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What subjects do you do


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Math, Phonics, Bible stories, and read alouds are my first priority.

We are using Galloping the Globe as a fun social studies - I arrange our read alouds around the subjects and we do arts and crafts related to the country we are studying.

Science is just gravy at this point for us- the kids really enjoy it and do beg to do it weekly. We are using library books to do several units for the year:seasons/weather, matter, body, animals, and space

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Calendar, Math, Poetry, Penmanship, Phonics, Reading (ds reading aloud for 5 min), Literature (read-alouds), Geography, Science, Spanish and Piano.


Oops.. I forgot Art. Dh has a great program going which incorporates an introduction to history and cultures. At the same time he's learning different forms of art.

Edited by sagira
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However the plan is something like:


Geography- world and Australia.

Picture books, photo books, jigsaw puzzles



Not to memorise anything, just for the fun of looking at the pictures



Math on the Level


If she's ready:

Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading

Building Foundation of Scientific Understanding

Artistic Pursuits

Handicrafts- basic weaving or something suitable for little fingers




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phonics - 100EZ, ETC

readers - Pathway reading and elson reader


Lots of read a louds

math - singapore early bird math A & B, Essential math A & B

Science - Child's play science, we also keep a science journal where we expand the concepts from the book and also write about field trips and other science readers.

Handwriting - now and then.

arts - we do whatever i can find and easy and cheap.

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This is my third (and last) year doing K and it is radically different from the first time I did it -- I guess I have learned my lesson.


With my youngest, we are doing informal math, handwriting and lots of readalouds. That's it. She is not ready for phonics and I have learned from past experience not to push it. She will be 6 in Jan. so I might step it up a bit regarding phonics, but for right now we are just focusing on math. We are not using a formal curriculum and we are enjoying ourselves so much doing math this way.

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Now that I have multiple children, my current Ker does reading/phonics, arithmetic, spelling (he asked for it), he does FLL, history, art and science with my 1st grader (but he thinks this is fun too). He's in the room when my 4th gr. son does Latin.


We do music as a family.


With my oldest, when he was in K, we just did reading/phonic, arithmetic, and read alouds.

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Math, but very, very simple


Reading, unless it's a huge struggle and then you can wait longer.


Fun science (books from library about animals, rocks, planets, etc.)


Fun world history (knights, egypt)


American history (based on the holidays as they come up)


Memorizing nursery rhymes


Bible stories


No Handwriting, ds wasn't ready and honestly, there are 13 years to learn it, so there wasn't a rush.



I used the library almost exclusively except for the reading and math. And he just wasn't ready for math or reading, so we ended up wasting a lot of time in tears. Now that it's first grade, it's fine that we ended up stopping math and reading because the 1st grade curr. that I got re-does all the k stuff, so he's not behind at all.


Advice: Keep this year lots of fun. If they don't get the math or reading this year you have PLENTY of time to work on it in 1st.

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Play, Play, Play, Play phonics, math, handwriting, and oh, did I mention Play? Now that my oldest is getting ready to start junior high I realize just how valuable being a kid is. They will have their whole lives to be responsible, learning adults. While they are little I believe that we should let them spend more time playing. I always say to myself when I am tempted to bring my little boy in from intently looking at a worm, to do history that, "Play is learning, history can wait."


Hope this helps. Enjoy your journey.



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When my oldest was in K we just did Math, Phonics, Read-Alouds. (I also had a 4 and 2.5 year old.)


Now that I have a 3rd, 2nd, K, (and 2 year old) it's a little different.


He is required to sit and listen for History, Science and Literature reading. If he wants to join in on activities that is his choice, and most of the time he does.


The only other thing that I require is Phonics and Math. We also have a time where I read picture books to him and little brother.

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Secular studies: reading (100 Easy Lessons), writing (Handwriting Without Tears), math (finished K Saxon, now doing Kindergarten B - LOVE it!), readalouds (reading the whole Little House series + non-fiction about the ocean), geography 1-2x/wk, studying deep ocean life (her choice), 1-2 art projects/wk + free art time every day, swimming lessons, music (I'm a "retired" music teacher, so I have two of my daughter's friends + my three other kids do a music class 1x/wk, just for free - great for daughter, great for her friends!)


Religious studies: tefillah (prayer), torah study, ethical studies, Hebrew (Migdalor for phonics; Rosetta Stone), halacha (Jewish law) and daily Jewish folk tale


I know it sounds like a lot, but the book learning only takes about 90 minutes/day. The rest is up and out of our seats. :)

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