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For those who have been sending thoughts and prayers regarding my brother

Chris in VA

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Just an update--


So I ended up going to see him in July, and it was a really special trip. He was very ill and in hospital--was predicted to get out but didn't (and is still there). He is battling lymphoma, caused, probably, by the anti-rejection drugs from his double lung transplant due to CF, received 17 years ago. The chemo was devastating his system, and he had no immunity left. 

I got to meet my nephews, spend time with my sister-in-law (both with my parents/her kids and alone on the drive to see my brother), and offer her a little support. It was...



The estrangement is over. 


Yes, things might never be super-cozy, as we are different in lots of ways. But things are so.much.better.


After I left, his numbers went up, and he was able to have another chemo treatment. He is handling it better this time. And, miracle of miracles, he is now slated for a stem-cell transplant. We didn't think he'd be able to even be considered.


Thank you for all your advice, for your prayers and thoughts, for your kindness to me as I embarked on this scary journey--You see, it's easier, in a way, to remain in estrangement, to keep people at a distance, particularly when someone gets sick, because reconciling means opening up to love again, and being open to love is a vulnerable place, and often, a painful place. He may die, and now I have allowed myself to feel that pain deeply.  But I am finding that the pain that comes from loving is really ok, and that I am willing to bear it because it with it come gifts of peace and joy.

Funny how that works. 


And I just read yesterday about some stem-cell research that they are doing now, for those with lung fibrosis diseases, like CF and COPD. May they find the cures. 



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I am SO happy for YOU in that you were able to reconcile with your brother and find that peace and joy

even through pain. Yes, it is odd how that often works like that! And I'm thrilled for your brother that there might actually

be something that can truly help his physical health!

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Thank you for all your advice, for your prayers and thoughts, for your kindness to me as I embarked on this scary journey--You see, it's easier, in a way, to remain in estrangement, to keep people at a distance, particularly when someone gets sick, because reconciling means opening up to love again, and being open to love is a vulnerable place, and often, a painful place. He may die, and now I have allowed myself to feel that pain deeply. But I am finding that the pain that comes from loving is really ok, and that I am willing to bear it because it with it come gifts of peace and joy.

Funny how that works.

This is such a beautiful thing to say.

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Thank you, you sweet people.


He has had a set-back. He came home from the hospital but was only at home for a day, and not even a whole day, before he spiked a fever and was vomiting, so he went back to the hospital. He will stay there for at least the next 5 weeks. I haven't heard for a couple of days how he's doing, but hopefully they will get the fever under control and be able to do the stem cell treatment.


Thank you for your continued support. <3

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