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So proud of dh!


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Thank you, ladies, so much for celebrating with me! 

The ladies at the testing center were telling dh that he had the highest math and essay score they've seen. Now, this is CC and this test is people going back to school but nonetheless, he did great.  I think his writing still needs work and he's going to have to work on his Math to make sure his foundation is strong before being dropped into Calc but it is a great confidence boost. He is highly motivated and working hard to succeed. He's been studying like crazy.

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YAY! This is an example of how internalized messages reach well into adulthood. I am so glad to hear he had the courage to take the tests AND found out that he can place high. His whole self-image may be changing - for the positive. It's great you were able to work with him on the writing portion and he practically aced it. I work with people who often have such negative messages running through their heads and It takes some time to "rewrite the hard drive."

I am rejoicing and celebrating with you both!!!  [Insert Balloon Smileys]

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He told his Mom that he did really well on the other tests but didn't pass the writing. The only thing she said was you should ask your sister to help you with the essays. (Nevermind that I did WAY better in HS and College- she's a PS teacher (1st grade) but whatever) Seriously. No congrats on how well he did on the other. I don't understand her. I mentioned that ds did really well on his placement tests for school and she literally just stood there in silence, it was just her and I, she heard me and just utterly ignored it.

Dh has so much resentment issues over all of that. Our son will never suffer from low expectations because thinking your kid isn't smart enough to do something is horrible. Be careful of judging your kids as not cut out for academics. He needed some help and some encouragement and would have been well served by being red-shirted. Crazy enough to me, dh's sister is the same w/ academics, she seems to care less how her children do, and she's a teacher. She and her dh are WAY into sports and continually poo-poo academics. She has no involvement in what they do in school and makes fun of people that want their kids in honors classes. My mind doesn't grasp this. They spend a ton of extra time and money on sports because school sports aren't enough for them, they need travel sports too but no extra time and money on academics.


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17 hours ago, soror said:

Dh had to take a placement test for college. He did horrible in school and only took a few classes in college, and pretty much failed all of those too. He was bright but a late bloomer(and young for his grade), watching my son I think he is bright w/ some difficulties with writing. His parents never expected much or encouraged, so he's had this stuck in his head that he's not very smart. Well, he needed to place into Calculus- he only ever took Algebra 25 yrs ago, he scored into Trig, just 8 points shy of a score high enough for Calc. His score on Reading and math were high enough to get him a request to join the Honor's program. He totally bombed his writing, like his son that is his weakest subject and he didn't realize he would have to write an essay(the practice test was multiple choice) and totally messed up. So, I worked with him and he wrote essay after essay and retook the test today and made a 7 out of 8! Now, he just has to retake the math portion of the test to get into Calculus, which I have no doubt he will be able to do easily. He's so proud and I'm so happy for him to get some external validation. This is a huge step for him to have the guts to go back to school, to finally have the courage and confidence- I think his dad's passing was an impetus that life is short, he should just go for it. Who knows where this will lead but I think this a great thing for him and even better that his job is paying for nearly all of it (and he should get aid for the remainder).


I wanted to make a comment about the writing.  It sounds like your DH took the WritePlacer, which is graded by a computer.   My son didn't do well on this, either, and I kind of freaked out and afterwards did some research and learned it was graded by a computer.  (I didn't know that before he took the test.) I'm mostly writing this for others who might be taking this writing test for community college placement, but from what I researched, length matters, and using key words like "consequently," "as a result of," etc.  I think my son was supposed to write between 300-600 words, and he barely wrote 400, and that did not help him.   

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Very exciting! So sweet to get that validation. 

If you can spare $20/month, I highly recommend ALEKS to fill gaps and build a stronger math foundation. You choose a course, say Prep for Calculus, and it gives you an assessment. You then know what you have mastered and what you still need to learn, and you don't have to redo the stuff you mastered (so saves times over using a text to review, I for one am a horrible judge of what I have mastered vs what I kind of remember). You can choose what topics you want to work on each day based on a list of things you are ready to learn, you can spend as much or as little time as you want on each session, and you just sign in and get started. It will periodically give you a new assessment. They do usually have a free 48-hour trial. 

Congrats to him!


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