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What are you doing w/teens and ya today?


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Our Easter is obviously very different this year, usually the day is filled with Church and family gathering at my mom's house. I tried to plan a few things to do today with our kids all home, but I think nobody is feeling it today. We had our traditional big breakfast, did a reading of the appropriate scriptures and discussed (which went really well) and now my dh is out hiding eggs (another yearly tradition, even for the olders) but everyone is just kind of blah. It just feels like yesterday, and the day before, and the day before. I even started a load of laundry, not thinking! We also planned our first Easter dinner at home, which will be later, but I don't think I planned enough "to do" today, so looking for suggestions or ideas to mark the day.


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Big breakfast.  Online Church.  We are dying eggs.  The little one will egg hunt but I made a scavenger hunt for the big girls. Than a zoom movie night with friends watching "Risen" which none of has seen but sounds kind of amazing.  It follows the Roman officer who is supposed to find the body.  

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So far - online church, breakfast, indoor egg hunt, call grandparents, and playing wii.  Lunch will be next.  If it stops raining, I will try to get them outside for a bit, otherwise more wii and possibly a movie.  They do schoolwork most of the day during the week and so are enjoying an unstructured day.

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Teens slept in. Made it up in time for the last part of online church. Did their egg hunt and are happy to have a lot of chocolate (we gave up sweets for Lent). I warned them that there will be a family pic today, one without masks, one with. You know, for posterity. Other than that they entertain themselves very well. We have a gorgeous sunny day which lifts everyone's spirits. I got my walk in at sunrise and everyone will get out sometime today (individually--we're a bunch of introverts).

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Sight and Sound Production of Jesus -- Free to Watch Online This Weekend

I highly recommend this production. If you don't have TBN as a channel on your television, you can watch this on the TBN website. It's an amazing production that is free for this weekend only. My four teens all loved it, and some of them are hard to please. It's a two hour show that focuses on Christ, so you can do something special as a family that is both entertainment and keeps the day focused on the Lord.

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We had a nice breakfast, kids got their baskets, worship in Zoom, called my mom, some hangbout time, big lunch. The rest of the day will be relaxed, entertain oneself sort of time. Dd is video calling with friends. Dh is playing piano. Ds is listening to an audiobook and building lego. I have been reading mostly and will probably take a nap. We might watch a movie or play a game tonight.

Steady rain all day here, so nothing happening outside.

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It’s a regular day here. Teen spent much of his day doing homework, DH and I cleaned up most of the limbs that fell in the yard from a storm a couple nights ago and have taken a couple walks in the neighbourhood, teen is now zwifting (indoor cycling on Zwift) before bingeing on Brooklyn 99 with dinner. He has a video game date with a friend tonight and DH and I are going to watch This is 40. Not any different than a non quarantine weekend day, honestly. 🙂 

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Watched church online, had a brunch/lunch with family over zoom, did a family egg hunt. The teen actually got into it more than the last few years. Not having lots of performance stuff was nice. It’s been a good Easter.

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Watched online church, listened to the Singing Bible CDs from their childhood, made resurrection rolls. We also spent quite a bit of time with a read aloud which we haven't done in several years. It was a special time. 

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We are not church goers so we didn't do that.   Kids took a 7 mile bike ride with dh, easter egg hunt, bonfire, nice lunch, dyed easter eggs, watching an Easter movie, and then we are doing a jelly bean hunt for our evening snack.   It was a fun day. Our normal Easter is with my Aunt who does it Huge for the kids.  This was nice enough that they were not crazy sad they were not there.   Certain kids like some things more than others so I am glad I did everything.  🙂

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Online church, Easter baskets with some favorite candy, indoor egg hunt, and then some of the traditional food. We colored eggs last night. Otherwise, it's just been another day. I texted my young adults, but none are doing anything special. I called my mom, but she just cried because she's always come here for Easter dinner. I took a nap. It's cold and gray here and we're expecting a storm.

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We normally have a large breakfast but we did things very differently this year.  We had a large lunch around 2, steak and mashed potatoes and salad.  Then we did a little organizing and one teen and I made brownies.  We worked on a puzzle on and off.  I napped.

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We had a nice Easter weekend.  I watched (with teen and dh in the room) the Easter Beagle Charlie Brown on Saturday.  We also dyed eggs on Saturday and built a fire in the chimnea and made s'mores.

On Easter Sunday, we did an egg hunt.  Dh grilled hot dogs and brats for lunch.  We watched church online.  Special Easter Oreos were eaten (pink and egg-shaped.  Who knew?).  I made enchiladas for dinner. 

It was a good weekend.

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Late to the suggestions, but one teen made an elaborate "egg" hunt for dh and I that included some wild puzzles. We had french toast casserole for brunch. We had a backyard fire and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows at the end of the day followed by board games. In the middle of the day, everyone did their own thing, watching TV and getting schoolwork done. But overall, it was a nice Easter. I was just proud of myself for having anything to put in baskets. I gave them each a certificate to choose the takeout meal of their choice while we're stuck here.

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