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Favorite gift check in

Peaceful Isle

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Wireless bluetooth speakers for my not-a-smartphone-device. The sound is so much better when I'm doing my treadmill time. I can actually hear it over the (ancient/dying) treadmill noises!

(I actually bought myself way more presents than it would have been proper to put under the tree, so there is still one hidden in a closet. Not sure when I'll sneak it out anyway since I'm dying to use it.)


DD#1 was thrilled that St Nick knew she'd really enjoy a Matchbox track set since her mom & dad never give her "boy" gifts. She's been a bit stingy with letting other kids try it out, but the whole family got a different trackset so the rest of the kids have been busy with that one.

DD#2 asked for one sketchbook. DS#1 got her four. She was thrilled. Strangely enough, St Nick's gift of an inflatable twin bed (for friends who come to sleep over) has turned into one of her favorite gifts.

DD#3 got all three things she wanted - including being super-excited that she got two of one of them.

DS#2 got the American Girl doll he wanted. The looks on the faces of one of the family friends when DS brought her out to show her off were priceless! He kept smoothing down her hair.

DS#1 got the robot he wanted, but he didn't realize the work that would go into programming it. He's relying on dd#1 to help him learn it.

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I got this amazing thing. https://www.thetrackr.com/ I shared it on Facebook in June, but my mom remembered and got it for me! I have ADD and have been scattered and forgetful my whole life This will save me probably on average a half hour a day! They're sleek little quarter-sized things that can be put in a wallet or on a keychain or bag or a pet collar. Your cell phone can ring any one of the things or you can use one of the tags to ring the phone so you can find the lost item. I'm thrilled. 


The Amazon Echo has been a big hit too. 

Edited by Sk8ermaiden
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Too funny- the one gift that made all three girls squeal was their snacks. Diamond (20) got a pack of single-serving Pringles, SweetChild (16) got individual bags of Goldfish crackers, and BabyBaby (14) got an 8-pack of mini-breakfast cereal boxes.


They just love having their own pre-packed snacks, ready-to go.  I'm usually too cheap and buy the giant boxes/bags and have them put them into snack bags or containers.

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I got a pair of cowboy boots (picked them out myself the day after Thanksgiving) and a pair of black insulated leather gloves for doing chores.


Tonight I used a gift card at TJ Maxx and bought myself a $7 journal to use for my Bible reading program starting Jan. 1.  It is red embossed leather look with a ribbon book mark.  For some reason it just made me smile.  That fact that I got it, a journal for 19dd, a pair of real crocs for her, and a set of 3 kitchen storage containers for $2.53 after our $25 gift card REALLY made me smile.


Then I found some plastic tumblers at Target for 79 cents each that are nice and durable.  I bought the six they had with a gift card and then came home and ordered 12 more from another local store for $10.05 with the gift card as well.  It is sad ( or maybe good) that 79 cent plastic cups make me happy.  They are stakable, a nice size and weight and won't break....all good things.

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I got a furry blanket from Pottery Barn that I never expected…maybe sometime this winter it will be cold enough to use it.


DH got a router lift…not exactly sure what it is but I know he is happy with it.


DS20 got a new clutch in his car.


DS18 got speakers for his recording studio.


DD got tickets to see Lord of the Dance before it leaves Broadway next week. (She and I both get to enjoy that one.)

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A ridiculously heavy sherpa/mink (not real mink) comforter for the bed. One side is sherpa, one side is mink. It was unseasonably hot here yesterday, but I still used the comforter, until I woke up sweating under it and tossed it all onto DH who pretty much suffocated under it, and then the weight of it started pulling it off the bed, so that when I tried to pull it back onto myself this morning when I was getting cold my arms weren't strong enough to lift it. Ah! Awesome gift! Can't wait for the cold weather now.


And doorknobs. I've been wanting matching doorknobs in the house for about 8 years. I finally got 4 of them. I still need about 5 more, but at least it's a start. I'm happy with them.

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I didn't get anything that made me go WOW! But I did get some nice OXO salt & pepper grinders, a gluten free cookbook (Gluten Free on a Shoestring Bakes Bread) A $10 Bath & Body Works GC, cash which I plan to use for new bedding and a new purse.  We still have 1 more gathering with Dh's family today, so I usually get a nice GC from them.  Shopping this week!!

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DD#1 got a stuffed unicorn that's about the size of her toddler brother.  Since Christmas morning, the unicorn has been with DD every possible moment.  Yesterday, I told her to get dressed, and when she came out of her room she told me, "I chose a shirt that goes well with my unicorn."  :lol:


DD#2 has been happy with all her gifts, but I probably could have gotten her only books and she would have been thrilled.  On opening a present with a book inside, this kid forgets that there are other presents because she wants to read the book.  Then again, when asked what her favorite Christmas gift was, she answered, "Candy canes!"


There were a lot of games received in our household, both for the adults and for the kids.  Those have been a hit.


DS got a Hammer Away Boat, which he loves.  



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We are all thrilled with all of our gifts aside from a few books.


My favorites are a robe, necklace, spiralizer, and new tablet cover.

Dh's is probably his new computer chairs

Ds7 is hard to say because he loves it all but probably the Star Wars action figures and Battleship

Dd5 shopkins. She's been asking for them for over a year. We finally allowed mil to get them because dd is now responsible enough to pick them up so younger siblings don't get them

Ds2 his favorite gift is his sister's Grimm rainbow stacker! He loves his gifts too but has used the stacker the most

Dd 10 months favorites gift is her Grimm's rainbow stacker!

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My hubby ordered me an Erin Condren planner (that I chose). I'm excited!

My mom surprised me with pretty Ugg boots. I really like them. She also bought me some really pretty things for the new baby we are expecting. They are so soft and wonderful.


The kids got my hubby comfy lounging clothes (pj pants, warm socks, and long sleeved t-shirts). We just moved to a folder climate and had very few warm clothes. He's really enjoying his new stuff and no longer complaining about being cold around the house.


My little girls adore their Sands Alive.

My son got wooden swords and shields made by my father in law. He's in love! Lol. They are really awesome.

My big girls are getting knitting lessons that start in January. They can't wait.

We got Clue to play as a family and my kids are so obsessed with it right now.


Overall most gifts were a big hit.

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Dh and I are older- mid 50's. Gray hair, pudgy, the works.  But we love each other so much.  And after decades together, we really don't need a whole lot of things. So usually for Christmas dh includes one thing that he buys just to make me smile. Not because I need it or asked for it or because it's useful.  And that thing is always so sweet. 


This year it's an autographed picture of Chris Pratt with no shirt on...and that boy's abs are a thing of beauty.   Ha! I love my husband. 

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My favorite gift is the one I got my husband.


We love to go to the mountains, and he loves to fish for trout.


I found an original painting of a gorgeous Eastern Sierra scene with a sketchbook page below it with a description of the site and a sketch of a brown trout, the kind up that way.  This is the first year in a while that we have gone all the way to the passes and so the Eastern Sierra landscape is quite appropriate for a memory of this year.  


This was a splurge, but one that we will have forever.  Honestly, it's almost like I got it for both of us.  He loves it but so do I.

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My best friend sent DH and I mugly sweater cups.  We have coffee together every morning before he goes to work.  They were awesome because:


1. She knows me so well.

2. They are hilarious.  






She is probably the world's most thoughtful gift giver so she did funny, cute, and thoughtful. No wonder I love her. ;)


Favorite gifts we gave?


Big Joe bean bags maybe?  DD12 got cat stuff and art supplies and she loved her Christmas, lol.  We got her cats a big climbing thing and they have spent hours in it so far.  It's made her very, very happy.   DD14 also loved my only DIY project for Christmas - a framed fabric bulletin board.  I was glad I nailed that.  I wasn't sure it was going to be as easy as it looked. (It was.) Turned out great.  The DIY gifts always give me the most joy to give.



We haven't played ANY of our boardgames yet. :(  Maybe tomorrow.  I might be the only Midwest person thankful for an ice storm, lol.



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Best gift was having both girls home for the holidays!  We had a sweet slow day with gifts, food and movies.


My favorite gifts received:  Shawl from Prague Christmas Market and yarn from Ireland (girls were in Europe right before Christmas).  I am looking for the perfect pattern for the yarn, I plan to make a felted bag.  Dh gave me a bunch of craft items from my wishlist so I am all set for the new year. :)


Favorite gifts given:  Gave dh a kit to make a belt buckle (wax form to carve and a pouch to mail it to the foundry to have a brass buckle poured).  Gave dd24 a Hawkeye t-shirt and gave dd22 a Winter Soldier t-shirt.  Thank you Hive for the Redbubble suggestion. :)



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