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So, a group of armed terrorists has occupied a federal building


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And now I want pizza combos..."the pretzel ones not the weird cracker ones that look like dog treats."


So funny!


This situation and certain people in the public eye make me feel like we're living in an alternate universe.


When I saw the "Freedom Kids" performance for a certain candidate I started thinking I was somehow dropped into an SNL skit.

Edited by ChocolateReignRemix
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FBI and Oregon standoff leaders begin negotiations to end refuge occupation

I am not holding my breath on this.  I am still baffled as to committing to a major undertaking like this, but then having no idea how to resolve.


"We want the land turned over to the ranchers and loggers, but we don't know how that should be accomplished." 



Oregon ranchers who sparked standoff threatened to wrap official’s son in barbed wire and drown him


This article is from Raw Story, so I am not sure how many grains of salt to give it.

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FBI and Oregon standoff leaders begin negotiations to end refuge occupation

I am not holding my breath on this.  I am still baffled as to committing to a major undertaking like this, but then having no idea how to resolve.


"We want the land turned over to the ranchers and loggers, but we don't know how that should be accomplished." 



Oregon ranchers who sparked standoff threatened to wrap official’s son in barbed wire and drown him


This article is from Raw Story, so I am not sure how many grains of salt to give it.



I've been out of state at a family thing, but have been reading online when I had the time.


That meeting between the militants and the FBI lasted about 2 mins. Bundy walked in but pretty much refused to talk to the FBI, other than to tell them to get out of town.  He and a bunch of his armed militia men then walked to the sheriff's office and demanded to see the sheriff. They were met with a number of sheriffs from the surrounding areas and were told that the local sheriff was unavailable.  The assumption was that the militants were planning to kidnap the sheriff and hold one of their kangaroo courts and find him 'guilty' of something. So, the sheriff isn't going to be meeting with the extremists.




There was also a town meeting held by these militants and they were told, soundly and without a doubt, to get the hell out of their town.  And of course they are not.




And the governor of the state has formally asked the federal government for help getting them out.




Here is a great article by a local reporter explaining exactly what the stated demands of the militants are and how their logic holds up.  He is a great reporter, a local older man and also a full time rancher along with being a reporter on local issues. He has really been putting in the time to talk to the community and legal people. He knows the local players and the local issues because he lives there. He said on twitter that in town, rumors are running rampant and he wrote this to try make sense of things.



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File this under "Give me a break" or "Face palm," either will do.


Oregon militants posted footage of themselves online blowing what appear to be traditional Jewish “spiritual warfare†horns in a short video asking for support, Gawker reported.
The video was attributed to Blaine Cooper, the alias used by Stanley Blaine Hicks, with a description reading, “THE BATTLE TRUMPET HAS BEEN SOUNDED TIME TO RISE! CALL TO ACTION SEND IN THE TROOPS TO STAND WITH US IN BURNS OREGON!â€
The footage shows two men blowing on instruments resembling the shofar, a traditional Jewish horn made out of a ram horn, typically used to announce the end of the fasting period in Yom Kippur. Several Biblical passages also make reference to the horn being used to mark the start of a war.
Earlier this month, Cooper — who has committed 16 felonies under his given name and one more using his current alias — was involved in a dispute with other militants that involved him being accused of being a “paid informant†sent to “get people killed.â€



Video of the embarrassing call to arms, or not arms, or wings, or whatever:



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I've seen stuff on FB about how the guy running security for them has been interviewed in the past by his local newspaper:




Did it get mentioned on here that the Paiutes are furious at this point with having their archaeological/sacred sites bulldozed?



The tribe is demanding federal action under both theArchaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979and a "protection against bad men†provision in the treaty the tribe signed with the United States in 1868.
Read more athttp://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2016/01/19/oregon-militia-nuts-hold-paiute-history-artifacts-hostage-163116



This is a good tidbit, too. This guy is now locked up in Arizona: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/bundy-bodyguard-arrested


He got exposed by Stolen Valor as a poser, too: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3387117/Stolen-valor-Militiaman-bodyguard-ranchers-Cliven-Ammon-Bundy-posing-retired-Marine-served-Afghanistan-Iraq-boost-combat-credentials.html

Edited by Ravin
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Pete Santilli: Militants supporter says Ammon Bundy in custody



Two people have been shot and Ammon Bundy is in custody, according to a YouTube live stream report by Pete Santilli, who was speaking outside a hospital in Burns.


Santilli, a self-styled journalist, took to social media to discuss the breaking development late Tuesday afternoon. He also reported that the FBI has told the protesters at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge that they are free to go and need to leave immediately.


Santilli said he was waiting at the hospital to confirm the reports of the shootings.


"Two men were down, possibly injured," he said. In his initial report, Santilli didn't have any information on their conditions or the names of who was involved. 


The Oregonian/OregonLive could not independently confirm the reports. 

Santilli's report comes on the 25th day of the standoff. During the past three weeks, tension has mounted and federal authorities have faced repeated calls, including from Gov. Kate Brown, to take action on the protesters. 


This story will be updated as more information becomes available.

-- Rebecca Woolington 


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It's now confirmed. His family has been notified and have made statements.


He had 11 kids


He had 11 foster kids. Unfortunately the baby's crying or I would go through all the various source links to verify the legitimacy of this, but in reading up on him tonight, here's what I stumbled across (feel free to correct this if the info isn't accurate, of course!):


"During his involvement in the Malheur standoff, the 11 foster children that were in the care of Finicum have been taken away. Finicum complained that those children were he and his wife’s major source of labor and money on their ranch, reported Time Magazine."


That statement made me sick to my stomach.


Edit: some quick googling while trying to nurse the baby seems to show that he had FOUR foster kids. Not sure if that means he has 11 of his own in addition to the 4, or 4 of his own, plus the 4 making 11. Either way the original article I read was clearly inaccurate.

Edited by SproutMamaK
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He also reported that the FBI has told the protesters at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge that they are free to go and need to leave immediately.


That is a pretty astonishing get-out-of-jail-free card.  

If they weren't white guys, Fox News would be OUTRAGED and we'd be hearing about this for years. 


I hope some of them are smart enough to take them up on it.


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Apparently according to videos on his blog, he and his wife have 11 children.  http://onecowboystandforfreedom.blogspot.com/ I didn't watch the videos.  There were 4 current foster kids and they have cared for a total of about 50.  I can't find any information on how old the bio kids are.


I did some more reading after I posted and I think this is correct.


I am struggling with this. I had hoped this could be resolved without loss of life, but that didn't seem likely with everyone armed. 


Unfortunately, I don't think this will be the end of this issue and that LaVoy Finicum's death will be a rallying point. Of all the protesters, Finicum seemed the most sincere.


My heart goes out to his family, but also to the LEOs involved in the shooting.  Finicum had frequently stated that he would never go to prison and would resist arrest. For me, it is morally reprehensible to say "Give me my way no matter how many laws I break, or you are going to have to kill me." It puts everyone in an untenable position.



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Some are claiming he was shot while on his knees with his hands up, though one of the drivers who had Ryan Ammon Bundy and another in his vehicle claims Finicum charged at police. The former is what will be believed by supporters. I fear there will be more deaths, as the ones at the refuge aren't going anywhere and will be even more determined to fight.


ETA: McConnell was Ammon Bundy's bodyguard.

Edited by Word Nerd
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Apparently according to videos on his blog, he and his wife have 11 children.  http://onecowboystandforfreedom.blogspot.com/ I didn't watch the videos.  There were 4 current foster kids and they have cared for a total of about 50.  I can't find any information on how old the bio kids are.


Those poor kids, I can't imagine losing a parent, and knowing that that parent had publicly stated that they'd choose leaving you orphaned, over a few days in jail.

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Those poor kids, I can't imagine losing a parent, and knowing that that parent had publicly stated that they'd choose leaving you orphaned, over a few days in jail.

When he was interviewed under the blue tarp by MSNBC, I think he said his youngest is 17. That's not great, but at least he didn't leave small children.

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Robert 'LaVoy' Finicum shot and killed while charging police, driver says


I appreciate occupier Mark McConnell's honesty and the care he took to try and tell what happened while acknowledging what he saw and didn't see.


It would appear that during the traffic stop, after the first car and it's occupants were secured, the second vehicle driven by LaVoy Finicum took off until it crashed into a snow bank at a road block a mile ahead. At that point, apparently, Finicum charged LEOs.



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The 18-year-old who was in the pickup with LaVoy claims he was moving toward police with his hands up and dared them to shoot him before they fired on him. (Off topic, but WTH lets their teen daughter get involved in all this?)


At 18, I doubt her parents had a choice or perhaps they were part of the movement?


In McConnell's video, he mentions that it's a bit problematic if you drive your car away from a traffic stop, no?  It also doesn't sound like Ryan Bundy agreed with trying to outrun the law.


I have been pondering about Finicum some more. He stated flat out that he would not go to jail. How many options does that leave for LEOs when the guy is always armed?  I've even wondered "Does he have a terminal illness?"  "Is there a life insurance policy that would set up his wife financially if there ranch is struggling?"  I am trying to make sense of his death wish.  Or was it that?  Did he see the total lack of consequences for the Bundys and their standoff and figure that the federal government would cave this time?


Finicum truly bothers me, because again, I think he was sincere, but could not distinguish that the Bundys are freeloaders and media hounds who definitely are not willing to die for their cause.


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I have been pondering about Finicum some more. He stated flat out that he would not go to jail. How many options does that leave for LEOs when the guy is always armed?  I've even wondered "Does he have a terminal illness?"  "Is there a life insurance policy that would set up his wife financially if there ranch is struggling?"  I am trying to make sense of his death wish.  Or was it that?  Did he see the total lack of consequences for the Bundys and their standoff and figure that the federal government would cave this time?



I really wondered about the terminal illness thing, also.  With everything he's said, it seemed like he was planning on suicide by cop.  His goal from the beginning seemed to be to die to progress his cause.  

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The 18-year-old who was in the pickup with LaVoy claims he was moving toward police with his hands up and dared them to shoot him before they fired on him. (Off topic, but WTH lets their teen daughter get involved in all this?)


I don't know what to think about her version. It's very different from the stories that the other two occupiers told who said they received their information second-hand from Ryan Bundy and Shauna Cox. However McConnell said that Cox had been changing her story.


The teen was part of some singers that were going to sing Christian and patriotic songs at the meeting.


100 shots? Correct me if I am wrong since I am not a gun girl, but wouldn't there be more dead if that were the case? If you are down on the floor boards, how do you see Finicum get shot? If the Feds were shooting at me, I am not sure I'd pop my head up to see what's going on.


Anyway, I appreciate that the other two occupiers who released videos urged calm, and thoughtfulness, and waiting until all the facts are in - before doing something crazy.

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LEO say Finicum was brandishing a firearm when he jumped out of the fleeing vehicle after it hit the snowbank.




Victoria Sharp's story is the one that will stay with many people whether it is the truth or not.  Even though the Oath Keepers have released a statement asking that cooler heads prevail until all the facts are known, you can tell by the responses on their site that this isn't going to happen.  I truly hope there aren't a bunch of armed men bent on taking out LEOs and Feds headed our way because they firmly believe LaVoy Finicum was executed.


I think without Bundy and Finicum at the Refuge, I won't hold out hope that serious damage won't happen there since the occupiers are now working with excavators to dig trenches.

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Bundy has issued a statement telling the other militants to leave peacefully. Obviously, he is looking for clemency from a judge. He needs to look like he is cooperating.


They were considered a flight risk and were not given bail.  I don't know why, this little performance only showed that they can't plan past tomorrow. They had to ask for supplies and make snack runs...and they had a woman there to cook for them. That is what she said, that she was there 'because the men need to eat.'  I don't think they would make it for very long if they decided to flee into the wilderness. They might have to cook for themselves.


I am totally disillusioned by their behaviour.  I mean, I thought they were/are wack jobs, but I thought they were at least admirable in their self sufficiency skills. But, nope. They can't even do that right. Turns out I put more thought into the family car camping trip than these guys put into a supposed 'siege' that could take years. I thought they were gonna hole up there and dig in and prove that they could tough it out and live off the land. 

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Bundy has issued a statement telling the other militants to leave peacefully. Obviously, he is looking for clemency from a judge. He needs to look like he is cooperating.


They were considered a flight risk and were not given bail.  I don't know why, this little performance only showed that they can't plan past tomorrow. They had to ask for supplies and make snack runs...and they had a woman there to cook for them. That is what she said, that she was there 'because the men need to eat.'  I don't think they would make it for very long if they decided to flee into the wilderness. They might have to cook for themselves.


I am totally disillusioned by their behaviour.  I mean, I thought they were/are wack jobs, but I thought they were at least admirable in their self sufficiency skills. But, nope. They can't even do that right. Turns out I put more thought into the family car camping trip than these guys put into a supposed 'siege' that could take years. I thought they were gonna hole up there and dig in and prove that they could tough it out and live off the land. 

This! I think the only skill they possess is "whackadoodle" if that is even a skill!


Someone else mentioned suicide by cop. I have just a little experience with that. My dad, due to oxygen deprivation that went untreated for months - incompetent GP whom my dad thinks the sun, moon, and stars of so won't leave despite all evidence to the contrary - in conjunction with Stage IV lung cancer, mets in the brains, and paraneoplastic syndrome, became violent and mentally unstable. He wanted to die, and when his suicide attempt - not particularly well planned out by the way - didn't work, confessed to all manner of heinous crimes (from the guy who hasn't had so much as a speeding ticket in 50 years) and was verbally abusive to police in the hopes of frustrating one of them badly enough he or she would finally shoot him. That didn't work  because thankfully these officers were calm, cool, collected and well aware that they were dealing with a very sick, mentally ill man. But, they did tell us that "suicide by cop" is more common than what most people believe. So I would not consider that a far out theory at all.


As for the foster situation, how is that these anti-government nut jobs don't have any problem making money off the government? Sheesh! I see this all the time. We've got one of those sovereign citizen dudes in town and he lives on VA, disability, bridge card, utility assistance, you name it, and then b**ches and moans all the live long day about taxes and the government.

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Finicum truly bothers me, because again, I think he was sincere, but could not distinguish that the Bundys are freeloaders and media hounds who definitely are not willing to die for their cause.


I think Finicum was a perfect example of a man who held a belief, no matter how ill conceived or devoid of logic, with such sincerity that he was willing to die for it in the mistaken hope that his "sacrifice" would be assumed as proof that his beliefs had a credibility to them worth defending. 


Someone had mentioned at the very beginning of this thread that the Bundy supporters are not jerks. It grieves me to see people risk their welfare and even lives, to encourage others to risk their welfare and even lives in pursuit of a belief that is unfounded, based on an emotional need for it to be true. "Jerk" is not the right word. "Fool" is too lighthearted. To support people and actions and ideas without sufficient reason is not reason enough to interpret a person a "jerk," but I have precious little sympathy for people encouraging others, and none whatsoever when it comes to conditioning naturally gullible children, to follow illogical, irrational belief systems simply because it serves emotional needs artificially and selfishly applied.

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As for the foster situation, how is that these anti-government nut jobs don't have any problem making money off the government? Sheesh! I see this all the time. We've got one of those sovereign citizen dudes in town and he lives on VA, disability, bridge card, utility assistance, you name it, and then b**ches and moans all the live long day about taxes and the government.


Sometimes, hypocrisy is born in cognitive dissonance. 

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As for the foster situation, how is that these anti-government nut jobs don't have any problem making money off the government? Sheesh! I see this all the time. We've got one of those sovereign citizen dudes in town and he lives on VA, disability, bridge card, utility assistance, you name it, and then b**ches and moans all the live long day about taxes and the government.


I know someone who is very much anti-government but whose husband is employed by the federal government. Her nice house, nice cars, the ability for all 5 of her children to take many types of lessons and belong to activities that aren't cheap are all a result of his government job. The government she hates is responsible for her very comfortable lifestyle. When you point this out to her she just laughs and says, "I know." Her attitude puzzles me.   :confused1:  :rolleyes:

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Four holdouts want charge dropped for one to end occupation

I am completely baffled by the mentality.  The only thing I can come up with is that these folks spend so much time with social and political media and have never picked up a history book, that they have this completely romanticized view of a West that never existed and can never be returned to.



"We want to go home," said Anderson, dressed in camouflage gear. "We don't need checkpoints. We don't need felony charges. We're camping out here."


He also says it's a free America, not Nazi Germany.  The disconnect here is huge.  I thought it was Anderson in the video yesterday that asked for other militia to help them and that if any LEOs or federal agents got in their way, to kill them.


Now, it's like he just wants to go home and have the government and the people of Harney county forget he and his buddies were ever there. They are dictating terms because they are counting on the government not wanting to shed any more blood?



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