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Coffee drinker unite... Any favorite brands?

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Dh and I like dunkin donuts hazelnut iced coffee sweetened with caramel instead of sugar. So nice on a hot day. I also buy DD's hazelnut ground coffee and drink it at home.


We used to get Gevalia by mail order. Columian and hazenut were my favorites.




Starbucks mocha cappucino is another favorite too.

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I'm completely addicted to the Ethiopian variety at Trader Joe's -- I only wish it came in larger containers! ;)


We like this too! We absolutely love Lavazza coffee (an Italian coffee). We order it from Amazon. Not the cheapest, but worth the cost.

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and I used to just buy Folger's. But I recently tried (believe it or not) Aldi's decaf coffee, and it's GOOD!


I personally love a good cup of brewed CDM (Cafe du Monde, New Orleans) in a cafe au lait, but that stuff, full strength with chickory, could keep me awake for a week!

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Caffelattee, How funny! My pastor went to Costa Rica last year and came back with that coffee! He gave me some and it was to DIE for!


We change our tastes around here. Sometimes I like a coffee that's bitter and sometimes I like a coffee that's chocolatey. I've been drinking a Sunflower Market brand called New Guinea. It's kind of the right blend, but next week I'm going to find something bitter :)




I have also enjoyed Starbucks "Kenyan" brand, but I've only ever found it in Arizona:confused:And, I like Cafe Du Monde from New Orleans, but the Chickoree eats me alive.

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When we can get Kona in Hawaii, well, that's the first choice. But who can afford a trip to hawaii for a good cup of coffee.


2nd choice..we are fortunate to have a wonderful coffee roaster in our area who is well known in the coffee world. He carries a Costa Rican coffee that we just love.

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I bought Kroger Premium Blend the last time b/c Folgers was so expensive. I was so surprised at how much I like it! I do not like bitter coffee, though. I do not like Starbucks coffee unless it's a blended coffee drink. I just thought I'd mention that. Oh, and I don't like strong Colombian coffee either.

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We like Casi Cielo, sold at 4bucks:)... but they don't have it year round.

Need another suggestion please.:cheers2:


We love the Casi Cielo too. Other ones by them that we love are:

Italian Roast (my fave), Caffe Verona (another fave & it's really good as a decaf), Sulawesi (not sure this is available all the time), and Arabian Mocha Sanani (not widely available).

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I'm choosey when it comes to coffee. So much of what's out there is just...(shudder). Not to mention the manner in which it's grown and brought to market....(double shudder). I go in for shade-grown, organic beans, dark roasted. Brand is specific to my particular town. Starbucks, Seattle's Best Coffee, Peet's, etc are examples of second tier options when all else fails.

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They sell a very good coffee under their own Member's Mark label. You can buy French Roast, Columbian, Decaf, etc. Some of the coffee they sell is organic and Fair Trade. My husband and I are coffee LOVERS, and we really enjoy their coffee. It is also quite reasonably priced. We have a French Press, and it gets a lot of use.

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Cafe Britt - purchased online from Costa Rica. Developed a fondness for it when traveling in CR a couple of years ago. Now I purchase it in bulk (to get free shipping) and keep it in the freezer. No one goes to Java Daves or Starbucks around here when they can have coffee at my house :-)


BTW, the price is no higher than the 'better' brands in the store.

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It sounds yummy.


Cafe Britt - purchased online from Costa Rica. Developed a fondness for it when traveling in CR a couple of years ago. Now I purchase it in bulk (to get free shipping) and keep it in the freezer. No one goes to Java Daves or Starbucks around here when they can have coffee at my house :-)


BTW, the price is no higher than the 'better' brands in the store.

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  • 2 weeks later...
When we can get Kona in Hawaii, well, that's the first choice. But who can afford a trip to Hawaii for a good cup of coffee.




Every couple of years I research to see who won the annual contest and order online from them.


I have also ordered from the farm we visited with my in-laws as a special thank you after we got home.


It makes a great present for those friends who have everything or for unexpected guests at the holidays. I like to order extra and then we get to drink what 'presents' I didn't need! :tongue_smilie:http://www.konacupping.com/



For everyday we drink Costco's 'Seattle's Best'

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I am very particular to the Coatepec beans and really don't care for the Chiapas beans. We don't buy branded coffee but beans direct from the roaster. So I get a Cuban roast of pure Coatepec beans. Since the roasting is done by hand sometimes the batches are exactly the same. But they are always good. I like the depth of flavor without bitterness and acidity that I get with Coatepec beans.


I'll make this offer. If you would like some Coatepec beans, email me at jamnkats at gmail dot com. I only get en grano (beans not ground) and I am not sure if they offer beans that are ground but I can check. The beans run 90 pesos per kilo. I can get 1/2 kilo bags also.


If you're interested and can wait until we come back to the US (November 26th, so it wouldn't get shipped out until the post office opens up again - not sure what the USPS holiday schedule is) I'll bring you beans.


We spent quite a bit of time in the Coatepec region and the Xico region of Veracruz, looking at the different farms, seeing how the beans were grown and processed. The smaller cooperatives can't afford organic registration but their practices are organic naturally.


If you're in love with the bean, here are some photos...


Oh! Here's a picture of "my" roaster



The magical bean



Las cerezas



Mural from San Marcos - tiny town between Xico and Coatepec


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