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What are some things you like & your dh doesn't? or vice versa....(thinking food)

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I like sweet potatoes, dh does not.

He doesn't like eggplant either, I have no opinion on it.

Dh likes BLT's with peanut butter, as do all of our children, I still refuse to eat them that way and get made fun of by them when we have BLT's.

Dh likes liver, I do not.

That's all I can think of right now.


So what are some things that you like/dh doesn't or vice versa.



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I like baked beans, and he does not - which makes some meals difficult, 'cause they just scream for baked beans, KWIM?


He like green beans, and I do not, although I pretend to for the kids.


He likes grits, I don't


I like mayo on sandwiches, he would rather not eat if that is the option!

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Mostly football... I love it, he can't stand it.


OK, that's not a food, but it's on my mind because I just watched the Broncos/Chargers game as he rolled his eyes.


Foods I like but he doesn't:

Spinach, salad, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, and a host of other vegetables

Anything spicy

Licorice (I love it!)


Any salad dressing

Cheese (I love it, he'll only eat it on pizza or cheeseburgers)



Wow... the list goes on and on...


Food Doug likes but I don't:

Now that I'm no longer vegetarian... none

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I like baked beans, and he does not - which makes some meals difficult, 'cause they just scream for baked beans, KWIM?


He like green beans, and I do not, although I pretend to for the kids.


He likes grits, I don't


I like mayo on sandwiches, he would rather not eat if that is the option!


Oh how could I have forgotten Grits, dh will eat them, he won't eat oatmeal though, cause his mother made him eat it all the time growing up.



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Dp likes meat, I prefer vegetarian meals. I like chicken (if I'm going to eat meat), he doesn't. He could eat pizza every day (and probably 3 meals a day), I prefer some variety.


I love winter squash, he hates it. I also love yogurt, he can't eat it (texture issue). He likes tabasco sauce on his scrambled eggs. I won't eat either.


I will say though that he happily eats whatever is cooked for him, without ever complaining, even if it's something I know he doesn't like.

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I like avacado and cucumbers; dh doesn't.


Dh likes sushi and spinach; I don't. There's one kind of sushi that I find particularly revolting - the rice is covered with flying fish eggs, then a quail egg is broken over that. Dh says when you bite into it, the roe kind of cracks between your teeth, then the quail egg is soft and runny. A veritable platter of differing textures. :ack2:

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Things DH likes that I will not eat: thousand island dressing, cottage cheese, sour cream, mayonnaise, grits, fish (except tuna), sweet potatoes, beets, pimiento cheese.


Things I like that DH won't eat: biscuits & gravy, liver, Mexican food, Chinese food, cabbage, Miracle Whip, bittersweet chocolate, marzipan, rouladen, oatmeal, meatloaf made with catsup on top of it, cheese (not including cheddar, American, and Swiss cheeses - DH will eat those).

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I like sweet potatoes, dh does not.

He doesn't like eggplant either, I have no opinion on it.

Dh likes BLT's with peanut butter, as do all of our children, I still refuse to eat them that way and get made fun of by them when we have BLT's.

Dh likes liver, I do not.

That's all I can think of right now.


So what are some things that you like/dh doesn't or vice versa.




I like Tomatoes, sweet potatoes, peppers, onions, eggplant, and avocados. Dh does not like any of those. (I am sure there are more)


Dh likes mushrooms and cottage cheese and I don't.

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I like tomatoes, he doesn't.

He likes corn, I don't. (no throwing tomatoes, I hate corn!!!):D

He likes Vietnamese food, I don't.

I like coconut, he doesn't.

I like pears, he doesn't.


DH worked in Santa Clara for 7 years and went out to eat quite a bit. There's a plethora of food choices in that area so he tried everything. He's not afraid to try something new, whereas I am terrified of it! I'll taste something he ordered and find myself bummed that I wasn't willing to go out on a limb. :glare: Yet, I haven't changed my ways....

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I like sweet potatoes, dh does not.

He doesn't like eggplant either, I have no opinion on it.

Dh likes BLT's with peanut butter, as do all of our children, I still refuse to eat them that way and get made fun of by them when we have BLT's.

Dh likes liver, I do not.

That's all I can think of right now.


So what are some things that you like/dh doesn't or vice versa.




Mostly, sushi.


I don't like lasagna (I'll eat it to be gracious, but I won't enjoy it.), but he does. :blushing:


He likes regular Coke :eek:, and I was raised more on Diet Coke.


He likes a fully loaded potato and I would rather have a sweet potato.


I love oatmeal, he eats it because it's what I make ;)

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I like spinach, zucchini, squash, and hummus. Dh believes these things will make him violently ill if he eats them.


Dh likes raw tomatoes, raw broccoli, and green beans. I do not, though I do like tomatoes cooked and in things and cooked broccoli. I can tolerate green beans, but I do not like them.


Dh used to believe he was allergic to mushrooms. That belief was based on the fact that once when he was a teenager he ate pizza with mushrooms on it, got drunk, and puked mushrooms. :lol: It took me years to convince him otherwise. Now he will eat mushrooms, but I can't overdo it. He is afraid of almost nothing, but he is deathly afraid of puking. Just the thought of it or a very old memory scares him senseless.


Dh will tolerate black beans and a few other things I love, but he is not fond of them and warns me not to push it. I think part of his problem with the beans is that they have a much stronger effect on him than they do on me. I remind him that they are good for his heart.:D Dh likes my cauliflower potato curry (aloo gobi), but he says he can only handle so much curry because it makes his mouth feel funny. He says the same thing about ginger, which I love.


Dh loves bananas and watermelon. I only like bananas every once in a while and done just the right way. Usually they make my mouth itch and the flavor makes me gag, but sometimes I just really want a banana sliced in a bowl of milk with a little honey. I'm not crazy about watermelon. Sometimes I like it okay, but sometimes it makes my mouth itch, and it doesn't seem worth the mess. I also don't like all the seeds.


I just noticed someone above mentioned lasagna. I used to like lasagna, but dh and the kids want it so often that I'm truly sick of it. They won't let me do anything interesting with it either. They like my original recipe and nothing else will do. I'm also completely burned out on spaghetti with red sauce. The only way I like it any more is the way MIL makes it--homemade sauce with the most incredible meatballs. The kids don't like it that way, though. Again, any time I try to change the spaghetti too much to make it more interesting, I get major complaints. Spaghetti and lasagna are so boring after 20 years of doing it the same way and often.

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I LOVE bell peppers and onions. I'd put them in almost anything. Dh strongly dislikes them. I can get away with finely minced onions if they're not a dominant flavor. But a stir-fry, with big chunks of peppers and onions? No way for dh. So I like to make myself quesadillas with bell peppers for lunch, when dh isn't around.


Dh also likes beans, and I don't. (Like refried beans, black beans, etc.)


Sauerkraut. Despite my being of German descent, I can't handle even the concept of sauerkraut. My dh likes it, though, so I buy it for him on occasion.


Dh also has a strong opinion that fruits should not be mixed into other foods. So no blueberry muffins, banana bread, etc., for him. More for ds and me! :-)


I also like yogurt, but he doesn't.



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So what are some things that you like/dh doesn't or vice versa.


I don't think the window can get big enough to accommodate the list.


DH could very contentedly live the rest of his days on a narrow range of meat-centered meals that contain no vegetation whatsoever. Think college-guy-apartment-kitchen diet. Hotdogs, pizza, steaks and burgers on the grill, items from a drive-thru window, preferably fried.


I love all sorts of food (and have the weight struggles to prove it). I like meat as a small side dish and love all kinds of veggies and fruits, big salads, sushi, love to try new things, taste ethnic dishes, get creative with recipes.


Mealtime is rarely a harmonious "sure I'd LOVE that" event. :glare:

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My wife and I are so compatible it even surprises me, as I go for some pretty *weird* foods.


The only thing I can think of that I enjoy and she does not is liver. Oh, also Menudo (I can make a killer Menudo :D)


Outside these two minor items, we are in dead sync.


Bill (who is somehow making himself hungry :tongue_smilie:)

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I like and he loathes:




liver and onions


sweet red bean paste


haggis (I'm not kidding... I like it)


I can't think of anything he likes that I can't at least tolerate except beets.

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I love salmon and trout - he does not

I love jasmine rice - he likes basmati rice

I love all pasta - he does not

I love whole wheat sandwich bread - he preffers flat breads

He's got to have meat - I can do without (I could very easily go vegitarian but he looks at me like I've just insulted him if there's no meat)


He has made some changes though. He used to be solely tea and me coffee. Its funny cause he tried to get me to make the switch over to tea while I wasn't trying to make him even try coffee (he wanted me to just give up the coffee all together). But now he drinks coffee with me lol.

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Good thread! :D


Things I like that dh doesn't:


Sweet potatoes & yams

Broccoli, peas, green beans, lima beans, squash

Turkey, chicken, beef, ham, fish (he'll eat but doesn't really like)




Things dh likes that I don't:


Raw tomatoes


Salsa (I'll eat on occasion)




Yogurt (I only like Greek yogurt)

Crunchy Cheetos

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DH likes beer and wine; I don't. He likes lima beans, and I could live without them, though I've tried them as an adult and they're not awful. He also loves seafood and for the most part it grosses me out.


Dh does not like: fruit (except apple sauce with no chunks but he still doesn't eat it most of the time), most veggies, mushrooms, mustard, ketchup, peanut butter. He's pretty picky. I like to think I'm not picky, but really it's just that I do the cooking.:D There are lots of things that we both don't like.

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