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Do you use the helping verb shall in conversation?


58 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you use shall in conversation?

    • I never do.
    • I rarely or occasionally do.
    • Shall is a regular part of my vocabulary.
    • Other or All Hail, SKL, the Queen of Shall!

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It's a day later and I'm still baffled that people think 'shall' is a pretentious word, or that the only usage appropriate today is as a silly affectation.


Those people do not speak dialects where shall is common. It would be like saying 'twould in casual conversation - sure, it's a perfectly cromulent word, but if it's not a usual part of your dialect then it's going to stand out. And when people choose to use words that stand out, other people notice it.


You know, tangent here, I was reading once a blog post from an American mother in England. She was surprised to find that her English friends thought "diaper" sounded so much nicer and less distasteful than the word "nappy", because her impression was just the other way around. Of course, upon reflection she realized that both groups thought the usual word for "a thing that catches baby poop" sounded a little icky and an imported word sounded comparatively nice.


Neither "nappy" nor "diaper" is inherently pretentious. However, the use of an unusual word can be seen that way, whether that unusual word is "nappy" or "lorry" or "shall".

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"Hey, you wanna..."


Or some variation thereof. 




[ETA, I see Mrs. Ivy beat me to it]


Do "shall" users also use "shan't"? 


Or "would you like to..." or "let's..." or "why don't we..." or "should...."


Every dialect of English is capable of expressing the same ideas, we just don't always do it in the same way.


I can express habitual action even though I don't have the habitual be like AAVE does. I can express recent news even without the after perfect used in Irish English. I can express a desire to do something, even without shall.

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Just out of idle curiosity, I searched the board to see how frequently I've used the word shall.


In a search of the current boards, I found ten threads (one of them this one); about half contained quoted shalls while the other half were my original writings.


A search of the archived boards found four threads of which two contained quoted shalls and two were original writings 






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And now I've spent WAY too much time searching to see how often others posting in this thread have the word shall show up in their threads. (Remember, it can show up if you've quoted another user or legal, religious, or other text.)  The winner (barring any error) is:



I use "shall." 


with 40 uses.


Followed by:


Only when being pretentious.


with 28.






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And now I've spent WAY too much time searching to see how often others posting in this thread have the word shall show up in their threads. (Remember, it can show up if you've quoted another user or legal, religious, or other text.) The winner (barring any error) is:




with 40 uses.



Followed by:



with 28.





I enjoy being pretentious. :D

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It is funny because off the top of my head I would have said no but there are several examples here that I use. 

You shall not pass!!

I say that all the time in my nice booming voice, I mean really there are so many instances when it just fits, nevermind the weird looks :)



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Ooh.  I like the hoity toityness of this thread.  Betwixt, plebian. . .   Shall we show the world the breadth and depth of WTM's conversational abilities?  No one shall diss our loquacity.  


I seem to remember, way back in the annals of my mind, when WTM would have vocabulary-building conversations of this sort all the time. I did not take part as, alas, well, for the same reason I can't now.

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I enjoy being pretentious. :D


My dearest texee:


Perchance, would one know how oft one might deign to decline one's pretentiousness? Happen that one's friends, who shall remain nameless, would at some time scoff at one's pretentiousness whilst simultaneously scoffing at one's behavior.


Very sincerely,


Remaining ever


Your friend



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My dearest texee:


Perchance, would one know how oft one might deign to decline one's pretentiousness? Happen that one's friends, who shall remain nameless, would at some time scoff at one's pretentiousness whilst simultaneously scoffing at one's behavior.


Very sincerely,


Remaining ever


Your friend



Now, who is pretentious? :D
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My dearest texee:


Perchance, would one know how oft one might deign to decline one's pretentiousness? Happen that one's friends, who shall remain nameless, would at some time scoff at one's pretentiousness whilst simultaneously scoffing at one's behavior.


Very sincerely,


Remaining ever


Your friend




Aaaaaaaand...it's Queen Ellie for the WIN!!!


:smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5:

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Texie, darling; it was not necessary that you drag me over here to convince me of your pretentiousness.   :D




Owing to the prodigious amount of time I have spent perusing this shall thread, I shan't ever recover from the disarray in which I now find my myself and my house.  All is hither and thither, and nary a thing is in its place.  


Wherefore, I shall now take my leave.   :leaving:









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I do use it on occasion but I had a mix of British, American, Canadian and other English teachers learning English as a foreign language and I lived in the U.K for twelve years so it is still somewhat natural to me although it's been quite a while since.


ETA I use shall far more than shan't. One thing I use it for is as a tag question, for example, I might say something like Let's go together, shall we?

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Apparently that's a traditional rule, but does not actually indicate that shall can only be used in first person.  When you want to express a strong determination to do something, shall is proper in second and third person which totally explains the use of shalt in the 10 Commandments.  http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/words/shall-or-will


I've noticed in the New King James translation that "shall" is often used in the third person. "Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart." In some verses I've even seen will, will, shall in the same passage, with the "shall" used where the text is intended to give confidence or assurance.

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What shall I say? I think I probably use it occasionally, but I don't have a big list in my head of words I use and the frequency with which I use them.


My wife had to teach me that people don't actually use 'thrice' anymore (once, twice, thrice - why don't people use it anymore?). I read the complete works of Edgar Allan Poe the summer I turned 14, and since I didn't really begin to learn English until I was 12, that probably had some impact on my vocabulary.

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What shall I say? I think I probably use it occasionally, but I don't have a big list in my head of words I use and the frequency with which I use them.


My wife had to teach me that people don't actually use 'thrice' anymore (once, twice, thrice - why don't people use it anymore?). I read the complete works of Edgar Allan Poe the summer I turned 14, and since I didn't really begin to learn English until I was 12, that probably had some impact on my vocabulary.

In the Indian subcontinent people still use thrice in regular conversation.

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What shall I say? I think I probably use it occasionally, but I don't have a big list in my head of words I use and the frequency with which I use them.


My wife had to teach me that people don't actually use 'thrice' anymore (once, twice, thrice - why don't people use it anymore?). I read the complete works of Edgar Allan Poe the summer I turned 14, and since I didn't really begin to learn English until I was 12, that probably had some impact on my vocabulary.


I use thrice. I guess I don't really notice how often words are used by other people. And my oldest dd, the one who uses 'shall', clued in one day that I was using thrice. She turned around and said, "Wait. That's a thing? Cool!"

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