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pneumonia :(


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I was just diagnosed with pneumonia today. :( I have been very sick for 11 days.


I have doxycycline for antibiotic.


Any advice? I am not used to be this sick. :(


One of my kids was diagnosed with ear infections in both ears this morning from this same illness.


I guess I need some virtual comfort, Hive.



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I am recovering from it. :grouphug: Rest, and don't even try to do school for a few days. DS11 did time4learning, read, and watched science and history videos during this time. DH handled math, thank heavens.


Don't expect to feel like yourself for awhile. I am a few weeks out and still get short of breath easily.

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I'm so sorry.  I had pneumonia a few years ago.  My doctor told me to get in bed for a week and a half and rest.  He meant it.  I listened.  I've been prone to severe bronchitis ever since (in fact, I have that now and was heading to walking pneumonia apparently).  That's something to keep in mind and pay attention for the future.  I hope you are feeling much better very soon.

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I just officially recovered from it...but have had had weeks of fatigue and misery. Sometimes it is impossible to get rest, but you will have to try to take it when you can. My dd5 got too much screen time:(


The other thing: both my internist and the kid's pediatrician swear by Mucinex. I am now a believer. I think it was just as much a help as anything else!

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I had pneumonia about 10 years ago.  Here's my advice:  Be prepared for it to knock you out longer than you expect.  The pneumonia itself was over in 2 or 3 weeks, but the pleuritic pain, and the feeling of being out of breath, and the lack of energy and inability to get back to the gym stayed on for about 3 MONTHS.  So take it easy...

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:grouphug: :grouphug:


I had pneumonia when my kids were little. I barely remember anything from that time, except being in the ER on Christmas Day - the fatigue wiped out my memory. I do remember it was a good 4 months before I felt good and 6 months before I felt completely back to normal. I hope your recovery is quicker!



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Oh, I feel for you. Btdt.


REST. As much as you can. This is a big deal illness and it takes a while to fully recover. Strip everything back to basics - school, house, food. Ask for help if there is anyone to ask. 


Hope you recover quickly.


At times like this I go to all disposable paper plates, bowls, cups, and silver--at least as much as possible. I put a tub on the counter where kids can all reach, plus fill the usual cupboards and drawers so they aren't grabbing the real stuff out of habit. 

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I've had pneumonia too many times.  Twice as a kid....twice as an adult.  Most recently, They gave me an injection of something (in my bottom...didn't think they did that anymore)....then an Rx for Zithromax.  I ended up taking two z-paks.


I slept so much.  That's what I remember.  I'm always up and able to do stuff...even when sick...but this last time, I just slept.  The kids knew something was off and even my husband realized that I was not my normal self.  We did a lot of carry out and frozen meals for about two weeks.  It took me about six weeks to get back to normal, maybe longer.  


:grouphug:  Be gentle with yourself.  Let yourself sleep as much as possible, even if it means that the kids play on an electronic device or watch TV all day.


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I've had pneumonia too many times. Twice as a kid....twice as an adult. Most recently, They gave me an injection of something (in my bottom...didn't think they did that anymore)....then an Rx for Zithromax. I ended up taking two z-paks.


I slept so much. That's what I remember. I'm always up and able to do stuff...even when sick...but this last time, I just slept. The kids knew something was off and even my husband realized that I was not my normal self. We did a lot of carry out and frozen meals for about two weeks. It took me about six weeks to get back to normal, maybe longer.


:grouphug: Be gentle with yourself. Let yourself sleep as much as possible, even if it means that the kids play on an electronic device or watch TV all day.

Ugh, yes the butt injection of Rocephin! That is agony:( Forcing a golf ball through a needle into your backside. I had that, Bactrim, and Doxy...and I still swear by the Mucinex!

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I had pneumonia exactly a year ago. To be honest, it took me two weeks once I started treatments before I could manage to get out of bed for more than a couple of hours. It was a full month before we really were able to do much school. I couldn't talk/read very much and my kiddo was young (1st grade).


I slept. A lot. My son watched lots of TV. Lots and lots of TV.

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Ugh, yes the butt injection of Rocephin! That is agony:( Forcing a golf ball through a needle into your backside. I had that, Bactrim, and Doxy...and I still swear by the Mucinex!

I got the injections of rocephin in the same spot too!


Also, I remember terrible night sweats and weight loss. I just couldn't eat anything...


Blah... Take it easy!!

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rest. rest. rest. if you have any appetite (I had almost none) - eat healthy.


if you have a support group that can supply meals - ask for them.  seriously - do as little as possible.  if someone can pick up frozen meals - take advantage of it.  if you have access to a support group, have them do some basic cleaning. you. need. to. rest.! have someone else take your kids so you can sleep.


I had pneumonia when I was pg - I've never been so sick in my entire life. I was out of state- and the dr there called it bronchitis, and gave me a z-pak so he didn't have to do an x-ray on a pg woman.  as SOON as I got home, I headed for the ER. I was actually admitted to the hospital.


even when the pneumonia cleared up, I was still coughing for months afterwards.  people would tell me how awful I sounded . . . yeah, but I was well enough to do a few things and get out and about . . . . they should have heard me *before*!  (on the plane flying back, a woman kept asking me what I had so she'd know what to tell her dr when she got sick.  she didn't care I was on antibiotics, and the one doc had diagnosed it as bronchitis. I aspirated a piece of food.)


(I don't remember which anitbiotic I was on  - when I was in the hospital- it was IV, and took 15 minutes to administer. they put me on a big gun rx. I had to have an antiemetic as well.)


oh - one more thing.  for years, when I got a cold, I could feel that spot on my lung burn like the dickens.  I think I'm finally past that.

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I have had pneumonia several times. I saw that in the first few posts, several people wished you a speedy recovery. My experience is that "speedy" in pneumonia recovery terms is much longer than for most other illnesses. Do not try to do too much too soon. That often results in a relapse, which takes even longer to recover from. 


Lots of rest, lots of fluids, take your antibiotic even after you start to feel better. 

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This seems a bit early for all of this doesn't it? I mean fall just started, ugh! My daughter in college already has a cold. She had 8 last year so is not happy about getting one her 3rd week of classes!  She has never had a flu shot but wonders if she should get one as they are being offered. Don't know what to tell her.

Take good care of yourself. Drink kefir and kombucha, and keep your gut strong and healthy! Put some old classics and musicals in the dvd and enjoy them if you can with your kiddos!

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Have had it three times, once in 11th grade - I felt ill the day before Spring break ended, and my folks were skeptical....when Wednesday came and I STILL claimed to be ill Mom took me to the doctor to "catch" me out - he had an x-ray machine in his office and diagnosed pneumonia.  Mom felt so guilty for not believing me she bought and cooked me a t-bone steak and gave me a can of my beloved sunflower seeds!  Neither of which I flet like eating, but she tried.


Years later I got a fever of 105.1 and after a neighbor came over to watch the toddler twins and my 10-month-old dd hubby took me to the ER.  I spent five days in the hospital with that pneumonia, the only way a mom of littles gets time off is to become ill. :-)


I have had pneumonia at least once since, but that was the only time in hospital.  


Rest, rest, rest.  The more you try to do the longer it may take to recover.

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If your fever keeps coming on like a roller coaster be sure to go back to the doctor to get more/different antibiotics.  That's the only thing I have to add in addition to everything else because it happened to me.


YES!  It was antibiotic resistance that led to me getting full blown pneumonia.  I took my 10 day course for bronchitis like I was supposed to.  I finished on a Friday, but had had the fever up and down the whole time.  By Monday the fever was back with a vengeance and the cough was terrible and I was so much worse in general.  I needed another course of a different antibiotic to get rid of the bacteria left behind (strong stuff) after the first course.  If you are not heading to better by the end of the antibiotics, go back to the doctor.

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I had pneumonia back in August.  I slept SO much!  There were days that I have no idea what my kids did all day, but the house was still standing and everyone was still alive!!!


It takes a long time to recover from.  Rest as much as you can!!!

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This seems a bit early for all of this doesn't it? I mean fall just started, ugh! My daughter in college already has a cold. She had 8 last year so is not happy about getting one her 3rd week of classes!  She has never had a flu shot but wonders if she should get one as they are being offered. Don't know what to tell her.

Take good care of yourself. Drink kefir and kombucha, and keep your gut strong and healthy! Put some old classics and musicals in the dvd and enjoy them if you can with your kiddos!


We have had a bug going through our co-op since the second week of classes -- in August. It starts as a cruddy cold-type thing, and morphs into bronchitis and at least a couple of kids have ended up with pneumonia. 

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I've got 2 days of antibiotics left on my treatment. Had bronchitis, took amoxicillin for 8 days, was feeling a bit better, but my fever came back and I didn't feel enough better, you know? Went back to the Dr., took xrays, and was diagnosed with pneumonia in one lung. Now I'm on a stronger antibiotic, Avelox, and I'm functioning, but definitely not back to normal.


Cut yourself a lot of slack, delegate whatever you can, call in reinforcements. I usually push myself and try to maintain my schedule when I'm sick, but this knocked me out. It was a good lesson for the whole family :)

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Thank you all so much. I am on day 2 of my antibiotic and very grateful to say that I can tell it is working. I spent the day on the couch yesterday. :(


I am resting much thru the weekend...


I spent the last two weeks in this dark tunnel of sickness wondering how the world could seem so well when we (and especially me) were all so sick. I want to get out of the tunnel!


I am keeping "chill" cause if I move too fast, I cough til I gag. Bleh.


All the stories help so much.



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My daughter just got over pneumonia. She gets a cough with any little sniffle, so we didn't think much about it until she started scaring us, and scaring herself, because her chest hurt so much and she had trouble breathing. Off to the doctor for a pneumonia diagnosis. Thankfully, the antibiotics worked quickly, but she was very wore out for a few weeks.  Just as everyone has said, rest, rest, rest, and then rest some more, and of course, lots of fluids. 

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Well, I think I might be having a weird reaction to one of my medicines. :( I am waiting for a call back. I have a very weird headache and sinus pain in my teeth and mainly on the left side of my face. My head hurts sharply when I cough and when I move around. Pain pulses up the back of my head. This stinks.

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Sounds like maybe a sinus infection too? Strange because antibiotics for pneumonia should take care of it. Bummer :(.


If it's any consolation I'm still ill too.


even with antibiotics - they can be more effective with different parts of the body and types of infection.


I had a kidney infection in april.   I ended up on a very strong antibiotic for 10 days. I did start draining like crazy from my sinuses.  however, it wasn't knocked out and I then did a z-pak.  for my sinuses. . . .  then I did *another* z-pak for my sinuses.  I was also given a rx for Flonase - which helps too.  I've been doing strong probiotics ever since.  and I'm back on antihistamines . . . .

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When I had pneumonia as a kid -- and that was several times -- my Mom used to make me a steam tent on her king-sized bed. 


She would set up a card table on the bed over the upper part of my body, set the vaporizer on a chair right next to the bed and pointing into the area under the table, and then drape a sheet over the table and chair. I would breathe that for a while every couple of hours. When I was young, she would stay near by and read to me.  

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What a lovely mom MyThreeSons!


She thought I was reacting to the prednisone and doxycycline so I stopped both of those and now I am on Augmentin.


I hope it works? The doxycycline was really working for my chest...but the skin on my face also started to burn! So I had to stop it.




Tonight, I am feeling much better from all the side effects.

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