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Florida families, are you okay with the storm?

3 ladybugs

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I talk to my mom every morning when she is on her way to work. This morning she sounded like she was in a car wash from all the rain coming down. It was so bad that she didn't want to risk flooding out her sports car (she has a Lexus) so she couldn't even get off the barrier island where she lives to get to work. I know she made it home and there are no power outages. I haven't heard from her since though.


So how are all the families on here doing? Is it much ado about nothing or is the flooding really bad? 

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We've been monitoring this fairly closely.  Youngest son is supposed to fly back to college tomorrow.  His college already has some "basic" flooding (that happens with rain storms).  He's been told his stored stuff won't be available until Saturday.  Time will tell if the airline cancels his flight or not.  He's flying through Birmingham, AL (heading to Tampa), so either right over the storm or perhaps he'll get to see what Birmingham's airport is like for a night...


I have mentioned to him it might be possible for him to switch flights tomorrow (coming from Baltimore) if they aren't all full.


Either way, it'll probably be a bumpy ride.  Then he and his pick up person get to negotiate the roads and campus.  Fortunately (for us) the storm is going further north than originally projected, so that might help.  I feel for those getting the worst of it though.

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We needed the rain so badly that right now I think everyone is just happy that water is falling from the sky. It has been coming down hard though. Even though my son is 20, I was really worried about him on the road with his girlfriend yesterday. Overall, no flooding for us and I have some seriously happy orange trees.

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Thank you for your concern.


We're pretty far from it, on the east and south side (though most of the rain is on the east and south). We're just expecting a wet day tomorrow but no big deal. We have to go a music store in Orlando tomorrow with ds for him to choose his birthday gift. There's no other day that dh can make it. Other than the annoyance of being out in the rain, it will be business as usual. We're not even in the watch/warning zone.



ETA: Right after I posted this, a feeder band came through. We have some pretty wild wind and rain right now. Still, the worst we'll end up with is a few small branches in the yard.

Edited by Lady Florida.
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We're on the Gulf coast a bit south of predicted landfall. We're watching it, and most activities for the next day or two have been cancelled, but it looks like it will mostly just be rain here. I expect we'll see a little coastal flooding, but not anything too severe. Unless it shifts south. Then my day will be much more interesting than I generally prefer tomorrow. 

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Clearwater along the Gulf coast here. Tomorrow will be the day to tell with the higher winds and heavier storm. Yesterday and today- lots of rain, but not too windy. Big puddles but no flooding. Schools are closed tomorrow (expected landfall). Some areas are prone to flood; same areas that always flood. Some areas don't. The reporters go to the flooding areas :)

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Okaloosa, Walton, Bay, Gulf, Leon and Madison counties are all closed until Tuesday after Labor Day.

Yes... I'm in Leon county. Closed Thursday and Friday, and they would already be closed Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.


When I'd been looking it up before today I kept seeing that it was supposed to stay a depression and also not come so directly over us. That's why I was surprised to start hearing about school closings.


But my phone just woke me up with a hurricane warning alert, so now my brain is in worry mode. :(

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Stay safe everyone.  


I just checked flight status and flights are "on," so my guy will be flying over the storm later this morning and landing in the puddle formerly known as Tampa - then heading over to the bottom of St Pete.  My concern is still with the ponding on roads and various flooding that could happen near his campus (which is waterfront).  I'll feel much better once he texts me that he's arrived.  His room is second floor and his campus is used to "basic" flooding.  St Pete is now below the wind advisories, so I'm hopeful all will bode well.

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Stay safe everyone.  


I just checked flight status and flights are "on," so my guy will be flying over the storm later this morning and landing in the puddle formerly known as Tampa - then heading over to the bottom of St Pete.  My concern is still with the ponding on roads and various flooding that could happen near his campus (which is waterfront).  I'll feel much better once he texts me that he's arrived.  His room is second floor and his campus is used to "basic" flooding.  St Pete is now below the wind advisories, so I'm hopeful all will bode well.


Hope he gets a window seat to see the storm below him! And I wouldn't worry about the flooding, we really are used to lots of rain, and many times have had more than this storm has dumped so far. Promise. 


Of course, I have memories of wading to school one year, and then everyone drying their shoes outside by the doors. The next year they built a retention pond and it never flooded again. 


But most buildings here have retention ponds and such. The roads sometimes flood, usually when storm drains have been blocked by debris, but it only lasts about a day. 

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I have a ton of work to do today, so was thinking of taking today off school for the kids so I can work. I may do a bit of hurricane tracking with them, as we just learned about weather and storms this past week in Bookshark. It's good timing But we're far enough away we won't have real impact. Also, worst case, my parents are on the east coast, I'd drive to their house and crash their if say we lost power. But I really don't think we will. 

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Hope he gets a window seat to see the storm below him! And I wouldn't worry about the flooding, we really are used to lots of rain, and many times have had more than this storm has dumped so far. Promise. 


Of course, I have memories of wading to school one year, and then everyone drying their shoes outside by the doors. The next year they built a retention pond and it never flooded again. 


But most buildings here have retention ponds and such. The roads sometimes flood, usually when storm drains have been blocked by debris, but it only lasts about a day. 


They moved him to an earlier non-stop flight (no charge), so he's in the air now rather than leaving in 20 minutes then going through Birmingham first.  He told us there are only 60 people on the flight so I expect he'll have a choice window seat!


We used to live in St Pete (eons ago), so are used to the rain, etc.  It's just that he's my boy... IYKWIM  He was born in St Pete.  We've mentioned many times that his opting to go to college there is very akin to the salmon returning to their birthplaces... esp since he's lover of all things nature.  ;)


We're off to tackle our trip south to VA - around DC (sigh) - now.  I'd rather be flying to FL, but it would be much harder to visit with the in-laws from there.

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This is a weird storm (hurricanes mostly are), and appears to be shifting a bit west. The feeder bands will dump rain widely, mostly to the east, but no one can say for sure exactly what spot in the bend will officially take landfall. Hopefully it will keep moving at a good clip and not stall and spin up.

Edited by Seasider
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My mom is in St. Pete and said that it isn't bad today. My step father is flying in today so we will see if he makes it. I also have family in Crystal River. I haven't seen anything from them on Facebook yet but it sounds like it is going to hit them. :nervous:


My guy made it in just fine, so I can resume "life" again.  I'm glad he got on the earlier flight as he's now enjoying lunch with friends in the college cafeteria.  His original flight got delayed, but still took off.  It ought to be landing around now actually.  Supposedly some flights to Tampa have been cancelled.  There was at least one on my guy's flight who made it there (literally) last minute after another airline cancelled theirs.


I hope your step father made/makes it ok.


And for those in more risky places... take care!

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Our businesses are in Crystal River on the west side of Hwy 19. We've sandbagged and are hoping for the best. The 5:30 am high tide on Friday will have the most potential for flooding. Nothing much happening yet.


My mom is in St. Pete and said that it isn't bad today. My step father is flying in today so we will see if he makes it. I also have family in Crystal River. I haven't seen anything from them on Facebook yet but it sounds like it is going to hit them. :nervous:

Edited by Cindy in FL.
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Our businesses are in Crystal River on the west side of Hwy 19. We've sandbagged and are hoping for the best. The 5:30 am high tide on Friday will have the most potential for flooding. Nothing much happening yet.



Best wishes for your places.  My guy tells me there is some flooding going on in Pinellas - I think mainly due to the wind blowing the water up the bay, but the 10 inches of rain places have gotten probably hasn't helped much either.


Are your businesses tourist/traveler types?  If so, I might send you a pm to know what they are.  We're expecting to be in the area again in Feb - on our way down to Ft Desoto.  ;)

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Best wishes for your places. My guy tells me there is some flooding going on in Pinellas - I think mainly due to the wind blowing the water up the bay, but the 10 inches of rain places have gotten probably hasn't helped much either.


Are your businesses tourist/traveler types? If so, I might send you a pm to know what they are. We're expecting to be in the area again in Feb - on our way down to Ft Desoto. ;)

Thank you! The water from the river was coming up the street, but hadn't reached any of the buildings on the street. If the winds hold the water in until the next high tide there could definitely be a problem.


We do have a largely tourism related business, by the way. I'd love to have the opportunity to meet you if you came through our area (unrelated to our business)!

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So..it seems my dramatic daughter is now terrified and yet fascinated by the storm. I've assured her a zillion times we aren't in the path, shown her the maps, explained that if we WERE in the path of a bad storm we'd leave, that our house was built after stricter hurricane building codes went into effect, that I've lived through quite a few hurricanes and never had more than a single broken window, etc. Every assurance makes her smile in relief, than a second later she asks, again "but will our house be destroyed?" Sigh. 


Thankfully, I know with her personality part of the drama is for show..it's like someone that likes to watch horror movies...scaring yourself kind of thing. I don't think she's truly very anxious about it. But it's led to a lot of good discussions today. (mind you, it rained once for about 20 minutes here, and we have't had enough wind to even test out the windsock she made....so it's not like our actual weather is scary.)

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So..it seems my dramatic daughter is now terrified and yet fascinated by the storm. I've assured her a zillion times we aren't in the path, shown her the maps, explained that if we WERE in the path of a bad storm we'd leave, that our house was built after stricter hurricane building codes went into effect, that I've lived through quite a few hurricanes and never had more than a single broken window, etc. Every assurance makes her smile in relief, than a second later she asks, again "but will our house be destroyed?" Sigh. 


Thankfully, I know with her personality part of the drama is for show..it's like someone that likes to watch horror movies...scaring yourself kind of thing. I don't think she's truly very anxious about it. But it's led to a lot of good discussions today. (mind you, it rained once for about 20 minutes here, and we have't had enough wind to even test out the windsock she made....so it's not like our actual weather is scary.)


She will probably make an awesome TV meteorologist when she grows up! Maybe she's just getting some practice in. ;)


I was just thinking how lovely and chilled out all of y'all have been in this thread. It's quite the contrast to how the media people here on the local news freak out when there's even a depression in the gulf. We're all going to die! Everyone quick! Buy bread, bleach, plywood and duct tape!  :confused1:  I

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She will probably make an awesome TV meteorologist when she grows up! Maybe she's just getting some practice in. ;)


I was just thinking how lovely and chilled out all of y'all have been in this thread. It's quite the contrast to how the media people here on the local news freak out when there's even a depression in the gulf. We're all going to die! Everyone quick! Buy bread, bleach, plywood and duct tape!  :confused1:  I


LOL!!! I can see her now, forecasting the destruction of all homes anywhere! 


We did just have a feeder band come through. Loud rain, some wind. I've heard tale of a tornado somewhere, via Facebook, but nothing I can verify. It's quiet now, so I let the dogs out quickly, before the next band comes through. 



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She will probably make an awesome TV meteorologist when she grows up! Maybe she's just getting some practice in. ;)


I was just thinking how lovely and chilled out all of y'all have been in this thread. It's quite the contrast to how the media people here on the local news freak out when there's even a depression in the gulf. We're all going to die! Everyone quick! Buy bread, bleach, plywood and duct tape!  :confused1:  I

We live in the Panhandle now, but when we lived in Clearwater I had my favorite weather guy who was always the voice of reason. I'd only listen to what he said and not the alarmist other stations. It's crazy how spun up they get.

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We live in the Panhandle now, but when we lived in Clearwater I had my favorite weather guy who was always the voice of reason. I'd only listen to what he said and not the alarmist other stations. It's crazy how spun up they get.


Yup. I don't even watch anymore. I look at the maps and satellite myself. I can figure it out just fine from that, without the hype. I mean, why on earth do they tell you to "take shelter" and then they leave the studio for the first time all year and broadcast in the rain? It doesn't even make sense. Dude, i know it's raining. I have windows here at home. You don't have to stand in it for me to know about it. Show me the track of the storm, give me the forecast, don't tell me it's raining. that much I already knew. 

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Every time I see our weather people get worked up over things now, I can't help but crack up thinking about Dave Barry's book Tricky Business. There's an excellent hurricane read for you. :) His descriptions of the weather coverage couldn't have been more spot on.



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Yup. I don't even watch anymore. I look at the maps and satellite myself. I can figure it out just fine from that, without the hype. I mean, why on earth do they tell you to "take shelter" and then they leave the studio for the first time all year and broadcast in the rain? It doesn't even make sense. Dude, i know it's raining. I have windows here at home. You don't have to stand in it for me to know about it. Show me the track of the storm, give me the forecast, don't tell me it's raining. that much I already knew. 

Well, if you see Jim Cantore then RUN... 'cause you know it's coming for you!!!  :lol:  That's a good indicator. 

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With respect to hype, hubby and I were wondering just how many people would consider us bad parents because we let our kid fly into the zone... encouraged him finding an earlier flight even!


TBH, had it been a Category 3 or higher and/or headed directly toward St Pete, our views/actions would have been totally different.  At that point I expect his campus would have evacuated.  Like others, we watched the "local" events carefully to make our decision/recommendation.  Hurricanes can certainly be destructive and dangerous, so ignoring them is crazy.  Respect is important.


They're still getting rain in his area and had high wind closing the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, etc.  I suspect he's enjoyed the experience overall.


That said, I feel for those where flooding and/or winds did a bit of damage.  I wish it had been a non-event everywhere.  I don't want to be dismissive of the whole thing just because my kid's area did ok.

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So far, we have only lost the screen on the cage. I needed to replace it anyway, but was hoping the $6000 would just magically appear in my hand first.


We are getting that pesky southern arm of the storm. So, we will have heavy showers and wind all weekend.


My RV, on the other hand, is most likely flooded. I keep it in a flood zone near where I work so I do not have to drive all the way home after long shifts. I have been told the road is no longer passable by vehicle. Hopefully, by Monday I will be able to get to it.


These things are minor compared to what Louisiana just got. So sad for those who lost so much.

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So far, we have only lost the screen on the cage. I needed to replace it anyway, but was hoping the $6000 would just magically appear in my hand first.


We are getting that pesky southern arm of the storm. So, we will have heavy showers and wind all weekend.


My RV, on the other hand, is most likely flooded. I keep it in a flood zone near where I work so I do not have to drive all the way home after long shifts. I have been told the road is no longer passable by vehicle. Hopefully, by Monday I will be able to get to it.


These things are minor compared to what Louisiana just got. So sad for those who lost so much.


Ugh, so sorry. I hear you on the screen. Will insurance cover it? We actually keep hoping a hurricane will take ours down as it also needs to be replaced but we can't afford to do it right now. Our Hurricane deductible is only $500 though. 

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Re bad parenting and hype? When we were Disney pass holders, we loved the days of approaching hurricanes. The parks didn't close til they absolutely had to, but tourists cancelled their reservations. It was a much less crowded time to go!


Katie, were you in Orlando for the hurricane season of 2004? That was a beast. We rode out Charley, Jeanne and Frances. Our home was built right after a huge overhaul of building codes, so we had very little damage, but the surrounding neighborhoods were a disaster.


As far as storm categories, I've seen a tropical storm do worse damage than a category 1 or 2 hurricane, by stalling out and inundating an area. As a category 2 approaches 3, I pay much closer attention.

Edited by Seasider
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So far, we have only lost the screen on the cage. I needed to replace it anyway, but was hoping the $6000 would just magically appear in my hand first.


We are getting that pesky southern arm of the storm. So, we will have heavy showers and wind all weekend.


My RV, on the other hand, is most likely flooded. I keep it in a flood zone near where I work so I do not have to drive all the way home after long shifts. I have been told the road is no longer passable by vehicle. Hopefully, by Monday I will be able to get to it.


These things are minor compared to what Louisiana just got. So sad for those who lost so much.


I'm guessing you're near St Pete/Pinellas?  They're still getting rain and wind from that band.


Otherwise, I'm hoping any hurricane/flood insurance you have will (at least mostly) cover the RV and screen.


I agree that in general, other areas have been hit far worse this year, but there do seem to be areas in FL hit more badly than others too.


Re bad parenting and hype? When we were Disney pass holders, we loved the days of approaching hurricanes. The parks didn't close til they absolutely had to, but tourists cancelled their reservations. It was a much less crowded time to go!




As far as storm categories, I've seen a tropical storm do worse damage than a category 1 or 2 hurricane, by stalling out and inundating an area. As a category 2 approaches 3, I pay much closer attention.


We're fond of going places and doing things during semi-scary times too - or when things like the Super Bowl are going on.  My son's flight only had 60 people aboard.  He's never had one that empty.  I suspect many changed their plans.


Definitely in total agreement with "camping out" storms being able to do worse damage than weak hurricanes.  Water is far more destructive than semi-strong winds.  It all depends upon the individual storm and what it is doing, but once one gets up to Category 4 or 5, I wouldn't take chances with the wind either.  We were in FL when Andrew hit back in 1992.  It was just south of where my grandmother lived.  My oldest was 4 months old.  

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Thank you! The water from the river was coming up the street, but hadn't reached any of the buildings on the street. If the winds hold the water in until the next high tide there could definitely be a problem.


We do have a largely tourism related business, by the way. I'd love to have the opportunity to meet you if you came through our area (unrelated to our business)!


How'd things go?  (As I'm wondering if you're in the area that's out of power...)

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Every time I see our weather people get worked up over things now, I can't help but crack up thinking about Dave Barry's book Tricky Business. There's an excellent hurricane read for you. :) His descriptions of the weather coverage couldn't have been more spot on.




I had the same thought!



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We have friends and extended family in Tallahassee who are without power but otherwise fine. Both universities up there as well as the public schools, are closed today. 


Today is wetter and windier than yesterday. We spent much of the day in Orlando yesterday and were expecting to be dodging rainstorms while there, but we only hit a little rain on the way home. 


On the "what type of weather do you like thread" I (and I think Katie too) said sunshine is a must. We've had 4 days now of barely seeing the sun. I'm over it. Way over it. 

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