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Are you all hunkered down in and around Washington DC?

Liz CA

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I'm in Maryland, DC metropolitan area. We are getting comtinuous snow and, assuming it keeps going all night as predicted, it should be an appreciable stack by morning. It started with bigger flakes; it is small flakes at present (9:25 pm local time). It is perhaps 5-6 inches at present. No high winds, or, not yet. Power intact. Because it has been quite cold here, it is a soft, fluffy snow, not packed.

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I did one round of shoveling. I was thinking about doing another round before bed, but I don't think I will. It's easier to shovel frequently, rather than lifting deep piles. I actually like shoveling. It's a good work out and in our neighborhood it's gets to be a fund community gathering. 



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We live about 150-200 miles west of DC (in WV), and we're hunkered down.


Our state and county declared emergencies preemptively. The snow hit at noon, and that was the same time when the everything shut down. Schools, local gov't, local university, all closed down through tomorrow. Dh's small business (vet hospital) closed around 2 and is closed for tomorrow as well. That's the first time we've ever closed for snow, in 11 years of ownership. 


We are still allowed (legally) to be on the roads, but no one is going out in this, and the local authorities are begging/pleading with people to stay off the roads to allow road crews to keep them as clear as possible. It's dumping out there. 


We got a "surprise" 6 inches Wednesday when we just supposed to have snow showers. That had settled to about 3 inches or so by today. So far today, we've got another 8 inches or more. My 16 yo is out snow-blowing the driveway to test out the new-to-us (loaner from a friend, actually) snow blower. That thing is a miracle. Wow, way better than shovels. If we ever have to give it back to its family, I am thinking we'll have to buy a new one. It's supposed to snow continuously for the next 20 hours or so. Estimates had been 12-18 inches, but our area generally varies wildly from estimates due to all the mountains, etc, so folks have been preparing/expecting more like 20-24, just in case.


We ain't going anywhere tomorrow unless it is by snow shoe. But, Sunday, we expect to be back on the roads. :) We have to deliver dinner for 50 people for Robotics Sunday. (Note, also, the Robotics team canceled Saturday meeting/work day, which is, I believe the first time in the history of this epically committed and successful team for them to cancel a practice due to snow, let alone during this critical 6 week "build season". Although, they did have a few folks go in this morning pre-snow-arrival to do some work, lol. So, anyway, that says a lot about how major this storm is feared to be. They *never* cancel robotics. Usually, on snow days off school, the kids go in to robotics for extra work time!

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We're in DC proper.


I'm not super freaked out. I mean, I did a grocery run, but not a crazy one. I realized there are some things I need so I may go out tomorrow and see how it is out there... I couldn't quite conceive that they would close our grocery stores (I can easily walk to several). They all stayed open and while they were low stocked, they didn't run out of food in the really big storms five years ago (or was it six?). I mean, the fact that they completely shuttered the metro surprised me - I understand it lets them keep the cars in the tunnels, but it's annoying since I had hoped the underground would stay open like it did in that big storm before. I suppose that might be the thing that shuts some of the stores, though a large portion of our grocery is people in the neighborhood so I guess we'll see. Everything around me got salted. We never lose power. Like, we've lived here 15 years and we've never lost power for more than an hour and even that is rare. And when we do lose power (this is really wacky) it's usually only in part of the house because we're on two bits of the city grid or something. Ah, old wiring. The worst that's ever happened is losing our internet for a few hours.


I think we'll be okay... Our biggest hassle is that ds is in a big ballet with an out of town company at the Kennedy Center next week and they seem to think we should all get to the rehearsal on Sunday. They were supposed to be rehearsing all weekend and they canceled tomorrow, but they think we can get there Sunday. Silly dance people. Not sure what's going to happen with that.



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We're loving the snow.  We live in an apartment complex with lots of friends who've lived all over the world so we've been hanging out with interesting people, playing in the snow, and eating good food together.  The complex is showing movies, doing crafts for kids, and setting up board games, but the hot chocolate machine keeps running out.  :)


It's supposed to start snowing harder soon and it's fairly windy. The current snow is matching the predictions and we're still expecting about two feet of snow by Sunday.

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In MD, just outside of D.C. It looks like at least a foot of snow so far. It literally just thundered and flashed lightning, which for a snow storm is pretty cool. Historically it has taken them a while to plow our street so we plan on being inside for a while. We were prepared, not panicked just prepared haha, in case the power went out but the winds haven't seemed to be that bad. Though I have been asleep for most of it haha. I think the hype was because a storm like this is not typical for the area and it definitely has been a storm unlike any we have seen since living here. We are looking forward to sledding later today!

Edited by stine
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I am in Fairfax County.  The snow is pretty high.  It is covering the seat of our bench in the front garden and almost level with the front porch.  It is a fine but very heavy snow.  The winds aren't dramatic but it's breezy!    We still have power though. That's what I dread.  Losing power.  It gets so cold without heat!  And I just saw a plow go by.  They've been excellent about plowing.   But it is supposed to snow all day and into Sunday morning, so if it keeps up like this, wow, that will be a lot of snow!  I am cherishing every moment of light and heat we have!  Wow, there's even a plow on the little streets of the housing development behind us.  That's a new community where they are still building houses (it was a farm when we moved in.)  I am impressed by the dedication of the snow plowers!

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Weather reports here are saying the high winds have yet to come. So far, so good. We have kept power and had a snug and cozy night last night. In another hour or so, I must go shovel a path to and within my chicken pen, although my "girls" are unlikely to come out of the coop at all.

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Weather reports here are saying the high winds have yet to come. So far, so good. We have kept power and had a snug and cozy night last night. In another hour or so, I must go shovel a path to and within my chicken pen, although my "girls" are unlikely to come out of the coop at all.


Hmm, yes... it might be better to do chickens now rather than waiting until I talk myself into it...




I hear hubby up now.  He's our picture taker...


"Hey honey, why don't you go out and get some pics to share with people and while you're out there..."   :rolleyes:


I can send him out with our yardstick for more accurate measurements too - though the storm here isn't supposed to end until late tonight and we're supposed to get 1 - 3 inches per hour for the next few hours.


I'm guessing 6 - 8 inches so far...

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We are right between DC and Baltimore. I'd say we have about 12-14 inches at this point. The winds are starting to pick up, but it was pretty calm up until early morning.


Here is a pic of our pool disappearing, the top pic was about two hours into the snow, the bottom was a few minutes ago.



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I think we'll be okay... Our biggest hassle is that ds is in a big ballet with an out of town company at the Kennedy Center next week and they seem to think we should all get to the rehearsal on Sunday. They were supposed to be rehearsing all weekend and they canceled tomorrow, but they think we can get there Sunday. Silly dance people. Not sure what's going to happen with that.

Perhaps they expect ballet folks to be able to lightly skip across the snow to Kennedy Center, like Legolas does over the snow on Caradhras in LOTR

Edited by JFSinIL
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Weather reports here are saying the high winds have yet to come. So far, so good. We have kept power and had a snug and cozy night last night. In another hour or so, I must go shovel a path to and within my chicken pen, although my "girls" are unlikely to come out of the coop at all.

The high winds have yet to come? Oh my. Last night when I tossed the bag of cat poo onto the porch (I wasn't going to go traipsing through the snow in my slippers to the trash can. I'll dig out the cat poo later), the storm door practically flew out of my hands from the wind. This morning, I only have 1/2 of my windows to look out of because on one entire side of my house the snow has been blown to cover the windows and is sticking to the screens 1/2 way up.


And the strong wind hasn't come yet?? URGH. I hate wind. And DH had shoulder surgery so guess who is going out to shovel? Just little ol' me.

Edited by Garga
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And DH had shoulder surgery so guess who is going out to shovel? Just little ol' me.


You have kids... we always told our kids, "That's what we had kids for!"   :lol:


Then, having lost our minds by donating our brain cells to our kids, we sent them away to college and let one get married, so now it's just us with our shovels.


Fortunately, I don't mind shoveling the first snow of the season... and our driveway is short!  Shoveling will happen tomorrow though.  I see no need to do a mid storm shoveling session.

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There's a heck of a lot of snow out there. It's clearly well over a foot in many places. Like, on top of my car, there's a good foot and some and then it caved in and fell off the side, leaving a little snow cliff. This was not too overblown, methinks.


Dh shoveled the front walk and sidewalk. Of course, we'll have to do it again. And again. And no one did the back.


The kids want to go sledding, but the closest spots are a good ten or fifteen minute walk away. I don't know if I'm up for that, honestly. There are no coffeehouses in between here and there either to stop and get hot chocolate. Who knows if anything's even open though... I should look up the street and see if the restaurants on the next block are open. I'm really curious...

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This morning, here in northern WV, we have about 2 feet or so. Haven't gone out to begin snow blowing and shoveling yet, but it's still snowing, and is expected to snow all day . . .


Yep, biggest single snow fall since we moved here 11 years ago. 


No tracks on our road yet (small subdivision with large lots, on a state road that the state only plows if a driver gets confused or bored, so mostly remains unplowed unless one neighbor or another who has a small plow gets generous and decides to plow it) . . . but nearly all who live here have AWD or 4WD vehicles, so in every other storm, you'll see at least a handful of tracks by morning. Today, nothing. 


So far, knock wood, we still have all our utilities, and that's the only thing I've really been worried about. If we have utilities, we could be safe at home for weeks. 

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Earlier this morning we measured 17", so I am sure it has increased at least an inch or two by now. Hubby doesn't plan on shoveling until tomorrow. With the winds increasing it will likely just get blown around. Sure is beautiful out! I am getting a kick out of watching the squirrels hop around the trees. I don't know how they do it. Hope everyone keeps their power!

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My son measured for us and we got 19" in the front.  It is hard to tell exactly because there's some wind.  I also saw that the wind has yet to come.   DH is out shoveling.  My son was shoveling earlier and 2 girls are eating breakfast and heading out.  I'll probably head out later too, but I'm fighting and never-ending head cold.  Ugh.  Thought I was finally over it but woke up last night feeling miserable. 


Hopefully, this photo will work.  Taken around 9am



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Dh says we have a foot, I say more than that.


We live in Lorton, just 20 mins south of DC right off I-95.


I wish I could post pics, but I only took some on my tablet, and they are "too big" according to the WTM posting limits. It's very pretty. We live on Rt. 1, but our driveway is about 500ft long, so we have to wait for the church's plowing company, and they don't plow til it's all over. So, we'll be snowed in til at least Monday--church is cancelled.

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We used to live in Western Loudoun county.  None of my old friends or neighbors have posted a single thing on their Facebooks.  Makes me wonder if the power is out.  Stay safe, everyone!



So far, my family in Loudoun has power but they're more to the east.

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You have kids... we always told our kids, "That's what we had kids for!" :lol:


Then, having lost our minds by donating our brain cells to our kids, we sent them away to college and let one get married, so now it's just us with our shovels.


Fortunately, I don't mind shoveling the first snow of the season... and our driveway is short! Shoveling will happen tomorrow though. I see no need to do a mid storm shoveling session.

We're getting there, we're getting there. My 10 year old is more of a help than my 13 year old. Poor guy. He's my adhd kid and is a bit like Messy Marvin. He tries so hard to help, but he can't always think ahead because he's distracted. Last year he "helped" and ended up putting all his shovelfuls of snow right back onto where my dh had been shoveling.


This year he did a pretty good job of clearing out some snow near the cars, but he got bored very, very quickly. So he went inside and took off all his wet clothes and left them on the ceramic tiling by the back door. The back door where the litter box is. So, all the clumps of ice on his clothes melted into a decent sized puddle and then a cat used the box and kicked a bunch of litter into the water. Clumping litter. I'm going to goodnaturedly oversee while he cleans it up. My little Messy Marvin! Poor kid. He tries so hard, but focusing and thinking ahead are still a challenge. :).


But my ds10 did an awesome job shoveling and DH who adores the snow, was able to shove the snowblower around without using that shoulder and so he was happy, too.

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I must say that I am enjoying apartment living and buried power lines right now.


i can look out my window and see the snow, but as long as I can continue to convince my son to walk the dog, I have no intention of setting foot outside until schools reopen and I have to go back to work.  My personal prediction is Thursday with a 2 hour delay.  What are other people guessing?

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my understanding is that the east is where it will be worse.  The winds are coming in off the shore and from the north.   As of yesterday, Ocean City was expected to get up to 70mph wind gusts. 


I meant east Loudoun, not further east in the whole region ;)

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I will have no trouble thinking of something to be grateful for today...DH just rolled the Bobcat out to clear our 1/4 mile driveway...I <3 that man. And heavy equipment.

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has anyone seen the photos from Sea Isle City, NJ.   Last night was a full moon.  plus winter storm coming from the NE..  Yikes. 


scroll down for all the photos




PrincessMommy, that is awful!  So much worse than a (albeit, very large) pile of snow.

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He was upset that our son had gone out to sled without him.


That picture just conveys peace and wintry cozyness...hope you keep power or have good alternatives.


Dh just played news coverage from Ocean City NJ. I hope those people did go shopping for bananas and hot chocolate...does not look like they will be coming out of their homes for a while.

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Adding pics from a couple of hours ago (we've been Skyping with middle son for the past hour and a half).  The snow now is up 3 more inches:


Caption:  Uh, honey, are you sure you want to eat out here?





Caption:  Will you hurry up with breakfast!?!




Caption:  Our little Bush Alps!




The yardstick - and it's up around 3 inches from these...


Tried to get a "true" reading with this one:




A moderate drift behind our car (shoveling territory when we get out to shovel):




And the yardstick itself is not local (see cities on it), so it's going BRR! :lol:


It's still coming down... the seats on the picnic table are now below the height of the snow.


I'll admit I'm loving it - from indoors with my cup of hot chocolate!

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I'm LOLing at your yardstick, Creekland.  It has phone numbers for businesses in Clearwater and Largo (Florida) on it.  I am currently sitting in Clearwater, FL (with a space heater because it is cold and windy outside).


ETA:  And, I see you already mentioned that.  :leaving:

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