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Decluttering and organizing goals, week 3


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My trash cans are almost full, trash day is tomorrow.


I took out 7 boxes from my attic and went through them.


I thew out over 3/4 of it, including my stupid teenage diaries that are 90% about boys and stupid stuff and I would be highly embarrassed for anyone to find them if I were to die tomorrow.  Seriously!  I had been meaning to burn them for a while now.  I glance through them.  stupid, stupid stuff.


And I threw out letters from a guy I was engaged to for a while.  I loved him.  We are still friends.  He lives in Tokyo with his boyfriend now.  The kids asked me about the letters (and voice cassettes!) and were quite surprised I had had a boyfriend who is now gay.   It was almost like gay people must not have existed back when I was a kid!  HAHA!


I have 2 boxes ready for Goodwill but most was tossed.



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Dh went through his clothes and filled a huge box for Goodwill while I sat on the floor and went through kids clothes. I filled a huge box and 2 trash bags. Those are going to Goodwill today! I also went through all our papers and shredded tons we no longer need.


This week my goal is to finish the kids clothes. I still have 3 bins to go through. If I finish that early in the week I will also start decluttered the garage

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Since the last post:

  • Cleared out the cupboard full of "non-perishables."  Most of it expired / in the garbage, some of it donated to the library / food bank project.  Here I thought it hadn't been that long since we did this ....
  • About 3 bags filled with hand-me-downs for nieces.
  • A few piles of things that belong at work packed into the van - hoping they get unpacked at work this week.
  • Consolidated / reorganized some boxes of kid stuff / science kits....
  • Reduced email inboxes by about 150-200 (net) emails.

Hoping to finish (or make progress on) this week:

  • A box or two of books to hand down to the nieces.
  • More clothes and shoes to hand down.
  • Some work files organized & filed someplace other than my dresser top.
  • Work e-reminders streamlined & updated.
  • More (net) emails processed & filed from inboxes.
  • Online repository for scout photos set up, which should be easier than trying to include photos in the scout newsletters I send out....
  • Personal calendar - need to get back to keeping one.  (One that works on my present computer.)
  • Getting caught up on personal mental clutter, e.g., routine health visits, bills, etc.
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Cleared up and removed the problematic dining set.


Collected my spice baskets from the garage. Moved my spices into the metal baskets, which fit better in the cabinet. The plastic bins they had been in were reallocated to holding medications/supplements. Sorted through the medicines and shifted the baskets to another space in the kitchen.


Collected my dry goods containers from the garage and washed them. They are just waiting to be filled. [must. Get. Off. Couch.]


Added labels to my hall closet. After the big target run a couple weeks ago, I organized it, but not labeled. Found some older, neutral, but pleasing gift labels while sorting a random catch all basket and used some of the kids craft string.


Sorted through and delt with over 2000 emails.


Hoping to:

Send photos to the lab to put up family photos and get frames out of boxes.


Finish school for the term today or tomorrow.

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My decluttering plans have been waylaid by the demands of life. Instead of finishing by April 1, I may not really be able to start until April. There are other things I have to do with my time during the next week or two. I'll try, though, to fit a few small jobs in here and there.


I'll keep reading along for inspiration, though!

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This Friday my organizer is coming back, and I need to finish the homework she gave me.


So, this week:


  • Finish going through the junk in the Sunroom
  • Finish any loose ends in the attic area
  • start bringing up boxes from basement, go through at last 3 of them.
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I would love to be an organizer!  Did you hire someone you know?  How do they charge and what exactly do they do?


She is a personal friend who did this for a living back in her former location.  Normal charge is $20-$30/hour but she is charing me $15.


She is SO GOOD.  She goes into a room, can visualize how it SHOULD look and starting either putting things in piles to go through or starts pointing asking why I have X or what I plan to do with Y, and tells me to get rid of it.

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I got very little decluttering done this week because I am focused on finishing the room we took down to the studs. Almost done- we should complete it by the end of next weekend. But much of what still needs to be done I'll need dh's help for so I can do some decluttering this week while he's at work. 


Goal: our closet (Didn't get to that this week), my clothes (out of season clothes packed in space bags), and the room dd will use when she and the grands come to visit next month. 


Reality: I'll probably get one of these done because I also have a full week of tutoring and a cake or two to make for a client. And I need to do our taxes. 

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Dh went through his clothes and filled a huge box for Goodwill while I sat on the floor and went through kids clothes. I filled a huge box and 2 trash bags. Those are going to Goodwill today! I also went through all our papers and shredded tons we no longer need.


This week my goal is to finish the kids clothes. I still have 3 bins to go through. If I finish that early in the week I will also start decluttered the garage


Question for anyone who donates clothes, do you take the time to write everything down so that you can take deductions on your taxes?


Do you try and sell things before donating?


Are you guys done having kids?  Do you save things at all?  




Just dropped off 8 bags this morning.  


I have another 2 bags ready to get donated



I still haven't bagged up the stuff in the garage.   I am wuss with the cold. 

Edited by mommyoffive
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I pulled all my boxes with my shoes with high heels out of the closet to give away... and it is difficult for me. I never wore heels very often, but giving them all away means accepting that my foot condition will not get better and I will never be able to wear pretty shoes again. Which I intellectually know, but somehow I still have not managed to get them out of the house, despite not being able to wear them in over two years...

Other than that, I'm pretty good at not being attached to stuff.

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Question for anyone who donates clothes, do you take the time to write everything down so that you can take deductions on your taxes?


Do you try and sell things before donating?


Trying to sell used clothes is not a sensible use of my time. I don't wear expensive designer pieces that have significant resale value. I see what the consignment store charges and what little the seller gets - not worth it.


Before donating, I make a list how many of what type of item (two pairs of dress pants, 3 long sleeve shirts, etc) I have, so I can itemize for taxes.

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Trying to sell used clothes is not a sensible use of my time. I don't wear expensive designer pieces that have significant resale value. I see what the consignment store charges and what little the seller gets - not worth it.


Before donating, I make a list how many of what type of item (two pairs of dress pants, 3 long sleeve shirts, etc) I have, so I can itemize for taxes.


That seems to be my thoughts too.  Even doing a garage sale seems like it wouldn't net more money than just getting the deduction. 



I am giving Swap.com a try for the nicer stuff.  We shall see how that works out. 

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I finished filing the annoying stack of papers.


I decluttered my closet and threw away several bags of stuff/hung up some pictures that were still hiding in the back of the closet. I labeled the two small boxes of framed photos that are still in the closet so that I don't have to open them every few months to figure out what they are.


I cleaned off the surfaces of the built in bookcases and surfaces all over the house.


I did the seasonal clothing swap for the kids and switched their dressers so that each kid can have three drawers.


I put the ski stuff in the attic, straightened up the Christmas stuff that DH just threw up there, straightened the rest of the attic, found the Halloween decorations that were scattered about the closets and made a box for those in the attic, organized my freezer, avd organized the linen and cost closets.


That leaves me with the pantry, the top of my dresser, and the books (oh my books...I can't find the books I know I have when I need them because they were unpacked into any random bookcase that would hold them). I'm excited about my progress!


I also made good progress on updating my calendar and doing a full brain dump (a la "Getting Things Done" aka: decluttering my brain) I operate much better when it's all on paper, but when I get behind, the stress of keeping it all in my brain takes all the energy I have for dumping it back out. It's silly, but that's how I work. So nice to have it on paper again.

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I have taken Konmari's "saying thanks to the item" to new heights. As I wrote above, I have such a hard time parting with my shoes. So I wrote a poem about getting rid of them - and now I feel much better about donating them :)

I know, that works only if you have limited possessions to get rid of...

Edited by regentrude
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I have taken Konmari's "saying thanks to the item" to new heights. As I wrote above, I have such a hard time parting with my shoes. So I wrote a poem about getting rid of them - and now I feel much better about donating them :)

I know, that works only if you have limited possessions to get rid of...

I love this.

I've been struggling since this last move with feeling dislike towards keepsakes I used to truly treasure. I don't have many (because we move constantly and I've given up so many), but I'm beginning to feel that all the moving is stealing my chance to even feel joy toward what I've kept. I wonder if poems might be in my future? A poem about the tiniest socks my babies wore? Or that gorgeous picture that I can't even like anymore because I know I just have to move it again?

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D bought a big shelving unit for the kids room to put their clothes bins on. I need to go to IKEA to get larger  and more bins, and sort through their clothes. 

I am thinking of ordering uniforms. Like 10 of the same shorts, 10 of the same shirts, kind of thing. I will have to get rid of at least half of their clothes because they are worn and outgrown. No idea how where to order from, though. 

D washed all of the laundry while I had the kids out at Tucson Book Festival, so it's ready for me to sift through tomorrow. Then We'll hit IKEA Tuesday, I think. 

I tossed out a huge broken coffee table that was cluttering up my living room. The space looks so much better now. A friend gave us a second child's desk. It could fit in the living room, but I moved it the kids' room. It fits great, makes their room looks less stark, and freed up space in my living room. This also gives them a quiet place to work when they need to spread out.  I'll pick up a small end table at IKEA, too, and that will give us a bit more usable table space, but will be completely hidden behind the sofa.

Hmm, I guess I should replace our bed sheets. I noticed ( now that it's warm and I'm not sleeping in huge fleece pants) that our bed sheet is badly pilled, and the spare is stained terribly. 

I did something different with meal planning. I am sick to screaming tears of the messes in the kitchen, kids getting into off-limits ingredients and snacks, and general disarray and stress that goes with everyone having access to the kitchen and all of the things. So I took us back to the way it was when they were small. Porridge for breakfast (meal bars or prepared breakfast items for me), soup for lunch, Beans and rice or vegan stew of some kind for dinner. Easy, peasy, no disasters in the kitchen. 

I'm also trying to switch from buying groceries every week, which takes the better part of a day, to only buying once a month, plus 2 co-op pickups and the occasional quick pick up. 

We are only a couple of days in, but I'm happy. I bought 5 kinds of porridge, 13 pounds of dried beans, peas, and lentils, 20 pounds of rice, 11 cans of beans, 3 kinds of soup bases, 10 boxes of berries, (3 boxes of meal bars) and very little else. We already have pasta, barley, potatoes, flour, honey and yeast for baking bread, eggs, frozen and canned veg, and other assorted ingredients. I prepped mini quiches, squash-and-potato hash browns, and dehydrated a bunch a squash and some celery. 

We will be getting another big shelving unit for the kitchen, and I think I will get more, smaller units in the place of cabinets. I think the storage will be great. No more stuff stashed and crammed everywhere. 

Next up is bookcases. That's going to be HUGE for us. 

It is so nice sorting things out and not having such a bundle of mess all the time. 

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I have worked on my closet on and off. Like Regentrude, there are items that my mother sewed 30 years ago and some actually still fit me BUT I would not wear them today to even get the mail at the end of the driveway. I suppose, it's time to say good-bye. ;)

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Organizer coming tomorrow.  She told me to wear my tennis shoes because we would be running like mad.


I was going to go to CA for Spring Break, but I am rethinking.  She says if I am here for Spring Break she can work a lot with me and get most of the work DONE.


And we are going to CA in June or July.  So, I may just save my trip from April and go in the summer and get this house ready!

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I've been filling my van with stuff for Goodwill and finally got it donated today.  I also donated two big trash bags to another textile donation site.  I cleaned out/resorted two of my junk drawers in my kitchen.  And this may not count, but I filled my yard waste bin on Tuesday for the Wed. pick up, and now I've filled it half way again with blackberry vine clippings. 

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I'm late to the party, but here goes:


I made two donation trips to the Goodwill yesterday.  14 bags of misc. clothing/household items, all from storage bins in the garage.  I refuse to have a garage sale because the last one was more work than profit.  


Cleaned out the freezer, food cupboards, laundry room.   


Dd sorted old books for donation to the library.  


I am sorting/creating craft workspace so that will be my long term project for the next few weeks 



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She is coming back today.  I am hoping she only stays 3 hours.  I am SO TIRED!


But it needs to be done.


We started in the attic but we both were coughing and having trouble breathing up there, so I am not sure what that was about, so we quit the attic.  I think I will need to have the boys just empty it completely.  

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I love reading these stories.  I find it hard to declutter with kids around but I am hoping to get a little done over the weekend.


I hope to part with many childhood trinkets.  It feels so wonderful to let go of the material clutter that clogs my life.


Thank you to everyone for the inspiration.  

Edited by overpeople
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My house is a wreck. I have pulled out all the things, sorted the things, but I have not yet packed anything up.


The kids clothes bins are great. They are nice and big and hold lots, with plenty of extra space. 

I took some of Luna's and my winter wear out of the closet. I have a stack of storage bins. That's as far as I've gotten. 

I sorted out the usable kids clothes (though some holey tshirts got past me. Still working on that) from the winter, outgrown, and inappropriate ( dress slacks, so many dress slacks) ones.  They are piled on my living room floor. They need to be bagged up and dropped off. 

I'm feeling yucky, so I doubt I'll get much done today. I'll just have to live in the mess a bit longer. 

Oh, and the washer is broken. We've washed a load of diapers 5 times and it's still dirty. Why is it always diapers when the washer breaks?

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She stayed FOUR HOURS!  And we ONLY worked on the kitchen!


She took everything out of each cupboard and reworked stuff.  It is now FANTASTIC.  We have one more large cupboard to go through, but we filled three large trash bags, and took a bunch of stuff to the basement shelves.


Obviously I am a MESS.



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She stayed FOUR HOURS!  And we ONLY worked on the kitchen!


She took everything out of each cupboard and reworked stuff.  It is now FANTASTIC.  We have one more large cupboard to go through, but we filled three large trash bags, and took a bunch of stuff to the basement shelves.


Obviously I am a MESS.


How big is your kitchen that you can fill three trash bags with stuff you don't actually need???

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How big is your kitchen that you can fill three trash bags with stuff you don't actually need???



Sigh,  it is just ME, I am a MESS.


If one water bottle is good, 20 is better, stuffed in the back of the corner cupboard.  If rubber made containers are good, 25 of them are better.  All stuffed in the upper cupboard.  Pantry cupboard so stuffed I had no idea what all was in there.  I had junk drawers I hadn't touched in 10 years, 3 bottles of expired BBQ sauce, tupperware full of stuff that is old (powdered milk, baking supplies I never used, etc...)


Seriously, I am a mess.

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She stayed FOUR HOURS!  And we ONLY worked on the kitchen!


She took everything out of each cupboard and reworked stuff.  It is now FANTASTIC.  We have one more large cupboard to go through, but we filled three large trash bags, and took a bunch of stuff to the basement shelves.


Obviously I am a MESS.


Amazing.  I want something like this.   No I need something like this. 

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I'm kinda joining as talk of selling and moving to another area of SoCal has come up and I decided to start now rather than later. Of course then today DH says maybe we should wait and see how the market goes. :lol:  I really don't want to downsize with the kids growing, but...we'll see.


My goals are not only decluttering but organizing also to streamline things.


I started in the Laundry room. Re did all my shelves and cleared out the cabinet. Got rid of a trashbag full of stuff and working on organizing it to make it work better. It's one of those "pass through" laundry rooms, so not much room. I am hanging hooks for coats, etc and got some baskets for various items on the open shelves. Now I need to figure out better storage for paper towels and the like. I got an over the door shoe holder to hang on the back of the door to hold cleaning supplies, bubbles and sidewalk chalk, etc. (thanks pinterest for that idea  :lol: !) I'm going to move a plastic drawer unit  from a closet to hold batteries/light bulbs/ etc next to the dryer.


Next is the hall closet (I hope) or the kids clothes. We'll see.

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I'm kinda joining as talk of selling and moving to another area of SoCal has come up and I decided to start now rather than later. Of course then today DH says maybe we should wait and see how the market goes. :lol:  I really don't want to downsize with the kids growing, but...we'll see.


My goals are not only decluttering but organizing also to streamline things.


I started in the Laundry room. Re did all my shelves and cleared out the cabinet. Got rid of a trashbag full of stuff and working on organizing it to make it work better. It's one of those "pass through" laundry rooms, so not much room. I am hanging hooks for coats, etc and got some baskets for various items on the open shelves. Now I need to figure out better storage for paper towels and the like. I got an over the door shoe holder to hang on the back of the door to hold cleaning supplies, bubbles and sidewalk chalk, etc. (thanks pinterest for that idea  :lol: !) I'm going to move a plastic drawer unit  from a closet to hold batteries/light bulbs/ etc next to the dryer.


Next is the hall closet (I hope) or the kids clothes. We'll see.



Do you need to move?  Or is it just that you want a different area?

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I cleaned out under the stairs yesterday, which required organizing the shed, b/c that is where all dh's bee stuff had to go. I worked miracles(my sinuses are paying for it today--- so much dust). I still have some stuff that needs to be sold but dh will have to help when he isn't so busy. For now you have plenty of space to move around in there and everything we use is easy to get to, if only I can get dh to put things where they go, instead of putting stuff in front fo the door when he is done! The stairwell closet is all clear except our extra hardwood floor that I organized by size and put to the side, dd will have plenty of room for her stuff.


I have an urge to do a quick spring purge but that will probably wait until April when we finish school. Next week I will be going to Mom's and I can take some stuff too big for the trash, she has a dumpster. 

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Do you need to move?  Or is it just that you want a different area?

We don't HAVE to move. We like this house and the neighborhood, but the commute is getting to DH. They are finishing up a big freeway project which might help the commute (and raise our house price YAY!), so we will I think wait for now and see how much that helps. I am trying to convince DH to pay for the toll lanes to shave time, at least on the return home. It irks him to pay to use a freeway  :lol:  since they already tax us so much, but it would be <$40/week and I think cheaper than moving!! (Not to mention less headache.)

We could move right next to his work (no freeways, just surface streets to work), BUT we would have to go from 2400+ sq ft to about 1400 sq ft. DH is not home much so I don't think he understands how much that would affect OUR quality of life since we are here homeschooling all day. 

We could move and shave 20-25 minutes off his 1-1.5 hour commute and keep the same size house, but for about $100K-$150K more than the house we are in now. 


Plus we have been here now for 4 years, so about time to reorganize/purge  :laugh: .





Purging Question: Has anyone used a document shredding service?? I have sooo many docs from relatives/old taxes/estate papers, etc that I don't want to just trash, can't burn them here and I don't have a shredder (nor do I want to sit for hours and shred, it is several large black trashbags full). (They have birthdates, ssns, maiden names, former addresses, etc. Really info I don't want out there.)

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Sigh,  it is just ME, I am a MESS.


If one water bottle is good, 20 is better, stuffed in the back of the corner cupboard.  If rubber made containers are good, 25 of them are better.  All stuffed in the upper cupboard.  Pantry cupboard so stuffed I had no idea what all was in there.  I had junk drawers I hadn't touched in 10 years, 3 bottles of expired BBQ sauce, tupperware full of stuff that is old (powdered milk, baking supplies I never used, etc...)


Seriously, I am a mess.



Sadly I understand :sad:  :rolleyes:    Way to go on getting rid of stuff. 

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Purging Question: Has anyone used a document shredding service?? I have sooo many docs from relatives/old taxes/estate papers, etc that I don't want to just trash, can't burn them here and I don't have a shredder (nor do I want to sit for hours and shred, it is several large black trashbags full). (They have birthdates, ssns, maiden names, former addresses, etc. Really info I don't want out there.)


Our credit union hires a service a few times a year. We drive up with stuff in bags or boxes and they take it and shred it right then and there. It's awesome. And free. 

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I don't know if this is available everywhere and it wouldn't help if the stacks of paper are really huge, but I've also seen AAA offer free Shred-a-Thons for everyone. One that I saw advertised was offering raffles and prizes. They also said to be prepared if there is a crowd. I haven't used it so I do not know if there are any catches, but figured I'd post it in case you don't have a credit union nearby. 

I am going to check with our credit union -- good idea!


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We don't HAVE to move. We like this house and the neighborhood, but the commute is getting to DH. They are finishing up a big freeway project which might help the commute (and raise our house price YAY!), so we will I think wait for now and see how much that helps. I am trying to convince DH to pay for the toll lanes to shave time, at least on the return home. It irks him to pay to use a freeway  :lol:  since they already tax us so much, but it would be <$40/week and I think cheaper than moving!! (Not to mention less headache.)

We could move right next to his work (no freeways, just surface streets to work), BUT we would have to go from 2400+ sq ft to about 1400 sq ft. DH is not home much so I don't think he understands how much that would affect OUR quality of life since we are here homeschooling all day. 

We could move and shave 20-25 minutes off his 1-1.5 hour commute and keep the same size house, but for about $100K-$150K more than the house we are in now. 


Plus we have been here now for 4 years, so about time to reorganize/purge  :laugh: .





Purging Question: Has anyone used a document shredding service?? I have sooo many docs from relatives/old taxes/estate papers, etc that I don't want to just trash, can't burn them here and I don't have a shredder (nor do I want to sit for hours and shred, it is several large black trashbags full). (They have birthdates, ssns, maiden names, former addresses, etc. Really info I don't want out there.)



Gotcha, and sending a PM.


Never mind, it says you don't receive PMs.  


We are moving back to SoCal.  

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Gotcha, and sending a PM.


Never mind, it says you don't receive PMs.  


We are moving back to SoCal.  

Huh?? I've gotten PMs.....just a minute....


OK, had to clean out my inbox  :lol:  (hadn't done that in a while).

PM away....

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It is often filled with yard waste, but since the yard is covered in snow that is not going to happen.  Off I go to find more things to throw out.


I'm envious that you can put yard waste in your regular trash can!  The city charges me $91 a season to haul one can of yard waste a week during the warm months. 

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I don't know if this is available everywhere and it wouldn't help if the stacks of paper are really huge, but I've also seen AAA offer free Shred-a-Thons for everyone. One that I saw advertised was offering raffles and prizes. They also said to be prepared if there is a crowd. I haven't used it so I do not know if there are any catches, but figured I'd post it in case you don't have a credit union nearby. 

I am going to check with our credit union -- good idea!



Some recycling centers have shredders and will shred so much for free.


Thanks, I will check both of these options.

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Just reading for inspiration at the moment. Hoping to reorganize and purge quite a bit in a few months. We're getting built-in shelving added to the living room and we'll be finishing up our home school career and will be going through everything we have from that season of our lives. We're thinking of maybe doing a garage sale--we'll see if we have enough to make it worthwhile. Don't even know what all we have in the attic.

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