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Josh Duggar checked himself into rehab


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that may be the only thing that helps him break from his whackadoodle family/cult and get actual help.


but more importantly, it might be the wake-up call anna and the other kids need to break free of ati.


well, we can dream.



internet p isn't illegal - unless they find the kiddie version on his computer somewhere.



I think the only way the feds would get involved and he would serve jail time is if there’s a reason for law enforcement to issue a warrant and see if there’s kiddie porn on his computer. With his previous admission of fondling little girls, no one would be surprised.


The first time I heard about all this stuff coming out and I didn't know what the real story was I thought he was probably involved in child porn.  That stuff makes me so angry that I want the Feds to weasel out all those scum bags.  I know, I know.  Innocent until proven guilty.  Josh is so scuzzy he's got to be guilty of something. 

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Yeah, I have a 3 week old and I am so angry on her behalf. Regardless of her own possible bad choices in marrying this creep the fact is she is not responsible for his actions and she is still recovering from childbirth! Hormones, physical recovery, sleep exhaustion, caring for four young children, and then you find out your husband has been committed adultery in a premeditated way for the past 2+ years. I cannot even imagine! My husband is rocking our fussy newborn right now while I take a break from nursing...that's what a husband ought to be doing when his wife has just given birth to *his* child! 


And now he's gone and given himself a nice vacation and left her with all the work!!!  :cursing:

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And now he's gone and given himself a nice vacation and left her with all the work!!!  :cursing:


Speaking of work ... does this guy have a paycheck coming in?  I thought he got fired from his creepy DC job.

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Speaking of work ... does this guy have a paycheck coming in? I thought he got fired from his creepy DC job.

No, he has no income from work right now. And if he is truly addicted to porn and visiting strippers, I doubt he has too much saved up for a rainy day. He was making good money but not great money for a family sized lifestyle in the DC area.

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Their "training" is probably what is called "Biblical Counseling". The church that held these classes in the midwest was loosely associated with ATI (holding Basic Seminars, at one time requiring the teachers at the school to attend the Seminars and abide by ATI rules in their private lives). I won't go into what I've heard about some that have been "counseled" by these people. My FIL is "certified" in this. I wouldn't go to him either.


Here is a "What is Biblical Counseling?"


Excerpt of the classes they have http://gatewaybiblicalcounseling.org/training/certificationtrack.htm



Basically, no, no, no....


This whole "nouthetic counseling" or "Biblical counseling" mindset is what is behind the counseling at Bob Jones University that resulted in the GRACE report on their handling of sexual abuse victims. You know -- blame the victim, tell her she must repent of her "part" in the sin, etc. YUCK!

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Posting this link, because I have to go fix something for us to eat, and I may lose it. I'm sorry if it's a repeat; I haven't read every post yet.




I think i'ts implied. Does it count?




Bottoms up!



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Posting this link, because I have to go fix something for us to eat, and I may lose it. I'm sorry if it's a repeat; I haven't read every post yet.






Talk about a spider's web...


This post links sooooooo many things together.  It all makes perfect sense.

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Posting this link, because I have to go fix something for us to eat, and I may lose it. I'm sorry if it's a repeat; I haven't read every post yet.



That hit me in the gut. I "knew" the victim in part two of this story from another message board a few years ago. We corresponded about what she should do in the fall of 2011. I just went back and read our messages. She was so frightened of confronting the establishment. I'm so happy to read that she found the strength to do it despite all the obstacles these organizations put in her way.
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I read the Patheos article. Nothing new which is very, very sad to say. The wheels of perversion just keep turning in these groups. It's a good ole boy network designed to protect pervs, and provide a steady stream of victims.


Round em all up, castrate em, and put em on a chain gang in Siberia as far as I'm concerned.

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I read the Patheos article. Nothing new which is very, very sad to say. The wheels of perversion just keep turning in these groups. It's a good ole boy network designed to protect pervs, and provide a steady stream of victims.


Round em all up, castrate em, and put em on a chain gang in Siberia as far as I'm concerned.



It links a ton of people.  I know many irl who have no clue.  I know a few irl who have found a different "arm" of this spider to make their home, thinking THIS arm is THE Center of GOD'S Will.  



I'm all for castrating the sicko pervs who use this paradigm to abuse.  That said, what about the well-meaning homeschool mom who thinks she's found the Golden Ticket?  This feels a bit like talking a suicidal person off a ledge.  

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Posting this link, because I have to go fix something for us to eat, and I may lose it. I'm sorry if it's a repeat; I haven't read every post yet.




Yep, he's really getting "help" (translate that to a hiding out/vacation and more CYA mentoring). Long history that I'm more than familiar with: IFB, Hyles-Anderson, Gothard/ATI, a BJU board member (let me tell you that the destruction of my rose-coloured glasses were complete upon finding that out), Charity Gospel Ministries/CCF, Vision Forum, Federal Vision, etc....there are often two types of people that are attracted to these things. 1) Victims/Potential Victims: those that had a problematic childhood and are looking for belonging, doing things "right", doing things "better" than everyone else, etc. They want a guaranteed outline that if they do A, B, C the end result will be a picturesque family, perfect children, etc...they will have done everything "right" and not "screwed up". 2) Abusers: these are those that often have charismatic personalities, manipulative, narcissistic. They may already be abusers and looking for a place to hide out, those that will give them the excuses, power, and cover for them. The belief system is set up to blame the victim and not hold the abuser accountable. There is a third group...those that were raised in it. Some will fall into one of the prior two groups and others will leave. Leaving may consist of bouncing around, in and out of other like groups, but, hopefully, the deprogramming will kick in with the disillusionment and they move on.

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I'm all for castrating the sicko pervs who use this paradigm to abuse.  That said, what about the well-meaning homeschool mom who thinks she's found the Golden Ticket?  This feels a bit like talking a suicidal person off a ledge.  


She joins the crowd calling nay-sayers trolls and bullies for daring to point out examples of this kind of abuse here and there.

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It links a ton of people.  I know many irl who have no clue.  I know a few irl who have found a different "arm" of this spider to make their home, thinking THIS arm is THE Center of GOD'S Will.  



I'm all for castrating the sicko pervs who use this paradigm to abuse.  That said, what about the well-meaning homeschool mom who thinks she's found the Golden Ticket?  This feels a bit like talking a suicidal person off a ledge.  


And this is where my heart breaks. I was that mom at one time. Always hoping that the next thing was the Golden Ticket, throwing myself in. I pray for them, I talk to them, I entirely understand where they are coming from and am not quick to condemn them. Talking sometimes helps. I can get brushed off as though I've joined Satan's team or maybe a relationship develops. Sometimes that person's life changes over the years and sometimes it doesn't. I speak openly about these issues on FB. I call the groups out by name. I have people on my friend list that are in deep with these people. But I will speak up and I do still care. 

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She joins the crowd calling nay-sayers trolls and bullies for daring to point out examples of this kind of abuse here and there.



Yes.  I am a "nay-sayer" irl.  I know....I know...




I agree with mommaduck, that these religious cults attract abusers and vulnerable victims.  I don't think there is any hope for the abusers.  I just don't.  They will suck the Narc Supply dry and move on to greener grass.  However, the victims have hope IF they can pull those blinders off.  Many posters here at TWTM have testified to having left this sort of cult, so we know it's possible.  


I'm OK with being called a few names for the sake of helping tear off some blinders.  But, tearing them off too fast can backfire.  Then, just b/c the blinders are off, it doesn't mean that things are happy from there.  This abusive paradigm makes sure its victims are high up on a narrow ledge so that even if the blinders come off, there is little hope of getting out safely without a great deal of outside help.  Point-in-case = Anna Duggar.

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Yes.  I am a "nay-sayer" irl.  I know....I know...




I agree with mommaduck, that these religious cults attract abusers and vulnerable victims.  I don't think there is any hope for the abusers.  I just don't.  They will suck the Narc Supply dry and move on to greener grass.  However, the victims have hope IF they can pull those blinders off.  Many posters here at TWTM have testified to having left this sort of cult, so we know it's possible.  


I'm OK with being called a few names for the sake of helping tear off some blinders.  But, tearing them off too fast can backfire.  Then, just b/c the blinders are off, it doesn't mean that things are happy from there.  This abusive paradigm makes sure its victims are high up on a narrow ledge so that even if the blinders come off, there is little hope of getting out safely without a great deal of outside help.  Point-in-case = Anna Duggar.


This. So much this. It's a process. Deprogramming takes time. Just when you think you are "normal", you find more wounds that are still healing. Looking back, it's easier to see just how far one has come. I actually cry looking back. Why couldn't I have seen and just woke up to normal quickly? Why did this have to be a long journey of recovery? Well, just look at every other issue out there. Nothing is healed in a day. If only. But at least there are people that have walked that road and are willing to walk calmly beside those that are still in the muck of it. We get loud sometimes, we are quiet at other times, we have to accept with others are at, we have to acknowledge our own histories. It's hard. These discussions are hard. They are necessary.

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 These discussions are hard. They are necessary.


I agree with both of you. For my part, the reason I don't take baby steps any more is because one doesn't stop deconstructing these thoughts at the beginning. There's a whole lot to unravel there. I think Paul has his finger right on the button when he talks about putting away the milk and bringing out the meat. It goes both ways, and while there are lots of really articulate posters here who gently challenge the most obvious, destructive elements of these kinds of ideas, I tend to poke at the more subtle, insidious elements. That's necessary, too. Very much so, I think, and very much based on the same compassion and desire for the individual to recognize and escape abusive elements in life. People deserve more than to be the pawns in other people's games.

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Posting this link, because I have to go fix something for us to eat, and I may lose it. I'm sorry if it's a repeat; I haven't read every post yet.



It's a helpful article, connecting a lot of dots, thanks.  I think the important thing to remember is these leaders are not (merely, hate that word) abusers or cult leaders.  They're actually LAW BREAKERS.  And that's the great irony, that they're telling everyone else to follow the laws (they make), that you're rebellious if you don't follow the laws, the rules they make, but they themselves DO NOT FOLLOW THE LAW.  


The Duggars did not follow the law and report their son in a timely fashion.

I don't want to keep going, but it would not be hard.  List those preachers, organizations, and one after another they DID NOT FOLLOW THE LAW.  


And that level of extreme hypocrisy SHOULD make people cynical.  It's our wake-up call, those of us who have been within the movement.  It's why attendance is down at their schools and churches.  People see it now.


I just think it's sad that a family as sincere as the Duggars (they really are sincere people) could be so misinformed and so sincerely off-track on this, hiding things, violating the law, and using self-made religion (if I read my Bible enough, I'll change) as a substitute for TRUE repentance and TRUE change.  Truly addicted people need to hit rock bottom before they're ready.  Truly repentant people accept the consequences of their sin.  Truly repentant people consider themselves weak but recipients of grace, which means they do radical amputation on their ability to fall back into it.


Whatever, I'm on a rant.  My main point was the lawbreaking.  THAT runs deep, deep, deep in the IFB movement. 

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This whole "nouthetic counseling" or "Biblical counseling" mindset is what is behind the counseling at Bob Jones University that resulted in the GRACE report on their handling of sexual abuse victims. You know -- blame the victim, tell her she must repent of her "part" in the sin, etc. YUCK!

I wonder how big the explosion would be if someone pointed out, TO THEM, they are *exactly* like ISIS in blaming the victim.  . . . . .

it's disgusting.


Again with the Duggars handling things in the worst possible way. Wow. Maybe they'll yank him out of the program and send him somewhere else. If they do, it'll probably be an even worse place. :p


well, CYA is their watch cry  . . .  they were trying to find a way back onto TV (that income must have been so nice with that big a family and lack of marketable education/job skills.), and another JD scandal hits the hot sheets.  gotta get him out of sight until things cool off.

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I wonder how big the explosion would be if someone pointed out, TO THEM, they are *exactly* like ISIS in blaming the victim.  . . . . .

it's disgusting.


IME, the explosion only happens when an atheist makes the comparison.




well, CYA is their watch cry  . . .  they were trying to find a way back onto TV (that income must have been so nice with that big a family and lack of marketable education/job skills.), and another JD scandal hits the hot sheets.  gotta get him out of sight until things cool off.


They may be so gullible and foolish as to think this could really work. But they're no doubt also crafty enough to recognize the... erm... fortuitous coincidence you point out. 

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I just think it's sad that a family as sincere as the Duggars (they really are sincere people) could be so misinformed and so sincerely off-track on this 


Just because they believe something and act as if it is true doesn't make it true. They believed they were protecting their children by having them dress and behave in a certain way. Then, they believed that their son wasn't a continuing threat to their other children. Following that, they believed the problem was that people were talking about the abuse, not that the abuse occurred. Now they believe a place with no licensed therapists is going to help their son. 


People are sincerely wrong all the time. 

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I googled.  Apparently he was seen there last week, he just didn't show up for the last service at the church.  At the same time that Jessa liked the article on her father in law's blog that is deeply critical of him, after defending him on FB a few days prior.

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If y'all read the article, the implication was he was never there, that the whole RU thing was a rabbit trail, and that he's at another facility entirely.


The article is speculating, just like we are.  I have no confidence that any Dugar chosen rehab facility is going to cure Josh anyway so it really doesn't matter where he is. We're just killing time while Where in the World is Josh Duggar plays out. 

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She has unprotected sex and then freaks out fearing she might be pregnant? Hmmmm.......


However, the article states that Anna's family wants Josh kept away from Anna and her children.  If true, I'm happy to hear that.

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She has unprotected sex and then freaks out fearing she might be pregnant? Hmmmm.......


However, the article states that Anna's family wants Josh kept away from Anna and her children. If true, I'm happy to hear that.

I hope that is true! I feel so sorry for Anna. I'm sure that, despite her supposed knowledge of Josh's behavior with his sisters (and I am convinced she was given a very whitewashed and watered-down version of the truth when she was told about it,) she probably bought into the Duggar "perfect wholesome family" hype and celebrity status and assumed she had hit the jackpot when he wanted to marry her. She must be so shocked, confused, and hurt by everything that has happened. I hope her parents finally came to their senses and that they will encourage her to divorce him.

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Thanks for the warning. I'm glad I saw your post before I clicked on the link.


I've seen the pix on another site.  what I saw wasn't bad, though certainly tragic.



his mistress, MISTRESS???, didn't use bc? is this a different one, not the stripper? I canNOT imagine a stripper - who is experienced and makes money in this field, wouldn't use bc.


She has unprotected sex and then freaks out fearing she might be pregnant? Hmmmm.......


However, the article states that Anna's family wants Josh kept away from Anna and her children.  If true, I'm happy to hear that.


I hope Anna's family is finally seeing the light in getting her away from the dweeb THEY set her up with. (they wanted they limelight and any money that might come their way . . . . )  at least her brother tried to get her out from the beginning.

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his mistress, MISTRESS???, didn't use bc? is this a different one, not the stripper? I canNOT imagine a stripper - who is experienced and makes money in this field, wouldn't use bc.




The stripper/porn star said she twice had unprotected sex with Josh, unless my memory is failing me.  I didn't go back to look at the article.  I took it this mistress was a different woman.  The stripper didn't hide her identity, but this woman was never named.  Maybe I'm wrong, though.

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The stripper/porn star said she twice had unprotected sex with Josh, unless my memory is failing me. I didn't go back to look at the article. I took it this mistress was a different woman. The stripper didn't hide her identity, but this woman was never named. Maybe I'm wrong, though.

I hope Anna is being tested for sexually transmitted diseases. I can only imagine what Josh may have contracted and shared with her. How could he have been so stupid and think so little of Anna that he was willing to not only cheat on her, but to have unprotected sex with those women???


Just one more reason to loathe him, and one more layer of fear and horror for Anna... :(

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A few articles when this first broke figured out from the known online accounts, he was with 11 different women. Even FJ was surprised at the number. I wouldn't be shocked if it came out one had a pregnancy.


Oh my!  I didn't know that.


It keeps getting worse and worse.

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