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Has Pinterest gotten much worse since the ads?


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There are friends that I follow whose pins are not showing up in my feed.  I follow a few hundred people, and I know for sure some of them are posting things I don't see unless I make an effort to go to their pages specifically.


Yet, when I refresh my own feed, sometimes it will remain virtually the same for hours.


The change seemed to happen when they added sponsored pins, which I don't even mind much as a few of them have been for things I actually want that I hadn't heard of before.  I DO mind, however, when I haven't seen the thing my sister pinned or my best friend or whatever.  Those should be there.


Is this happening to other people, or is it some weird Firefox add on problem I didn't realize I created?

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I always have new things in my feed and I only follow 126 people.  I don't mind the "picked for you" pins; they are mostly relevant.


My biggest beef with Pinterest is that they make you actually click on a pin (which blows it up to the size of your screen) in order to flag it for removal.  I'm sorry, but if a pin needs to be removed for nudity or violence, I really don't want to see it up close and personal.

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I hate the picked for you pins.  I want to see what my friends are posting.  Not what Pinterest is advertising or promoting.


It used to be you could use a certain url to only see your friends' pins, but they put the kibosh on that too so now there's no way to block all the promoted pins.

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It has been bothering me, too.  First of all I never really liked the "picked for you" pins.  I would pin say a chicken recipe and it would pick cakes or cookies.  But I'm not a baker.  Or because I have a homeschooling board it would pick religious pins for me.  The last few times I added pins (copied from my feed or elsewhere) they didn't even show up on my feed. 


I hardly visit anymore.

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Mine disappear. Then on a later visit I will see more and delete those. Do you mean ads and promoted pins appear seconds later to replace what you have just hidden? That doesn't happen to me. No idea why.


Yes.  If I hide them new ones appear to replace them immediately.  How odd.  I figured it was that way for everyone. 



Maybe my husband rigged it that way so I would stop pinning recipes and start actually making dinner.....  I kid, I kid.  Sort of.

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I cannot even visit Pinterest any more. If I follow a link to something interesting over there, within a few seconds the page is covered by a demand that I set up an account. I have no interest in having an accout there.

Same here.


I don't want a Pinterest account! :angry:


It sounds like their new policies are doing more harm than good.

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I am looking for a narrow range of items on Pinterest, so the recommended pins are terribly problematic. (E.g., I have some education boards, so it fills the page with classroom management, busy bags, sight words, and so on.)


I've been using the site less and less--and occasionally, logging in via Twitter doesn't work, so I don't have access to things I need.


It's really gone downhill.

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I find it annoying now with all the promoted pins and the "picked for you!" pins.  Pinterest has decided that I want to see every "inspirational" (read:  sappy sentimental crap) quote and lemon recipe on the planet.


It thinks I want to see coffee mugs and t-shirts that show my love for Jesus.


Go figure. 

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Interesting. I just delete the suggested for you pins and found they actually slowed down. Running firefox with an ad-blocker and have never seen ads. And I still have a pretty good and constant flow of interesting pins.

My suggested pins seemed to have slowed down also after I started deleting almost all of them.

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I just started using it again after a long while.  I only follow 2 or 3 people, and no, it does not show me when they pin something, only once in awhile.  I would like to see when my friends pin something.  Every time.  I wouldn't mind the suggested pins if it also showed me what I want to see.  I follow people because I want to see them.  Duh.


I did a search to try to see if I could change a setting or something, but it doesn't let me do that.  Losing interest real quickly.

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