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Is this clock awesome or awful?


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Just gathering opinions; you won't my feelings by being honest.   :laugh:


Visited the in-laws this weekend.  DH accepted a few things they were trying to get rid of, including this old wind-up clock.  My "first sight" reaction was UGH! but I have to admit that it is growing on me.  Now I think I like it.  We have the wind-up key so if it works it is going up on our wall.


(pic to be added as soon as I figure it out) 


Edited by Pegasus
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I think it would depend on how it worked with your other things.  It could look cool and retro, or it could look fussy.


I prefer the ones that look a little more like stars myself, but it could be a fun clock.  You might also consider painting it to give a different feel.

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It's not awful, but it's not my taste. It reminds me too much of the late 60s -early 70s decor. Not my favorite time in the 20th century when it comes to fashion -both in clothing and home decor. 


Still, I know that kind of retro stuff is popular and if I saw it in someone's home I wouldn't think it's awful. 

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Just gathering opinions; you won't my feelings by being honest.   :laugh:


Visited the in-laws this weekend.  DH accepted a few things they were trying to get rid of, including this old wind-up clock.  My "first sight" reaction was UGH! but I have to admit that it is growing on me.  Now I think I like it.  We have the wind-up key so if it works it is going up on our wall.


(pic to be added as soon as I figure it out) 

Awesome.  Very Mid-Century Modern and highly collectible. 

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Where were you in fifty two?



(To me, it's awful, but I don't care for that era of home decor at all.  YMMV)

Ha ha

You know, I used to not like it either.  I grew up with it so it just seemed old and dated for a long time.  But I have returned full circle, after cycling through Victorian, Arts and Crafts, and many other styles.  Now I love it.  And the market is hot.  Thank goodness...I just renovated a couple of those homes and they sold immediately. 

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Thanks, everyone. I really appreciate the feedback.  It looks like wood but, reading up on the company, I believe it is probably wood resin, and made around 1963.  


We don't really have "decor" that needs to be matched.  :crying:  Our house is filled with highly practical items (e.g., 6' plastic craft table that is pulled out and set up for projects and then put back away in the garage when finished) and "we liked it when we saw it" items without careful consideration of what we already had (like the tile table behind the clock in the photo).  The house itself was built in the early 1970's and while all the walls and flooring have been re-done since then, it still has some stonework walls and fireplace that are original.  That's where I was planning on hanging the clock.

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Visually, I like it ok.


If it makes noise then I consider it a spawn of hell or a communist plot of some sort.


My in-laws have clocks all over the house that tick, tock, ding and chime every @#!%*&$#@% 15 minutes.  I only go there if I absolutely have to and leave the moment I get a chance. I hate decor that makes noise.

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Visually, I like it ok.


If it makes noise then I consider it a spawn of hell or a communist plot of some sort.


My in-laws have clocks all over the house that tick, tock, ding and chime every @#!%*&$#@% 15 minutes.  I only go there if I absolutely have to and leave the moment I get a chance. I hate decor that makes noise.



I thought I'd like noisy clocks and for a (brief, brief) time had a cheap grandfather clock AND a cuckoo clock.  For the first week it was utterly charming to hear them bong and cuckoo, but after that it got OLD.


And now I can't even stand the sound of a battery operated clock when the second hand ticks. I usually can only hear it when everything in the house is silent and it drives me crazy.  I want silence, not a TICK TOCK TICK TOCK every single second.

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Just gathering opinions; you won't my feelings by being honest.   :laugh:


Visited the in-laws this weekend.  DH accepted a few things they were trying to get rid of, including this old wind-up clock.  My "first sight" reaction was UGH! but I have to admit that it is growing on me.  Now I think I like it.  We have the wind-up key so if it works it is going up on our wall.


(pic to be added as soon as I figure it out) 


We'd take it. :D


I can see it going either way. I love it. I am not in the least surprised that some find it appalling.

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