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The Duggars to do a new show counseling sexual abuse victims? Please let this be false or an Onion story. Please?


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At least it sounds like it's only being pitched and is by no means a done deal. They're probably grasping at anything and everything they can to keep that TV money coming in, as the article seemed to indicate.

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The hubris is staggering but not unexpected.


Their whole independent finances thing is rather sketchy. The truth is that they are used to the show money, need the show money, are unable to earn that kind of money in other ways and they will have to radically reduce their lifestyle if they go without TV money for too much longer. I'm betting they don't want to go back to the money saving tips they pushed on their first specials.

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both of the groups they're consulting with have excellent reputations, so one can hope they are learning from this personally and want to disseminate better information on the topic than what they, themselves, were operating on.


I'm an optimist.

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honestly, Catholic families in my 'hood and my parent's generation somehow were able to get though life on the southwest side of Chicago without a reality show with nearly as many kids, so maybe they need to start looking inward at their family life and choices instead of going willy nilly about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$. But you know, my husband's dad only has 15 brothers and sisters instead so maybe those last few kids = reality show...  : insert eyeroll smiley that I can't access on this phone  :

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both of the groups they're consulting with have excellent reputations, so one can hope they are learning from this personally and want to disseminate better information on the topic than what they, themselves, were operating on.


I'm an optimist.


ya think?  ;p


despite some recent life lessons that there are good people in the world, - regarding JB and M, I'm more cynical.  (and I doubt they were careful with savings and investing for the future.)

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both of the groups they're consulting with have excellent reputations, so one can hope they are learning from this personally and want to disseminate better information on the topic than what they, themselves, were operating on.


I'm an optimist.

That is for the green lighted special that doesn't feature the parents. What they are trying to sell is them, Michelle and Jim Bob counseling victims in a new ongoing reality show. The special is about TLC trying to regain credibility and testing a show that is just about the married daughters. Michelle and Jim Bob don't want the gravy train to end for themselves and they are trying to angle for an in by piggy backing off the special. Jim Bob has indicated he wants any ongoing show to have them, not focus on the older daughters and their own families.


I am not in the habit of getting my counseling from washed up political types, car dealers and occasional real estate agents or religious fundamentalists whose primary means of support was reality TV, TYVM.


They are in no way qualified to counsel families. Even as a peer counselor, it doesn't work because they haven't really realized that they screwed up.

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I suppose they could renew their mariage vows again so they could get on another episode of "Say Yes to the Dress".


They could try to get on Survivor for the million dollar prize. But, I suspect they would be voted off the island early.


When the show was canceled, they actually asked their fans for money through their facebook page. I wonder if they gave all their money to Bill Gothard. I don't know what the organization is worth, but in 2012 assets exceeded 81 million and this is a smaller, fringe group, so there must be some pretty generous donors.

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I just hope this part is true:


“It was a disastrous move that ruined their brand. It would take a miracle to get them back on TV.â€

I have no doubt they are trying to find a way to get back on t.v. - it made them rich. They've become accustomed to a certain lifestyle.


I just hope it doesn't happen. I didn't like (nor ever watch) them when I just thought they were just exploiting all of their kids for fame and fortune. This would take it beyond the pale.

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They are in no way qualified to counsel families. Even as a peer counselor, it doesn't work because they haven't really realized that they screwed up.




It also lacks any ounce of humility. 



All of I can think of is the phrase I saw in a planner the other day. It read: 


"I saw that" - Karma

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The Friendly Atheist did a post saying that they were unfounded rumors that have been spread far and wide. I hope he's right.

Damn the ability of unfounded rumors to be passed off as fact in an infotainment internet age.


And damn me for being gullible enough to fall for it (if it is indeed a false rumor.)

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Damn the ability of unfounded rumors to be passed off as fact in an infotainment internet age.


And damn me for being gullible enough to fall for it (if it is indeed a false rumor.)

I am not entirely certain they are unfounded though. According to folks that live in the U.P. near Gothard's girls' camp and Northwoods Conference Center, ATI leadership is pressuring them to get back on tv. Now it could be that the real story is that they are asking TLC to reinstate the regular show after the "docudrama" is aired. That would be plausible. But these people really think they did nothing wrong and have some "wisdom" to offer so it would not be far fetched.


Hard to say. It was posted on several reputable news sources that they made a plea for money after the show was canceled.

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I am not entirely certain they are unfounded though. According to folks that live in the U.P. near Gothard's girls' camp and Northwoods Conference Center, ATI leadership is pressuring them to get back on tv. Now it could be that the real story is that they are asking TLC to reinstate the regular show after the "docudrama" is aired. That would be plausible. But these people really think they did nothing wrong and have some "wisdom" to offer so it would not be far fetched.


Hard to say. It was posted on several reputable news sources that they made a plea for money after the show was canceled.


The pleas were actually posted on Duggar affiliated Web sites, including the pleas to fund the daughter's missionary trip.

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I am not entirely certain they are unfounded though. According to folks that live in the U.P. near Gothard's girls' camp and Northwoods Conference Center, ATI leadership is pressuring them to get back on tv. Now it could be that the real story is that they are asking TLC to reinstate the regular show after the "docudrama" is aired. That would be plausible. But these people really think they did nothing wrong and have some "wisdom" to offer so it would not be far fetched.


Hard to say. It was posted on several reputable news sources that they made a plea for money after the show was canceled.


 - so, how much $$$ does ATI get from their TV show?  


talk about creepy . .  . .



eta: as cynical as I am - are you sure the Ashley Madison thing is legit and not a (too close to home) spoof?  and his wife will still be encouraged to stay with him, and keep having babies, - even if it's real.

now I want a bucket.

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Oh Lord have mercy on us all, can't the Duggar's just realize that they f@cked up and deal with the consequences???



no - because they think they are god's (small g deliberate) gift to spreading the ati/gothard vision. (of women, uneducated, isolated,  barefoot and pg and being available for perverted husbands.- and fathers and brothers.)

these people are sickening - and give sincere Christians who are trying to live a Godly life a bad name.

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 - so, how much $$$ does ATI get from their TV show?  


talk about creepy . .  . .



eta: as cynical as I am - are you sure the Ashley Madison thing is legit and not a (too close to home) spoof?  and his wife will still be encouraged to stay with him, and keep having babies, - even if it's real.

now I want a bucket.

I don't know a thing about the Ashley Madison thing. I didn't post that.


As for the money, the dollar amount is not known for certain at this time. At Northwoods Conference Center or I should say the community that surrounds it in the Upper Peninsula, the common understanding is that they give quite a lot of money but also by appearing to be this wholesome family, and putting a veneer of acceptability on IBLP and ATI principles, the organization saw an uptick in donations in general because more people thought it was a good non-profit to support. So there is direct and indirect money associated with them.


Also, "A Matter of Basic Principles" outlines some of this. It's available on Amazon for those interested in the book. But, just to warn you, it's kind of a nauseating read.

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The only thing I find shocking about this revelation is that Josh's middle name starts with a J. Do these people hate the alphabet?


Joshua James


They later had a James Andrew.  Jedidiah and Jeremiah share the same middle name (Robert, which is, of course, Jim Bob's middle name).  Joy-Anna and John-David don't have middle names.  I guess they decided the hyphenated first name was enough but then when they got to Jordyn-Grace they added the middle name of Makiya for her.  Interestingly, two boys got Jim Bob's middle name and Jim Bob's first name of James was used twice.  Jill got Michelle's name for her middle name and one of the boys got Michael as a middle name, but Annette (Michelle's middle name) was not used for any of the kids.


Josh is the only one given two J names.



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cross your fingers they've done a boatload of damage to gothard et. al.


Well, I don't care, and am rather pleased, that they've done damage to Gothard and his ilk.  I was thinking of the damage they've done to Christians in general.  Unfortunately, I know some people, who when they hear Christian, they think Duggar.  They make me ill.

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Poor Anna. :(

Sorry, I'm having trouble mustering a lot of sympathy for her. She knew she was marrying a creeper. My money says the only thing that would make her leave him would be if he were flirting with men.

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