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What No Chanukah Thread, What's Wrong With You People?

Spy Car

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We had a superb first night of Chanukah. First my boy went out with our neighbors to purchase their very first...er, uh...Chanukah bush. They got a nice Noble fir (on Williams's suggestion) and decked it out with blue and white lights.


Then we went over this evening, made latkes, had a delicious brisket, a little too much single-malt and wine. Lit the Chanukias (we brought ours), neglected to play dreidel, had jelly donuts. A few gift. Nice conversation.


Life is good.



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Sounds fun, Bill!


We aren't Jewish but DS likes to celebrate Hannukah anyway. Mostly he loves the food:). So usually we start the day with a jelly doughnut, make a big feast for dinner (I'm sure it would embarrass most Jewish mamas, but I do my best!), light candles, and play with the dreidel. Alas, he had a hockey game last night and it totally slipped my mind. His coach did give out chocolate Hannukah coins after their big win, though! :)


I love the Hannukah bush idea! Lol

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Our first night was a bit rushed due to the swim meet we attended during the day.

A 20 minute discussions between the kiddos as to whose turn it is to get light which menorah.  Laughs, blessings, admiration and then off they went to a party for the high school swim team.


My favorite how  do you spell chanukkah video.



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We had a busy first night of Chanukah ( you can spell it anyway you want phonetically).  I cooked the meal (not fancy!) for the Chanukah party at our synagogue.  The rabbi said I am now the president of the (long defunct) Sisterhood to the room while I was in the kitchen.   :leaving:


Will make latkes and chicken shnitzel (got to have foods cooked with oil - Chanukah tradition) with broccoli for dinner.  If the kids get school done, I will make sufganiyot (doughnuts) for lunch.  I don't plan on gaining weight this week, nope, not me!  :laugh:

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We had a busy first night of Chanukah ( you can spell it anyway you want phonetically).  I cooked the meal (not fancy!) for the Chanukah party at our synagogue.  The rabbi said I am now the president of the (long defunct) Sisterhood to the room while I was in the kitchen.   :leaving:


Will make latkes and chicken shnitzel (got to have foods cooked with oil - Chanukah tradition) with broccoli for dinner.  If the kids get school done, I will make sufganiyot (doughnuts) for lunch.  I don't plan on gaining weight this week, nope, not me!  :laugh:


Chicken schnitzel is the thing I miss most about our time in Israel.


LOL--well, maybe not "most," (there is the falafel, too...) but it's up there! We had the BEST place right near us and ate it almost every week--even the frozen at the grocery store was fabulous.

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I was surprise to discover the neighbor children had never heard of Hanukkah Harry, who delivers toys made in his workshop on Mt Sinai to good boys and girls from a cart pulled by three flying donkeys.


I'm glad I could straighten out their Jewish education :D


“On Moische! On Herschel! On Schlomo!â€



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This was our first.  I cleared off the homeschool table so that we could eat in the dining room -- champagne, sparkling apple juice for the kids, broiled salmon, green beans, and some pre-made latkes I found in the frozen food section -- served with sour cream and applesauce).  We lit the menorah, played dreidel, opened Aunt Julie's Christmas gifts (and called them Hanukkah presents), and handed out chocolate coins.  The two-year-old liked the last part and kept asking for "Mo' chocolate money, peese!"

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I love the stars at the top of the thread (but would it have killed them to add one more point?). First there was one star, on the first night of Chanukkah, then two, then three, now four. OK, we're a bit out of sync, but what's a few lights between friends?


I'm hoping for 8 stars by weeks end.



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Happy Hanukkah!  (And mazel tov President Yael!  I'm sure you'll have that Sisterhood back up and running in no time :)) 


It is all dreidel, all the time around here.  I keep stepping on pennies.  Also dreidels.  (Why do we have so many?!)  DH took the kids out for doughnuts tonight and tomorrow I will break out the TJs' latkes and make applesauce in the slow cooker.  I can only cope with frying my own latkes once a year and since we're having people over on Saturday night, I will wait until then to haul out the potato grater.  



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Happy Hanukkah everybody.  We read my kids' favorite Hanukkah-related book, "The Golem's Latkes."  They want me to make latkes, but there's actually a local restaurant that makes them better than I do, plus they have killer B&W cookies and other desserts (including my favorite, the Mounds cake).


A new favorite dreidel song....


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Well, my husband has on The Hebrew Hammer right now. Does that count as celebrating?

My 21yo loves that movieðŸ˜. We are learning about many winter holidays so Sunday was St. Nick and yesterday we looked at Hannukah. Two thoughts emerged- Why were they uninformed that the " gambling game" of dreidel had been kept from them and the 8 yo thought St. nicks gold coins and Hanukkah geld looked surprisingly similar. The 17 yo added this little ditty to supper

Ladle, ladle, ladle, they made you out of steel, Ladle, ladle, ladle, so mom can serve our meal.

Today on to Buche Noel.

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