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Am I on your ignore list?

Am I on your ignore list?  

  1. 1. Am I on your ignore list?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Hang on a sec while I add you
    • I can't decide
    • Other (because I want to vote and skew the poll)

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Have never used the ignore feature.


Wouldn't it make for terribly disjointed conversation?


Now I remember reading that somebody is double-jointed. It was on KidsHappen's thread about telling something you've never told on the boards. But I don't remember who it was. Double-jointed elbows? Don't make me go back there and look through that whole thread!

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I voted for "hang on a sec while I add you", because I couldn't resist!!! :lol:


But you're not on my ignore list!!


You are, however, on my friend list!! :D


Tsk, tsk. Poor impulse control. *shaking my head here in abject sympathy for you, you poor thing*


Whatever will we do with you? How about this




for whenever you feel an urge?

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And now I'm curious about how this ignore feature works. How can you see individual posts?


Anybody feel like trying the ignore feature just to see what happens? Feel free to ignore me to test it. But promise you'll cancel it when you find out how it feels, k? ;)


I've had someone on my ignore list start a thread. You see the title and the author. If you hover your mouse over you can't see the wording like you usually can and if you click on it their post is hidden but the replies are not.


So people who have you on their ignore list could in fact see and vote in the poll.


Hope that clarifies. :D


My ignore list is empty right now, I've taken a :chillpill:. However that could change at any minute.

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Thank you! Can you give me directions on how to get to Mordor? It's a wee bit chilly here and I'd like to go someplace warm for a while. :D


Go west by northwest and stop right before it gets pretty!

Edited by Kanga
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How does the ignore list work? Does it mean that you can't see any posts by the person you've added?


keptwoman explained it well. scroll down to see her post.


Obviously not since I'm reading this post.


Too late; I'd already posted the poll before it dawned on me. :o


Don't know what it is


Did this thread help at all?


Of course not!


Thank you!


Darn! That was my line!


She's fast, idn't she?


Just look at the poll results.


It would be pretty hypocritical to have you as a "friend" and on "ignore", wouldn't it?


Now why didn't I think of that?


No you are not, but I feel that way sometimes too.


Either that or nobody knows anything about modern day Greece.


You feel paranoid sometimes, too?


And ... umm ... I'm familiar with the movie Grease with John Travolta. Does that count? :huh:


La la la laaaaallaaaaa dooo doooodoodoodooooo hmmm hmmmm...


Oh wait...is that not how the ignore feature works?


Works for me. ;)


I don't have anyone on ignore.........


Me neither!


I don't have anyone on my ignore list.


Me neither! the sequel


Can someone here please tell me what this poll is about?? I can't read it.




You're so mean. I'm gonna report you for ... uhh ... for ... meaniness!


Well, I voted no, but this:


is such a good and well-taken point, I may need to reconsider....






Said in my most serious John McEnroe voice with my most serious face, "You cannot be serious."


Of course not, you are a friend! Although, everytime I see your avatar, ugly bugglies come to mind, which is a bit put offing (good term, don't'cha think? I'm really homeschooling to start my own language--mom-monics!! I'll keep you updated!).


I don't have anyone on my ignore list--I like to see what everyone has to say, no matter how much I disagree. How else can I know when I have to correct them?


And, as for the poll, it is true--the two people who answered yes should not have been able to see the post, if you are on their ignore list. And, if you are, think of what they are missing!!


I think we should put our fave quotes about ignorance here, for all those who are ignored (I've been told I'm on "ignore" by a few, and I'm proud of it!!! They are exactly the type I'd like to be ignored by! )


Here are some of my faves:


"The recipe for perpetual ignorance is: Be satisfied with your opinions and content with your knowledge." Elbert Hubbard


"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than a sincere ignorance and a conscientious stupidity." Martin Luther King


"The greatest ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about."


and, of course,


"If you think education is expensive, try ignorance." Derek Bok (not Bo Derek, as someone once asked me )


Okay, I read this first as ugly bunnies and was trying to figure out if you were talking about my avatar or someone else's. It took me a minutes to see buGGlies. Then I got your off joke.


I could change my avatar, but then my board name won't mean much, will it?


I looked through my favorite quotes and couldn't find anything on ignorance. I did find this though and thought it was apropos for all the heat generated on the boards recently.


To obtain a man’s opinion of you, make him mad. -- Oliver Wendell Holmes


I've only ever used my ignore list for one person, and it isn't you.





I've got one person on ignore, and it's not you. :)


Whew! the sequel


I've had someone on my ignore list start a thread. You see the title and the author. If you hover your mouse over you can't see the wording like you usually can and if you click on it their post is hidden but the replies are not.


So people who have you on their ignore list could in fact see and vote in the poll.


Hope that clarifies.


My ignore list is empty right now, I've taken a :chillpill:. However that could change at any minute.


Yes, thank you very much.

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Of course you're not on my ignore list! You're on my friend list.


I don't actually have anyone on my ignore list. I'm too curious about the controversial threads. I don't post in them. I just want to know what all the controversy is about.


I do, however, have laundry pile that is completely covering my bed on my ignore list right now.

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I think you are on my friend list--lemme check--


I'm not real big on these new features, y'know? I want to be friends with everyone--I have a lot to learn, and I don't want to shut anyone out--who knows how a comment they make, or one I make, may impact me (or them) for good? I'm not exactly a fount of wisdom. I think I occasionally make a good point. And even if someone is very different from me, I want to learn from them--it takes humility to listen to a different viewpoint calmly and with an open mind. (oops--that sounds like I'm saying I'm humble--:D)


Anyway, I don't want to use that feature.

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Are you on my ignore list?! Pish posh! Of course not. Like most folks, I don't use the ignore feature to magically turn people "off", nor do I have any desire to do so. I know full well that some people have me on ignore. What can I say? Their loss. (Just kidding!) Honestly, if people get so riled up merely "listening" to other people via a screen that they're compelled to ignore them altogether, well...so be it. (Actually, I was going to say something else there, but I'll leave it at "so be it".:D)

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Nobody on here is on my ignore list. On another message board I have one person on my ignore list because she attacks me everytime I post. It is on parenting board.

Nobody on this one though. I do not add anybody unless the person is attacking every thing I say then I do the ignore. I also ignore if they keep attacking me via PM.


This didn't happen here at all.


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Don't you wish it were the shopping list that could be ignored?


I don't have an ignore list, but I do have a shopping list. Wanna see?


Not just the shopping list, but the laundry, and the kitchen, and the cleaning, and the phone ringing off the hook. Wait, those ARE the things on my ignore list! (that and the pile of lesson plans to put in order):D


On another note, if I had an ignore list, I would miss out on the fun threads like this, and be forced to do all the things in real life that I'm currently ignoring (like cleaning my house) by spending my time on the boards, wouldn't I? In that since this whole forum has the supernatural power to be one big ignore power!!!!:lol:


Sorry, I'm REALLY procrastinating today:leaving:

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I also ignore if they keep attacking me via PM.


This didn't happen here at all.



GOOD HEAVENS! I'm so sorry to hear people do that! They should have the guts to post directly on the thread (not that anyone should be attacking anyone anyway)! I think that's when I would use the ignore.

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Apiphobic, you have 254 friends?! How could you be on anyone's ignore list! Hey thanks for the friend request BTW (now I have 6 :D).


Wow! I've got three whole friends!:lol:


I'm with the others who don't put anyone on ignore.:)

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No. But I'm actually offended by some other posters because I actually LIKE seeing John McEnroe in shorts! I had a serious crush on that guy at one time long, long ago.......yikes, how long ago was that shot taken?


I don't know much about him, but when I see him that phrase always pops into my head. I like the quote "You CANNOT be serious," because it's a reminder to myself to enjoy life. I have "Follow your bliss" (Joseph Campbell) on my cellphone and "Count your blessings" on my checks, too.


No idea when it was taken but I did find a

of him doin' his thang.


Go west by northwest and stop right before it gets pretty!


I thought it was second star to the right, and straight on till morning. ;-)


If you were on my ignore list, then I wouldn't be able to see the poll!! LOL


Why would anyone put you on an ignore list?? You're hilarious to read!


Well, thank you. But keptwoman explained that you can still see and vote in a poll even if that person is on your ignore list. I learn something new every day. :-)


Ignore list? Gracious no! Didn't we, like, just become BFF's yesterday?


For the record, I thought your avatar was cool. We have gi-normous flying cockroaches in the Samoa Islands, so I (((Heart))) bug spray.


Your new avatar is quite lovely, though.


BFF's! Yep! :-)


I think the avatar confused some people though.


Wait a minute, did you just change your avatar again? Where did that pic of the gorgeous mama go?


Yes, I did. It wasn't close enough and if I crop it, it'll get blurry. I'll keep looking. Or maybe I'll keep a generic pic for my avatar and change the one on my profile after halloween.


Agreeing with Jenny. Aphiphobic (I need to look that word up in the dictionary!)


The Well-Trained Mind Forums (aka Hive Mind)


apiphobia: The word "apiphobia" comes from "api-" from the Greek "apis" meaning bee + "phobia" from the Greek "phobos" meaning fear = literally, fear (of) bee(s).


In fact, no one is one my ignore list.




Of course you're not on my ignore list! You're on my friend list.


I don't actually have anyone on my ignore list. I'm too curious about the controversial threads. I don't post in them. I just want to know what all the controversy is about.


I do, however, have laundry pile that is completely covering my bed on my ignore list right now.


LOL about your laundry pile on your ignore list.


No. I don't have anyone on ignore.




no - I don't keep one.




Nope. I don't have anyone on ignore. If I don't want to read something, I don't read it, but, I like the option of reading it to be kept open!


Me, too.


Not any more.




I am just kidding; of course you aren't on my ignore list.




Of course not! In fact, you're on my friend list. Hello, friend! I've never used that feature and never would. I didn't realize we even still had it....




Yes, I do now. But you changed your name!! Are you really afraid of bees?




I don't invite them over for tea or anything. ;-)


No, but love the "no, but hang on a second while I add you" option! That was funny


Thank you!


No sireee Bob! Should I?


absoposilutely not


I think you are on my friend list--lemme check--


I'm not real big on these new features, y'know? I want to be friends with everyone--I have a lot to learn, and I don't want to shut anyone out--who knows how a comment they make, or one I make, may impact me (or them) for good? I'm not exactly a fount of wisdom. I think I occasionally make a good point. And even if someone is very different from me, I want to learn from them--it takes humility to listen to a different viewpoint calmly and with an open mind. (oops--that sounds like I'm saying I'm humble--)


Anyway, I don't want to use that feature.


I hear you. nods11.gif


If I used ignore, who would I report?


True, dat.


By the way I am feeling rebellious today so I skewed the poll


Et tu, Brute? ;-)


Are you on my ignore list?! Pish posh! Of course not. Like most folks, I don't use the ignore feature to magically turn people "off", nor do I have any desire to do so. I know full well that some people have me on ignore. What can I say? Their loss. (Just kidding!) Honestly, if people get so riled up merely "listening" to other people via a screen that they're compelled to ignore them altogether, well...so be it. (Actually, I was going to say something else there, but I'll leave it at "so be it".)


I have to admit, Colleen, sometimes your posts rile me up. But sometimes I find myself nodding to your posts. So you're the perfect example of why I choose not to use the ignore feature. Sometimes we agree, and sometimes we don't.






:lol: OR ELSE ...


Nobody on here is on my ignore list. On another message board I have one person on my ignore list because she attacks me everytime I post. It is on parenting board.

Nobody on this one though. I do not add anybody unless the person is attacking every thing I say then I do the ignore. I also ignore if they keep attacking me via PM.


This didn't happen here at all.



Sorry to hear about the other board. th_hug.gif


I don't have anyone on my ignore list and plan to keep it that way.


Me neither. At least I'm going to try.


Nope. Didn't I just get a "friend request from you"? I hope I clicked the correct button and didn't ignore you. That would be terrible.


I think everyone got an invite from me. :-)


I don't either.


Do you think we can call it a majority?


What's an ignore list?


On your User Control Panel, there's an option to add members to your ignore list. Their posts will be hidden when you open a thread, but their post titles will still be visible when you view the board with the list of threads.


You can get more information on how to use the different features of the board at the Board Rules/FAQs section.


Apiphobic, you have 254 friends?! How could you be on anyone's ignore list! Hey thanks for the friend request BTW (now I have 6 ).


It's a strange world out there. And you're quite welcome. Thanks for accepting.


Not just the shopping list, but the laundry, and the kitchen, and the cleaning, and the phone ringing off the hook. Wait, those ARE the things on my ignore list! (that and the pile of lesson plans to put in order)


On another note, if I had an ignore list, I would miss out on the fun threads like this, and be forced to do all the things in real life that I'm currently ignoring (like cleaning my house) by spending my time on the boards, wouldn't I? In that since this whole forum has the supernatural power to be one big ignore power!!!!


Sorry, I'm REALLY procrastinating today


Get to work! ;-)


Wow! I've got three whole friends!


I'm with the others who don't put anyone on ignore.


You've got one more!


It sure feels like a majority. Wonder if it's time for another poll?


I am of course. I went to bed early last night. I don't know who typed that...


I think we've got a Sybil on our hands.


Actually, it makes for a pleasant conversation. I have someone on ignore and I am a better person for it.


All righty then!



And now, ladies and gents, I wanted to respond to each and every one of you who took the time to 1) vote and 2) respond. I appreciate it, and I had a lot of fun. I probably won't respond anymore on this thread, because I don't want to beat a dead horse. But I did want to thank you and let you know I've enjoyed this.


Thank you!

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Yes. You are on my ignore list. I find your posts outrageous! yet so intriguing Preposterous! yet so intellectual Putrescent! yet tantalizing


The only reason I’m answering this is because I can’t tear myself away from the pull of your dark seduction I took you off ignore to read what drivel you’ve posted now, and to reply with this sanctimonious, petty, little jab at you.


In fact, EVERYONE is on my ignore list. So there!

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