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If your kid went to camp without her retainers...


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and it had been at least a year since she got her braces off....


Would you take the 2.5 hour round trip to get them to her?


Camp is seven nights.  She has missed two nights wearing them.  I am not up for driving out there tonight, so it will be 3 nights.  My husband says I should mail them but I don't trust either USPS or the camp not to lose them. 


It's after hours at the orthodontist.  Of course I'll call in the morning to get their advice.  But I'm annoyed and this is the kind of thing that interrupts my sleep so I'm asking here too.    I fully realize that I'm opening myself up to conflicting advice so asking my not help my sleep anyway.  



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and it had been at least a year since she got her braces off....


Would you take the 2.5 hour round trip to get them to her?


Camp is seven nights.  She has missed two nights wearing them.  I am not up for driving out there tonight, so it will be 3 nights.  My husband says I should mail them but I don't trust either USPS or the camp not to lose them. 


It's after hours at the orthodontist.  Of course I'll call in the morning to get their advice.  But I'm annoyed and this is the kind of thing that interrupts my sleep so I'm asking here too.    I fully realize that I'm opening myself up to conflicting advice so asking my not help my sleep anyway.  




I definitely wouldn't send them. BC if they got lost, you'd be in worse shape.


I would drive them to her if I could make a fun trip for myself out of it...stop at a historical site or museum or nature area and eat at a special restaurant, etc.


Otherwise, I'd let it go.

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Well, I'll be the voice of dissent and say I'd drive them to her.  I let natural consequences fall as they may most of the time, but not when they cross my boundaries.  


I've had braces 3 times in my life, and my teeth shift pretty quickly without retainers.  Dd just got braces, and compliance is a huge thing for us given the cost of orthodontia and my own experience.    



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Absolutely not. About a year after getting my own braces off, I became very lazy about wearing my retainer. Now I wear it for about a week once every few months (5 years after getting braces off). The first night, I'll wake up and take it off partway through the night because my mouth is sore. Sometimes the second night as well. By the third night, I'm just fine. By the end of the week, my teeth are all where they should be again and I'm lazy again.

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Another no vote.  Both of my retainer dc have left them at home for a week a year after braces came off with no ill effects.  One couldn't tell the difference.  The other said they were tight at first, but fit fine after about an hour. 

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Thanks for all the responses... including the minority opinion.  :-)


This sounds familiar:


nope and our orthodontist recommends leaving them home for a week at camp. He says too many kids lose them at camp. adjustments are free and new retainers are about $200 - $300.


And my son said he didn't take his to camp the last 3 years, which would be about a year after he got his braces removed.  I think.  I just didn't think to keep records of "braces off" days.  I have orthodontist appointments on my google calendar and her last one was July of 2014... and that would have been her last retainer check.


In any case, I am off the ledge so thanks for that.  My plan is to call the ortho in the morning and ask. I suspect they will say not to worry about it but who knows, there may be something in her chart to say otherwise.   If they say it's not good to go 4 more nights without them, I'll go....


Re: Unsinkable's comment... it's a nice drive.  I have a new car* that I love so it would be a fun roadtrip.  I checked google maps and it's only 55 minutes each way.  There is a Wawa at the exit for off the turnpike.  (Great coffee and other treats.)   So... not the way I want to spend my morning but doable and not horribly unpleasant if necessary. 


Prior to this car I've been driving a '97 Suburban.  This is a CR-V and boy is it fun.  :-)



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The Dentist Husband, who did a two year residency in hospital dentistry, plus a two year general dentistry residency (which mean he is all purpose specialist and can cover any area needed till a replacement comes in due to deployment, illness, pcs or whatever)  said no need to drive to camp at all.  


And the natural consequence would be that they will hurt for a few days when they first put them back possibly.  


Oh well, lesson learned. 

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Yes, but only b/c she got her braces off 7 days ago and I'm still in that twitchy "WHERE IS YOUR RETAINER RIGHT THIS MINUTE" stage.  lol  Our ortho said your teeth are constantly shifting and I keep seeing SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS so I'm a little over reactive yet. 

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