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Are you sending out Christmas cards?

Are you sending out Christmas cards this year?  

  1. 1. Are you sending out Christmas cards this year?

    • Yes, to family only
    • Yes, to family and close friends
    • Yes, to one and all
    • Nope
    • I don't celebate Christmas, or I am sending another type of holiday card

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But I need to get my cards made first :001_smile:

I took about 50 pictures(well it seemed like it anyway) of the kids hoping to get one good one for cards.

I have it narrowed to 2 so by tomorrow I need to figure out which one and go get them made so I can have writers cramp along with everyone else:D

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Yes, I send them to everyone. The cards I most enjoy are from the folks I don't see too often. It's good to catch up with what they're doing or see how big their kids have gotten. So I send them to everyone, hoping others enjoy catching up with us, too.


:iagree: This is exactly how I feel too, and what I do. I actually just finished typing up our "newsletter" about 30 min. ago. I addressed the envelopes two nights ago (complete with writers cramp as there were *many*), had the photo cards made up 3 weeks ago and am hoping to have these stuffed, stamped and out by Friday. This is the first time it's been such a long process for me. Usually I do it all in a day or two at the most. But I have found that doing it slowly, over a period of time, has been way more relaxing.

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I am sending cards to CLOSE family members and friends/other family who usually send us cards.


I used to send cards to everyone (most family members and all friends) - but became a little Grinch-ish over the past 3 or 4 years. So, now I just send to those who sent us cards last year (plus a few family members who I know would love to see the kids' picture every year, but I know aren't going to send out cards themselves). :)


It's a much shorter list now, so I'm able to send out a few pictures with each card. :)

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I was considering nixing the cards this year. Last year I did the photo cards. I couldn't find any I liked this year...and didn't like the way last year's turned out. The year before that I made stamped cards...very labor intesnsive!


I always send out a pic of the kids with the card. So I ordered wallets of the kids and went to Hallmark and bought cards. They had them buy one box, get the second box half off. It was very freeing to just purchase cards! Now I only need to address them, buy a tree, decorate it, decorate the house. I'm SO not in the Christmas mood! But my family is coming from Michigan for our annual party on the 20th!


*thanks for letting me vent!

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Two years ago things got too hectic in December and my cards went out in January.


Last Christmas I wasn't in the mood to send cards. I had just lost my Dad and was dealing with cleaning out his house, selling it, working through all the estate stuff...... Not sending cards was one less stress for me.


This year I've decided not to bother. Friends who are in touch with me know what is going on and receive our Christmas wishes directly. Family, well, we don't have any extended family that send cards either.



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I'm down to half of what I used to send, and I don't really add much to what's printed inside. I used to make much more of an effort. The only one that even gets pictures of the kids is my grandmother who doesn't have a computer -- I've given up on the holiday portrait thing as well since it seems so much easier to post pictures online throughout the year. I would probably cut my list even shorter, but I don't have the courage to cut the folks my mother-in-law had me copy from her address book the year dh and I got married.:001_smile:

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I usually do, but each year my list gets shorter. I like getting the annual letters from friends and family, but don't really feel like doing one myself this year.


Is that horrible? A couple of years ago I had the same thought, and dh agreed, but said, "Be sure anyway to send one to "X" and "X" and "X", so I ended up doing them anyway.


I may decide to be a "bad" wife this year and not even bring the subject up and maybe it'll be too late if/when dh asks about it.:o

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I am Jewish, DH is Christian. So I send Chanukah cards to my family, Christmas cards to most of his family, and general holiday cards to most everyone else. Some years I find cards that combine Christmas and Chanukah, and those are my favorite.


Oh, and I get the Chanukah stamps to use this time of year.

Michelle T

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Every few years I do an experiment to see if people are really sending me a card b/c they want to or just b/c I sent one to them. (When I do them, I sent them out early.) Turns out, the years I don't send them, I hardly get any. :(


This year we really did Christmas on a budget and that was one of the things I cut out. I'm always glad when I do b/c I end up feeling like it's a waste of time and money.


Bah humbug.

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We send out a card and a letter (and this year a photo to family). They went in the mail on Tuesday. :001_smile: Most of our friends and family live far away (over 1000 miles), so we post the photos we receive from them on our fridge so that we can remember them and pray for them throughout the year.

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