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Facebook cracks me up.


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So...yesterday I get a "friend" request. I used to go to church with this person...10 years ago. We were polite, but I wouldn't say "friends", even then. Our kids are the same age, so over the years I've seen this person countless times. She's never acknowledged me. Rarely, if ever, says hello. So....why do you want to be my "friend"? LOL!!! Delete.


Then,I get a super nice, super sincere invite to a long lost college friend's house if we're ever in DC. I haven't talked to this guy in 25 years and I was laughing at his ripping humour right off the bat.


Oh, Facebook. You are such a bizarre mix of weird and wonderful!!


Anyone else have bizarre Facebook "friend" requests?

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So...yesterday I get a "friend" request. I used to go to church with this person...10 years ago. We were polite, but I wouldn't say "friends", even then. Our kids are the same age, so over the years I've seen this person countless times. She's never acknowledged me. Rarely, if ever, says hello. So....why do you want to be my "friend"? LOL!!! Delete.



My immediate cynical guess is that she started up an MLM business.  Dollars to donuts.

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You mean, besides the stream of requests from people I don't recognize at all? There's those. Maybe they are from high school or a friend-of-a-friend, but those I really don't get.

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I got a request from my best friend's exboyfriend from 8th grade. The only reason I ever talked to him was because she dated him and I dates his best friend. Otherwise, I would have NEVER said a pleasant thing to him because he was an ass. The friend request came with a private message along the lines of...

Hey girl, it has been awhile. I was talking to (your old best friend) and saw your profile on her wall. You still look so fine. What have you been up to?

Knowing this is code for 'i'm putting feelers out to see if you're up for a quick hook up.' I laugh and show dh. He doesn't quite believe that that's what the message is about and he's just trying to catch up with an old friend. So I respond to the message "Oh, I'm absolutely wonderful. I've been married to the most loving guy for the last 7 years. We have 4 beautiful children. Life couldn't be better. What have you been up to?" His response, " that's nice." And I never hear from him again! I gave my dh a big " I told you so!"

Edited by hjffkj
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I know people that send friend requests to everyone they've ever set eyes on and some they haven't.


My weirdest friend request was my FIL's ex-wife.  He was married to her before he met my MIL and well before my husband was born.  I knew she existed as she had sent a Christmas card to my ILs one year and apparently it caused a bit of an incident in the household (that's when my husband learned his parents' marriage was his father's second - he was a teen by then).  Anyway, she lives in Norway of all places.  Moved there in the 80s to get married.  She had some pictures of my FIL from when he was a little boy and when they were married and wanted to send them to us.  We have an extremely unique last name and she had heard through cousins of my FIL that Jamie had married someone named Heather so she was able to find me on Facebook.  She did send the pictures and we appreciate them very much since Jamie's dad died 11 years ago this month.  I find her to be a delightful woman and am glad I've gotten to know her.  She never stopped loving Jamie's dad even though she ended the marriage (she couldn't deal with the Navy wife 6 months in 6 months out life).  She has an interesting pride in how well Jamie turned out and in our kids.  She never had children of her own (and Jamie's his parents' only).  I guess she just has always kept that love of my FIL in her heart so we are all special to her, too.


So, anyway, that's a bizarre FB friend request that turned out to be a really great one.  I've had others that I've ignored because we were never friends and sometimes they were downright antagonistic to me.  Why would I want to be friends now?

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My mom got a fb msg.from one of my dad's ex wives that my mom never knew about. He was married to this other woman before he married my mom. That makes six wives total for him now! This woman wanted his phone number and mom gladly gave it her. (My parents have been divorced for a long time.)

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When my mom was new to Facebook, she thought the "people you might know" function meant that those people has requested to be her friends. She thought she was just being polite and accepting -- but those are some barely-connected people, and she was sending them requests.


It's possible the same thing happenes to other folks who are not terribly tech savy.

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I am FB savvy and have unintentionally sent Friend Requests to people. I am sure it's because my fingers were faster than my phone was responding, or maybe I was falling asleep and accidentially hit something.


Lesson learned. I don't stalk people from my phone ever. There are certain people I want to be sure I never friend.


I love the weirdness of FB. I go through my friends list periodically and delete. But there are, for example, boys from my elementary school with whom I am great FB friends, even though we'd probably have little in common now IRL.

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Facebook has been suggesting my DH's ex fiancé as a friend lately. We do have several friends in common, including a few of DH's cousins and sister, so it's not entirely out there. It is amusing to me though. I'm really careful not to scroll quickly and accidentally send her a friend request though. That would be really weird.

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I got a request from my best friend's exboyfriend from 8th grade. The only reason I ever talked to him was because she dated him and I dates his best friend. Otherwise, I would have NEVER said a pleasant thing to him because he was an ass. The friend request came with a private message along the lines of...


Hey girl, it has been awhile. I was talking to (your old best friend) and saw your profile on her wall. You still look so fine. What have you been up to?


Knowing this is code for 'i'm putting feelers out to see if you're up for a quick hook up.' I laugh and show dh. He doesn't quite believe that that's what the message is about and he's just trying to catch up with an old friend. So I respond to the message "Oh, I'm absolutely wonderful. I've been married to the most loving guy for the last 7 years. We have 4 beautiful children. Life couldn't be better. What have you been up to?" His response, " that's nice." And I never hear from him again! I gave my dh a big " I told you so!"


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Yes, I had a neighbor years ago (we've since moved) that sent me a request.  We had a very up and down relationship where sometimes she would be mad at me and I never knew what I did or said.  Our last encounter was when our kids got into something on the bus and I tried talking to her about it and that didn't go well.  At that point I was fine never to talk to her again so it was really weird when years later she'd send me a friend request.  No thanks!  I'm done with that roller coaster ride. 

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I got a request from my best friend's exboyfriend from 8th grade. The only reason I ever talked to him was because she dated him and I dates his best friend. Otherwise, I would have NEVER said a pleasant thing to him because he was an ass. The friend request came with a private message along the lines of...


Hey girl, it has been awhile. I was talking to (your old best friend) and saw your profile on her wall. You still look so fine. What have you been up to?


Knowing this is code for 'i'm putting feelers out to see if you're up for a quick hook up.' I laugh and show dh. He doesn't quite believe that that's what the message is about and he's just trying to catch up with an old friend. So I respond to the message "Oh, I'm absolutely wonderful. I've been married to the most loving guy for the last 7 years. We have 4 beautiful children. Life couldn't be better. What have you been up to?" His response, " that's nice." And I never hear from him again! I gave my dh a big " I told you so!"


More or less had the same thing happen before. I was shocked at how many mutual friends we had since I figured they'd burned most of those bridges! The guy cheated on me and sent me a friend request and PM asking how I was. Told him I had settled down and had a kid (one at the time) and that took care of that LOL


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I have a good story too--my teacher, who I had for two years in row when I lived on a base in Germany.  She was the best teacher, and that was probably the only time I ever liked school.   I finally found her on FB!

I really wish I could find my 4th grade teacher.  We were stationed on Okinawa at the time, and I went to an off-base Christian school.  Mrs. Freeman was the best teacher, and now that I homeschool, I can see that a lot of what she did really was "classical" before that was really a thing.  She really emphasized memory work, and I can still recite so many of the things we memorized that year (Bible passages, several verses of the Star-Spangled Banner, the Presidents, etc.).  She was a very young teacher back then, newly married to an enlisted guy, and I later heard they had adopted a baby from Korea.  Her name is too common though.  I'd love to tell her how much she influenced me!

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I really wish I could find my 4th grade teacher. We were stationed on Okinawa at the time, and I went to an off-base Christian school. Mrs. Freeman was the best teacher, and now that I homeschool, I can see that a lot of what she did really was "classical" before that was really a thing. She really emphasized memory work, and I can still recite so many of the things we memorized that year (Bible passages, several verses of the Star-Spangled Banner, the Presidents, etc.). She was a very young teacher back then, newly married to an enlisted guy, and I later heard they had adopted a baby from Korea. Her name is too common though. I'd love to tell her how much she influenced me!

Mrs. Freeman was also my favorite fourth grade teacher in public school. She was Miss Roach and then got married at the end of the year. She was a young teacher who allowed me to work at my own pace. Differentiated instruction was not even a thing in the late 70s. I actually had her for two years due to a variety of factors. I loved her.

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My daughter scraped someone's car a little when she was parallel parking so she left a note on the car with her contact info.  A month later she got a phone call from the woman and they exchanged insurance info.  The lady was sweet and grateful that my daughter left the note. But then she friend requested my daughter on FB! LOL 


Good story... My sister used FB to track down her best friend from 50 years ago when we lived on Guam.  Even though they are on opposite coasts of the US now, they recently were able to meet up and spend the day together.

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Mrs. Freeman was also my favorite fourth grade teacher in public school. She was Miss Roach and then got married at the end of the year. She was a young teacher who allowed me to work at my own pace. Differentiated instruction was not even a thing in the late 70s. I actually had her for two years due to a variety of factors. I loved her.

Ha, that's funny!  Her first name wasn't Michele, was it?  Because that would just be too weird, lol.  I had my Mrs. Freeman in the early 80's--1982-83, I think.

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I have a good story too--my teacher, who I had for two years in row when I lived on a base in Germany.  She was the best teacher, and that was probably the only time I ever liked school.   I finally found her on FB!


There were a group of us in elementary school who had the same teacher for 2-4 years in a row, and we went through her class together as a group. She would often have her own (private schooled) two children join us for field trips or special events.  About 15 years ago, I found her on the internet and established email contact. She passed away a few years ago, and her son is now FB friends with several of us from that class. The teacher had a huge impact on many of us, and we have fond memories of her. I'm sure her son enjoys seeing how she's affected us and how we still think of her.



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I am one of those that will friend most anyone.


I am friends with my first cousins' stepmother. I have never met her IRL, but on facebook, she is pleasant and nice, and I like her pictures of dinners she makes. :)

I have a lot of FB friends like this. People my mom knows, distant cousins, relatives or friends of Dh from back in CA......if they are drama free and have pleasant things on their page I say why not.

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My daughter scraped someone's car a little when she was parallel parking so she left a note on the car with her contact info. A month later she got a phone call from the woman and they exchanged insurance info. The lady was sweet and grateful that my daughter left the note. But then she friend requested my daughter on FB! LOL


Good story... My sister used FB to track down her best friend from 50 years ago when we lived on Guam. Even though they are on opposite coasts of the US now, they recently were able to meet up and spend the day together.

I found my best friend from 4 grade on FB. It had been 35 years. When she didn't answer my pm, I found her son through her page.... She had died three years earlier....:(

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Anyone else have bizarre Facebook "friend" requests?


I occasionally get friend requests from a friend of a friend. Usually they "liked" a comment I made on the mutual friend's wall and I guess decided based on that, that I'd make a good fb friend. When I look, that one mutual friend is our only mutual friend.  I ignore those requests. 

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