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What fun thing to bring back from England?

Chris in VA

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Dh travels a bit with the Archbishop. They will be in NY C in early October and I already know what I want dh to bring me from there. But now he's going to London and Coventry, later in November.  

I like throws and food! lol What should he bring me from England? I am not a knick-knack person. 

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Since he will be there near Christmas my first thoughts were mince pies and a Christmas pudding!

Tea.......I would just have him buy you some that looks good to him.  Lots of nice fruit infused on the shelves.  The grocery stores in general have expanded their choices.  I am boring and drink P and G so no great advice, Yorkshire tea is good too and not so widely available.

Edited by mumto2
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3 hours ago, Kareni said:

If you like chocolate, I'd suggest an assortment of candy bars.

In addition to shortbread, chocolate covered digestives and other biscuits.

Jam and/or marmalade.



Any special candy bars? I know English Mars bars are different than those in the U. S. 

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1 hour ago, Chris in VA said:

Any special candy bars? I know English Mars bars are different than those in the U. S. 

Crunchie bars are my weakness.  Dh loves Flakes.  Both are by Cadbury..........they sell boxes with mixes of different candy bars which are fun.  Cadbury Fingers are nice....lots of flavors and all are good.😉

You also might enjoy an assortment of McVites biscuits.  Dd is obsessive about Jaffa Cakes,  chocolate and orange flavored.  Digestives, Chocolare Covered Digestives, and  Hob Nobs (oat flavored.  

Scottish oat cakes might be an acquired taste but I like them.  Quite plain,  I like them when I don’t feel well.  Nairn’s is the brand I normally buy but if he see’s the kind that are sort of pie slice shaped they are the best.


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8 hours ago, mumto2 said:

mince pies

These were one of my first thoughts! Lingering among pastries for a moment, if I could, I'd bribe someone to bring me Eccles cakes. Lovely puff pastry and currants, and completely unavailable on this side of the Atlantic. Look in a bakery/confectioners shop, not in a grocery store.


8 hours ago, Kareni said:

candy bars

Bounty bars, like Mounds, or Cadbury Fruit and Nut were my favorites.

3 hours ago, mumto2 said:

oat cakes


I'm hungry now. 😋

Edited by Innisfree
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Now I want to go to England. I love all things English. It makes me nostalgic for when I used to live there. All of the things mentioned are great. I also love Crisps. Nobody does chocolate or crisps like the Brits, IMHO. Anything Cadbury's. They're all good. You really can't go wrong. Fortunately, where we live, we get quite a lot of it. Or maybe not, since I always need to lose weight!

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It's hard because so many things you can just order online now.

My mom went to England this summer and brought back a lot of traditional touristy stuff, but also some rocks from Brighton Beach (is this legal?  oh well) and the coolest thing, a set of sort of flowy gauze shirts; there are two layers, one printed and one solid, and they're very very loose fitting and soft.  they are tagless; she says she and her co-travelers got lost in London and ended up in [her description: "the Muslim ghetto"] an open market of some sort where they found these shirts and also gauze scarves and etc.  I can't find anything exactly like them on the internet so that is a win 🙂

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I can get most of these food items in my local grocery store in Ontario. What I REALLY miss from the Marks and Spencer store we had in Edmonton growing up is shrimp flavoured crisps. So yummy!   The dark chocolate McVivites oat biscuits are wonderful, too!

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My husband went to Harrods and bought me chocolates and a nice coffee mug.  He brought back a bunch of different candies the kids enjoyed trying.    He went to a book store and asked what children's  books are popular there and brought one home for our daughter.

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Foods I most miss (many of which don’t fit my current gfcf diet anyway): proper breakfast kippers (not little cans of “kipper” like I can get here); scones and clotted cream; good fish and chips; cucumber sandwiches; “mixed grill”; the best chocolate cake of my life—but it was one specific moment not a general thing; crisps.     Not sure if any of these other than crisps can travel successfully to where you are. 

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