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So sick of the weather where I live!


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Grey, gloomy, and HOT!


I'm a Florida native, I can deal with our hot summers. Really, I can, although not as well the last few years as when I was younger. But for me, the heat is balanced out by the sun. I NEED sunshine. More than 3 days of gloom and it starts to make me really grumpy/anxious. 


Well, it's been TWO WEEKS of grey! And yet still hot and humid! It's like living in a grey angry hot cloud. And another week is predicted I think. This is not normal weather. WE had tons of gloom this winter too, which also isn't usual. I'm sick of it. 

And the a/c on my van keeps going in and out, and with only one working window it is HOT. 


I'm so sick of hot and grey!!! I find myself googling other places to live, and just want to cry. 80-90 degrees, 70 percent humidity, and ugly grey skies is not working for me. 


Anyway, that's all. I'm sort of hoping that by complaining like this here it will jinx things and I'll get some sun today. 

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It's been an odd weather year everywhere. We had a drought and almost no snow up here in Maine through January, then wham! heavy snow February through March causing flooding in April and May and then rain, rain, rain, rain causing MOSQUITOES! Ugh.


Colorado has 300 days of sunshine per year.

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You can come visit here. It's going to be around 95 today and we have 93% humidity (I kid you not) according to the Weather Channel but LOTS of sun. You'll feel right at home.

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Grey, gloomy, and HOT!


I'm a Florida native, I can deal with our hot summers. Really, I can, although not as well the last few years as when I was younger. But for me, the heat is balanced out by the sun. I NEED sunshine. More than 3 days of gloom and it starts to make me really grumpy/anxious.


Well, it's been TWO WEEKS of grey! And yet still hot and humid! It's like living in a grey angry hot cloud. And another week is predicted I think. This is not normal weather. WE had tons of gloom this winter too, which also isn't usual. I'm sick of it.

And the a/c on my van keeps going in and out, and with only one working window it is HOT.


I'm so sick of hot and grey!!! I find myself googling other places to live, and just want to cry. 80-90 degrees, 70 percent humidity, and ugly grey skies is not working for me.


Anyway, that's all. I'm sort of hoping that by complaining like this here it will jinx things and I'll get some sun today.

I am right there with you on the gloom. I can't take it. I was driving down the road one day and suddenly the clouds broke and the sun was shining....I swear it was like angels singing to me. Then when I had low Vit d levels I started paying attention to how I am affected by sun or lack of. I need it.

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It's been an odd weather year everywhere. We had a drought and almost no snow up here in Maine through January, then wham! heavy snow February through March causing flooding in April and May and then rain, rain, rain, rain causing MOSQUITOES! Ugh.


Colorado has 300 days of sunshine per year.


I won't lie, I've been on realtor.com looking at houses there and daydreaming. I have 5 friends that have moved to Colorado in the last few years!

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West Michigan would be the end of you. Sun is elusive here year round. Nutritionists advise everyone to get their vitamin D levels checked and pretty much everyone who does needs supplements.


I'd die. Or end up in a mental health facility. Seriously. 

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We moved to Colorado Springs a little over two years ago partially due to weather.  We lived in Minnesota and every February, I was just moody due to lack of sunshine.  Yes.  300 days of sunshine.  May is wacky where we live because there are weird blizzards and with low humidity comes a chance of fire, BUT 300 days of sunshine!!  Yesterday, the temperature topped off at around 88 degrees but with very little humidity, I had the windows open and a nice breeze was going throughout the house.  Also, I was sitting by a pool in the shade watching my daughter and I was not sweating.  I was very comfortable.  I am almost giddy with summer around here.  Winter is sunny too and not too cold (of course I'm comparing it to Minnesota).  You can tell this is a popular state right now because houses are going up like crazy where I live and house prices are reflecting the surge.

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It's been an odd weather year everywhere. We had a drought and almost no snow up here in Maine through January, then wham! heavy snow February through March causing flooding in April and May and then rain, rain, rain, rain causing MOSQUITOES! Ugh.


Colorado has 300 days of sunshine per year.


Very similar here in VT. DH and I have been spending a lot of time daydreaming about moving. I think my ideal place doesn't exist though. 


-on the ocean

-not too crowded or expensive

-good job prospects

-lots of homeschooling opportunities

-not too hot (no FL)

-not too cold (no northern ME)

-lots of sun, but enough rain to prevent regular droughts

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pnw . . . . I'm sick of it too.  we've had record rain for  our rain year from oct to april.  all-time record rain.   and it's still mostly gray and overcast - and raining.  and it's supposed to be june.

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This has been a discussion on a facebook page for my city (unofficial, not from the city). Someone asked if the rain is making them gloomy. Others responded with comments that we desperately needed it, some said it's Florida, it rains in the summer. Those of us who are long time or native Floridians said it does rain every day but not all day and it doesn't stay cloudy all day either. My contribution to the thread was this is why I could never live in the Pacific Northwest.


Right now it's sunny out. This is the first morning it's been sunny in quite a while. I think you've been getting a bit more rain than we are on the coast, but we've still had too many cloudy, gloomy days. I to NEED sunshine. Every. Single. Day.

Edited by Lady Florida.
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You can come visit here. It's going to be around 95 today and we have 93% humidity (I kid you not) according to the Weather Channel but LOTS of sun. You'll feel right at home.


Yep. Right at home. :) That's normal summer weather for Florida, including the humidity level. It's the lack of sunshine that's making us all crazy.

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I was really depressed for the two years that we lived in upstate NY.  I don't know if we happened to be there during two bad years or if it's always like this, but the sun disappeared in November and wasn't seen again until May.  I kid you not -- we did not see it once for all of those months.  And it rained every single day in April.  It robbed me of all my hope and joy.  I detested it.  


We moved to New Mexico, which I wouldn't necessarily recommend because it has a whole different set of problems, but I LOVE the sunshine here.  Cloudy days are rare, and when they do happen, the clouds are high and light, not the heavy ceiling right overhead like you get in NY.  I think that I am "stuck" in the four corners states for the rest of my life, because there's just no way I could live without this sunshine now!  People call NM "the land of entrapment" (a play on the official state motto, land of enchantment) and I think it's a reference to the economic problems.  But I'm trapped here because of the sunshine.  I really would prefer CO for a number of reasons, and I'm praying that we'll get to move there when my dh retires.  Housing costs there seem to be escalating, though, so I'm not sure it's going to happen.  But if you like four seasons, CO is preferable to NM.  NM has two seasons:  The pleasantly cool and dry season, and the hotter than hell and dry season.  Both have tons of sunshine!

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I just googled west Michigan. 64 days of sun yearly. Another 97 partly sunny.

Yep. I am sitting here on my deck under the cloudy sky. At least it isn't as humid as the past few days and we did get very much needed rain the past 2 nights.


West Michigan is NOT the place you want to go for lots of sun. I think we go weeks or more with almost no sun in the winter. We have windchills down to -40° in the winter and heat indexes above 100° in the summer....not sure why we live here....except the lake is great.

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Yep. I am sitting here on my deck under the cloudy sky. At least it isn't as humid as the past few days and we did get very much needed rain the past 2 nights.


West Michigan is NOT the place you want to go for lots of sun. I think we go weeks or more with almost no sun in the winter. We have windchills down to -40° in the winter and heat indexes above 100° in the summer....not sure why we live here....except the lake is great.

Because it's gorgeous! And much milder than my home state of MN.

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You know, I had written off Colorado because I just thought it had to be way too expensive. But I'm looking online, and it seems like there are some suburbs of Denver that aren't that bad. Or at least are comparable to where I am in Central Florida. Something to think about. Hubby is going to a conference out west later this year, in South Dakota, maybe he can see if anyone there is from Colorado and hiring.

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You know, I had written off Colorado because I just thought it had to be way too expensive. But I'm looking online, and it seems like there are some suburbs of Denver that aren't that bad. Or at least are comparable to where I am in Central Florida. Something to think about. Hubby is going to a conference out west later this year, in South Dakota, maybe he can see if anyone there is from Colorado and hiring.


Not sure what prices you are looking at, but I go to a children's hospital in Highland's Ranch and it seems to be a very nice suburb.  If you're looking further out, Castle Rock has some cool scenery - everything seems to be built by or on a hill.  Colorado Springs is pretty sprawly, but the front range is right there.  I can walk one block and see Pikes Peak.  Denver doesn't have the mountains as close but on the other hand, an hours drive will get you in the middle of the mountain scenery.

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That is weird for Orlando.


We lived in Clermont for 8 years and when we left, we landed in Northern CA at the beginning of winter. That's when I learned just how solar-powered I am. People who need sun should not live among the redwoods. 


Where we live now is amazingly gorgeous most of the year. Our summers are akin to FL winters, dry and mild. But our winters can involve rain for weeks on end. This year I think we got 90 inches. It was miserable. But I still think the weather here is the best ever. COL is out of control, though. 




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Yep. Right at home. :) That's normal summer weather for Florida, including the humidity level. It's the lack of sunshine that's making us all crazy.


Florida is the only place I've ever been (besides Houston) where I'm pretty sure y'all somehow manage to exceed 100% humidity at some points. 

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Florida is the only place I've ever been (besides Houston) where I'm pretty sure y'all somehow manage to exceed 100% humidity at some points.

Seriously. At least I grew up on the coast, where there was a breeze. In the Orlando area it's just gross.

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Ugh. It's so gross today! But - it's sunnier! I can just complain about the heat now rather than wanting to kill everyone due to the gloom. Still not blue skies sunny, but better. 


the other place we talked about going was Durham/Raleigh area in NC. I figured though it would still be miserably hot. Um, according to accuweather the feels like temp here is currently 106 F, and there is it only 86 F. Twenty degrees difference (mostly because of humidity....our actual temps aren't that far off.) 


That would be hot still, but SO much better. 

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Grey, gloomy, and HOT!


I'm a Florida native, I can deal with our hot summers. Really, I can, although not as well the last few years as when I was younger. But for me, the heat is balanced out by the sun. I NEED sunshine. More than 3 days of gloom and it starts to make me really grumpy/anxious. 


Well, it's been TWO WEEKS of grey! And yet still hot and humid! It's like living in a grey angry hot cloud. And another week is predicted I think. This is not normal weather. WE had tons of gloom this winter too, which also isn't usual. I'm sick of it. 

And the a/c on my van keeps going in and out, and with only one working window it is HOT. 


I'm so sick of hot and grey!!! I find myself googling other places to live, and just want to cry. 80-90 degrees, 70 percent humidity, and ugly grey skies is not working for me. 


Anyway, that's all. I'm sort of hoping that by complaining like this here it will jinx things and I'll get some sun today. 


I know what you mean. I just want to go to the beach. One day please! Today is lovely and sunny but it's Saturday and there is no way I'm going to the beach on a Saturday when all the locals are Jonesing for some Sunshine.

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I wonder if you would like central coast California areas like Avila Beach or San luis Obispo. It was sunny almost everyday when we lived in the area and no heat or A/C needed for my family. Temps were pretty much 40/50 at night and in 70's with low humidity during day inland. It was expensive, but really beautiful. It was foggy in the mornings though. https://weather.com/weather/tenday/l/93424:4:US


Edited by Silver Brook
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You can come out and visit me in Phoenix. It'll hit 120*F here next week but, hey, we have plenty of sunshine!  :coolgleamA:



We often drive through Needles, CA on our way to Phoenix. The high in Needles this week will be 127º ... Ugh!


Yes, I'm mildly obsessed with Needles. :lol:  I keep it in my phone's weather app so I don't complain about where I live – it will be 'only' 103º tomorrow ... but we are going to SF for the day, 45 minutes away, where the high will be ... 79º. Oh yeah, that's an advantage of the SF Bay Area: don't like the temperature? go east (Central Valley) and it will be 10-20º hotter; go west, to the ocean, and it will be 63º (as a PP says). So, even when it's 105º where I live, you have to remember a jacket if you're going to the beach, b/c it can be 30-40º cooler, less than an hour away. Crazy! 

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