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How many sets of pajamas do your kids have?


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I thought this at first, but then I realized that when they only have a couple pairs they wear each one several times, and when they have lots, they wear different ones almost every night.


I don't let them rewear anything, or reuse towels, or else you'd have a point. If they rewore things it would definitely be less laundry, but I just can't go there with much but jeans. I'd rather do more laundry. But that's just me and some of my germaphobe stuff from working where I did so long. I know I'm weird that way! :) 

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Well my kids aren't generally hard on clothes, so we have lots of PJs going back years.  Normally my kids each have one or two pairs they like to wear whenever it's available, and several others that just happen to be there.  I usually buy them each one pair of jammies for Christmas, and then other people buy them summer jammies and such.  They have some that have never been worn.


I wouldn't think 5 pairs were "minimalist."  Perhaps other people don't let their kids wear their jammies between washes?  I am lucky if my kid lets me wash hers, LOL.

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I guess I am in the outlier category too. Five would be minimalist for me because they do wear pajamas every night and they often get too dirty to wear again. I do not put away laundry every day so I would not like less then five pairs and five would be hard. I am pretty minimalist in most areas but my kids are hard on clothes and I do not like putting away laundry or the kids rifling through the laundry bin so I like to have more then the bare minimum of clothes. I get most clothes from thrift stores but that can be hard to find with pajamas. I rewear clothes a lot but it does not work as well for the kids because they play hard. Plus one has motor planning issues so she gets messy eating still.

Edited by MistyMountain
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We wear pajamas unless we are leaving the house. We don't sleep in street clothes. I'd say they have 3-4 each of summer and winter.

I love this. Us too! DS often wears underwear when we do school. It varies but I try to have at least 3 pairs. ds 1 currently sleeps in underwear because he piles under a blanket and says he is too sweaty. currently dd sleeps in a diaper only because we co sleep and she gets sweaty, but ds 2 has about 4 pairs.

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I don't let them rewear anything, or reuse towels, or else you'd have a point. If they rewore things it would definitely be less laundry, but I just can't go there with much but jeans. I'd rather do more laundry. But that's just me and some of my germaphobe stuff from working where I did so long. I know I'm weird that way! :)


Same here.  Only my dh reused towels and wore his clothes until they literally stank (stink).   :ack2:  The kids and I all changed clothes every day, sometimes a couple of times a day during tick season.  I've found many a tick after doing tick-checks on my small kids when they came inside from playing - had them remove all clothes and throw them in the washer, I looked them over and ran my fingers through their hair.  Then they put on clean clothes.  Repeated again at bath time.  Small price to pay for possibly avoiding Lyme's and other tick-borne diseases.

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I haven't read through all the responses but we might be an outlier because we have a least a dozen sets per kid. Half are short sleeve/shorts and half are long sleeve/long pants. Our kids go to school and they are never allowed to stay in their pajamas past breakfast. We like having fresh sets of pajamas. Also, we travel often, so we like to have enough so that we can have a set to travel with and a clean set when we return.


ETA - I just read texasmom33's response. I don't think we have 25 but 12-15 per kid.

Edited by underthebridge
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My older son has 3 pairs of pajama pants and then a few t-shirts he only likes to wear around the apartment/to bed.  


My younger son has approximately two craptons of pajamas because he has his and all of his brother's hand-me-downs and I need to go cull out the worn out and/or too small ones.  


They each have five tiny drawers.  One is split into two small baskets with one basket for undies and one for socks.  One drawer is shirts.  One drawer is pants and shorts.  One is PJs.  The fifth is flexible.  For my younger son, it's soccer clothes and things one might use as hiking layers.  For my older son, it's his one athletic pants, hiking layers, and random sweaters. Except for my younger son's PJ drawer and their shirt drawer, all of these small drawers are loosely filled. They each have one dressy outfit hanging in the closet.  That feels as minimalist as I feel they need.  


I am about to get my older son five pairs of dress pants, five shirts and a few matching sweaters for school in the fall (quasi-uniform school).  Then, he's going to use a drawer for each day, and his other clothes will be moved bins or a small chest in the closet.  While he doesn't "need" that many, it's part of "Operation Get to School in CLEAN Clothes Every Damn Day of High School".  And it's the system we have planned out with him to best address his concerns.  

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Probably 3 sets (word used loosly) each. 


DD10 sleeps hot and sweaty, so she needs a few sets. She will often just put on athletic shorts and athletic T.


DD18 likes to be cozy when she is hanging out, but sleeps hot. She has sleep shorts and Nike sweats to put over them if she needs something more discrete.


Ds22 just sleeps in pj bottoms and puts on a T, if he is walking around the house when most people are awake.

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