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Am I being too sensitive?


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A friend of mine on Facebook is very upset about the election results and has been ranting ugly, hateful things all week.  It's been bothering me and I should just unfollow or unfriend her.  


Anyway, today she posted about how Biden should have run for president and it was "Very selfish of Beau to go and die like that (kidding, of course)."  


I am horrified that she would joke about someone dying of cancer.  Especially such a young man - a husband, father, son.  Am I making too much of this?  



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I recently unfriended and blocked a girl who I have had a very long standing friendship with. I was even in her wedding. She has been the epitome of hateful this last week. I just can't stand by when she attacks close friends of mine for answering questions. I just can't. 

So, no. Not too sensitive. I wouldn't be able to handle someone doing that, especially not making fun of someone's death. 

Edited by Southern Ivy
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I'm flamingly liberal and devastated by the results. I can't imagine any of my similarly-minded political friends not being horrified by that. We kicked a guy off a private politics board for continuously making jokes in bad humor. I'd unfollow and hope she chills out.

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wow. hopefully she'll calm down and get a grip.  for now - I'd just ignore her.    it goes back and forth all the time - I assume she's in a younger generation and is lacking in experience.


I don't think it's ever funny to make jokes about someone dying.   she needs to calm down.

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Unfollow. Unfollow. Unfollow.


I have no problem having intelligent, thoughtful discussions on controversial issues, but I do not want to log onto my Facebook page and see that kind of crap. (Besides, it's rarely a thoughtful discussion - it's just spewing)! I've unfollowed several people this week on both sides. Once they've calmed down, I can un-unfollow and hopefully they'll be back to posting cute pictures of their kids, trips they have taken, and I'll even settle for some this-is-what-i-ate-today pictures. :D

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Unfollow. Unfollow. Unfollow.


I have no problem having intelligent, thoughtful discussions on controversial issues, but I do not want to log onto my Facebook page and see that kind of crap. (Besides, it's rarely a thoughtful discussion - it's just spewing)! I've unfollowed several people this week on both sides. Once they've calmed down, I can un-unfollow and hopefully they'll be back to posting cute pictures of their kids, trips they have taken, and I'll even settle for some this-is-what-i-ate-today pictures. :D


my favorite post from wednesday was how now we can look forward to hearing from  the nigerian prince who wants to share his good fortune with us, and the microsoft technical dept. . . . among others.

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Nope. Unfriend or hide. Easy-peasy.



I ended up unfriending after reading the responses here.  I sent her a message telling her in a nice way that I couldn't remain friends with her on FB anymore and she said she understood and there were no hard feelings.  I realized that it will be four more years of her constantly spewing negativity and I don't want that in my life (this is not what I told her!).  

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wow. hopefully she'll calm down and get a grip.  for now - I'd just ignore her.    it goes back and forth all the time - I assume she's in a younger generation and is lacking in experience.


I don't think it's ever funny to make jokes about someone dying.   she needs to calm down.


Edited by AimeeM
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Just like all times in life, we assess the value of friends. We can tolerate a certain amount of negativity, but once a threshold is reached we must give up. Friends are friends for a reason, a season............. if your threshold is reached, then give her up. Otherwise, you can wait it out. In the grand scheme of things, it probably will not matter one way or the other.

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Unfollow this friend. I have been unfollowing friends all week. They talk about being gracious winners and unity and then post all kinds of horrible things. Now my news feed is peaceful and I don't spend any time being upset by their posts.

Edited by Susan Wise Bauer
Removed partisan statements
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Bad humor , though I've seen a lot of trash and cruel pics about Hilary by a lot of people with great glee this week , and have managed to just unfollow most people who are otherwise not horrible people.


Yes, I've seen that on both sides.  Pictures of Chelsea Clinton, Melania Trump, etc.  It's so ugly and hateful.  :(

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Well I wouldn't have taken that so seriously.  I think sometimes people cope with upset by making weird comments.  


I think it was more that this was "the straw that broke the camel's back."  On its own, I would have ignored it, but she's been posting things that upset me all week.

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I've been ranting mad all week, but I wouldn't have posted that. No way. 


ETA: You should probably unfollow for awhile just because you already don't agree. She's probably posted things that others of us would think were well within the bounds that you think aren't and if you try to get into it, it'll likely devolve. But hopefully someone more in line with her thinking will call her on it. I've not seen that, but I've seen a few friends say things I thought were just out of line in anger and I've tried to say, okay, that wouldn't have helped or it's not that person's fault or whatever.

Edited by Farrar
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I think you are asking the wrong question. I'd ask "Is your sensitivity hurting you?" I don't think being sensitive is a bad quality, but if you can't aim that sensitivity anywhere productive, and it's only making you upset, you should take steps to relieve your own stress.  If this is an otherwise good and loyal friend, I'd simply unsee her posts for a few weeks and let it blow over.  A lot of people are upset about this election. When people are upset they say stupid things.  I don't believe in ditching people as soon as you an identify their flaws.  However, if this is just her personality and she's always negative and insensitive, I'd take this opportunity to fade out of her life.

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I think you are asking the wrong question. I'd ask "Is your sensitivity hurting you?" I don't think being sensitive is a bad quality, but if you can't aim that sensitivity anywhere productive, and it's only making you upset, you should take steps to relieve your own stress.  If this is an otherwise good and loyal friend, I'd simply unsee her posts for a few weeks and let it blow over.  A lot of people are upset about this election. When people are upset they say stupid things.  I don't believe in ditching people as soon as you an identify their flaws.  However, if this is just her personality and she's always negative and insensitive, I'd take this opportunity to fade out of her life.


Thank you.  I think this is a case where it's her personality and I was letting it get to me.  In the past, it's been over football which I can let go (her alma mater is a football rival with the university my sons attend and her rants get very ugly and personal at times, which I don't understand).  But she's gotten worse with the election results and I feel so much more peaceful now that I'm not exposed to that constant negativity anymore.  Many of my friends are also expressing disappointment, frustration, and fear over the election results, but they are not lashing out to the extent that she is. 

Edited by Erica H
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