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Humorously bad Mother's Day


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We're not really big into this kind of holiday at our house, so I'm not crushed, but this Mother's Day was just full of misadventure.

My for year old, who is typically very level headed, had a long meltdown. My the year-old, who has never done so before, feel out of the top bunk during his nap, waking the baby from his nap, leading to both of them howling while I tried to see if there was any injury (thankfully none). Shortly thereafter, the baby threw up on me. Of course, dh is working today. After the baby threw up, I gave up, laughed, fixed frozen pizza, and am drinking Dr Pepper.

On the plus side, when they weren't falling to pieces, they were especially cute today, and my daughter finally remember to wish me happy mother's day at 5:30.

Anyone else with less-than-hallmark celebrations?


P.S. I in no way want to make any one's day worse. I know this holiday is hard for many. This is intended to help those of us who need to let or expectations for a season to look at the funny side.

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We're not really big into this kind of holiday at our house, so I'm not crushed, but this Mother's Day was just full of misadventure.

My for year old, who is typically very level headed, had a long meltdown. My the year-old, who has never done so before, feel out of the top bunk during his nap, waking the baby from his nap, leading to both of them howling while I tried to see if there was any injury (thankfully none). Shortly thereafter, the baby threw up on me. Of course, dh is working today. After the baby threw up, I gave up, laughed, fixed frozen pizza, and am drinking Dr Pepper.

On the plus side, when they weren't falling to pieces, they were especially cute today, and my daughter finally remember to wish me happy mother's day at 5:30.

Anyone else with less-than-hallmark celebrations?


P.S. I in no way want to make any one's day worse. I know this holiday is hard for many. This is intended to help those of us who need to let or expectations for a season to look at the funny side.


I actually had a really nice day, except my boys got up to some shenanigans at the end of the day, but DH wouldn't tell me what happened...


FWIW, your day is my norm.

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I stayed home from church with a severe cold/sinus infection and pink eye. My first time ever for pink eye courtesy of these cute little munchkins running around who made me a mama. Annoying but I'm still thankful :)


We did get to talk to our missionary so that was a highlight!

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Anyone else with less-than-hallmark celebrations?



I work for a company mentioned in this post. So I worked most of yesterday, much of this morning, and will work another ten hours tomorrow.


Two of my kids are sick in bed, so the children could not clean and organize the garage as they were planning to do for my Mother's Day gift.  :(


We decided to have pizza and ice cream and watch the end of the golf tournament on tv.  :thumbup:

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My oldest offspring, who works in a supermarket that sells BOTH greeting cards AND flowers, seems to have forgotten what today is. I can't decide whether or not I should yell down to him and ask him what is special about today or to just go to bed.  :crying:

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Ha! I knew there would be folks here who would get it.

I finally got the kids to bed; well, I'm having the three year old sleep on the floor because I can't handle the drama of fearing falling again tonight, so now I can relax in the quiet until exhaustion overwhelms me.

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I'm enjoying a few minutes of quiet (younger 4 boys spent the day coming down with/getting over miserable colds - me, too) with a glass of homemade limoncello & lime seltzer before going to bed.


Oh, and the man-child just came upstairs for food and said "happy mother's day." so, there's that.  :wub:

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When my 12yo finally remembered it was Mother's Day, he offered me 5 bucks.  I said, "No thanks..."

So his 9yo brother gave me a slip of paper with a hastily drawn dime on it as his card/gift, "because you just said you don't want real money".  Would he seriously have given me a dime and called it good?

Dh did the dishes twice for me today, that's something...

Chocolate sure tastes good right now.

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Today found me scrubbing a stove in a mostly empty house, breaking up fights between my children, driving 25 minutes to borrow a lawnmower while the teen asked me if I wouldn't rather borrow from his friend who lives two minutes away? Yes, child, I would have, when you offered two weeks ago to ask and never got back to me. I finished my day by having the gas station reject my card for an unknown reason and the 7yo stealing my baked potato because it was better than the fries that came with his meal. Given that was the *only* thing he ate, I'm glad it wasn't the French fries, too.


I'll be glad when we move out in two days and dh is here. We've spent a year apart and while he has worked some mad crazy shifts, I think that some days I got the raw end of the deal.

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I liked posts in commiseration. May tomorrow be a better day. Or at least a normal day with no artificial expectations for anything special.  I'd say that as a toast with a beverage of choice, but the baby is relatively likely to wake and want to nurse.

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Dh is very stuffy, due to allergies. But nothing compared to past years.


But due to him being not feeling well ever Mother's Day, due to allergies, we long ago switched Mother's Day and Father's Day.


He had a nice day. He even did the lawn work, even thought it was his day. I napped while he worked. :p


He did get a breakfast of his request, a lunch of his request, lots of computer gaming with the boys, and we all played a board game he likes.

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No hallmark celebration, but it did turn out better than expected.  Dd and I were out of town and came back yesterday evening after a long day (and a 5 hour drive after that long day.  She is still sick, going on 2 weeks now.  So she and I slept in.  (I slept until about 8 because the dog was antsy.)  Dh made me breakfast and bought a paper so we could have a relaxing morning.  Dd was sick so she stayed home from Mass and dh and I went to church.  Listened to a homily that, for most people, sounded like a wonderful tribute to mothers.  For me, it was painful to listen to.  And not because not one person mentioned that it was Mother's Day.  But, because our family will never look like those families described.  K's mental illness has deeply affected our family.  We don't act like normal people anymore.  We are all stepping around the elephant in the room.  After a few months of semi-normality, K had a serious breakdown last Sunday and we are all walking on eggshells.  I am terrified that they (meaning K - the preferred pronoun of my transgender kid) will get worse and leave.  Leaving means no money, no medical care, no meds that keep them from very dangerous rage.  Leaving probably means death.  I worked hard to fight back tears, not be bitter that other people can have hallmark moments, even if those moments are bittersweet.  All I could think about is my failures as a mom, about how we got to this point and how powerless I feel to change any of it. 


After we left church, we enjoyed the lovely day outside and then, my family surprised me by agreeing to go to this one park in the town where I grew up that has a festival this time of year.  I was feeling nostalgic and dd has always mentioned that she wanted to see this park.  So, 4 of us piled in the car (K didn't come ... they went to check on a friend and I hope they are OK ... story of my life right now.)  Unfortunately, the lilacs were past blooming and we didn't realize that there was a concert there today.  But, my family patiently followed me around reminiscing.  Then we walked down the block to this old-fashioned walk-up Dairy Queen ... the kind that is only open from May to October because it only serves ice cream through windows (no lobby.)  When I was a kid, it was a huge treat when my dad would pile us all into the car to make an impromptu trip to DQ ... griping about so-and-so who always took forever to make decisions and warning us to eat the ice cream outside, not in the car. Is it weird that I remember my dad's grouching more than the ice cream.  It was the fact that it was rare and fun in spite of grumpy Dad.   I relaxing dinner and control of the remote at night.  And I got cards and a Fannie May Trinidad later in the day. 


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Thank you for sharing, and I'm glad it wasn't all bad.


No hallmark celebration, but it did turn out better than expected. Dd and I were out of town and came back yesterday evening after a long day (and a 5 hour drive after that long day. She is still sick, going on 2 weeks now. So she and I slept in. (I slept until about 8 because the dog was antsy.) Dh made me breakfast and bought a paper so we could have a relaxing morning. Dd was sick so she stayed home from Mass and dh and I went to church. Listened to a homily that, for most people, sounded like a wonderful tribute to mothers. For me, it was painful to listen to. And not because not one person mentioned that it was Mother's Day. But, because our family will never look like those families described. K's mental illness has deeply affected our family. We don't act like normal people anymore. We are all stepping around the elephant in the room. After a few months of semi-normality, K had a serious breakdown last Sunday and we are all walking on eggshells. I am terrified that they (meaning K - the preferred pronoun of my transgender kid) will get worse and leave. Leaving means no money, no medical care, no meds that keep them from very dangerous rage. Leaving probably means death. I worked hard to fight back tears, not be bitter that other people can have hallmark moments, even if those moments are bittersweet. All I could think about is my failures as a mom, about how we got to this point and how powerless I feel to change any of it.


After we left church, we enjoyed the lovely day outside and then, my family surprised me by agreeing to go to this one park in the town where I grew up that has a festival this time of year. I was feeling nostalgic and dd has always mentioned that she wanted to see this park. So, 4 of us piled in the car (K didn't come ... they went to check on a friend and I hope they are OK ... story of my life right now.) Unfortunately, the lilacs were past blooming and we didn't realize that there was a concert there today. But, my family patiently followed me around reminiscing. Then we walked down the block to this old-fashioned walk-up Dairy Queen ... the kind that is only open from May to October because it only serves ice cream through windows (no lobby.) When I was a kid, it was a huge treat when my dad would pile us all into the car to make an impromptu trip to DQ ... griping about so-and-so who always took forever to make decisions and warning us to eat the ice cream outside, not in the car. Is it weird that I remember my dad's grouching more than the ice cream. It was the fact that it was rare and fun in spite of grumpy Dad. I relaxing dinner and control of the remote at night. And I got cards and a Fannie May Trinidad later in the day.

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You know what was great about it for me this year? ZERO expectations, therefore, ZERO disappointments.


For many years I've thought that it was important for my kids to do something special for me, even if it's just buying me a card, so that they'd be trained in some way for their future wives, MILs, etc. But lately I've been thinking, you know what? That's not my problem. They can figure it out when they're older and perhaps run up against their wives/MILs expectations. Maybe then they'll learn to put a bit more effort into it. For me, personally, I don't really care that much. I'm always glad when they holiday is over so I can stop feeling like something's wrong with my life, lol.


DH did buy me flowers right before dinnertime, so there's that. Although, honestly, my *KIDS* are the ones who should be marking the occasion since I'm their Mom. Whatever. Maybe they'll see all the Mom- tributes their friends have posted online and feel kinda bad for being slackers.  :D



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Maybe they'll see all the Mom- tributes their friends have posted online and feel kinda bad for being slackers. :D

You know ... I really wasn't feeling all that bad about things until I saw all the Facebook mom tributes. I was surprised that I didn't get much from dd, which is not like her (and I drove 10 hours in 2 days to take her to and from a competition) but she was sick. She usually puts dh to shame remembering stuff and making people feel special.


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Good that you can have some humor about it.


Overall my day was good, but dd would not go to bed at all yesterday and it was pretty annoying. She also wouldn't quit eating lol. I had things to do last night so I didn't get to bed til well after midnight and when she did go to bed it was only because I twisted dh's arm to go to bed with her. Not the same but my toddler randomly rolled off the recliner last night. What's up with these kids lol

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I had a pleasant/restful day of napping and binge-watching Stranger Things, despite staying home from church with vertigo and stomach unrest. (And despite getting zero acknowledgment from DH or kids, even though DH preached the sermon for Mother's Day -- so he knew what day it was.)


I tend to be on the "zero expectations = zero disappointments" train...

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My biggest complaint for the day was that I was on day 2 of my cycle which always hits me kind of hard. I don't like to stray too far from home (ie the bathroom) and down is much better than up. Thankfully though it's much better than in recent years when I was completely incapacitated for that one day. 


My kids *do* make a big deal out of mother's day, I would just more appreciate the opposite kind of attention. I'd like a day to myself to chill. DD8 plans our entire day like I plan her birthday parties. Usually I just go with it because I'm not big on these kinds of "holidays" anyway so it's really just another day to me that ends up being a good family together day. But it was hard living up to her expectations of the day when I wanted to curl into a ball. I was very thankful when DH convinced them to let me go home and "rest for a bit" while they took flowers to his mom. 

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Mine had me bawling last night, although I know it could have been so much worse.


I left a list of chores to get done. Just the stuff I do routinely on my own, but all I wanted for Mother's Day was a BREAK. Well it was 9:30 pm and the bed still wasn't made (stuff was still in the dryer) so I had to show DH where the extra bedding was. And I hoped for handmade cards from the kids, but got nothing. 


I shouldn't complain, dinner was good. I mean, I planned it and shopped for it, but it got cooked somehow.


So I guess next year I just send a link to Amazon for material stuff I don't need, since the non-material approach didn't work so well.

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I tend to be on the "zero expectations = zero disappointments" train...


I usually am too, but this year really was a bummer. I didn't even hear the words "Happy Mother's Day" let alone get a gift or card or special treatment. I made my own breakfast, cooked lunch and dinner for the family, did dishes three times, folded laundry, changed the cat box, etc. without a single offer to help out. Sigh. (And yes, everyone knew it was Mother's Day.)


I'm not going to dwell on it. It's been a difficult spring for all of us for a variety of reasons, and even though it seems easy to me to say the words or offer to make me a cup of tea or something, maybe they really didn't have it in them this year to do that. I know there have been times when even the simplest task seemed like too much to me. So onward we go.

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My mom sounded annoyed when she picked up the phone and said she would call me back after she walked her dogs.


She's 82, but that's not why; she's always been that way.


The minor child said, "Oh, is it Mother's Day?" and turned back to his video game. One of the adult children called, but s/he seemed to think it was my birthday.


Yup. We put the "fun" in dysfunctional, huh?

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