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Grocery cart bags?


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Our dentist gives away bags with advertising on them. They aren't labeled for specific products (instead they have the dentist's info on them), but otherwise I think they're just like these. I puffy heart love them. First because they're rigid enough to stand up, which makes them easy to load. And secondly because they're insulated. It gets really hot here in the summer, so every little bit helps.

And I use these to keep my chest freezer organized. I think they'd be pretty awesome for grocery shopping, too.

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We have a pretty random collection of freebies, gifts and homemade. My favorites are the ones that are the same as or slightly larger than a regular paper bag. I use lightweight cloth ones for dry goods and plastic-y ones for frozen and meat. I'm going to try saving my 15lb rice bags and see if I can use those to make more grocery bags.

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I prefer plastic to canvas because spills do happen sometimes. The plastic can be tossed in the washing machine, or wiped out with disinfecting wipes.

I prefer all of my bags to be the same. They sit more uniformly in the cart. I have about a dozen trader Joe bags. Mine are four years old and still going—no holes, straps are still good, and they hold a ton of weight without seams ripping.

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I want those trolley bags except I order groceries at least 95% of the time and was before covid.   It saves me so much time and effort. But they waste SO many plastic bags.   I wish they would just pack my groceries into the cardboard boxes they are crushing in the back. I could recycle those easier (at the curb) and would just be less of a hassle.  It annoys me every week but there really isn't anything I can do about their use of plastic bags. I'm curious what they do where they are banned for pick up. 

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48 minutes ago, Forget-Me-Not said:

These were mentioned her a while back. I love them:

Earthwise Deluxe Collapsible Reusable Shopping Box Grocery Bag Set with Reinforced Bottom Storage Boxes Bins Cubes (Set of 3) (Multi Flowers) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07VCMF98M/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_ZSEAKGJB8JA9CDASEW3H?psc=1

We have collapsible boxes like this from Natural Grocers. They are so handy - I much prefer them to bags. 

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52 minutes ago, Forget-Me-Not said:

These were mentioned her a while back. I love them:

Earthwise Deluxe Collapsible Reusable Shopping Box Grocery Bag Set with Reinforced Bottom Storage Boxes Bins Cubes (Set of 3) (Multi Flowers) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07VCMF98M/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_ZSEAKGJB8JA9CDASEW3H?psc=1

I like these they seem like they would sit well in the truck bed.

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I have a couple of this type of collapsible crates:  https://www.clevermade.com/collections/collapsible-crates

They work well for some shopping but not all.  In general I like using them much better than bags.  Easy to load/unload from the car.  Things don't shift around or come out of bags in the car.  Easy to clean.  Don't take up much space when not in use. 

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I have these:


I like having a dozen bags so that I can take a couple in each time. They live in the trunk of my car and on top of my fridge. I fold them all inside one bag and keep that in my trunk. I take however many I'll need into the store. After each trip I fold them up inside one bag on top of the fridge. When that's full I put them back in the trunk. I always have bags, even if I stopped off at the store on a whim.

These bags stand up by themselves and are easy to fold. I like the colors. I've had some that have lasted for years, although they often grow legs and disappear into my kids' stuff because they are so handy.

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I'm too cheap to pay several dollars per bag online. I've got a few insulated ones for cold stuff from SaveAlot, some nice large ones from PriceChopper, and a few from Wegman and Aldi. I keep them in both cars. I found some really strong canvas ones at our church rummage sale that I use for heavy items. 

In the past year or so, with heavy usage, only one bag from PriceChopper broke( one handle tore)

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I have a cooler bag and a trunk liner. The grocery store bagger/cashier just keeps or places the groceries in my cart and I unload directly into my trunk. For things that need to stay cool they go into the cooler bag. 

For giving things to my friends and stuff we just all have a stash of reusable bags (I get them as freebies from places or nice gift bags which are sturdy enough to reuse a few times) we all just pass those around. 

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