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JAWM-sympathy please TMI-please don't quote


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Also, in more sympathy, part of the frustration was my doctors not really knowing what the problem was or what to do about it. Gyn was clueless, derm was....somewhat shocked I think...neither of which was reassuring! I wanted to hear "oh, yeah, that happens all the time, no big deal, we will fix you right up." Not 'Oh...well....that's different...."

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3 hours ago, ktgrok said:

Definitely get the Hibiclense! I know it says on there somewhere not for use on mucous membranes, but seriously, it's fine, lol.

Also, again, I just sympathize. and it's hard to have pain "down there" because it isn't like you feel like you can talk about it and complain the way you can with say, an injured finger. It's just...awkward. So you are in pain, and tired, and miserable, and can't SAY it really to just anyone. "Sorry, I'm under the weather, my crotch hurts" isn't really considered polite conversation, lol. So that just seems to make it worse, because it feels, well, embarrassing on top of everything else. 

So hugs. You can talk about it here. No shame! 

And get that hibiclense! And baggy crotch pants!

Yes!! My kids have a mild cold (covid test negative) and dd13 told me two days ago I am very lucky I'm not sick like she is. The kids know I'm not feeling well, but not the specifics. I looked at her and said very firmly, "I'm sorry you don't feel well, but trust me, I feel  100x worse than you do." Then I went and stuffed myself with chocolate. LOL

The good news is my GYN is amazing. He called me unprompted this morning to see how I am doing which I think is amazing. 

Today my Infection/wound is still bad, but my anxiety has gone from unending panic attack level down to still very high anxiety but I can talk and hold a conversation level. Hopefully as antibiotic 4 works its way out of my system the anxiety will continue to go down. And may antibiotic 6 start to work! 

Edited by NewIma
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20 hours ago, NewIma said:

 It is a common antibiotic so I think these are uncommon side effects.

All reported possible side effects are supposed to be listed.  Even if only one person reports it.

I've had some very rare side effects with drugs and have had to dig through the sites that report everything, instead of only the most common. 

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1 hour ago, caedmyn said:

If it doesn’t clear up you might consider using an activated charcoal and ground flax seed pack on it.  I’ve successfully used them for an abscess before.  I’ve read a number of stories about charcoal packs clearing up antiobiotic-resistant infections.

Is this something you make or buy?

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3 hours ago, caedmyn said:

If it doesn’t clear up you might consider using an activated charcoal and ground flax seed pack on it.  I’ve successfully used them for an abscess before.  I’ve read a number of stories about charcoal packs clearing up antiobiotic-resistant infections.

That is intriguing--that's a new one to me. I am trying to find out more about it. It sounds like you can get them pre-made, but I didn't find specific links.

I think a lot of times, heat is a factor in drawing out more yuck for drainage, and my go-to healthcare worker says that any warm compress on the outside of bandages can be beneficial. I would love to know more about whether poultices work because of heat or some other property or both. 

Apparently moist heat is trickier to keep sterile and to not end up damaging skin.

I am so glad your doctor has called to follow up. I think a lot of abscess stuff ends up in the ER, so GYNs probably see fewer abscesses. The ER people see a lot of them, especially in MRSA hotspots. 

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I hope you're starting to heal.  Thinking about this again, I was reminded of when a relative wasn't healing after surgery.  It turned out she was mildly allergic to the pain medication they were giving her.  It treated her pain, but taking it prevented healing.  Finally, after literally months of not healing, a new doctor tried changing the pain med, and she healed right up.   All that to say, if you are still not healing, it may be worth taking a look at any other meds you're taking.  

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6 hours ago, cave canem said:

sounds like levofloxacin.  so sorry about such an awful protracted experience

oh..wow....I'd totally forgotten the time I took that and it made me crazy! I'd taken it several times before with no problem, but then I took it and it made me horribly anxious...totally forgot! Thank you for the reminder! 

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Thinking of you. Especially since I have a brand new "bump" in that general area now...sigh. I think it was from irritation from some adult marital activity. Treating myself with chlorhexidine wash (hibiclense) and some antibiotic gel the derm prescribed last time and hoping it is just the one and it goes away soon. Sometimes I get several at once, never as big as what you described though. 

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On 11/13/2020 at 6:56 PM, MEmama said:

I once took an antibiotic that spun me into a depression, like sobbing and shaking uncontrollably on the kitchen floor convinced I was going to die and baby DS was going to be all alone. I’ve never been so scared in my life. Finding the strength to call my husband at work during the spell felt like a superhuman feat. It, too, is a common antibiotic. 

I'm so sorry you are going through all of this. Sending you virtual healing thoughts...

I had this same reaction to minocycline (antibiotic prescribed for acne). My husband almost had me committed after I begged him to just let me end my life. I had enough of my wits about me to realize that I had started the antibiotics ten days beforehand and thought I should see what happened if I stopped taking them. Two days after I stopped taking it, I cracked a joke to my husband and he started sobbing with relief (and he is not a crier).

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