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If you take a break at Christmas, when will your break start?

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Well, my kiddos have gotten on the stick and finished up everything I had scheduled for this week and next week except for Math and Latin.


So if we get those finished up today and tomorrow (Saturday, I know, but their idea!) then we will start our Christmas break on Monday the 15th....even though I had originally planned to only take 2 weeks.


We'll start back on Jan 5.

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We got all of our regular school work done so we are going to spend the next week reading Christmas stories, making Borax snowflakes, baking cookies, reading Jotham's Journey and just enjoying. So officially we're done now but we'll do a small Christmas Unit next week when the Grandparents are here.

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I'm in denial that Christmas is less than 2 weeks away, but we're all excited about finishing school up on the 19th and getting to the good stuff - a break! We're actually having a half-day on the 19th, and I have a girls' lunch out with friends that afternoon. Sans kids - yippee!


My brother & his family arrive on the 20th, and the festivities will begin. Last year we had a wonderful and different Christmas in Hong Kong, and I'm really looking forward to Christmas at home this year!

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19th. My girls have their last coop class the 18th, and Lord knows they all need to get caught up in a few things. We can't afford more than the 2 weeks. We actually may be done the 18th though, realistically, being that we are taking our every-3-year trip to Idaho for Christmas this year (yes, driving....we're praying for unsnowy *roads* ast least :o) ), and the 19th will probably be a majorly busy day getting stuff done/packed etc. All the kids will be in orbit by that time anyway. They get ecstatic beyond belief thinking about a white Christmas. We're S. CA people, and you just don't see much snow very often (lucky devils in Louisiana and Texas...humph!). My BIL's parents live in Boise, where his Dad is a pastor, and every 3 years they rent facilities at a Christian camp up in the mts for a family Christmas get together. My dad is also a pastor (same denomination), and my parents have been long time friends with BIL's parents. Anyway, we all caravan up (Sister/BIL & kids, Mom and Dad, us) in 3 cars with our little radios, and have a blast with BIL's crazy family for Christmas. To boot, gas is cheap this year (yaaaaaaayyyy!). The cost of the lodge at the camp breaks down this year to about $50 per family for all 3 days (is that awesome or what???). So everyone sleds their guts out, freezes their tookus's off, and generally parties. Idaho is getting a snow dump this weekend, so we'll have something to sled on.....it was looking pretty bare up to now. Sigh.........I love Christmas......... and right now I'm in total denial about all the cleaning, wrapping, baking, and packing that I need to do in the next week and 2 days. And 1 of my children just got up. Back to the real world. If you want to see where we're going, though, check this out:


http://www.camppinewood.org/ (click on the "winter" link)

which is located Here:



So, it just can't snow on the 22nd and 23rd in Nevada, Oregon, or Idaho....thats when we're driving :o).

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But due to lots of things going on next week, we will have school only tues and wed next week then be done. I knew it would get busy between Thanksgiving and Christmas, so I had a goal to get in 12 days of school in between. Turns out we will only get 10. Thankfully we are a little ahead this year. We will start back on the 5th.

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Our break will just be Christmas week. Even then we'll probably bring the books while we visit family. DH's family of retired school teachers get a kick out of doing school with the kids. We'll be taking off almost all of Feb. and March due to moving and several road trips so we can't afford to take much time off right now.

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This is the first year we've done school past Thanksgiving. Usually we're overcommited to outside activities, and I am so stressed out I can't take it anymore. This year, we moved in October and ended up taking the whole month of September off to prepare. Because we knew we were moving, but had no idea when the house would sell, we did not sign up for even half the activities we usually do. This year has gone so smoothly, it's apparent to us that less activities=more peace during the holidays. We are going to school until the 18th and then my oldest will do Math on the 19th :) I'm so proud of us:thumbup1:


Merry Christmas!

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I'm not really sure. We've done a light week here so far and will continue that next week, unless the baby comes. Then we'll start a full-break till early-mid January. My parents will be coming to visit post-baby in January, so we'll break when they're here or not start up till after they've left. Things are VERY loosely scheduled for the next 6 weeks or so anyway. ;)

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I'd planned to continue this week and next week ... then my father went into the hospital with a blood clot in his leg that moved to his lungs, and all my plans went out the window.


He's doing better now, praise God, so I think we'll pick up next week and end on the 19th and then take two weeks off. Heaven knows at this point I probably need the break more than my dd does!

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We'll finish up on the 22nd, and start back the 29th -- if the baby comes We're having a "party" on the 31st, and will take the 1st off, then it's back to school on the 4th. That's assuming the baby doesn't come.


We'll be taking time off when the baby arrives... but if I can manage to do SOME school from the couch or bedroom, I will.


49 days until my new laptop arrives!

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Our Christmas break always started at Thanksgiving and went through about the middle of January.


We do the same, technically we are on break from Thanksgiving through the second week of January. We have been doing some school each day and it works out okay. It basically releases the stress on myself to skip school if we have other holiday plans.

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My mom is coming to stay for 2 weeks and will be here late on Dec. 20th. So I am thinking we will work up until then. I have to have very clean house to prevent her from nagging me too much, so if I have to spend a few days next week getting ready instead of doing school it will be worth it.



Maybe while she is here we will keep up with the math facts and do a little bit of reading. But we're also going to be going to tons of parties From Christmas to Epiphany.

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Originally I had planned for the 19th to be our last, but the oldest has a Dr.'s appointment that morning so it will be the 18th. Next week we will do the basics, finish up our final Ch. for RS4K Chem., and a small writing assignment for history then we are done til the 5th of Jan.

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Our last day of school will be the 19th, but we will have a light week next week. I usually have 4 full days and 1 half day, but because of a homeschool Christmas party we will have 3 full days and 1 half day. Latin will be review because we just finished LL 1 and won't begin LL 2 until after our break. A few other things will be light as well because I don't want to start new chapters on various things. So we'll just finish up whatever chapter we're on.

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Technically, the 19th is our last day, but we're having a Birthday Party for Jesus, so in terms of 3 Rs type schoolwork, the 18th will be our last day.


We'll be off until the 5th. Christmas week will be heavy with ministry responsibilities, so dh and I are taking a week or so of vacation starting right after Christmas.





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Our last day is the 17th.... because we have out-of-town visitors on the 18th, and I figured it would just be an easy place to stop before we get too involved in the Hanukkah and Christmas activities. We will start back on January 7th so that we can get back into our routine gradually, with a half week to start back.

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We school Tues-Sat, and hubbby actually gets that Fri & Sat off, though not Christmas:crying:, so we will end up taking off 2 weeks and 1 day! I'm excited because I am VERY burned out and need a break from school to catch up on some house organizing and deep cleaning, and finish up Christmas details.

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OK! I didn't make it. Christmas break officially started TODAY!:party:


I have my parents coming in on Tues, the 23rd. Our anniversary is this weekend, and MIL called Saturday and they are coming on the 31st(staying until Jan 4th). I really want to start school on the 5th. I woke up to snow, and I said, "MERRY CHRISTMAS! BREAK STARTS TODAY." I have to get the house clean, lesson plans/goals organized and everything ready for all the company. I'm excited that everyone's coming, but to be realistic, I need the break this week before the chaos starts. Besides, I can't get anything out of my kids right now, much less myself:tongue_smilie:



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