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Well-Trained Bodies- April Edition


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Do workouts count when you can't post them ? 

How did everyone do in our hiatus?

Keeping on, keeping on here.

Getting ready to leave for my am workout w/ my mom, we're hitting legs hard this am.

I weighed yesterday and drumroll please....I lost 6.4 lbs last month, I exceeded my goal by 1.4! 

I was soooo excited! The way my clothes were fitting I thought I must be around there. My loosefitting pants now require a belt or they won't stay on at all. 

I bought a 2 new workout shirts and a new t-shirt as a celebration. I'd like to find a new pair of shorts too, I hardly have any.

Everything is still going pretty smoothly, although I've had some days I've needed to eat more. If I truly feel hungry I eat more and obviously I'm not overeating still.

Today I'm going to get my thyroid and hormone bloodwork done, we've not done it since my last increase, I'm determined to keep an eye on it. I think my levels are decent although I feel like I might still need a bit more thyroid meds, we'll see what the labs say.


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13 minutes ago, bzymom said:

Congratulations!!  That is amazing!!    

What eating plan/diet plan are you using?  I am dipping in and out of my "PLAN" to lose weight and get in better shape, so you are inspiring me!


Aww, thanks.

I call it the "me" plan, foods that make me feel good. The thing is with any diet/woe if it is not something you can stick with for life you'll eventually give up. So my focus was on foods that are good for me and I enjoy and watching portion sizes- with my thyroid going wonky and years of pregnancy and nursing my appetite has been a rollercoaster so I decided tracking wouldn't be a bad idea to get a feel for how much I really need and really getting a good feel for when I was actually hungry vs. just wanting to eat. For me it was mostly figuring out portions and my appetite and making sure I really take the time to cook good food, we generally eat pretty good but you know when moms get busy things can start to slide.

So lots of fresh unprocessed foods, as much veggies and fruits as I can manage. The extra fiber helps with fullness and veggies just make me feel good.

A basic whole food diet although lower on the carb scale than some but not a true low carb diet (I don't feel the best low carb). I eat minimal grains but I do eat them(had hard shell tacos last night :) ). I don't eat dairy, except butter and strictly avoid gluten(Celiac's) but I think different foods work for different people. IMO it is more important to eat real foods, keep your blood sugar levels stabilized, and eat foods that make you feel good and not hungry an hour later or wanting you to binge. I journal everything I eat and measure food and stick to around 1600 calories a day. But I'm not crazy about it, I had fried fish at my parents for EAster- I googled how much calories were in a serving and went with it (woah that was a lot higher calorie then I thought it would be!). 


Best wishes on finding something that works for you!

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Thank you for the info.  I have to get back to tracking and back to exercising, so I think I will just start there are see how it evolves.  I agree that it is about finding the foods that work for you.  I have not done that successfully, but I also have been easily discouraged.


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4 hours ago, bzymom said:

Thank you for the info.  I have to get back to tracking and back to exercising, so I think I will just start there are see how it evolves.  I agree that it is about finding the foods that work for you.  I have not done that successfully, but I also have been easily discouraged.


Good luck! The act of tracking alone (in what way that works for you) tracking what matters to you changes your habits. Slow and steady, so much of it is mental. I had finally decided I might not make it down where I had wanted and now it has been easier than it has in ages. I think for one counting helps to keep my eating stable so I don't ever end up too hungry and then overeating, sometimes we think we eat more than we have or less. I also don't skip meals, some people do well with fasting but I'm ot one of them at this point. So much is n=1, try this and that, see how you feel and how it works.

blood draw and gym done:

My upper back and shoulders started hurting me. I don't know if it is something I did or if I slept funny. Benchpress and back squats are planned for tonight but we'll see how it feels. 

I can :

squat and T-bar row 10# over half my weight

bench half my weight

deadlift my weight

shoulder press 3# less than 1/3rd my weight 

I'm anxious to see what I add this month on lifts, I'm aiming for 1.5 bodyweight deadlift and 1x squat and benchpress.

Mom wanted to do more then we have been but they have limited weights there so we are playing around with some different moves. I tried 1 legged squats and deadlifts w/ her but she can't do them at all, her ankle needs to build up more strength. But my one 1-legged squats are coming along must be the weightlifting!

100 air squats

3set inverted rows 

2 set push-ups- incline

3set step-ups w/ 20# and 30# - first time doing these I need more weight or to step higher it was pretty easy

3 sets dumbbell deadlifts- no barbells here, not sure what to think about this one- they just don't have enough weights.

1 set good mornings 20#- 15

2x15 lunges



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Congrats on the weight loss, soror!

I log all my exercise in a journal, so mine definitely counted! :) I had to switch more to home exercise (strength and stationary bike) since my coach is in Italy for almost two weeks. I made quite a bit of progress on my pushups, where I am up to 7 with proper form, chest to ground, and forearms perpendicular to the floor. I still can't do a proper pull up though. I've also noticed improvement in my cardio abilities.  I didn't notice much improvement in my fencing, and I am less than three weeks from a major competition. With the coach traveling, and us taking the week before the competition to explore Washington, it is not looking good.  Oh well. I do what I can.

I also lost about 3 lbs in April, and another inch off my waist, which is good on one hand. On  the other, I need a new fencing uniform. I mean, I can fence in this one, but it hangs off me and catches blade much easier than it should. I tried my DD's jacket and it actually fits me now, and it is 2 sizes smaller.

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I hit "goal" at Weight Watchers, which puts me down 24.5 lbs since I joined in December. Yay! I can button all my pants now, and those "too small, maybe-they-shrunk" sweaters were actually a fine size as long as I weigh as much as I do now.

I've also been diligent about doing Barre3 workouts 3-4 times per week, and even got to do one in person while traveling, but I took last week off (too much travel and hubbub) and started again yesterday.

BUT I did something to my back yesterday afternoon while lifting a box of books (maybe you can own too many books...). I'm heating and stretching and rolling my hamstrings/glutes. It seems to be helping a lot, but I may need to slowly ramp back up for exercise. I may focus more on walking this week.


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22 minutes ago, EmilyGF said:

I hit "goal" at Weight Watchers, which puts me down 24.5 lbs since I joined in December. Yay! I can button all my pants now, and those "too small, maybe-they-shrunk" sweaters were actually a fine size as long as I weigh as much as I do now.

I've also been diligent about doing Barre3 workouts 3-4 times per week, and even got to do one in person while traveling, but I took last week off (too much travel and hubbub) and started again yesterday.

BUT I did something to my back yesterday afternoon while lifting a box of books (maybe you can own too many books...). I'm heating and stretching and rolling my hamstrings/glutes. It seems to be helping a lot, but I may need to slowly ramp back up for exercise. I may focus more on walking this week.


I am considering Weight Watchers as my next step if I cannot manage this on my own.  I have never had a weight issue before, so it has really snuck up on me.

I did stop and try on a couple of things at one of my favorite stores this morning.  : (  Realizing nothing I  like to wear looks comfortable and appropriate on me is very motivating.


You are all kicking my butt in the exercise department!  

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Congrats Emily!!!! That is awesome! When you get to goal don't you get special privileges? 

I was lol'ing at your clothing description. I put on a tshirt the other day I hadn't been wearing b/c it was getting smallish, what do you know it is bigger now :) (hugs) hope your back is better soon.


Olga, good for you, that is awesome on the push-ups, I've been working on my form lately and I can't do that many strict like that. Totally awesome about the weight and fitting into your daughter's outfit, sounds like you need to go shopping.

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Love reading your updates and about your health journeys!! Glad to be joining you all too. 

Background: I'm about 30 lbs. overweight. I'm short and those 30 pounds make a huge difference in my clothing sizes and body shape. I have a decent metabolism but was eating sooo many calories a day! Tracking with My Fitness Plan helped me see that with just drinks and nightly dessert, I was getting at least a thousand calories a day from non-main meal foods. Crazy.  I've decided to lose weight and get healthier by counting calories and trying to get in an exercise habit.

Weight: I've lost 3.9 pound since starting to lose a few week ago.

Food: I'm allowing 1000 calories a day but add in all my exercise calories back in, which comes to 1100 to 1400 calories a day, give or take. I know that's low, but I am not hungry at all, am eating enough calories to not mess with my metabolism, and I'm impatient.  :) I'll up calories if it's affecting my energy or causing me to binge or what not, but so far, so good. Still I can't wait until I get to maintenance calories. Yay!  I don't have a set 4 small meals a day plan or anything. I'm not a breakfast eater, so that's light. I might have a larger lunch and dinner with no snacks or do snacks and less calorie lunches and dinner.  I am trying to do a protein shake after my exercise though because I think that helps with my fibro pain. Yesterday I had 1083 calories since I only did a slow 1 mile nature walk with all the kids:

B- 2 cups of coconut water, 1 apple, 2 Tbsp almond butter

L- 2 ground beef and black bean tacos (soft, not fried tortillas)

Snack- almond milk and rice protein powder drink after my excercise

D- chicken breast, sweet potato, broccoli and cauliflower steamed

Bedtime snack- 1 tangerine and 1 ounce of summer sausage

Exercise: I'm just walking right now on a treadmill or outside. I have fibro and a bunch of other health probs and light exercise it about all I can manage. I joined Planet Fitness and love it. Only $20ish a month, they're open 24 hours, nice atmosphere. I especially love treating myself to the hydro massage chair and regular massage chair after workouts. They really work my muscles and it's a nice reward to look forward to after walking.  

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I had been doing reasonably well.  But then I had to stop exercising, and I got fat again.  :/  Easter did not help matters.

Gonna get back on the right path.  This week my daughter is supposed to do some conditioning at home for track, and I am doing a modified (old lady) version alongside of her.  Never give up!

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My Garmin watch tracks everything so it counts for sure, even if I didn’t post it here. ;)

Week 4 of half marathon training started today. Managed 5 miles on the treadmill with only a moderate amount of boredom. Sure beat running in the cold rain.

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Soo good to see you again mamaraby! Glad to hear training is going well. 

I did not make it the gym last night, TKD ended up cancelled(I work out while the kids do that) b/c of heavy storms and possible tornados. The kids and I did some walking in the afternoon before the weather turned.

hoping to do a little walking this afternoon too, it is cooler but the sun is shining at least. It looks like once we get through this weekend the weather is going to be nice.

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I missed the first 3 days of April due to travel - there was a small gym in the hotel, but I don't have that much motivation to work out on my own; I really need the accountability of my coach.

Despite being tired due to staying up late, I went to my CrossFit class today.  I actually fell asleep on the couch after dropping by youngest at the bus, but woke up in time to get to class, although I really didn't want to go.  And now, I'm exhausted again - lots of shoulder work today.  

I was tracking my food using MyFitnessPal for a long time,  but I got out of the habit and so I decided the new month would be a good time to start.  I definitely feel better if I get the right amount of protein and fat each day.



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Ugh, the last month was pretty much a disaster fest between getting sick for almost 3 weeks and then not tracking my eating and then my counterwill kicking in and convincing me to just keep eating.

But.  Today is a new day. I went to the gym and did the Ultimate Tabata class.  It was a lot of fun and I'll be going back regularly on Wed mornings for that even if I hate looking in the mirror and avoid it at all costs.

Started tracking food again.  Decided that I also need to create a 'me' diet as Soror did and plan to work on how I'm going to do that tomorrow.

Trying to find the ability to psych myself up for an aqua fitness class in the deep end tomorrow morning.  I was all set to go and then they changed the instructor and the instructor is now one of my favourites from 5 years ago when I was at the gym daily and weighed 30 pounds less.  Not sure I can actually get in a pool in front of her.  That's all on me, I realize, but it's still going to affect whether or not I go.  I might just go to the gym but not the class.

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1 hour ago, Raifta said:

Ugh, the last month was pretty much a disaster fest between getting sick for almost 3 weeks and then not tracking my eating and then my counterwill kicking in and convincing me to just keep eating.

But.  Today is a new day. I went to the gym and did the Ultimate Tabata class.  It was a lot of fun and I'll be going back regularly on Wed mornings for that even if I hate looking in the mirror and avoid it at all costs.

Started tracking food again.  Decided that I also need to create a 'me' diet as Soror did and plan to work on how I'm going to do that tomorrow.

Trying to find the ability to psych myself up for an aqua fitness class in the deep end tomorrow morning.  I was all set to go and then they changed the instructor and the instructor is now one of my favourites from 5 years ago when I was at the gym daily and weighed 30 pounds less.  Not sure I can actually get in a pool in front of her.  That's all on me, I realize, but it's still going to affect whether or not I go.  I might just go to the gym but not the class.


((Hugs)).  I totally get wanting to avoid people who knew us when we were slimmer. I hate to say I sometimes do this too. :/

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Also just making it back thanks to IT help!

I am finally feeling healthy again after 5-6 weeks of upper respiratory stuff. Between that and giving up sweets for Lent, I lost 3-4 pounds over those weeks. My goal for April is to keep it off--holding steady would be great. Eventually I'd like to lose another 3 pounds. Prolonged illness and no sugar set my appetite lower at least for the time being. I have no problem getting through the day at my calorie goal. Over spring break we took our last nice vacation to Maui before dd goes to college next fall. It was soooooo lovely. We left weather in the 30's for weather in the 70's and 80's. We ate well, but usually just twice a day, and we walked a ton, so both dh and I came home with no weight gain. Yay!

Goals for April: maintain weight, get back to food tracking on my fitness pal, treadmill 6 days/week. Currently not fitting in any strength training due to work schedule--not sure if I can fit it in or not. Not motivated enough to work super hard at it!

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April = pollen and allergies. I have to remind myself often to limit my time outdoors. That being said - I went for two long walk, one long swim, and did my morning routine (abs, legs, arms), and thanks to some awful stress in my life (three seperate events to be exact) I did not eat much over Easter weekend and acutally lost 3 pounds (I know it will come back), but I am hoping to workout three times this week and four next week. During stressful times, I have learned, that I must take care of myself. 

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Today was a good day. 

Walked 45ish minutes at the gym (2.5 mph, good incline) and burned 244 calories. Stretched really well afterwards too, which helps so much in avoiding soreness for me!

Stayed within my calories goal. 1244 calories today:

B- salmon patty, blueberries, tea with cream and sugar

L- 2 tacos (refried beans, ground beef, avocado, lime, cilantro, fresco) like and cup of tea

D- Del Taco chicken, rice, bean, avocado bowl. 530 calories!

129 calories to eat but I'm full after that dinner. Haven't eaten that much at a time in a while! Maybe a glass of almond chocolate milk later. :P

Edited: I had a protein shake. 1/2 cup almond milk, rice protein powder, 1 tsp. maple syrup, frozen strawberries.

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I have been doing good with my exercise- running 2.5- 3 miles every morning depending on time, and doing some weight lifting. My biggest struggle there is now that I’m working I have a time schedule- and mornings aren’t my strong time...  but in the afternoon I’m exhausted...  My eating.... well- it hasn’t been the greatest. I need to focus on that more. But even when I start doing good dh- who needs to loose about 80 lbs, but struggled with doing what it takes- will want to go out on a date- and it ALWAYS involves food.  I enjoy it, but it’s not helping me meet my goals and it’s frustrating! 

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So I decided to wear my bathing suit to the gym, giving me no option but to do something at the pool.  If there was a lane available, I would opt for swimming laps, if not go to the aqua fitness class.  There was a lane available so I swam laps for 45 minutes and that was actually very pleasant aside from the constant filling of water of the goggles.  

And then, because life is like that, I ran into the instructor I was trying to avoid after I finished swimming and was getting dressed in the change room.  Such is life.


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16 hours ago, peacelovehomeschooling said:

I don't normally participate in this thread, but boy do I need some accountability and support.  In the last 1 1/2 years I have lost about 80 pounds.  I had about 20 left to lose.....until now.  Thanks to the last 2 weeks of no exercise and poor eating.....both as a result of breaking out in hives/itching as a result of an unidentified food allergy (i do think i know what it is).....I now have about 25 to lose.  It is SO easy to just give up.  But I have worked so hard and I feel like absolute hell as a result of the poor eating and lack of exercise.  Also, to add to the fun, I haven't been sleeping well (see: hives/itching).  However, hives/itching are gone!   So, tomorrow I shall make myself exercise and eat right.  I WILL get back on my eating plan and my exercise plan.     It will be hard to work up the energy to do both.  It is so easy to fall out of habits (and as a result feel like crap) and so hard to restart them (which will make me feel better).  I desperately want to reach my goal weight BEFORE that 2 year anniversary and it is completely doable...if I start now.


Welcome! Congrats on your weight loss so far! YOu can do it! So sorry to hear about your hives.

18 hours ago, lmrich said:

April = pollen and allergies. I have to remind myself often to limit my time outdoors. That being said - I went for two long walk, one long swim, and did my morning routine (abs, legs, arms), and thanks to some awful stress in my life (three seperate events to be exact) I did not eat much over Easter weekend and acutally lost 3 pounds (I know it will come back), but I am hoping to workout three times this week and four next week. During stressful times, I have learned, that I must take care of myself. 


(hugs) hope this week is better

11 hours ago, IfIOnly said:

Today was a good day. 

Walked 45ish minutes at the gym (2.5 mph, good incline) and burned 244 calories. Stretched really well afterwards too, which helps so much in avoiding soreness for me!

Stayed within my calories goal. 1244 calories today:

B- salmon patty, blueberries, tea with cream and sugar

L- 2 tacos (refried beans, ground beef, avocado, lime, cilantro, fresco) like and cup of tea

D- Del Taco chicken, rice, bean, avocado bowl. 530 calories!

129 calories to eat but I'm full after that dinner. Haven't eaten that much at a time in a while! Maybe a glass of almond chocolate milk later. :P

Edited: I had a protein shake. 1/2 cup almond milk, rice protein powder, 1 tsp. maple syrup, frozen strawberries.


MMM, tacos!!!

1 hour ago, Free Indeed said:

I have been doing good with my exercise- running 2.5- 3 miles every morning depending on time, and doing some weight lifting. My biggest struggle there is now that I’m working I have a time schedule- and mornings aren’t my strong time...  but in the afternoon I’m exhausted...  My eating.... well- it hasn’t been the greatest. I need to focus on that more. But even when I start doing good dh- who needs to loose about 80 lbs, but struggled with doing what it takes- will want to go out on a date- and it ALWAYS involves food.  I enjoy it, but it’s not helping me meet my goals and it’s frustrating! 


It is always hard when the schedule changes, everything just takes longer, you'll get it straightened out! Maybe you guys can look for some restuarants with some better options or look at the menu before you leave so you can make sure they have something that fits your plan. 

46 minutes ago, Raifta said:

So I decided to wear my bathing suit to the gym, giving me no option but to do something at the pool.  If there was a lane available, I would opt for swimming laps, if not go to the aqua fitness class.  There was a lane available so I swam laps for 45 minutes and that was actually very pleasant aside from the constant filling of water of the goggles.  

And then, because life is like that, I ran into the instructor I was trying to avoid after I finished swimming and was getting dressed in the change room.  Such is life.




At least you got it over with, now you can go to the class. I understand the trepidation, btdt. It is hard :(


I *thought* I might be getting sick but I seem ok today (I'm so not wanting to catch the stomach bug the kids had). And my upper back which had been so sore since Tuesday didn't bother me at all.

Had a most excellent workout w/ my Mom, I felt great this morning. We focused more on upper body today but threw in some lower body stuff and worked out about 75 minutes.

Lower body- 1x50 Squats ( I told Mom we are working towards 100 consecutive- I think we could have done more but being as it wasn't a leg day we didn't push it); 2x15 lunges; 3x15 step-ups; 1x25 Good Mornings w/ 10# weight, Leg raises 1x10

Incline push-ups 3x5;

Chest Fly 4 sets- 5#, 10#, 15#2x;

Shoulder Press- 3 sets- 20lb, 30lb, 40lb

Tricep pushdown- 3 sets- 20lb

Chin-Up Assist- 55#; 40#, 25#

Inverted Rows 3x10

We played around w/ battle ropes and weighted balls and did some shoulder warm-ups w/ light weights.

I'm really looking forward to tonight's heavy lifting, not sure what I'm going to do yet though. Maybe tbar rows & back squats.

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I did 30 minutes of a home workout (core and upper body, as my legs were pretty sore) in the morning on Tuesday, and about 30 minutes of fencing in the evening. Yesterday I was sore all over, and so were the kids, so we didn't go to the class last night.

Today I realized that the next time I can fence is Monday, so I'll have to come up with something to do at home. I'll definitely do 30 minutes of the stationary bike today, and hopefully the workout, but that will depend on how much my muscles will complain. Tomorrow DS has a competition 2.5 hours away, so it will be mostly driving and standing around. I don't think I'll be able to do anything, but we'll see. 



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3 hours ago, soror said:

Welcome! Congrats on your weight loss so far! YOu can do it! So sorry to hear about your hives.

(hugs) hope this week is better

MMM, tacos!!!

It is always hard when the schedule changes, everything just takes longer, you'll get it straightened out! Maybe you guys can look for some restuarants with some better options or look at the menu before you leave so you can make sure they have something that fits your plan. 


At least you got it over with, now you can go to the class. I understand the trepidation, btdt. It is hard :(


I *thought* I might be getting sick but I seem ok today (I'm so not wanting to catch the stomach bug the kids had). And my upper back which had been so sore since Tuesday didn't bother me at all.

Had a most excellent workout w/ my Mom, I felt great this morning. We focused more on upper body today but threw in some lower body stuff and worked out about 75 minutes.

Lower body- 1x50 Squats ( I told Mom we are working towards 100 consecutive- I think we could have done more but being as it wasn't a leg day we didn't push it); 2x15 lunges; 3x15 step-ups; 1x25 Good Mornings w/ 10# weight, Leg raises 1x10

Incline push-ups 3x5;

Chest Fly 4 sets- 5#, 10#, 15#2x;

Shoulder Press- 3 sets- 20lb, 30lb, 40lb

Tricep pushdown- 3 sets- 20lb

Chin-Up Assist- 55#; 40#, 25#

Inverted Rows 3x10

We played around w/ battle ropes and weighted balls and did some shoulder warm-ups w/ light weights.

I'm really looking forward to tonight's heavy lifting, not sure what I'm going to do yet though. Maybe tbar rows & back squats.

Wow, what an amazing workout! Very inspiring. I'd love to get to adding in strengthening exercises. Really my goal is to be stronger, as well as healthier and lose fat. Do you have any idea how many calories a session like burns? It's got to be a lot! Just walking 2 miles burns 250 or so calories for me. 

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Excellent CrossFit workouts yesterday and today, but it was a lot of shoulders and I'm sure I'll feel it tomorrow and on the weekend.

I am completely inept at most of the powerlifting moves, but the absolute worse is the overhead squat.  I do not have enough mobility in my shoulders to keep my arms above my head when I squat - it is infuriating. Baby steps though, and I'll get it eventually.

We're also doing Personal Bests this week and I've improved in the 3 areas I tested so far this week.  The last time we tested was in early January, and we'll test again in July

Deadlift - 185lbs I was a bit disappointed in this one because I've been working on my deadlift but my form was off today and my coach wouldn't let me go higher.  I agree with him, so no worries.  I'll work on the form with lighter weights over the next few weeks and continue to get stronger.

Shoulder Press - 71.5lbs  (a one pound increase - happy with that because I have shoulder issues)

Push Press - 90lbs


Two days in a row tracking my food on MyFitnessPal - yay me!

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1 hour ago, jen3kids said:

Excellent CrossFit workouts yesterday and today, but it was a lot of shoulders and I'm sure I'll feel it tomorrow and on the weekend.

I am completely inept at most of the powerlifting moves, but the absolute worse is the overhead squat.  I do not have enough mobility in my shoulders to keep my arms above my head when I squat - it is infuriating. Baby steps though, and I'll get it eventually.

We're also doing Personal Bests this week and I've improved in the 3 areas I tested so far this week.  The last time we tested was in early January, and we'll test again in July

Deadlift - 185lbs I was a bit disappointed in this one because I've been working on my deadlift but my form was off today and my coach wouldn't let me go higher.  I agree with him, so no worries.  I'll work on the form with lighter weights over the next few weeks and continue to get stronger.

Shoulder Press - 71.5lbs  (a one pound increase - happy with that because I have shoulder issues)

Push Press - 90lbs


Two days in a row tracking my food on MyFitnessPal - yay me!


You're killing it!!! My deadlift is progressing at a snail's pace I haven't added any weights hardly since I started and my shoulder press is just up to 40# I got shoulder issues too, it is very easy for me to hurt myself again, you give me hope, slow and steady.

2 hours ago, IfIOnly said:

Wow, what an amazing workout! Very inspiring. I'd love to get to adding in strengthening exercises. Really my goal is to be stronger, as well as healthier and lose fat. Do you have any idea how many calories a session like burns? It's got to be a lot! Just walking 2 miles burns 250 or so calories for me. 


Boy, I got no clue, I don't wear any trackers. I do know when I work out w/ my Mom I keep my heart rate pretty high b/c we don't do that many breaks and I can feel it, it is amazing how much lifting weights can kick my butt and lunges and squats, gah, I'm nearly wheezing Every now and again we'll stop to catch our breath but we push it pretty hard, we're sweat-soaked by the end! If you want to start w/ some strength work I'd start w/ the basic 3 moves- push (push-ups- wall or incline or knee or bench press), pull (starting w/ bent over rows is good), and squats.

Good session tonight- deadlifts and tbar rows went up to 82# for my last set on my rows, woot! But yet again did not add on my deadlifts. Got in lots of stretching too, felt soooo good!

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2 hours ago, soror said:

You're killing it!!! My deadlift is progressing at a snail's pace I haven't added any weights hardly since I started and my shoulder press is just up to 40# I got shoulder issues too, it is very easy for me to hurt myself again, you give me hope, slow and steady.

Boy, I got no clue, I don't wear any trackers. I do know when I work out w/ my Mom I keep my heart rate pretty high b/c we don't do that many breaks and I can feel it, it is amazing how much lifting weights can kick my butt and lunges and squats, gah, I'm nearly wheezing Every now and again we'll stop to catch our breath but we push it pretty hard, we're sweat-soaked by the end! If you want to start w/ some strength work I'd start w/ the basic 3 moves- push (push-ups- wall or incline or knee or bench press), pull (starting w/ bent over rows is good), and squats.

Good session tonight- deadlifts and tbar rows went up to 82# for my last set on my rows, woot! But yet again did not add on my deadlifts. Got in lots of stretching too, felt soooo good!


My shoulder press was minimal when I started CrossFit in Nov. 2016.  I could barely do the 15 lb bar because it hurt so much.  My CF Coach is also  MAT- trained and he worked on shoulder a lot in the beginning, although I need to warm it up really well every day.    The Overhead Squat is whole different movement though, so he's got me doing some specific stuff to work on that  - it is never ending; I fix one weakness and another shows up :)  


And you're exactly right - slow and steady is the best way to go. 


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So, I did 40 minutes of bodyweight exercises and 45 minutes of bike today. My muscles are melting off my body  :)

On the topic of slow and steady - I just was thinking yesterday that my word of the year is Patience. My mind needs results fast, so I have to intentionally hold myself back, especially after tennis elbow flare up in August that sidelined me for a month and actually still bothers me now and then. I am getting better at that. Now I am trying to eat a little more to give my muscles chance to recover and grow at the expense of slower or stopped weight loss. It is a battle, as I still have some fat I want to lose, but I hope that if I train and eat at maintenance I may recomp. Oh, and speaking of gains, my push ups went down to 5. I blame it on the not complete recovery ;)

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Exercise: I walked 2.5 miles and burned 300 calories. Then I stretched for about an hour at the gym going through most of the stretches in my new favorite stretching book: https://www.amazon.com/Anatomy-Stretching-Second-Illustrated-Rehabilitation/dp/1583943714/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1523001859&sr=8-12&keywords=stretching+book  I read that a half hour of good stretching burns about 150 calories, but I didn't include it in MFP. I was working hard and sweating and shaking holding those stretches though! With my fibro plus former sedentary lifestyle, stretching and walking are mostly what  works for me now. I hope to branch out when I get in better shape!

Food: stayed at my calorie limit and met my protein goal. Didn't quite meet my fat goal today, but I'm going to be adding in flax seeds to my protein shakes, which should help some.

Water: I didn't drink near enough today. I really need to go back to marking off the 30 Day Water Challenge chart each time I drink a glass. That worked the best for me. I'll print if out tomorrow and hang it up in the kitchen. Chart if you're interested: http://pepperscraps.com/30-day-water-challenge-64-oz-a-day/

Weight: The scale is generally going down at least a tenth of a pound or so each day. Need to figure out an official weigh in day of the week. 


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10 hours ago, jen3kids said:


My shoulder press was minimal when I started CrossFit in Nov. 2016.  I could barely do the 15 lb bar because it hurt so much.  My CF Coach is also  MAT- trained and he worked on shoulder a lot in the beginning, although I need to warm it up really well every day.    The Overhead Squat is whole different movement though, so he's got me doing some specific stuff to work on that  - it is never ending; I fix one weakness and another shows up :)  


And you're exactly right - slow and steady is the best way to go. 



That is great progress. I only started back lifting mid-December (I was working on bodyweight stuff before then before a couple months off in the fall due to illness). Sounds like we started in a similar place! I'm really anxious to get to 45# so I can do a real bar, last I tried I couldn't quite get it but I'm hoping to try again in another week or so. I've been adding some more shoulder warm-ups, what do you do? I only do back squats, I do my heavy lifts by myself so like to stick to things I can use the power rack for safety or are easy to get out of.


10 hours ago, OlgaLA said:

So, I did 40 minutes of bodyweight exercises and 45 minutes of bike today. My muscles are melting off my body  :)

On the topic of slow and steady - I just was thinking yesterday that my word of the year is Patience. My mind needs results fast, so I have to intentionally hold myself back, especially after tennis elbow flare up in August that sidelined me for a month and actually still bothers me now and then. I am getting better at that. Now I am trying to eat a little more to give my muscles chance to recover and grow at the expense of slower or stopped weight loss. It is a battle, as I still have some fat I want to lose, but I hope that if I train and eat at maintenance I may recomp. Oh, and speaking of gains, my push ups went down to 5. I blame it on the not complete recovery ;)


We're on the same wavelength I swear! My pushups were also down, residual soreness here too. I generally get at a 2 day break in the week and sometimes take off Fri-Mon if I'm really feeling it. I don't know how much is age (really I'm not that old!) and how much is thyroid disease and all that crap but I have to get plenty of rest. But my lifts were feeling better after my 4 day weekend. I was just talking to my friend about pushing myself yesterday. I'm learning that same lesson, it is really easy to overdo it when you feel good. I have to hold myself back too, I'd slowly added a bit of jogging into my warm-up and been ok but then I tried actual sprinting and ended up overheating again. Patience is a good word for the year. I'm hoping to lose a few more pounds then I'd like to just work on adding muscle, like you I'm wondering how much that might help. But going to maintenance is always a little nervwracking. I have already increased my eating a bit after seeing how much I lost this last month.

My upper body is sooo sore today, it is just as well that I'm too busy tomorrow to workout I think I'll need another day off. I'm thinking about trying to get in a session Sunday but we'll see we might have some family stuff going on and my schedule is kind of up in the air. WEather is supposed to be total crap this weekend so I doubt I'll be getting in any walks or such BUT after Monday it is looking much better!

eta: Have a lifting date planned w/ my friend Sunday afternoon (assuming nothing comes up) here's hoping I'm not so sore then

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4 hours ago, IfIOnly said:

Exercise: I walked 2.5 miles and burned 300 calories. Then I stretched for about an hour at the gym going through most of the stretches in my new favorite stretching book: https://www.amazon.com/Anatomy-Stretching-Second-Illustrated-Rehabilitation/dp/1583943714/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1523001859&sr=8-12&keywords=stretching+book  I read that a half hour of good stretching burns about 150 calories, but I didn't include it in MFP. I was working hard and sweating and shaking holding those stretches though! With my fibro plus former sedentary lifestyle, stretching and walking are mostly what  works for me now. I hope to branch out when I get in better shape!

Food: stayed at my calorie limit and met my protein goal. Didn't quite meet my fat goal today, but I'm going to be adding in flax seeds to my protein shakes, which should help some.

Water: I didn't drink near enough today. I really need to go back to marking off the 30 Day Water Challenge chart each time I drink a glass. That worked the best for me. I'll print if out tomorrow and hang it up in the kitchen. Chart if you're interested: http://pepperscraps.com/30-day-water-challenge-64-oz-a-day/

Weight: The scale is generally going down at least a tenth of a pound or so each day. Need to figure out an official weigh in day of the week. 


I like to weigh on a day when I haven't exercised the day before so I don't have any bloating from soreness that works out to the beginning of the week for me. Now that I'm weighing monthly I also time it around my period, no sense in weighin on your period!

Dark chocolate has fat and is yummy !

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4 hours ago, soror said:

That is great progress. I only started back lifting mid-December (I was working on bodyweight stuff before then before a couple months off in the fall due to illness). Sounds like we started in a similar place! I'm really anxious to get to 45# so I can do a real bar, last I tried I couldn't quite get it but I'm hoping to try again in another week or so. I've been adding some more shoulder warm-ups, what do you do? I only do back squats, I do my heavy lifts by myself so like to stick to things I can use the power rack for safety or are easy to get out of.

My upper body is sooo sore today, it is just as well that I'm too busy tomorrow to workout I think I'll need another day off. I'm thinking about trying to get in a session Sunday but we'll see we might have some family stuff going on and my schedule is kind of up in the air. WEather is supposed to be total crap this weekend so I doubt I'll be getting in any walks or such BUT after Monday it is looking much better!

eta: Have a lifting date planned w/ my friend Sunday afternoon (assuming nothing comes up) here's hoping I'm not so sore then


Fo my shoulder warm ups I use the resistance band (blue or green) and do abduction and adduction x15 on both arms.  I use a PVC pipe to go from stomach, overhead to back x15, and then 'around the worlds' in both directions x10.

When I started, I couldn't do the front to back with the PVC pipe without bending my elbow, but I can now.  I have a lot more mobility in the 'around the worlds' as well.


Regarding soreness, I'm the most sore the second day after exercising, but I've found (totally by accident) that a completely different activity really helps to get rid of the soreness; when I first started CrossFit I was still playing ice hockey and I had practice one evening.  I was incredibly sore - my hamstrings and glutes were so tight that I could barely get my skates on and laced.  I was a bit stiff on the ice at the beginning, but at the end, I had no problem getting my skates off and the next day I was hardly sore at all!   

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5 hours ago, jen3kids said:


Fo my shoulder warm ups I use the resistance band (blue or green) and do abduction and adduction x15 on both arms.  I use a PVC pipe to go from stomach, overhead to back x15, and then 'around the worlds' in both directions x10.

When I started, I couldn't do the front to back with the PVC pipe without bending my elbow, but I can now.  I have a lot more mobility in the 'around the worlds' as well.


Regarding soreness, I'm the most sore the second day after exercising, but I've found (totally by accident) that a completely different activity really helps to get rid of the soreness; when I first started CrossFit I was still playing ice hockey and I had practice one evening.  I was incredibly sore - my hamstrings and glutes were so tight that I could barely get my skates on and laced.  I was a bit stiff on the ice at the beginning, but at the end, I had no problem getting my skates off and the next day I was hardly sore at all!   


thanks for the tips. A lot of times I get sorer the second day too, my mom is that way too, evertyime she's like, nah I'm not too sore but it just gets worse and worse. I'm trying to do lots of mobility work today to work the kinks out of my upper back and it is feeling much better.

3 hours ago, peacelovehomeschooling said:

Exercised as scheduled today.  I use Leslie Sansone dvds.  I do a 2 miles power walk with weights (2 pounds).  Again eating was okay, not great.  But water consumption is fantastic.  I have also started adding in a heaping tablespoon of flax meal in my hot cereal and beans in the morning. I feel better, so something is moving in the right direction!


Good job! Walking is so great for you, imo the most important thing but I've been slacking on it lately w/ the crappy weather.

I did get a walk today, it felt pretty decent this afternoon. I upped my calories at the beginning of the week, I was feeling celebratory w/ how well I'd done but I'm cutting back down, 23 days to go!

Tomorrow I'm going to busy all day and will be partaking in Godfather's GF pizza for my lunch :) I've already looked it up and know how many calories are in a slice! No guilt, occasional treats are good for the spirit!

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Hi everyone,  I haven't posted here in what seems like forever mostly because of school.  I'm in school, full time, working on getting my OTA certification.

Anyway, I'm also no longer running, which makes me sad.  I blew out my plantar fascia in my right foot.  I've been focusing on kettlebells.  I was supposed to finish up my 12 week program in another 2 weeks, but i just had some warts (I know gross) surgically removed and will not be gripping things for what i hope is only a week.  

When i finish my kettlebell program I was thinking of starting NRFL4W.  I'm at the gym 3 days a week and i think it could be a good fit. 

I thought I'd jump in here cause I need somewhere to report and vent. :D

I also need to focus on diet.  Between not running and school I've gained 15lbs (My dd teased that i've gained the freshman 15 :P) I'm going to try going zone-ish / paleo-ish just eat better than i have been.  I never liked paleo because of its restriction on beans, plus, I love grains. But I'm going to cut back as much as I can on processed stuff.

I do really miss running.  Running means you can eat bread. Really. Nothing torches calories like running. 

So hi to everyone. I will try to check in once in a while.



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Kim, so happy to "see" you! 

Sorry to hear about your foot :) 

Fwiw the not so militant primal folks are ok w/ legumes. I ate paleo for years and *most* of my food is still paleo as the basic paleo foods work well for me. But I eat legumes often and some gf grains, It works for me, I'm not all in on anybody's plan anymore!

Man, I was soooo busy today. We left at 7:30 and I walked my butt off, I wish I had a tracker. And my weight lifting is paying off I had to help dh carry in our giant cooler down a HUGE hall filled w/  2 liters of soda and had no trouble keeping up. 

My gf pizza was super yummy and well-earned, I only ended up w/ 10 minutes to even sit down for lunch. I'm ready to crash tonight!

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On 4/4/2018 at 7:07 PM, peacelovehomeschooling said:

It is SO easy to just give up. 

You're right, but keep on keeping on. Forward motion of any sort counts even if it's followed by going back a bit, just keep moving forward and I know you'll reach goal. I've also found taking the deadline off myself helps a lot. It would be nice to do x by y time frame, but sometimes it's unrealistic to do so even if theoretically it's possible. Hang in there!

On 4/5/2018 at 10:06 AM, Free Indeed said:

I have been doing good with my exercise- running 2.5- 3 miles every morning depending on time, and doing some weight lifting. My biggest struggle there is now that I’m working I have a time schedule- and mornings aren’t my strong time...  but in the afternoon I’m exhausted...  My eating.... well- it hasn’t been the greatest. I need to focus on that more. But even when I start doing good dh- who needs to loose about 80 lbs, but struggled with doing what it takes- will want to go out on a date- and it ALWAYS involves food.  I enjoy it, but it’s not helping me meet my goals and it’s frustrating! 

Ugh, schedule changes are rough! Maybe to help with the morning issue, you can sleep in your workout clothes. Make yourself a pre-workout snack that's easy on the stomach the night before and then it's just a matter of rolling out of bed and getting at it. Sometimes I find that by removing mental work, I can roll my way into doing what I should before my brain catches up and has a chance to offer "better" options. No, brain, I do realize that it would be more comfortable to sit in the chair and read this book instead of running this morning. I'm gonna do the running anyway.

On 4/6/2018 at 7:53 AM, soror said:

I like to weigh on a day when I haven't exercised the day before so I don't have any bloating from soreness that works out to the beginning of the week for me. Now that I'm weighing monthly I also time it around my period, no sense in weighin on your period!


On 4/7/2018 at 12:00 PM, Kim in Appalachia said:

I do really miss running.  Running means you can eat bread. Really. Nothing torches calories like running. 

Awe, sorry to hear about the injury! That stinks! What about pool running? It takes all the impact off your feet, but still gets you doing the thing you enjoy. Cycling is another possibility. Speed intervals are supposed to be really good and if you have the impact from weight lifting you'd just about cover all the bases you used to do with running.

I ran a total of five days this week for 26 miles. The last half of the week was tougher than I would have liked. I let dh convince me not to do the long run on Saturday and instead we've pushed it to Monday. I have this sinking suspicion that he's going to end up not wanting to run on Monday so I'll likely still have to do the run by myself. It's 10 miles and if the weather doesn't cooperate, I'll be running it on the treadmill. Seriously, though, it's snowed multiple times last week (nothing much that really hung around more than a day) and the cold weather is supposed to be hanging around for several days yet. Apparently someone forgot to tell the weather that it was spring. I've lost the will to run outside in the cold so that's not helping either.

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May I join in here? 

Im desperate to lose this 30 pounds I put on during treatment.  If anyone has pointers about losing weight after a surgical menopause after total hysterectomy or  even natural menopause, I’m all ears.  I’m hoping to start running 10 miles a day as soon as it warms up a bit more. I had been going to the gym for weight training 5 days a week, but just kept gaining. 

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1 hour ago, Parrothead said:

May I join in here? 

Im desperate to lose this 30 pounds I put on during treatment.  If anyone has pointers about losing weight after a surgical menopause after total hysterectomy or  even natural menopause, I’m all ears.  I’m hoping to start running 10 miles a day as soon as it warms up a bit more. I had been going to the gym for weight training 5 days a week, but just kept gaining. 


I have no idea what would work best after that, but I would encourage you to do whatever you enjoy and not worry about the weight too much.  If you are really looking to slim down, then I would say running or cycling would be the best option. 

I also wanted to say, "hi". I'm an old timer here and I remember you.  It doesn't seem like you haven't been here for 5 years!? Time flies.  Sorry about your health. Cancer s*cks.  

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2 hours ago, Parrothead said:

May I join in here? 

Im desperate to lose this 30 pounds I put on during treatment.  If anyone has pointers about losing weight after a surgical menopause after total hysterectomy or  even natural menopause, I’m all ears.  I’m hoping to start running 10 miles a day as soon as it warms up a bit more. I had been going to the gym for weight training 5 days a week, but just kept gaining. 


I've not been through menopause myself so no thoughts there. I've been working on losing weight from thyroid issues myself. Weight loss is mostly diet but I think that is so individual. The only cardio I do is walking. WEight lifting has been great for shaping my body in much less time. 

2 hours ago, Lynn in al said:

Today I ran my half marathon.  This week I plan to do a few days of yoga then begin beach body on demand hammer and chisel along with insanity max 30

Congrats on the half marathon!!!!


Lifting today with my friend, PRS on bench, squats, and shoulder press, woot!

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I am on day 5 of meeting my new (lower than default, but a bit higher than my actual average the week before) step count. My plan is to increase it by 500 steps once I have kept it up for a full week. 

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Walked 2 miles today.

PMS is reared its head this afternoon, I was just so hungry and couldn't resist a couple of purple Peeps, that's usually not my snack of choice but hormones, sigh. 

The cravings finally subsided, fingers crossed my period waits until after my am workout to appear!

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As I expected, I spent all Friday driving (PSA: driving for hours is not good for slightly sore back muscles and glutes).

On the weekend I did 40 minutes of the bike and 50 minutes of bodyweight exercises. I also overate on Sunday, as we had a party. Still, I am only 0.2lbs up this morning. In fact, my weight has been stable within a pound for almost 3 weeks.


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Ran 10 miles with dh today. The last coup,e of runs before today’s were hard perceived effort wise which kind of stinks. It was cold, too. Stupid spring.

Tomorrow is a rest day and free bagel morning at the gym. I’ve never manged to make it to free bagel morning and they may not be vegan, but it’s the principle of the issue. Free bagel. Can I really have used my membership to the fullest if I never get a free bagel? I thought not. The plan is to go walk on the treadmill so I can get my free bagel. :p I figure the kids can eat it if it’s not vegan. Win-win. Plus, I’ll be more likely to reach my step goal that way.

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LOL mamaraby, you must go to Planet Fitness, I saw some bagels when I was there this am. Hope you were able to enjoy one!

Slept great woke up feeling good, even got the floor mopped by 7:30.

Went to workout w/ Mom, although I was feeling good working out was only so-so, I'm blaming hormones and the impending period. We'll see how lifting goes tonight, I've got deadlifts, tbar rows, and pull-ups.

After more processed food this weekend and the peeps yesterday I'm craving veggies like crazy. Lunch is a plate of veggie stir-fry w/ just a bit of leftover beef- rainbow chard, red and yellow peppers, onions and broccoli, Unbelievable! I'm doing red lentil curry w/ sweet potatoes and green beans for supper!

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9 minutes ago, soror said:

LOL mamaraby, you must go to Planet Fitness, I saw some bagels when I was there this am. Hope you were able to enjoy one!

Lol, I do! I didn’t end up going. I slept terribly last night and yesterday’s run kicked my butt. I decided to take an actual rest day instead. One of these days I will get my free bagel. I just have to figure out what time my PF has them so I can time it right. Or I could buy a bagel. I did consider going to buy a bagel, too. It’s too cold. Cereal in my pjs sounded so much nicer.

So-so workouts can be the pits! I hope this next one goes better!

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