru. 
I am very sorry. Guys like him make the rest of us look bad. 

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I found an old text saying what day I came to the house and where he said the painting on the home was complete (a few days before May which I knew). I saved it. 

I’m getting closer to my move-in date at the new place. It’s not totally ready but they gave me a key. The painter either didn’t paint the baseboards or didn’t do a good job, at least on the bedrooms, and he’s not returning. The landlords didn’t think they would be doing them all so I volunteered. Kinda crazy but I just wanted the place to feel more done. 

I took today off work and I have no idea how painters work so fast. I didn’t find rolling out the painter’s tape straight from the roll to give a satisfactory alignment with the baseboard and protect the wood floors so I’ve taken a lot longer. I even tried using a poster board. I didn’t even get to every bedroom. I’m going home soon. 

I transported my bed and frame here. But I won’t bring much because they still have a woman coming to clean and my kids still need   stuff at the current home when they come over again this summer (dd and I will share a bed so I moved mine early). 

The a/c here works. That’s the most important thing 🤣

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9 minutes ago, Soror said:

I'm glad the bank found the images. I'd want to make him accountable for his actions but I also don't know if it is worth the stress. I hope that the new place and landlord are much better.

I agree with this. Especially since I think I recall you said the security deposit is not a full month's rent. It sounds like you could get stuck in a legal battle for a while. It's maybe better in your situation to just move on (literally and figuratively).

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Well I would get an additional $200 winning in small claims court according to what I read online. No, legal aid didn't want to do anything for me so I'm not calling them back. I was on hold forever last time, too. 

Today I sent a cashier's check with the final month's rent/utilities (utilities overlap months so I may get one more fee) and a letter with today's date and check images and a screen grab from our text exchange where he said the painting was complete and I asked if the shower rod was up so I could drive over and sleep there that night (April 28). In the letter I said that per state law he needs to return the deposit within 45 days of me leaving or send an itemized list of what the sec deposit is used for and painting doesn't count since we didn't mark up the walls. I also said he may not take the plumbing out of the security deposit. Then I said if he failed to do this I would take legal action. I left my current PO Box. Hell no, I'm not giving him my new address.

I will probably be moved out before he even gets the letter. I sent it certified, it has to go to the main distribution center then to the local PO then he usually takes his sweet time visiting the PO (since he has two homes) and sign for it during business hours. I included a list of things wrong with the home that he may need to address before the new tenant moves in. I included the list mainly so that I have documentation. This is like the 4th certified letter I have sent him. 

My current landlords said I could move in this weekend with no July charge because I've been painting. I asked about the cleaning lady (because I hate to move in and then she hasn't even come). They were able to bump up her date to this afternoon!! My dad drove up from the coast a few hours away to help me. 

I have had an ongoing issue with my washing machine that never was fully resolved and I had so many issues getting in touch with GE for a follow up because their phone number directs you to the website and the website would always reject my account or log in. I work best on deadlines so I told myself to deal with this before I move the washer. After three phone calls and explaining that yes, I'm slightly out of the one year warranty, I got them to agree to come look at it tomorrow as if it's still under warranty/no charge. 

This time tomorrow I might be sleeping in a house with a/c. My sister lives in England and had to deal with the heat wave and I was like oh yeah sounds like my house all the time lol. This is my living room temp with two fans and a window unit going. I am covered in sweat. Ds' room, where my dad is staying was like 94 degrees when he arrived.


No photo description available.

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thanks, ladies 

My dad and I took over 2 car loads twice today but it’s not everything. When I arrived the cleaning lady had supposedly already come but I was not impressed. The landlords said she was paid for 4 hrs of work. I could tell the inside of fridge/freezer hadn’t been cleaned, the bathroom didn’t look touched and the inside of kitchen cupboards were full of dust. The bathroom isn’t filthy but I’ll want to clean the tub briefly then lay down the bath mat and hang a shower rod. There was a faint stain and smudges on the sink counter indicating she didn’t actually wipe it down.  There is no caulking in the tub so I’ll ask about that. My dad and I agreed it wasn’t totally done and the landlord was painting the inside of a coat closet today. Inside the master closet there’s a piece of plexiglass and an old ceiling light cover. That closet didn’t look like it had been cleaned. The rods aren’t lined up well so hanging long items like pants is awkward. I decided not to put any clothes in til I get those items removed and mop inside. Maybe I can hang my own rod. 

I’m in dd’s room at the old place with the window unit on so I’m ok but during the day walking across the hallway, into the bathroom etc we had no cool air as we packed up the house. 

I got GE to come over and this guy actually knew his stuff and said what was going on with the washer. It’ll cost $600 but I have the warranty being honored so no charge. He hauled it off and agreed to bring it to the new place after repairs (could be a few weeks). One less thing to transport. 

Friends from church with truck will get dryer and possibly other items but I’m trying to ask them to do as little as possible. 

My dad and I managed to get my couch in my SUV with hatch bungeed down where couch was just a little too big for door to close. We brought over large area rug, ds’ desk, dd’s desk, 3 book cases and some other stuff. 

Sat we’ll move the remaining twin beds probably. I have one mattress cover tarp we are recycling for each transport. It fits up to twin XL which is what ds has. I’ll share some pics or video soon. 

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Copy/paste for images isn’t working from my phone for the forum. We made a lot of progress but still have more to get tomorrow. Sleeping in the new house tonight. 

Apparently the living room requires a longer curtain rod than I thought so I will return the 144” one. I found one bigger online that has to ship to me. 

I bought dd some cute fabric to make new curtains since her old windows are a different size. 

Painted first coat of baseboards in ds’ room tonight. Will do second coat tomorrow then set up his room. I seriously cannot tell what that leaning lady did. I brought over my mop but realized my bona cleaner is not for hardwood. It’s for just about everything else though!! I’ll see what else I can buy. Or maybe they make one for hardwood… mine is for laminate, tile, and a couple others. 

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7 hours ago, Soror said:

It is looking great. Do you expect to finish moving this weekend? I'm sure it will be a relief to be away from the crappy landlord.

Not quite. We will have the majority out. Last night at like 4 am the power went out on the street of the new house. I noticed the ceiling fan was off. Power company worked on it all night and it was restored sometime between when we left church and now (so maybe around noon). I was like are you kidding me. The universe did not want me to have a/c 🤣

Friend from church with a truck is coming tomorrow to get dryer and whatever else. I will probably have him get a/c window unit, front porch furniture and my rolling cart of drawers so it can maybe stand upright and I don’t have to worry about gaps between drawers spilling stuff out. Oh and a free standing pantry thing. 

As I type this it just started pouring. My dad is unloading his car at the new house — luckily there’s a carport connected to an entrance to the house. I was going to load more in my car but may call it quits due to the rain. Dollar general gave me boxes but the flaps don’t meet so they aren’t great. They’re meant for toilet paper. We made new bottoms but they are fairly weak boxes. I went to like 4 places a few days ago to get boxes. But you really gotta go super early or late. Sam’s club/Sam’s Club liquor store, Walmart, Burger King, McD’s. It was ridiculous. And late last night (like 11 pm) I cooked off my ground turkey and made taco meat but I’m gonna toss it since the power was out so long. Ugh. 

I need to get dd’s bed to the house soon. 

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Paint is dry, ds’ stuff is in there now but I didn’t get a pic. Need to get dd’s bed tomorrow. I don’t know what to do with the rugs lol this room is kinda too small for both. Haven’t unpacked all her books or rest of toys. 

house is not cooling good. They are having a/c looked at soon. They don’t want me to install my window unit. Still probably cooler than other house but I’m extra hot from all the moving. 


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3 hours ago, Kassia said:

I love this room - the windows and the built in shelves, the floors...looks so nice!

I can't imagine moving all day in the heat with no a/c!  Eek!  



Yes, that would be miserable with these temps. 

The room is adorable 🥰

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The a/c is definitely not working properly here. I couldn’t feel air on most of the vents. I’ll tell my landlord’s brother today when he gets my dryer (that’s how I found the rental. So hard to find anything here). 

I love her room but it’s tiny. She had a bigger room at the other house but it’s ok. My master is pretty big, though. And the living room is huge. 

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8 hours ago, heartlikealion said:

Paint is dry, ds’ stuff is in there now but I didn’t get a pic. Need to get dd’s bed tomorrow. I don’t know what to do with the rugs lol this room is kinda too small for both. Haven’t unpacked all her books or rest of toys. 

house is not cooling good. They are having a/c looked at soon. They don’t want me to install my window unit. Still probably cooler than other house but I’m extra hot from all the moving. 


What an adorable room. The layered look of rugs is cute.  

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