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Summer to do list; want to share?


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What tasks are you hoping to complete over the summer?

besides planning for the school year and my class which will resume in august, I have several things I want to do.

-repaint the guest bathroom walls

-repaint the trim in the bathroom

-repair and repaint the front porch rockers

-paint my bedroom ceiling

dh plans to rip up the living room carpet, floor it in wood, and build a fireplace. We’ll see. If he does that, I’ll need to paint the trim in the living room.


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I really REALLY want to do a few building and painting projects, but with the cost of wood the way it is, I'll just wait on that.  I'll do the painting and a little wallpapering if I can find the supplies at normal prices.  My garden is the biggest it's ever been so I'll need to keep up with that and stay organized if we're going to eat or can everything that comes out of it.  We've almost used up everything I canned/froze last year, so it wasn't overkill like I feared.  I greatly underestimated how many pickled jalapenos my son eats. 

I need to rip out my living room carpet.  It's on a slab and I'd love to do something interesting with the concrete floor but I'm afraid of what shape it might be in and there appears to be a layer of 70's linoleum glued to it.  I'd LOVE to install a wood-burning insert in that fireplace. The big projects will definitely depend upon how quickly my husband can land some new contracts as the economy normalizes around here.


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43 minutes ago, rebcoola said:

You all are productive.  I opened the thread thinking things like make it to the drive in and go the light show at Grand coulee dam.

I'm glad you posted because I was feeling like such a slacker!  

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Paint baseboards in main living area (and mantle/woodwork in living room)

Install some kind of patio to create a better fire pit area

Figure out some kind of deck covering to make it more user friendly. I really want the deck to be a cozier spot since we’ll be having a lot of family here this summer and I want to keep them outdoors as much as possible. 

Paint the garden shed and install solar lights

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I painted all the major rooms in the house a few summers ago. I know this year I'll have the perennial clean the carpets and wash the windows inside and out. We've done a lot of work getting our patio area improved this year--expanded it in December, dh put in some lighting, just got patio furniture delivered today. There's a little more to do to spruce up the yard. Need to get youngest all her college stuff. Want to finish her scrapbooks by the end of the year (I'm doing her 8th grade year now so about 4 more to go). I was going to get everyone's Real ID but it looks like we have another reprieve. I think I'll get mine though since my driver's license expires this next year and it's just easier to do while I'm on summer break.

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We are purging the house and getting rid of all of our education and science supplies since we retired this year from 4H and the high school rocket team. We have just an accumulation of lots of project items, kits, reference books, you name it, and we just do not need to move it to our Alabama home. We even have antiques.that were supposed to be refinished and we didn't get around to it. They are going too. I still.have some things left from my event planner days. The goal is to make a Goodwill run every week. If we just spend one hour a week working on it, we will have most of it done by Labor Day.

I have several classical works to practice since I am accompanying a college vocal student on her senior recital.

I am growing some veggies, and will dehydrate some it.

Our lilac bushes which are REALLY old are not producing anymore, and dying. So we need to cut them all down which means having brush piles to burn.

Other than that, we are camping a lot. We spent April 30- May 9 camping, and go again June 3-6, June 28-July 4, and July 31-Aug 3. 

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DH and I have an ongoing spreadsheet of things we want to do around the house.

We are putting in a "puppy patio" in our backyard.  It is an area our dog likes to lay and right now is bark dust.  We are putting in flagstone and ground cover.

Building planters for tomatoes and and our vertical pumpkin experiment.

Working on some landscaping in the front yard, taking out some bushes I don't like and putting in some I do.  Digging out the former pond that the last home owners had filled in.  We are making it into a waterfall (at least according to DH).

I would like to get the master bedroom/bathroom painted.  The colors in there are depressing, and with already feeling down lately I need something more cheerful.

I want to work on a few cross-stitch projects, but I have a hard time doing them in the summer when I feel like I should be outside.

I need to go through our bookcases and see if we still need all the books.  Also go through the school books and see what I need to keep and what I can donate.

Go on a few day trips with DH to do some hiking and photography.

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I've been wanting to make a list for a while, but can't seem to focus on it.

House stuff:

  • Replace one bathroom fan.
  • Pup-proof the dog's room, including changing the light from a plug-in lamp to a ceiling light.
  • Replace the flooring in 2 or more small rooms.
  • Facelift on some of our oak cabinets.  Also replace some faucet handles.
  • Kids' rooms - purge, reorganize, establish a maintenance plan.
  • Clean out my closet & under my bed.
  • Maybe replace some interior doors.
  • Clean out the basement.
  • Might do some remodeling work in the basement.
  • Clean out the garage.
  • Replace or save some dead/dying shrubs/trees.
  • Do some sewing on my coats and stuff.
  • Probably some things I'm forgetting.

Other stuff:

  • Catch up & get ahead on my client work.
  • Update our CPR/first aid certifications.
  • Kids' lifeguard training.
  • Kids' summer studies - need to decide on math once I find out the results of state tests.  Also literature & other stuff.
  • Kids' chores - try to get them to cook and do laundry regularly, in addition to pup duty and cleaning up after themselves.  (Ha!)
  • Kids' paid/volunteer work - hoping they will both have a gig, but I'll probably have to drive them.
  • Kids' camps, sports, and marching band ....
  • Train the pup.
  • Hoping to take a fun road trip, not sure where to.
  • I think I might try for my 2nd degree blackbelt.
  • Organize personal paper and electronic files.
  • Learn to play the guitar.
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Really looking forward to summer-only two weeks of school left now. Some things I want to do:

Try to get doctor visits done: gynecologist, mammogram, dermatologist, dentist.

Lose some weight

Continue working on the flower beds

Paint my bedroom. I had intended to already have at least one wall done, but I've been slow starting.

Attend some workshops (My classroom will be self-contained this next year, so I need some more training.)

Visit my parents, preferably early in the summer before it gets too hot. They set their thermostat on 77.


Thanks for starting this thread-I may be adding to this list.

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14 hours ago, rebcoola said:

You all are productive.  I opened the thread thinking things like make it to the drive in and go the light show at Grand coulee dam.

I was wondering if I had a bottle of bubbles somewhere.

my mental list (which at first I wrote her as “my head list” LOL ) was :

look in hall for bubbles

look in cupboard for bubbles

then maybe: add bubbles to grocery list


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6 hours ago, Loowit said:

DH and I have an ongoing spreadsheet of things we want to do around the house.

We are putting in a "puppy patio" in our backyard.  It is an area our dog likes to lay and right now is bark dust.  We are putting in flagstone and ground cover.

Building planters for tomatoes and and our vertical pumpkin experiment.

Working on some landscaping in the front yard, taking out some bushes I don't like and putting in some I do.  Digging out the former pond that the last home owners had filled in.  We are making it into a waterfall (at least according to DH).

I would like to get the master bedroom/bathroom painted.  The colors in there are depressing, and with already feeling down lately I need something more cheerful.

I want to work on a few cross-stitch projects, but I have a hard time doing them in the summer when I feel like I should be outside.

I need to go through our bookcases and see if we still need all the books.  Also go through the school books and see what I need to keep and what I can donate.

Go on a few day trips with DH to do some hiking and photography.


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15 hours ago, fraidycat said:

Rip out dead and dying bushes in the front yard, and remove alive but poorly placed bushes and trees from the backyard. If we get that much done this summer, it's a win, and anything else is a bonus.

Amen. We pulled out the overgrown shrubbery in the front beds a couple of weekends ago. We have planted new plants in there, ds edged the flower beds and mulched. Have one more bed to mulch. 

I want dh to put in a full-sized flag pole, which also means running electric out so we can illuminate the flag. I want a two-flag pole, so we can do Maryland and American. 

Need to paint my porch columns. 

Replacing all the furniture and furnishings in my Family Room. Maybe the window blinds as well. 

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I am hoping to get my Christmas gifts done for my mom's family.   and I am hoping to get my dad's wall hanging with my mom's jewelry done.

Summer will be busy.   We have several court dates and I may have to go to the West Coast for trial.   I am possibly helping my son move from SoCal to WA state.   And we plan to possibly go to Michigan for a week and Tennessee for a few days on the way.

I got notification that I will have jury duty on or after July 26.   I will get notification at least 2 weeks before then.

REALLY?   How can I plan any summer trips with that?   ARGH!

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Well, we were gong to frame the shop but with lumber prices so high and dh's schedule significantly busier that isn't going to happen.

We'll wash the fence at some point. 

I ripped out some old grapevines last week and planted raspberry bushes and repainted a bench on the deck. 

I'd like to power wash the deck but have to borrow a power washer as ours isn't working.

I REALLy want to clean out the downstairs utility room and build steps for the shed but we'll see if we have the time. Dh's spring classes end Monday and Summer classes start Wednesday, they go until the end of June and then he's going to be hammered at work until the end of July and school starts back in August. That only leaves a very small window and we don't want to spend it all busy every weekend working.

We did so many projects last year I dont' feel like tackling anything this year. We really took on too much but everything looks so much better. I went from being a bit ashamed of how it looked (dh had gotten to where he couldn't keep up with the yard and the house desperately needed painting. I took over the yard and not only have kept it up nicely but made lots of improvements and we painted the house. And we moved and painted the shed which was a massive construction and engineering feet that took 2 months worth of weekends alone.

Edited by Soror
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