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What expressions do you use that are no longer in vogue?


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4 hours ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

When dd16 has a bit of the PMS I've been known to say "what's your damage, Heather?!" but she's seen the movie so she gets it. :ph34r:


2 hours ago, DawnM said:


I loved that movie.   It fit with my twisted sense of humor.

My DD was Veronica for Halloween and she left her croquet mallet in the hallway.

It is still there and I just used it to kill a bug.

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37 minutes ago, Quill said:

Strangely enough, I still remember three important things from a speech improvement program I did in the early 90s. It cautioned against three thing:

1. Rising intonations (“uptalk”), especially if you are a lady. The program said it makes you sound childish and uncertain. 

2. Dropped finishing vocalizations. This happens when people sink breath support on the end of their vocalizations, so it is hard to hear or understand their last word or two. I still make a concerted effort not to do this when I am spelling my name or giving a phone number. Some people say, “Oh, my number is 867-5mumblemublesomething.” Or “My name is Jenny Frmumble.” 

3 Vocal fry. Thank God I learned not to do that before the Kardashians ruined the speech patterns of an entire generation of young women. That blonde haired lady who got divorced on Flip or Flop - Christina - I cannot stand her voice and it is because of the incessant vocal fry. 


I knew the Frmumbles. Great family!

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16 minutes ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

Okay, I googled it. I can’t tell the difference between vocal fry and what to me is Valley Girl speak/tone from the 80’s. Did they just rename it? 

No, but the Valley speak did use it. Its the gutteral growly vocalization. 


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1 hour ago, unsinkable said:

What expressions do you use that are no longer in vogue?

 "In vogue"



😂  See.....I KNEW IT!  I am so very outdated, even though I have 3 teens at home and work with teens all day.

I have to tell you, I had a student in my office today, she was upset about groups being rude to one another.  I started talking about cliques and she had no idea what that term meant! I had to explain it to her!


Edited by DawnM
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Just now, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

I can't believe no one has changed their screen name to Abcde after that thread. 

I love my screenname so very much. I can’t change it for even a day. What if some non-Quillian comes along and picks it while my guard is down?! No, that can never happen! I must stay Quill, especially since I cannot get an avi picture on there to save my life. At least I’m a Q, which not many people are. 

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1 hour ago, Quill said:

Strangely enough, I still remember three important things from a speech improvement program I did in the early 90s. It cautioned against three thing:

1. Rising intonations (“uptalk”), especially if you are a lady. The program said it makes you sound childish and uncertain. 

2. Dropped finishing vocalizations. This happens when people sink breath support on the end of their vocalizations, so it is hard to hear or understand their last word or two. I still make a concerted effort not to do this when I am spelling my name or giving a phone number. Some people say, “Oh, my number is 867-5mumblemublesomething.” Or “My name is Jenny Frmumble.” 

3 Vocal fry. Thank God I learned not to do that before the Kardashians ruined the speech patterns of an entire generation of young women. That blonde haired lady who got divorced on Flip or Flop - Christina - I cannot stand her voice and it is because of the incessant vocal fry. 

I didn't even know it had a name, but dropped finishing vocalizations are one of my biggest pet peeves! When people leave messages on our business voicemail, I swear that at least half of them mumble the last part of their name and/or the last few digits of their phone number. Why do so many people do this?? It's weird! I really appreciate those who communicate clearly all the way through the message.

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14 minutes ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

Well you have to stay Quill because without your picture I would be totally lost if you suddenly because Abcede. And yes- your name is too cool to abandon.

But someone else looking for a change should totally adopt it!!

You spelled Abcde's name wrong.



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1 hour ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

@AbcdeDooDah just liked my post! 🤣

This is absolute serendipity! How did we just get a brand new member called AbcdeDooDah??? This is totally incredible to me. Like, my mind is blown. 

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13 hours ago, Bluegoat said:

Yeah, I find it kind of odd when older people use teen expressions - especially when they do it a lot.  It seems like they are trying to seem cool, although I think some people are probably just inclined to pick up what they hear a lot.  My dd13 and her friends are always talking about things being "triggering" and I know I can annoy dh if I say that to him.

For myself, the only one I think of off the top of my head is "bugger me with a fishfork" - I am not sure where I picked that up - possibly from my grandfather who might have learned it in the navy - he had quite a few odd expressions.  Oh - actually, the other thing I say that he said was when he'd see a naked kid around the house - like running away from a diaper or getting changed - he'd say "Oh!  It's a brazen hussy!"  I thought it was something he'd made up when I was little.

I'm not sure if they were ever really popular though.

Oh, dear God, I'm dying laughing!

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I think it’s funny to consider that we sound to our kids the way our older parents sounded when we were kids. Like when your Uncle Bob would use words like “square” or “gee whiz”. Now that’s how we sound to our kids. They’re over there whispering, “Oh my gawd! My mom just asked if we’re ‘hooking up’ with the other ‘folks’!”

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9 minutes ago, DawnM said:

OH Unsinkable!  @unsinkable

Just for you:


Totally tangential musing here but, has anyone besides me ever thought about how much Madonna’s singing voice evolved in to a much more mature and sophisticated sound from her earliest hits? Her first hits had a very Cindi Lauper-esque tone; undeveloped, really, and very much a pop music tone. But her later hits had much better voice quality. Witness: 


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5 minutes ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

Yeah- it’s always surprising to me how high pitched she was when I hear those songs now. There is a certain mega star singer now days who reminds me of someone who just huffed helium before singing I can’t figure out the appeal of- I have to wonder if adults felt the same way about Madonna then. 

I also wonder what the hell any of the adults in my life and friends lives were thinking when they had zero problem with us listening to Madonna or most other pop stars back then. I Want Your Sex came on the 80’s station at the dentist while we were there with the little kids the other day and I almost died. 


I was so dumb as a kid, that stuff just went over my head for the most part.  Afternoon Delight?  I had no idea.  Undercover Angel?  Not a clue.

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3 minutes ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

Yeah- it’s always surprising to me how high pitched she was when I hear those songs now. There is a certain mega star singer now days who reminds me of someone who just huffed helium before singing I can’t figure out the appeal of- I have to wonder if adults felt the same way about Madonna then. 

I also wonder what the hell any of the adults in my life and friends lives were thinking when they had zero problem with us listening to Madonna or most other pop stars back then. I Want Your Sex came on the 80’s station at the dentist while we were there with the little kids the other day and I almost died. 

Soooo many dirty songs. Some covert (i.e., Safety Dance) some overt (i.e. Touch Me). I do remember AC/DC was on the “Satantic” blacklist at the private school I attended. Those lyrics were absolutely awful. In many cases they didn’t even make sense grammatically (i.e., She was a fast machine, she kept the motor clean, she was the best damn woman that I’ve ever seen, she had me circumsized, telling me no lies, knockin me out with those American thighs...) But that Back in Black album was some of the best rock of the decade. You can only play it loud, while driving in a car with the windows down at least. 

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14 minutes ago, Quill said:

Soooo many dirty songs. Some covert (i.e., Safety Dance) some overt (i.e. Touch Me). I do remember AC/DC was on the “Satantic” blacklist at the private school I attended. Those lyrics were absolutely awful. In many cases they didn’t even make sense grammatically (i.e., She was a fast machine, she kept the motor clean, she was the best damn woman that I’ve ever seen, she had me circumsized, telling me no lies, knockin me out with those American thighs...) But that Back in Black album was some of the best rock of the decade. You can only play it loud, while driving in a car with the windows down at least. 


Ok, I am still dumb.  I had no idea what safety dance was about!  I had to look it up!

Quite sure my uber conservative missionary kid boarding school would NOT have let us play that in our student center had they known......but clearly I still didn't even know.  


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Just to be clear, I was smart enough to figure out some songs, you know, like:


Let's Go To Bed

Nasty Girl

Take Your Time (Do It Right)

Sexual Healing

Super Freak

Dim All The Lights


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We tend to use a lot of older expressions in our family.  I think we started out using them because they just seemed fun, but now they seem normal.

Gee whiz

Okie doke


Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Will do, mildew.

It's a plan, Stan.




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2 hours ago, Quill said:

Soooo many dirty songs. Some covert (i.e., Safety Dance) some overt (i.e. Touch Me). I do remember AC/DC was on the “Satantic” blacklist at the private school I attended. Those lyrics were absolutely awful. In many cases they didn’t even make sense grammatically (i.e., She was a fast machine, she kept the motor clean, she was the best damn woman that I’ve ever seen, she had me circumsized, telling me no lies, knockin me out with those American thighs...) But that Back in Black album was some of the best rock of the decade. You can only play it loud, while driving in a car with the windows down at least. 

She did NOT have him circumcised. 🤣 She had sightless eyes. 

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When I feel that anyone is trying to pull a fast one on me, outsmart me etc, I use: "I am no spring chicken and I was not born yesterday!" - apparently, nobody I know uses this phrase and most of them have not heard it used, though my son told me not to worry because he had read that phrase in the book Charlotte's web and he knew what it meant!

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5 hours ago, J-rap said:

We tend to use a lot of older expressions in our family.  I think we started out using them because they just seemed fun, but now they seem normal.

Gee whiz

Okie doke


Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Will do, mildew.

It's a plan, Stan.





My middle son was a senior last year and on the Improv team.  They did an Improv thing where they would say something and then end with "put that in your pipe and smoke it" and then the next person would go based on what that person had said.  I don't remember all the rules on that one exactly, but I remember thinking that was an interesting phrase to use.

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18 hours ago, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

...I also wonder what the hell any of the adults in my life and friends lives were thinking when they had zero problem with us listening to Madonna or most other pop stars back then. I Want Your Sex came on the 80’s station at the dentist while we were there with the little kids the other day and I almost died. 


I know why!     They'd remember their parents giving them tons of grief over music and they swore they wouldn't do it themselves.  

I remember once reading in my bedroom and listening to the radio, "Relax don't do it" was on and Dad listened to it.  So embarrassing, I remember my foot was bobbing to the beat.   My dad said something about the music rotting my mind.  My response was, "The Beatles were clean-cut boys before your guy introduced them to drugs."    He went away.   

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On 12/7/2018 at 11:01 AM, Jean in Newcastle said:

I play with language all the time. So I say all kinds of things from past to present. I say them with a smile and I have never known someone to not know that I am playing.   Teens especially like ones like “heebie jeebies” and “the cat’s pajamas”.

When I first started teaching public school high school many years ago the kids were giving me “ current slang lessons “. We had a blast. (I guess having a blast is slang...). Now dd keeps me current. I use current slang ironically. I think that makes me a hipster. 😉


Your approach sounds similar to mine. I use a ton of "out-dated" slang, including a number of expressions that were considered passé before I was born. "Cool" and "awesome" are holdovers from my own youth that I can't seem to shake, but I also regularly use "cool beans" and "awesome sauce" and "bee's knees" and "copacetic" and "groovy" and "okey dokey" . . . 

I like language and playing with words.

I do my best to avoid picking up too much current slang, since I don't want to come across as one of those desperate middle-aged folks trying to stay current. However, I have young adult kids who do talk to me pretty regularly, and I work with a lot of younger people, so a certain amount of bleed-through is inevitable. In general, I try to spin all slang with the same slightly self-aware wry tone so that listeners understand I am not trying to be taken seriously.

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Right-O. I definitely don't care if the stuff I'm saying is out of date. What-evah, it's my language. Dude, I know of NO current slang. We make up a lot of words at our house and they are da-bomb! (Daddio & I refer to this heinous city we often drive to as, "The 'Twa." Bummer for you if you try to figure out which city it is because there is no part of that word that matches the name of the city except that it also ends with an /ah/ sound.) 

Don't have a cow. I'm just a goober.


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