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So - say your relative was a conspiracy guy -

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and same inlaw sent an email, sending you an email detailing the New World Order conspiracy plot, complete with information that the value of the dollar is toast and the government has plenty of coffins for the 95% of us they're going to kill off. . . . . .


AND same inlaw, in all seriousness, informs you that he's leaving the country and converting all his assets to gold or silver - and this is NOT a guy who has ever been less than serious about anything in his life. . . . . . .


AND same inlaw is a professing believer in Christ. . . . . .


WHAT would you do?????


Confront him? Let it alone? Join him???? Return his Christmas gift???


(Talk about a bizarre Thanksgiving weekend!)

Edited by HeatherH
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If said inlaw was an adult of sound mind legally, I would let him do what he wants to do. I would not join him! If he asked me what I thought of his email or his plan, I would tell him that I trust God to take me through what may be ahead of us and I do agree that there may be some tough times ahead. But unless he is a prophet or is following a true prophet I don't think you can be sure what form those tough times might take. (BTW a true prophet has to be 100% accurate 100% of the time or else he is deserving of death according to the laws of the Bible). As to leaving the country, where is he going to go where there aren't the same problems with the economy etc? As far as converting to gold and silver, that isn't necessarily a bad choice. Those metals are the standard in tough times. But he can't take gold down to the grocery store.

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I would probably tell him we ARE planning to take over the world... through toast.


And then move, so he couldn't find me.


ETA: Oh, ok, see, I should work on my literacy skills because I thought he was including in his rant the dollar value OF toast, not the value of the dollar IS toast. Well. Now he seems a little less crazy. (Not much, though.)

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If he's an adult of sound and safe mind, let him do whatever he wants. I agree that investing in gold is a good idea. We do it as often as we can since the last time there was a true depression the government made it illegal to own gold. Now THAT episode nudges me toward a bit of conspiracy lean. :) I'll never understand it.

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My bil is the same way. He sent us info on the tent cities already in the process of being set up for Concentration Camps I believe. He professes to be a Christian but hmmm, aren't Christians suppose to trust and not be afraid of what is to come.

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Does mental illness run in your family? It does in mine and this is exactly the sort of thing some of my relatives would say at times. Honestly I'm not sure what you can do. I guess just listen.


It's really interesting you mention this. . . . .


My bil takes after my fil - very much so. My fil, at one time, was "hearing voices" that told him to do things - he was never diagnosed, and appears to be better (or at least he doesn't talk about it as much). Same fil was very into "Lord Maitraea", and ascended Masters, etc. Actually, Wendy - that was my very first thought. That maybe bil was starting down the same path.


And Lynn - that's the same stuff MY bil sent. I just don't know what to think. Honestly.:confused:

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There are lots of people who believe in all sorts of conspiracies. I would assume he is just venting/ranting, and not actually planning on doing anything he says he is going to do. Lots of people occasionally talk about leaving the country if such and such event happens, but most of them are still here.


I just roll my eyes when hearing about various conspiracies out to get us, which I mostly hear from other homeschoolers. Now, if someone was actually suggesting they were going to commit a violent act, I'd take that more seriously.


Not sure what being Christian has to do with it... there are nuts and conspiracy believers and people who just have too much time on their hands in Christianity as much as any other religion.

Michelle T

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We have several relatives like that, actually covering the whole political spectrum. It was sad that during the election, we had two sets of relatives who were swearing that they were going to move to Canada soon -- one if Obama was elected and one if McCain was elected. ;)

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Since you say he processes to be a Christian, remind him that God has not given us a fearful Spirit. Tell him to read Isaiah 35 especially verse 4 "Say to those with anxious heart, "Take courage, fear not. Behold, your God will come with vengeance; The recompense of God will come, But He will save you."

Edited by Melenie
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the same inlaw, in all seriousness, informs you that he's leaving the country and converting all his assets to gold or silver quote]


I'd email him back, tell him that you'd like to be sure his Christmas gift reaches him, and ask if you should send it to the current address or to his new one. That way you'd at least be *kindly* finding out if he is serious and what the time frame for his move is.


BTW, I've been around for longer than I'd care to admit, and I remember projected dates for "the end of civilization as we know it" dating all the way back to the mid-seventies.


That said,I take it as my God-given responsibility to have enough food in my pantry (and the wherewithal to cook it) to tide us through at least a couple of weeks worth of natural disaster craziness. And in cases of impending disaster, I also think it's wise to have currency on hand. People are people, and if push comes to shove, a fair number will look out for #1, not for each other.

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There are lots of people who believe in all sorts of conspiracies. I would assume he is just venting/ranting, and not actually planning on doing anything he says he is going to do. Lots of people occasionally talk about leaving the country if such and such event happens, but most of them are still here.


I just roll my eyes when hearing about various conspiracies out to get us, which I mostly hear from other homeschoolers. Now, if someone was actually suggesting they were going to commit a violent act, I'd take that more seriously.


Not sure what being Christian has to do with it... there are nuts and conspiracy believers and people who just have too much time on their hands in Christianity as much as any other religion.

Michelle T


Michelle, you just hit upon something. Although homeschoolers constitute a relatively small proportion of the people I know, they make up 100% of the conspiracy theorists with whom I'm acquainted. Interesting observation and one I had not thought of before.

Edited by tibbyl
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and same inlaw sent an email, sending you an email detailing the New World Order conspiracy plot, complete with information that the value of the dollar is toast and the government has plenty of coffins for the 95% of us they're going to kill off. . . . . .


AND same inlaw, in all seriousness, informs you that he's leaving the country and converting all his assets to gold or silver - and this is NOT a guy who has ever been less than serious about anything in his life. . . . . . .


AND same inlaw is a professing believer in Christ. . . . . .


WHAT would you do?????


Confront him? Let it alone? Join him???? Return his Christmas gift???


(Talk about a bizarre Thanksgiving weekend!)

he must be part of the same cult my sister is listening too. I heard the same crap this summer. Did he mention the stickers on the mail boxes that identify which of us is going to get it first? The stickers are for the newspaper delivery people. FWIW it was supposed to happen this summer, according to my sister.

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If you really care about him, why don't you find out where he is getting his information, check his references, and point out to him specifically what does not make sense about what he is saying? If he is a serious person, as you say, I'm sure he would appreciate you taking him seriously.


If you don't really care, well, then just be nice and ignore him....


Take care,


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My bil is the same way. He sent us info on the tent cities already in the process of being set up for Concentration Camps I believe. He professes to be a Christian but hmmm, aren't Christians suppose to trust and not be afraid of what is to come.


Just because we aren't supposed to be afraid, doesn't mean it's not coming. tinfoilhatsmile.gif


I think that's rather, uh, dramatic -- though I admit I do think there is going to be a problem with the dollar. But the coffins? That's crazy talk. They'd just cremate us. :lol:

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It's really interesting you mention this. . . . .


My bil takes after my fil - very much so. My fil, at one time, was "hearing voices" that told him to do things - he was never diagnosed, and appears to be better (or at least he doesn't talk about it as much). Same fil was very into "Lord Maitraea", and ascended Masters, etc. Actually, Wendy - that was my very first thought. That maybe bil was starting down the same path.


And Lynn - that's the same stuff MY bil sent. I just don't know what to think. Honestly.:confused:



My bil is obsessed with this stuff. He has been since 1990's. He use to have videos from some preacher that layed it all out on what will happen and get mad at me when I asked him "where's your faith, you can't stop it even if it does come to pass". Then Y2K came up and yikes.....he send all types of info of what will come. Now here we are 9 years later and yet more conspiracy. I feel bad for his wife but she's still with him and he's worse than ever. There is nothing one can do to change anything if all or part is true. Just ignore him or you'll be overcome with worry of the "what if's".....It took me a while to completely ignore my bil.

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Do we seriously all have the same BIL? :lol::lol:


Mine is that way too, fortunately they must think we aren't worth saving, we don't get the e-mails. Supposedly he is "in the know" because of his former job.


Are we sure they aren't clones, as they seem to like to be BIL's. :confused::lol::tongue_smilie:

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Wait and see if he is correct?

None of those scenarios are news to me and I have an open mind about them.

I'm there with you. I have so little trust left in the government that if it were to happen the way the conspiracy theorists say I wouldn't be surprised.


As for the OP's relative, email him back and tell him to watch for the black helicopters at night because They are reading the population's emails. As soon as they come across his they will be there to get him. All communications need to be done in person and in code.


Keep the Christmas present. He won't be able to take it and his bullion with him to the island.

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As for the OP's relative, email him back and tell him to watch for the black helicopters at night because They are reading the population's emails. As soon as they come across his they will be there to get him. All communications need to be done in person and in code.





That is TOO priceless. I may just do that.:D

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Do we seriously all have the same BIL? :lol::lol:




My conspiracy relative is my brother. Thanksgiving was...uh...interesting. In his case I can see LOADS of things he could be working on and fixing in his day-to-day life and relationships. I think he obsesses about this other stuff to avoid dealing with the mundane.

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Just don't burn any bridges...you never know, all the crazies might be right and then you can remind your in law that you where nice and gave him a christmas present...now can I please come into the bunker??? :lol:


That's a good one. Definitely had me :lol::lol::lol: on that response. Honestly, I'm not near as far to crazy town as that BIL, but I at least have my foil hat on lately.


I'm watching for the helecopters too. ;)

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Um. . . .we got The. Letter. With no return address, but we knew bil's handwriting.


You know - can't send it by emaill, they're watching. Can't call you, they're wiretapping.


Basically outlines every conspiracy I've ever heard of. 911 was staged, we never landed on the moon, etc.


Have to say,it's sure never boring around here!!!

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I would probably tell him we ARE planning to take over the world... through toast.


And then move, so he couldn't find me.


ETA: Oh, ok, see, I should work on my literacy skills because I thought he was including in his rant the dollar value OF toast, not the value of the dollar IS toast. Well. Now he seems a little less crazy. (Not much, though.)



Oh, but we must not understimate the dangers of toast :eek:

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Um. . . .we got The. Letter. With no return address, but we knew bil's handwriting.


You know - can't send it by emaill, they're watching. Can't call you, they're wiretapping.


Basically outlines every conspiracy I've ever heard of. 911 was staged, we never landed on the moon, etc.


Have to say,it's sure never boring around here!!!




Hmmm...but he uses the US Postal Service for communication? :banghead: Tell him not to do it again, the stamp is embedded with a microchip to track his communications, and the glue has mind control substances in it. :leaving:


Also, return his Christmas gift and buy him a case of MRE's instead. It will be a good laugh for those who think he's a loon and something he can use to restock his Y2K bunker. :biggrinjester:

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