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Think of me at 1 pm today.

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I'm taking my BSN exit exam this afternoon. I'm very sleepy and swimming in seemingly useless trivia. I'm actively soliciting thoughts, prayers, good wishes, and virtual caffeine.


I passed! I did well! Hooray!


Just like last time (mid-curriculars), though, I could NOT bring myself to push the little SCORE button and had to have the proctor do it for me. Ack!


This is supposed to be harder than NCLEX (RN licensing exam), so I'm pretty happy about that!


I'm still running on adrenaline, though. I'm going to soooo crash tonight!


Thanks to you all, whether in real time or retroactive. ;)




Oh, and just to answer Karensn (Karen RN, lol!), I have to finish Healthcare Spanish, Rural Track Interdisciplinary Health, Management, and clinicals. Only 17 credit hourse -- ack! But I'm halfway there, and this exit exam is OVER! So the rest is just one foot in front of the other. Dec 10.

Edited by Pam "SFSOM" in TN
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I passed! I did well! Hooray!


Just like last time (mid-curriculars), though, I could NOT bring myself to push the little SCORE button and had to have the proctor do it for me. Ack!


This is supposed to be harder than NCLEX (RN licensing exam), so I'm pretty happy about that!


I'm still running on adrenaline, though. I'm going to soooo crash tonight!


Thanks to you all, whether in real time or retroactive. ;)




Oh, and just to answer Karensn (Karen RN, lol!), I have to finish Healthcare Spanish, Rural Track Interdisciplinary Health, Management, and clinicals. Only 17 credit hourse -- ack! But I'm halfway there, and this exit exam is OVER! So the rest is just one foot in front of the other. Dec 10.


Well, of course you did!!


*chuck on the chin*

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I passed! I did well! Hooray!


Just like last time (mid-curriculars), though, I could NOT bring myself to push the little SCORE button and had to have the proctor do it for me. Ack!


This is supposed to be harder than NCLEX (RN licensing exam), so I'm pretty happy about that!


I'm still running on adrenaline, though. I'm going to soooo crash tonight!


Thanks to you all, whether in real time or retroactive. ;)




Oh, and just to answer Karensn (Karen RN, lol!), I have to finish Healthcare Spanish, Rural Track Interdisciplinary Health, Management, and clinicals. Only 17 credit hourse -- ack! But I'm halfway there, and this exit exam is OVER! So the rest is just one foot in front of the other. Dec 10.



:party: Somehow I read this wrong and thought you were taking the NCLEX! :-P In any case, many, many congratulations, dear friend. AS you said, one foot in front of the other! :D

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