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3rd Grade Planning Thread 2016-2017


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It's almost February, so it is about that time! Time to get to planning for next year. I need some fun to get out of this cold weather funk, so let's do this!



My oldest just turned 8 and will be in 3rd grade this coming school year. Here's our plans so far.


Language Arts: Finish ELTL Level 2 

                          Begin ELTL Level 3

                          GWG 3rd Grade

                          R&S Spelling Grade 3 or Spelling Power (haven't decided) She is a natural speller so I am open to suggestions. 


Math: Singapore 2b/3a (if we finish through 2a over the summer)

          Continue pulling from Miquon


Handwriting: Need something for cursive; possibly Cheerful Cursive, HWOT, or I have no clue....


Writing: No clue-considering holding off a year and just working on journal writing, stamina and more narration


Bible/History/Science: Wayfarers Ancients



My ideas about school have greatly changed over the last year or so. I've had an aha moment and realized that it doesn't matter if they are at the top of their "class." I have no desire to push them beyond what they are ready for. I know she might be using Singapore a little behind where others are at her age, but we are finally finding our way. She is very asynchronous. Stuff is finally starting to even out though. Here's to even more growth over the next school year!



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Tentative plan for my Ds for next year:


Bible reading and catechism memory

MM 3
WWE 3, mixed with some Kilgallon and maybe CAP Fable
AAS 3 and into 4

Song School Latin 1
Middle Ages for history with SOTW 2 and lots of literature
Interest-led science (chemistry!) with lots of library books and some experiment kits. 
Art and Drama tutorial one half-day a week



Cub scouts

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We have quite a bit planned, because I'm excited to start in June. :)


Math: Probably Beast Academy. Maybe Math Mammoth...I think I'm set on BA, but the price is MM is appealing. 


Language: FLL 3/WWE 3; AAS (we recently started working through the first book so we can zip through it and (hopefully) book two before summer). He has been working on HWOT cursive for a few weeks now, shouldn't take too much longer.


History and science will be pretty casual and fun, while we learn the ropes.

History: SOTW 1, library, movies

Science: Biology, we have lots of animal/plant/body books, will do projects, take little field trips, etc.


Hopefully a little sign language with my niece, once a week just to get together.


He takes piano and swim regularly (although won't have piano all summer, because his teacher is a college student). 

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My current 3rd grade plans are:


Math: Math Mammoth 3

Grammar: Rod & Staff 3

Writing: Writing With Ease 3 or Writing Strands 3

Spelling: Spelling Power

History/Geography: Sonlight Core B

Science: undecided anatomy

Latin: maybe, and if so, possibly Lively Latin 1 slowly.

Music: undecided

Art: undecided

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Math: have not decided between Singapore Standards or MM. I have both... and adding Beast

Spelling/Grammar: AAS and PR (I do a weird mesh to make it work for him...stuff handed down from olders)


Science: Elemental Physics with more reading added

Various logic books

History: TOG y3

Handwriting: Getty Dubay

Spanish: Getting Started with Spanish

Latin: Getting Started with Latin and Minimus for fun

Art: Artistic Pursuits and Picture Study

Music: Cello and Composer study

PE: Tap


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Bible -  maybe Penny Gardener's list of Bible stories

Spelling - SWO C

Writing - either doing our own thing with narrations and mini-reports, or IEW All Things Fun and Fascinating, if I feel the urge.

Grammar - undecided, maybe Daily Grams 3

Cursive - probably just copywork, but HWOT if needed

Literature - Elson and a selection of various Middle Ages stories and other good books.

History - CHOW (from wherever we leave off at the end of the year and continuing on, probably Middle Ages), Island Story, SOTW on CD if she gets interested

Science - OOP Question and Answer series

Math - Singapore Workbook and CTC's Mathematical Reasoning

Classical Conversation's Foundations


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I am placing a big order with RR today. So I think we are just about to start grade 2.5. ;)


However if I were to try to guess what September will look like it would be:


Math: Finishing Shiller 3 going on to Shiller F (fractions)

Reading: AAR 4 (ordering 3 today, so that should be done)

Spelling: AAS 3

Grammar: Finishing GUM 2 (assuming we like it, another order for today), GUM 3

Vocabulary: Word Wisdom 3 (finishing, again assuming we like it - another order for today), Word Wisdom 4

Handwriting: ZB 2C (finishing), ZB 3C using Pelikan Twist fountain pen (if your child has grip issues, this is great!)

Science: Finishing Elemental Science Biology for Grammar, going to Elemental Science Chemistry for Grammar

History: Finishing History Odyssey Early Modern, going on to History Odyssey Modern

Latin: Finishing Song School Latin 1 (assuming we like it, another purchase for today), SSL 2

Art: Finish Artistic Pursuits 2 (may get into 3 by mid year... hopefully)


Outside the home:

German language classes - He will be considered 2nd grade. He has a late September birthday and in the state that german classes are in, he is considered in 2nd grade. He will have a book and homework next year. This year it has been minimal homework.

Swim classes

Baseball in the spring (provided it goes well this spring, and doesn't interfere too much with German, which is on Saturdays)


I thought I would also say that while this looks like a lot, it isn't that much. Daddy does History and Science with him (daddy's choice), I do the rest and not every subject everyday. 


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I just started thinking about next year this week. I feel behind :lol:


Math: MM6 and Beast 5

English: ELTL3

Writing: WWE4 but I would like to find a short story writing curriculum (so I'm watching what others post) maybe CAP Fables?

Spelling: Spelling Plus 3-5, he's been working with his younger brother but I read recently to not combine on core subjects so we are splitting off next week

Latin: Latin for Children A

History: Sotw4

Science: suppose to be Physics but I've no ideas, I bought Knex for Christmas?


Goals: improve writing stamina and independent reading time


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My dd will be 9 in November, so she will be on the older end of 3rd grade. I really haven't thought much about next year yet, but I imagine we'll follow what her older sister did for the most part.


Handwriting: A Reason for Handwriting, Level C


Spelling: Rod & Staff 3


Grammar: FLL 3


Writing: Probably WWE 3, also considering W&R Fable and Narrative


Math: CLE 3


History: ? Not sure on this one, I don't think I want to do SOTW4 yet and that is where we are in the sequence. We may take a year to do some in-depth American History.


Geography: Evan-Moor Daily Geography 3


Science: Either Elemental Science Physics or NOEO Physics - with 5th grade sister


Latin: Finishing up Latin for Children A and moving into Level B


Bible: BSGFAA, Intermediate Level


Extras: Piano/voice lessons, gymnastics, and co-op






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OP: I have used both Cheerful Cursive and HWT Cursive but what I like better than both of them is Teach Me Joy's Joy of Handwriting. You can find it at Currclick.


My 3rd grade plans for next year:


MM 3 This kid needs something slower than MM and more review. Going to try TT3.

PLL R&S English 2 (using a year behind for a more gentle intro to grammar)

R&S spelling 3


Interest-led science and Exploring Nature with Children

Teach Me Joy cursive


He will join his brothers for ancient history with R&S, Bible memory, Lamb's Book of Art 1 art projects I find on Pinterest and will continue piano lessons.


ETA: Changes.

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I'm just finalizing my planning!


Bible: Long Story Short w/ notebooking


Math: RightStart D (2nd edition) + Life of Fred


Logic: ChessKid


History: SCM Early Modern + SOTW 3 (audio) + Sonlight timeline


Geography: SCM Visits to South and Central America & Australia


Literature/Reading: Elson Readers (3 into 4) + History selections + WWE3 list


Spelling: Phonetic Zoo A or AAS4 (haven't decided - depends on how the rest of this year goes)


Writing: WWE2


Grammar: FLL3 + Sentence Family


Handwriting: Pictures in Cursive A and B


Science: BFSU + interest-led nature study


Latin: Latina Christiana I


Fine Arts: Harmony Fine Arts w/ Artistic Pursuits + Keyboard Capers + suzuki violin


PE: rhythmic gymnastics + swimming lessons




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Math Mammoth 3.

Explode the Code 7 (if not finished in 2nd) +8.

Pentime Cursive for continued practice.

BraveWriter Partnership Writing, with journaling, copywork, memory work, etc.

Prima Latina.

Bible reading, discussion, memory work.

SOTW 2, the second half, with lots of time for projects, maps/geography, and extra reading.

Anatomy study from a variety of resources.

Piano lessons (Piano Adventures).

Drawing - possibly online tutorials. And daily masterpiece discussions.

Swimming lessons and some ballet and gym at various points in the year.

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Can't believe my youngest will be in third next year.


Math: Continuing from wherever we stop in Beast Academy


History: She is not a SOTW fan, so we are reading lots and lots of books for this. Maybe I'll add some narrations.


Spelling: Continuing with Apples and Pears


Writing: Ugh. I don't know. Right now I'm writing down her oral narrations and she's copying them for her writing and handwriting practice. I'm also considering IEW. I have Student Writing Intensive A, but I don't think she's really there yet. Maybe All Things Fun and Fascinating.


Grammar: Currently ELTL 2.  Maybe 3 next year or I might do MCT island (even though I already sold it because I didn't think she would like it, but now I think she would...don't tell my husband)


Handwriting: Copywork


Science: Bookshark Science 3


She'll also continue with piano. She will have to pick a new PE activity because apparently she doesn't want to dance anymore. She doesn't like gymnastics or soccer either. She is now saying karate. Who knows with this kid.

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math: some more Beast Academy


history: SOTW 3


science: BFSU 2 (except the physics thread, which I'm saving for 4th grade)


Spanish: finish CAP Spanish for Children Primer A ? But we flat-out don't like it, so IDK.


cobbled-together English:

some Treasured Conversations,

about a third of Killgallon Sentence Composing,

the rest of The Most Wonderful Writing Lessons Ever, and

some Wheeler's spelling.

I'm going to see if we can cover handwriting via spelling/copywork/dictation.


music (definitely singing, and I hope he'll continue piano, but I'm open to letting him try something else)


Details in the spreadsheet as always, if anybody wants a look.

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Tentative 3rd grade plans for DS#1:


Math: Beast Academy 5

Reading: McGuffey's 5th Eclectic Reader

Writing: WWE3

Handwriting: Cursive of some sort... maybe HWOT, but I might make my own program for him out of the cursive style in McGuffey's Readers

Science: Undecided, maybe continue in Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding, or maybe not

History: SOTW2

Languages: Undecided.  He doesn't really like ASL and wants to do Spanish like his friends.  We'll probably still be doing Song School Latin 1 too.
Spelling:  We MUST finally start formal spelling! I have Spelling Power but haven't read past the first page.  Hopefully that works out...

Music: Want to start him in piano, but haven't worked out the details yet.

P.E..: Beginning gymnastics, at his request

Other: We're part of a public homeschool charter one day each week, and he'll probably take LEGO robotics, P.E., art, drama, and music or science with them.



Forgot grammar!


Grammar: FLL3

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Math: undecided. This year. we had planned to use Singapore 4 + Beast 4, ended up dropping Singapore just to focus on Beast, but she hit a wall with Beast so we but Beast on hold and are now doing MM4 (even though we have Singapore - we are in recovery mode this year and I couldn't muster the prep time to teach Singapore) + Singapore CWP 4.  My guess is we'll go back to Beast 4 and supplement with something from MM5 or Singapore 5.


Literature: we usually pick 4-10 pieces of classic literature and read/ discuss them over the course of the year.  


Writing: IEW


Handwriting: we will probably pause on formal handwriting curriculum and introduce typing instruction. We will continue handwriting on a more casual basis


Science: undecided. 


History: SOTW 3


Foreign Language: Chinese


Grammar: MCT whatever the beginning level is called


Spelling: we, like Lace, should finally start spelling.  I, too, have purchased Spelling Power. I, too, have only thumbed through the pages.


Music / Arts: piano, art class 


PE: swimming, hiking, ice skating, jogging as a family to build endurance. Our goal for this year to for DD7 to run "the mile," for next year we'll aim for 2 miles, more if she's motivated. We don't track time since we're not training for speed, we just focus on endurance, as there are some bigger, more challenging hikes (at altitude) that we're hoping to work the kids up to over the next 2-3 years. 




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Singapore 3a/3b
CAP's W&R Fable 

CAP's Well-Ordered Language
continue with New American Cursive
RS Spelling
Weekly art class
MARR Veritas Self-paced History
RS4K Building Blocks 3
Reading will be Elson, Phonics Pathways, Reading Street plus her pleasure and audio books
Bible. - Starr Meade Training Hearts Teaching Minds

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Math: BA 4 I think; he's currently loving self-propelled TT 5 but that's partly because it's "easy"

Grammar: FLL 3

Writing: TC and WWE 3

Spelling: Megawords 1

History: SOTW Ancients

Science: RSO Bio Level 2 with his sister

Typing: Dance Mat and then something else

Music: Starting piano! Faber's Piano Adventures

PE: Swim

Art: DIY or Discovering Great Artists


I am thinking we will shore up spelling and phonics this year (gr. 3) before we move on to Latin next year (gr. 4)...

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Math - Math Mammoth 3 & Two Plus Two series

Science - T4L science/T4L's Science4Us (they have two sciences now). Maybe some offline stuff like our Human body kit.

Grammar - Review The Sentence Family and ???

History - No idea. We're currently doing Elemental History which is geared for up to 2nd grade.

Spanish - continue with GSWS and our Starter Spanish coloring workbook (might finish that this year) and get next workbook in series?

Geography - Not sure. Maybe Evan Moor? Review what we have done this year in Elemental History (each week includes 2 states)

Reading Comprehension - considering WWE or Evan Moor again, though not dead set on anything.

Penmanship - still don't have a formal program and not sure if I need one.


We made an agreement a few years ago that we would use secular materials. This really messes things up for Grammar and History. I don't know what to use. Rod and Staff and Story of the World do not fit the bill and I need some more suggestions. We use Time4Learning for language arts, but the pacing is weird for grammar and I've done a lot of that stuff offline. I like our Spectrum grammar workbook. Might just look for more materials like that. Also continue using Mad Libs.

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If I were looking for secular materials for Grammar and History....


Grammar - FLL, or MCT, or Daily Grams or I think Evan Moor has a Daily Language Review of some kind? or  .... pull sentences from reading for copywork and analyze them.  Start with finding subjects and verbs and build up from there.  The nice thing about a work book (whether it's Spectrum, Daily Grams or Evan Moor) is that you can always use it to give deeper teaching when you have time, but it can still just "get done" when you don't.   


History - SOTW would be secular enough for me, but if not, then pick a time period and start making a book list - picture books, biographies (Who Was series), Usborne books, read alouds, etc.  Also, have you looked at Build Your Library?  It's secular. 

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My DD8 started 3rd grade this January. My husband has emigrated and we are due to follow in the next few months and having been moving around/travelling a lot, so school is quite life-based for most subjects and workbook based for the basics just to make sure it will get done. Because of the lack of reading books (which are on a container now), we just use whatever we can get hold of and some online books too.


History: SOTW4

Maths: Singapore 4a and various worksheets

English - own spelling

             - writing using various textbooks, WWE3 when able to print

             - reading (as above)

             - Evan Moor for Daily language skills, grammar and punctuation (grade 3)

Geography/Other social sciences - life and travels, maps and geography because she likes it

Science - leaving this for now, except in comprehensions or reading for English

Second language - via workbooks for now

Physical Education - gymnastics (have found a club for now) and swimming, general health discussions


When we migrate we also need to cover technology and the arts - still coming up for some plan for this. I am really glad we are homeschooling as it enables us to do this and keep moving with ease.




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If I were looking for secular materials for Grammar and History....


Grammar - FLL, or MCT, or Daily Grams or I think Evan Moor has a Daily Language Review of some kind? or  .... pull sentences from reading for copywork and analyze them.  Start with finding subjects and verbs and build up from there.  The nice thing about a work book (whether it's Spectrum, Daily Grams or Evan Moor) is that you can always use it to give deeper teaching when you have time, but it can still just "get done" when you don't.   


History - SOTW would be secular enough for me, but if not, then pick a time period and start making a book list - picture books, biographies (Who Was series), Usborne books, read alouds, etc.  Also, have you looked at Build Your Library?  It's secular.

Thank you! I had not heard of many of these things!

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Thank you! I had not heard of many of these things!

I will get the GUM grammar hopefully next week. I can post how it looks then if it would help you. It is Zaner Blosser so secular.


History in general I think is near impossible to be secular as so much of it had to do with religion. I tend to go more secular too, but history is what it is.

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Math - Math Mammoth 3 & Two Plus Two series

Science - T4L science/T4L's Science4Us (they have two sciences now). Maybe some offline stuff like our Human body kit.

Grammar - Review The Sentence Family and ???

History - No idea. We're currently doing Elemental History which is geared for up to 2nd grade.

Spanish - continue with GSWS and our Starter Spanish coloring workbook (might finish that this year) and get next workbook in series?

Geography - Not sure. Maybe Evan Moor? Review what we have done this year in Elemental History (each week includes 2 states)

Reading Comprehension - considering WWE or Evan Moor again, though not dead set on anything.

Penmanship - still don't have a formal program and not sure if I need one.


We made an agreement a few years ago that we would use secular materials. This really messes things up for Grammar and History. I don't know what to use. Rod and Staff and Story of the World do not fit the bill and I need some more suggestions. We use Time4Learning for language arts, but the pacing is weird for grammar and I've done a lot of that stuff offline. I like our Spectrum grammar workbook. Might just look for more materials like that. Also continue using Mad Libs.

I second Another Lynn's suggestion of MCT for grammar.


For history, have you looked at History Odyssey? It uses SOTW as one of the spines, but it also uses Usbourne World History, and I know that there are quite a few people who do it without the SOTW aspect.

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I second Another Lynn's suggestion of MCT for grammar.


For history, have you looked at History Odyssey? It uses SOTW as one of the spines, but it also uses Usbourne World History, and I know that there are quite a few people who do it without the SOTW aspect.

I remember hearing of History Odyessy on this board and thought I'd researched it before, but maybe not. I'm looking at it right now and it may be a good fit. Maybe it overwhelmed me when I first viewed it (when ds was getting ready for first grade I looked up some secular materials) or maybe I'm confusing it with another curriculum. It might be a good fit now. I don't know what we'd start with in level one, though. Ancients or jump to Middle Ages based on grade. Probably would start with Ancients to go in order?


So many of those grammar options look good to me. I now have the opposite problem LOL

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3rd grade in History Odyssey is Early Modern. We have been using the program since Ancients (one of the few I have liked that I started with) and it does change a bit with Early Modern vs Middle Ages and Ancients. There is more writing (history notebook), vocabulary words, map work and challenge questions. Previous, there was no note booking or challenge questions.


I think that unless you feel you have over done early modern, or you really want to start at the beginning with ancients, I think you would be fine with Early Modern. It will repeat again in 5th grade.

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MATH- Beast Academy 3c and 3d...and I'll probably have to pull from something else as well for review but I can't decide what.


SPELLING- Rod and Staff spelling grade 3.


GRAMMAR/WRITING- English Lessons Through Literature 3.


HISTORY- finish up SOTW 3 (last half or so), taking a long break to rabbit trail on American history


SCIENCE- I was hoping to get some chemistry suggestions here, lol, but I guess everyone gave up the WTM cycle? I either want to do Chem or split the year between Chem and Physics.


ARTS- mostly appreciation with simply cm packs. And continuing piano lessons.

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If I were looking for secular materials for Grammar and History....


Grammar - FLL, or MCT, or Daily Grams or I think Evan Moor has a Daily Language Review of some kind? or  .... pull sentences from reading for copywork and analyze them.  Start with finding subjects and verbs and build up from there.  The nice thing about a work book (whether it's Spectrum, Daily Grams or Evan Moor) is that you can always use it to give deeper teaching when you have time, but it can still just "get done" when you don't.   


History - SOTW would be secular enough for me, but if not, then pick a time period and start making a book list - picture books, biographies (Who Was series), Usborne books, read alouds, etc.  Also, have you looked at Build Your Library?  It's secular.

The Build Your Library sample I looked at relied on SOTW. Same for some other secular materials. One curriculum gave a choice between SOTW and Gombrich's A Little History of the World. The Amazon reviews left me feeling defeated. Of course, I don't think any history book is going to please everyone. Sorry if I'm derailing the thread, but I appreciate all the suggestions (from you and others) and will discuss them with dh. Amazon didn't have too may Who Was books on people I wanted to talk about in class (they were all over the place. Michael Jackson, etc) but I will see if I can find more elsewhere. :)

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This is for my youngest, DD who will be 8 at the beginning of the new school year.

Math - Math Mammoth 3, Xtra Math for fact practice

Reading - The plan is to have her read a lot, we will alternate picking the books.

Writing - finish WWE2, begin WWE3

Spelling - finish AAS3, begin AAS4

Grammar - finish FLL2, begin FLL3

Typing - probably will use the free instruction at typing.com and then nitrotype.com for fun practice


All of this is family learning so she will be doing these with her brothers.

History - finish up SOTW4

Science - finish up RSO:Physics, health unit and evolution unit(maybe?)

Music - finish the last 2 eras of SQUILT

Art - artist study, projects, art club once a month


Other - ballet, maybe volleyball, hopefully piano lessons

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What we're doing now is working really well, so unless things change, I'll continue on next year. 


Math: Beast Academy 4 and Khan for extra practice (maybe mix in some Math Mammoth 5)


English: AAS 4- we tried spelling workout this year, DS didn't care for it and we're back to AAS now

             FLL 3

             WWE 2

             Zaner Bloser handwriting 3

             lots of reading


History: History Odyssey - it's working out well this year  Looking at Bookshark Grade 3 for history now


Science: Mr. Q elementary chemistry as a base and hopefully interactive science notebooking again because we're enjoying it this year 


Not sure on Mr. Q now.....I didn't love Earth Science as much as I did Life Science in 1st grade. Maybe Ellen McHenry's the Elements?


Art: continue on with piano, art projects as we think of them and I'd love to find him a chorus to sing in as well


PE: continue on with tennis and swimming. He loves both. 

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I'm still not even sure if we'll be homeschooling at all next year, PS is becoming an option at this point. But until we know (will decide after full evals) I will plan for being at home.


Math: Singapore and/or BA.


Science: Probably RSO Chemistry


Language Arts: This is the one that we're always all over the place. We can never quite settle and end up switching a lot. I really want to figure out a solid plan for next year.

        Reading: Just keep reading good books.

        Spelling: AAS? It's what we're using this year.

        Grammar: I'm thinking maybe MCT Island, but I'm still not sure.

        Handwriting: Either HWT 2nd or New American Cursive. (she's still working on the 1st gr wb now.)

        Writing: No idea. Evan moore 6-trait this year resulted in massive meltdowns so we dropped it.

Alternately I'm considering doing Time4learning for language arts, but I don't think they cover spelling.

*Suggestions welcome. She's behind in handwriting skills and endurance. SN still being evaluated.*


History: I really don't know. We did traditional community stuff for 1st and we're doing Adventures in America now. I'm thinking of doing History Odyssey and starting at Ancients. I don't know how I feel about starting the 4 year cycle in 3rd grade, but I also don't want to jump to Early Modern. We tried to start SOTW in first but she just wasn't ready.

*Suggestions or advice welcome here, too ;) *


Song School Spanish

Sign Language with me

Piano (lessons from me right now but I think I will outsource next year)


Highland Dance

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Writing:  WWE 3 half pace and IEW TWSS principles applied to TOG assignments

Grammar:  FLL 3 and Sentence Family

Spelling: Finish AAS 3 and start AAS 4

Math: Singapore 3b, 4a and maybe add Beast Academy 3

History: TOG Year 3 (transitioning to UG)

Science: Undecided between Elemental Science Chemistry or RSO Chemistry

Latin: Prima Latina Changed to Latin for Children A

Bible: What We Believe: Who Is God?

Art: Pulling from Drawing with Children and Artistic Pursuits 1 & 2 currently on shelf


We'll continue with morning time.  I want to read through the Chronicles of Narnia as our main read alouds for the year. (Dad started Narnia with the boys as a bedtime read so I am compiling a new list. We'll also start piano lessons and continue with our weekly co-op.  I'm probably teaching a poetry class for his age range. 


Updated with our current changes.  More may be coming!

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CPST Anne - Why are you doing writing if her handwriting is weak? My son doesn't have bad handwriting, but I would like for it to be stronger and more importantly, not a struggle every time we ask him to write anything. Once he gets there, then I will give him writing. Just a thought. 


I have noticed that with my son when he was struggling with reading, once he learned how to read, you couldn't stop him from reading. He reads all the time now!


As far as history, I think if you wanted, you could do a modified schedule and do more then one year of HO in one year. The first 2 years are similar to each other. Right now, most of the time my DH does history on the weekends with our son and it is fine. So if you do history 2 days a week (or more) you might be able to get through everything in Ancients and Middle ages by 4th grade... provided you liked it. 



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History: I really don't know. We did traditional community stuff for 1st and we're doing Adventures in America now. I'm thinking of doing History Odyssey and starting at Ancients. I don't know how I feel about starting the 4 year cycle in 3rd grade, but I also don't want to jump to Early Modern. We tried to start SOTW in first but she just wasn't ready.

*Suggestions or advice welcome here, too ;) *




I thought SOTW seemed like too much when my oldest was in first grade, too.  And that was my child that reads and comprehends way above grade level.  It was in third grade that I thought SOTW would be a good fit, but we chose to do American history instead.

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Language Arts: This is the one that we're always all over the place. We can never quite settle and end up switching a lot. I really want to figure out a solid plan for next year.

        Reading: Just keep reading good books.

        Spelling: AAS? It's what we're using this year.

        Grammar: I'm thinking maybe MCT Island, but I'm still not sure.

        Handwriting: Either HWT 2nd or New American Cursive. (she's still working on the 1st gr wb now.)

        Writing: No idea. Evan moore 6-trait this year resulted in massive meltdowns so we dropped it.

Alternately I'm considering doing Time4learning for language arts, but I don't think they cover spelling.

*Suggestions welcome. She's behind in handwriting skills and endurance. SN still being evaluated.*




My 4th grader had a hard time with handwriting and writing up until this year.  He did well with copywork last year (3rd grade).  We did the last 3/4 of ELTL 1 and the first 1/4 of ELTL 2.  He was always excited to do it because he loved having me read aloud to him.  I did some other read alouds with all of the kids but this was HIS read aloud.  I saw a huge jump in his writing skills and endurance this year (4th grade).  Spelling is getting easier.  I brought out a journal for him, expecting him to write just a few sentences a day in it and he wrote a whole story 20 pages long!  This has transferred over to his other subjects and we just started Writing and Rhetoric a few weeks ago.


ETA: Sorry for my long winded response, but I guess that was all to say that I suggest doing copywork.  You could make your own, use ELTL, WWE, or some other book.

Edited by Lisa in the UP of MI
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Tentative plans for my rising 3rd grader:


Math: Singapore 4A & 4B

English: Pictures in Cursive B followed by cursive copywork, a daily writing block, & daily silent reading

History & Literature: American history up to the Civil War with real books and lots of read alouds (still working on a book list)

Science: Astronomy & earth science using real books (still working on a list)

French: Skoldo 3

Art: Artistic Pursuits K-3: Bk.3

Music: Piano lessons & choir

Extra: Ballet & softball

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Who all is doing cursive? What do you plan to use for that if so? I really don't know which one we will use. 

I type and print up spelling and copywork sheets using Start Write software.  The font is called New American Cursive.  My DD started cursive by learning to write her name, and she practices first using the LOE whiteboard and then by picking up a pencil.  She prefers to write in cursive using a slant board, so I adapted and she writes with pencil and paper on top of a 3" wide binder turned sideways.   

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Who all is doing cursive? What do you plan to use for that if so? I really don't know which one we will use.

I took most of this year off of handwriting. My son seemed to have "enough" of a grasp of manuscript. However cursive was another animal and one program we tried was a big failure.


So I researched historical writing, penmanship styles in both English and German (amazing politics in Germany with this), and even had my grandmother, mother, step father, and husband all write the same sentence to see handwriting changes through the decades.


What I figured out was a few things. I wanted my son to learn strokes and not just letters. It is amazing how many programs out there don't teach strokes!! I also realized that it is common in Germany to teach children with a fountain pen. This forces a child to hold a writing implement correctly. It also makes them slow down and focus. I found that the Pelikan Twist even is self correcting with grip. It is expensive, but good penmanship is for life, so it is worth it.


The program I choose was Zaner Blosser. They work on strokes and 4 keys for good handwriting. I am only a week into 2C but I can tell I am going to really like it.


It looks like 3 teaches cursive without as much manuscript review.

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