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On 2/18/2022 at 10:47 AM, Terabith said:


So uh does the Anglo Saxon church count as an obscure subject? And reading medeival Old English, Middle English and Latin texts count as obsession? Like translating Bede and buying more translations of Beowulf and copies or Lindisfarne is totally a normal activity, right?  Cause ummm .... this one might be for me. 

Edited by theelfqueen
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42 minutes ago, MercyA said:


Ugh.  Cookie is a sweetie but she has a terrifying bark and ever since Chip died she’s gotten exponentially worse about barking about everything.  I’ve tried everything to get her to stop or at least do it less to no avail. But I freely admit that if she weren’t my dog - I’d think she was about to bite your head off.   She won’t. If fact if you reach out to pet her, she will lick your hand and pee in excitement. 🙄 But it’s miserable taking her for walks bc she infuriates everyone with her terrifying barking even though they should be able to see I’m actively working on training her better and I have complete control over her harness.

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1 hour ago, kbutton said:

May be a cartoon of text that says '"So how did you get into Classical Music?" Me:'

In music history class in college if the professor mentioned a work that we all knew from Looney Tunes - and Warner Brothers used a lot! - we would break out into Looney Tune lyrics if it was opera. Nothing like 32 people singing, "Wetoyn my wove I want you always beside me" and "Kiw ds wabbit"! Meanwhile, it would drsw.the most unamused blank on the professor's face, and we just couldn't understand why she didn't love it as much as we did. 😂😂😂

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2 hours ago, Murphy101 said:

Ugh.  Cookie is a sweetie but she has a terrifying bark and ever since Chip died she’s gotten exponentially worse about barking about everything.  I’ve tried everything to get her to stop or at least do it less to no avail. But I freely admit that if she weren’t my dog - I’d think she was about to bite your head off.   She won’t. If fact if you reach out to pet her, she will lick your hand and pee in excitement. 🙄 But it’s miserable taking her for walks bc she infuriates everyone with her terrifying barking even though they should be able to see I’m actively working on training her better and I have complete control over her harness.

Poor Cookie and poor you! I know that a lot of dogs who bark are truly sweethearts and are barking out of fear or anxiety.

Our Amish neighbor's German Shepherd seems to be going through something similar. 😞 Until about a month ago, he always had a dachshund friend with him. Now the dachshund is gone and the Shepherd's constant barking must be driving their closer neighbors crazy (we just feel sorry for the dog). Here's the interesting thing--I've watched the dog and when he gets really upset about something (a stranger going by, usually), he'll run to one particular horse and bark in his face furiously, like "Look, look, look! Sound the alarm! Are you seeing this???" God bless the patient horse, he just keeps munching his hay and lets the dog bark it out.

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