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I just don't get the point of them. Why do those of you who blog....well....why do you blog? Do you do it so that family members can keep up to date on your family or do you do it so that perfect strangers can take a look into your lives? It just seems kind of weird to me. I have to admit that if I were to read someone's blog, I'm not sure I'd believe all of what they say! It just seems weird that people would put their entire lives out there for other people to read about. Whatever happened to good ole fashioned letter writing and phone calls? I'm not trying to be rude, I'm really not, I just don't get the point.

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I just started a blog a couple of months ago. For me, it is just a journal with pictures. It is primarily for my daughter's school and activities. The only readers are friends of mine (in real life) who also homeschool and grandparents. Both grandparents really like to look and see what she is up to. They really love the pictures. I am hoping at the end of the year, I can look back at some of our projects and have a good summary of our year. (I also keep paper copies). I was very surprised how simple a blog is to maintain.




ETA: It is not that I don't talk to my friends and parents every week, but sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. I can tell them about what we did on the phone, but they can look at the blog and see the art project, narration, handwriting sample or whatever. It would be cost prohibitive to make photos every week, print out and send to grandparents. My blog is fairly personal and very few people have the address.

Edited by Paula in MS
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I blog so that I do not have to talk to my mother about homeschooling. Any questions? Go read the blog. My friends like to see the photos of what we have been doing. As for strangers reading my blog, well, if I can inspire someone with what we are doing then that is great.

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I honestly don't care if anyone reads my blog. Mine has basically become a photo journal for my family to see. I used to have more musings (for lack of a better word) on my blog, but I ran out of musings! :-) I will still occassionally write about a book I read or something that I have been thinking about, but I pretty much just post pictures for family and friends now. Nothing exciting. I keep a school blog as a photorecord of projects we have done with Tapestry of Grace stuff. I enjoy reading various blogs where people share their thoughts, their lives, their books, their pictures, etc... In terms of believing what you read, I can honestly say that what you see on my blog is the real me. What you see, is what you get. I am a very transparent person, I have a good life and I think that is what you see on my blog. No secrets here.

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Why do those of you who blog....well....why do you blog?


Some long-distance friends and I started our photo blogs as a project. The goal was to share a photo throughout the year (2007) as a means of journaling our lives. Until then, I had no interest in blogging, and I also knew nothing about digital cameras. The project was just a way to expand my horizons ~ and to stay (better) connected with those friends. Even after the year ended, I realized I did enjoy sharing photos on there, though I don't do so as regularly anymore.


Do you do it so that family members can keep up to date on your family


No, although they're welcome to look at it if they'd like to.


or do you do it so that perfect strangers can take a look into your lives?


I don't know any perfect people, strangers or otherwise.;)


It just seems kind of weird to me...It just seems weird that people would put their entire lives out there for other people to read about.


I understand what you're saying, but isn't it equally weird to post here? For example, in another post you shared some nice things about your daughter. Why share that with "perfect strangers"?:)


Whatever happened to good ole fashioned letter writing and phone calls?


Who's to say people who blog don't also write letters and make phone calls? Although I admit I don't do a great deal of either. My letter writing is limited primarily because of my lifestyle now ~ busy with children ~ not because of blogging. And I've never been one who particularly enjoys talking on the phone for any length of time.


I have to admit that if I were to read someone's blog, I'm not sure I'd believe all of what they say!


That's certainly your perogative ~ just like you may not believe all of what people say on this board. As anyone who knows me ~ either in person or via "cyber-space" ~ I am very honest about the ups and downs in my life. I think that's pretty evident from what I share here. My photo blog has also revealed some "gritty" aspects to my life, but for the most part, I like it to just be a place where I share nice pictures. I wouldn't want to blog regularly and extensively about my life because for me, it would feel like navel-gazing.

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I'm documenting our homeschooling life. You won't see what dinner I've burned or the latest argument I've had with my _________. You won't read too much about my political views or about anything else other than what our homeschool is like. My thoughts as a homeschooling parent about teaching, learning and growing with my kids. I'm as real as the day is long.


Other hs blogs helped me when I started exploring hs and I started one b/c I was in a rural area without much hsling support. The online hsling/blogging community was my support group. Now it is my digital scrapbook, it has been a blessing in many ways through people I've met and learned from and sharing experiences with other parents and children. My dd8 has a few other children that 'check in' with each other to see what/how each other is doing.

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My family is so far flung and they all work such crazy hours that having a blog has been great. Everyone can keep up with what we are doing and I don't have to try and reach them at different times. I felt a little weird at first starting a blog, but I got such great feedback from the the fam that I have become quite bold and post quite a bit about the kids, school and life.

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I would never blog, just like I don't keep a journal, but I'm tremendously glad other folks do. A good blog inspires me, usually with homeschooling ideas or books/products. Some of the blogs I read are so artistic, so beautiful to look at, I have to believe that it's a creative outlet for people as well as a way to share news with family members.


I don't find it at all mystifying that people like to blog, just like I'm not surprised that some people like to draw or to write books. :001_smile:

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I've had a blog for almost a year. I write my blog for many reasons...


I've never been successful at keeping a journal for more than a few days, couple of weeks at the most. So, my blog is an online journal of memories and thoughts. I can look back on homeschool projects and things we've done as a family. I can also find things I may want to remember without having to find where I lost that piece of paper or notebook again...like recipes.


My blog is also a place where the extended family can catch up on what we are doing if they wish. Otherwise, they probably wouldn't get any news from us because our families are very dysfunctional so we maintain only limited contact.


It is also a place to interact with the online community. I've learned and benefited a great deal from other people's blogs. I've also received many thank you comments for sharing things that have been helpful to others. In the process, I've gotten to know a few people that I think it would be neat to meet in person some day. Relationships are sometimes built through blogs just like here on the forum.


Finally, my blog makes me a small amount of money. I've only been running a small unobtrusive ad on my right sidebar for a few months now but my monthly revenue has been slowly but steadily growing as the number of visits to my blog grows.


Sometimes, when I'm looking for information on something, I'll to a google blog search instead of a regular search because I get better information from blogs. Reviews of books, movies, and curriculum are good things to do a blog search on rather than a regular google search.

Edited by joannqn
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My blog helps me....


Keep family and friends updated on our lives. My mother, sisters and friends have all told me how much they enjoy seeing our lives.


Share pictures with family and friends.


Keep track of school projects. I print the school-related posts.


Keep track of links. Many a time I've searched my blog for a link to a site I'd forgotten.


Remember how wonderful my life is. I'm always truthful on my blog, but I don't (usually) write about when the cat barfed or my argument with dh or what I made for breakfast. I highlight the wonderful. When I am feeling especially blue, I look at my blog posts tagged "This Wonderful Life" and they help me to re-focus on the big picture.



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I blog so our family, who all live far away, can see what we're up to. I don't update it as often as I should, but I try. Occasionally I have something thoughtful to say, but I have to be careful because I don't often choose to share my thoughts with, say, my inlaws. I had to decide on a purpose, though, and as much as I would like to have something as wonderful as Trivium Academy's blog, I just write stories about my cute kids and post pictures. :D

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I don't blog...but I love blogs and I see how they can be many things...cathartic, a way to share with family and relatives your daily goings on while being far away, creating a sense of accountability, a creative writing outlet or just plain creative outlat, a personal inspiration, or a chance to inspire others, an outloud journal, a memory book (in e-form) of your days gone by, a "ministry" of sorts to other homeschool educators...I know when I started out I would grab a cup of tea and read blogs for ideas, inspiration and even laughs:) I sometimes I wonder why I don't do it???lol:lol:

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We're a military family and blogging helps to keep us in touch with our families. For many years, my grandmother and my MIL kept the aunts, uncles, and cousins updated on us. We'd write two letters, knowing that everyone would see them during a visit or hear about them during a phone call. But both of those wonderful women passed several years ago and staying in touch is much harder.


With a blog, we can keep our friends and families updated on our moves, on our kids and on when we'll be in their neck of the woods. They get to see more pictures of our kids and hear about the little happenings in our lives and not just the big ones. And I always know when I've let too much time go between posts - I get a bunch of emails asking how we're doing.:)

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I blog to keep a journal with pictures for myself and kids, mostly. Also to keep our family, many of whom live on the other side of the country from us, informed of our major life events and to see pictures of the kids without my having to copy them and mail them (costs less than postage).


It doesn't really matter to me if anyone reads my blog. I enjoy journalling and happen to find it easier to do it on the computer so I can include photos.

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We're a military family and blogging helps to keep us in touch with our families.



This is my main reason for blogging. Many of my family want to see what's going on with the kids and I just don't have time to write 40 letters so everyone can find out. This way I also have a journal of our homeschooling journey.

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My parents travel a lot and even when they aren't away we don't always remember to tell them all about school or things we are working on - so I blog. My blog is about showing photos and sharing stories with family & friends.


Initially I did do some homeschool reports and curriculum reviews and played to more of the homeschool audience but then I realized it just wasn't for me and I took it back to it's original purpose of being a family blog. I found it wasn't worth the time and effort and that I preferred doing a "family blog". Occasionally I share the link when I comment on others' blogs because it gives a bit more info about me and I think makes me less of a "random blog stalker" (lol).

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It's kind of a creative outlet for me. I don't scrapbook, knit, paint, draw, etc. DH wishes that I wouldn't cook. So I blog.


It's been fun, as well as resourceful. I don't really know any other homeschoolers in person, so it's been a great way to connect with some very nice people.


Finally, I'll go on a bit more about a topic on my blog than I would here -- I figure that it's my own little corner of cyber-space, so I can yammer on a little more or wander off onto some weird topic.


When I started, I felt like one of 60 million people yelling from their windows to anyone who might pass by. Maybe I still am. But a few pop by now and then to hear what I'm going on about, so it's working out, I guess!

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Honestly, if you don't like reading other people's blogs, just don't do it, ya know? There are so many things out there that don't have to be for you. I don't play online games against other people, but I don't think too much about people who do or why they do. I don't knit, and I don't really think to ask others why they do.


Different strokes for different folks is the way I see it. There are certain blogs I frequent b/c I love the card/scrapbooking inspiration or the homeschooling inspiration.


I like keeping a blog b/c it keeps my fave websites and resource all on one page. This makes it easy to share with others. My boys also feel so honored when I post something on my blog that they created. I do know that strangers have come across my blog when searching for homeschooling info, and I hope that my blog has helped them in some way.


Just the other day, a man who works with the Scrambled States of America publishing company happened upon my blog, saw pictures my son had made of the book, emailed the blog to the author, and now my son has an email by the author of one of his favorite books. It made his day!

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Honestly, if you don't like reading other people's blogs, just don't do it, ya know? There are so many things out there that don't have to be for you. I don't play online games against other people, but I don't think too much about people who do or why they do. I don't knit, and I don't really think to ask others why they do.


Different strokes for different folks is the way I see it. There are certain blogs I frequent b/c I love the card/scrapbooking inspiration or the homeschooling inspiration.


I like keeping a blog b/c it keeps my fave websites and resource all on one page. This makes it easy to share with others. My boys also feel so honored when I post something on my blog that they created. I do know that strangers have come across my blog when searching for homeschooling info, and I hope that my blog has helped them in some way.


Just the other day, a man who works with the Scrambled States of America publishing company happened upon my blog, saw pictures my son had made of the book, emailed the blog to the author, and now my son has an email by the author of one of his favorite books. It made his day!


:iagree: If you don't enjoy reading others' blogs, you probably won't enjoy blogging. Find another outlet that better suits your personality.


I love my blog. I'm in the process of moving it from one place to another and I'm enjoying reliving our past three years. I would have forgotten so much if I hadn't blogged about it. But, I enjoy writing. I don't really care what other people think about my blog. It's just a fun part of my life, not a chore. If it felt like a chore, I wouldn't do it.

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When I actually update mine, it is typically for the kids father to have an idea what is going on. He hasn't seen the kids in 7 years but still likes to know how they are, so this is a way to share that. Plus my family is against homeschooling so this gives them a chance to see a sampling of what we are doing and realize we are not jsut sitting around watching tv all day, the children are getting an education. I also like to connect with other homeschoolers through it, but mainly it is for the above 2 reasons. My biggest problem is remembering to actually create a new blog post. I always intend to on Fridays but often simply forget.

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I was inspired by Dy's blog at Classical Adventures (which I can't seem to navigate to anymore) and Jill's Crib Chick, and MFS at Mental Multivitamin. I quickly realized I can't spin an interesting blog post and I wasn't even trying to live up to them. :D So I decided to share some of my public domain stuff, I was retyping a lot of it for my boys anyway, and that led to blogging about Tapestry of Grace. I simply do it to help others, I figure why not share things I've pulled together for my homeschool, I like it when I come across things like that on other blogs.

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I was inspired by Dy's blog at Classical Adventures (which I can't seem to navigate to anymore) and Jill's Crib Chick, and MFS at Mental Multivitamin. I quickly realized I can't spin an interesting blog post and I wasn't even trying to live up to them. :D So I decided to share some of my public domain stuff, I was retyping a lot of it for my boys anyway, and that led to blogging about Tapestry of Grace. I simply do it to help others, I figure why not share things I've pulled together for my homeschool, I like it when I come across things like that on other blogs.


I find your blog so inspiring and full of wonderful well thought through resources. It is great to have someone think altruistically and share so much work for free. Thank you to all the bloggers I enjoy!

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I blog to clear my head. I have a hard time organizing my thoughts when speaking, so I usually say either not enough or way too much. As I go through my day I think of things that I would like to tell someone, but I don't always have the right person to tell.


Those are the things that go into my blog. I knew that some of my family members would read it, and it has been nice to have that contact with them. But I have other readers who have found my blog in their travels, and it's just fun to know others are reading. I think maybe most of us bloggers/blog-readers are shy yet nosy people...that's ME, anyway. :D

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I started mine for my parents. So far they have looked at it 2 or 3 times. Sigh. It sort of surprises me, since Mom took to email like a duck to water -- she was always big on writing letters on a regular basis, and has transferred all of that writing to email. But looking at a blog? Nope, not on her radar.


In the meantime, it helps me keep track of what we've done. I write down the school stuff in a record book, but the blog gives it personality. Plus I write about all of our craft projects and home improvements.


If I didn't blog about this stuff I wouldn't have a sense of how much we actually accomplish.


I also hope to use it to weasel out of writing Christmas letters. I don't do the long photocopied letter thing -- I always handwrite long personal letters. This year I'm having visions of: "Merry Christmas. If you want to know what we've been up to, check out our blog."

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I might some day add a homeschool blog- but I don't seem to take many pictures of what we are doing so I haven't don that yet.


Having a blog is what reminds me to take pictures. If I didn't have a blog, I wouldn't think of pictures. Now, it's more like, "Oh, this would be great to post on the blog. Stop! Wait! Don't move while I get the camera."

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Having a blog is what reminds me to take pictures. If I didn't have a blog, I wouldn't think of pictures. Now, it's more like, "Oh, this would be great to post on the blog. Stop! Wait! Don't move while I get the camera."


As I mentioned, my blog is primarily a place to share pictures. I primarily take photos of the natural world around me, and my family's place within that world. When I started the 365 project (described in another post), I became more visually attuned to my surroundings ~ and remembered more often to capture those surroundings with pictures.

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