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Best cloth diaper?

Chris in VA

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I used prefolded with pins and plastic pants...(where's that Stone Age emoji?)


Ddil would like to use a more updated diaper, I think one that includes the cover (all-in-ones). I told her you all would have great recommendations for her! So...

Ds is a little crunchy, so if something comes in "organic" it'd be a selling point.


Also, how many to buy? They will use disposables for going out and for back-up. I'm thinking 36-48 should be enough, but IDK. They do have a washer and dryer.

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I would direct her to the DiaperSwappers forum. Those ladies are experts in their field. Personally, I used everything from prefolds to fitteds to pocket diapers, and if I was to do it over again I would use prefolds (with a Snappi fastener) and Bummi's Super Brite or Thirsties covers. Those were my faves when my youngest kid was in diapers ... but there are probably lots of new products now.

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I wouldn't buy 36+ to start. The fit varies so much. I prefer pocket diapers to AIOs. They launder better and are more flexible to me. I've used BumGenius with some fun WAHM pockets for my last two. With my first two, I had an awesome fitted collection with fun covers. No time for stalking diapers now! ;)


Nicki's Diapers website has a trial package IIRC. You could get a gift card for that with a pretty wet bag or two (check out Monkey Foot Designs) and diaper-safe cream/spray. I like Kissaluvs Diaper Lotion Potion Spray and Honest Baby balm. Oh, and a box of Country Save detergent. Use a *tiny* amount! It's counter-intuitive, but too much soap is bad for diapers.

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I'm a wee bit crunchy, and I cloth diapered 5 kids.  My favorite diaper is the flip diaper with organic cotton inserts.  http://www.cottonbabies.com/index.php?cPath=139


That said, what I thought I'd like and what worked well for my kids varied with each kid. One had super sensitive skin and did best with microfiber inserts to wick away wetness.  That child used bumGenius pocket diapers with microfiber inserts. Another did not do well with microfiber and needed organic cotton.  I  bought flips for her. I highly recommend subscribing to a sampler program and seeing what they like. Most people I know IRL who cloth diaper have a bit of variety to their stash. It's a rare person who buys 24 of one kind.


Jillian's Diapers has a GREAT sampler program. http://www.jilliansdrawers.com/products/clothdiapers/tryclothfor10/tryclothfor10 I would recommend also trying a wool cover as well. I have friends who swear by them, but they were never my thing.


FWIW, my stash for current baby/toddler and with washing every 2-3 days is 24 prefolds and 6 flip covers.  I do not snappi or pin or do anything. I never found the rice paper liners to be helpful. Using pre-folds has been much easier than using pocket diapers (oh, the endless stuffing with pocket diapers!). Of the various 6 kinds of prefolds that I've tried, I've liked the flip organics best.





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My favorite is the Sandy Diaper, from Mother Ease. i do believe it comes in an organic version. it's bulky, I won't lie, but SO comfy for little ones. It has elastic (very soft, no marks) all over, and there is zero stiffness, so they can bend, twist, roll, crawl ext without something bulky or stiff in their way. I felt my son had much better mobility in it than any other diaper. And they are cotton so clean easily. 

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It's been 4 years since I had a kid in diapers but pocket types were my favorites. Mostly we had FuzziBunz but there are lots of great brands. I found most all AIOs a bit of trouble with laundering because the absorbent part and the cover part would generally do best with different drying methods.


My favorite fitteds were the Loveybums but who even knows if they still make those. Things change a lot. Covers that definitely are still made which are super nice are the Mother Ease Air Flows.


There's great deals on the Diaperswappers boards.

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I thought we would love pocket diapers, pre-kids. I had tons of those and a few prefolds for the newborn stage. I thought I'd be on top of things and have the pockets stuffed and ready to go at the changing table.

Yeah, right. And they aren't easy to stuff. It's not like the insert slips in easily. You have to work it in because it doesn't slide easily against the PUL layer.

It was clear within the first few days of our oldest's life that we preferred the prefolds and covers. Our favorite covers are Sweet Pea one-size covers. Which, unlike many OS diapers, really, truly do fit a newborn too. (Disclaimer: we actually use  mostly Proraps covers during the newborn phase because they are cheaper and less bulky due to being sized. But, the Sweet Pea definitely fit out newborns too.) And Sweet Pea Diapers have had amazing customer service. I had a cover that delaminated very quickly. They sent a new one even though I didn't have a receipt anymore.

Our favorite prefolds by far are the ones from Nicki's Diapers. They have held up so well. 

Long story short, just because you think you will like one type, doesn't mean you will. (Also, fwiw, all of our kiddos have reacted to the suedecloth in BumGenius diapers.)

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Is she going to use them for more than one baby? I've had the Bum Geniuses last for 1-2 babies quite well, but on 3 babies was pushing it and they are shot. They would not last (the Velcro specifically) for our 4th. My Fuzzi Bunz, though, bought 10 years ago and used on 3 kids would make it through a 4th easily. Yes, the sizing is not as flexible, so you have to buy more diapers in more sizes, but they beat out the BGs for longevity in my book.

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I second the Jillian's Drawers trial program!  I did have a few Bum Geniuses AIO (I kept those from the sample program), but the drying time was a deal breaker in the end and I got rid of them.  I used Happy Heiny's one size adjustable diapers with hemp liners for my kiddos.  ymmv.

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I didn't keep that many diapers.  In the newborn size, I kept 8-10 and washed everyday.  It wasn't that bad, I just had routine.  As they get older, you won't go through as many per day, but you'll be out and about, so it's easier to only wash every couple of days. 


I loved Mommy's Touch.  They were a pocket dipe, with pockets in the front and back.  I had a super soaker, so pockets worked great, since a could stuff more at bedtime or a car trip, and a less during the day when I could change him easier.  The pockets made the dipes easier to load and also I didn't have to take the inserts out, everyone came out in the wash.  Dh loved it because all dipes just when in the wet bag.  I then dumped them in the washing machine, it was so easy.  Look for a pocket with openings in the front AND back, I think there are a few other companies besides Mommy's Touch.

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I used BumGenius one sized diapers and killed my stash because I washed so much between 3 babies in diapers. I went to Flips and just dried the inserts, voila, they're still like brand new and I've had them for several years. Granted, now all of mine are potty trained but hey, there'll be another bum to put in them someday.

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Anyone sew? I made 31 Rainy Days size 1 fitteds for my almost 2 year old and they fit him from birth (around 5 lbs) and still fit him (24 lbs is my guess). Best investment ever!! Cost me about $6.30 a diaper to make, would have paid at least triple that if I had to buy ready made. That is mainly because of materials I used.

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I use pockets. I have perfect size fuzzibuns and some JCTrade. (china cheapies), and a couple of bumgenius (I had to see what all the fuss was about) I am not overly fond of the bumgenius. I don't like the way the pocket has a flap. I do like the freetime I hac though(AI2) but my workhorses are my fuzzibunz. but the have more solids than prints so I have the JCTrade to get my print fix.


I tried Lil'Helper brand and I did not care for the snap in inserts but the quility was satisfactory and the company is very customer service oriented and you get littl suprises in you package. I got cloth wipes, candy, tea, and a personal letter.



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I've tried a lot of different things and I've found that different diapers have worked better for different shaped babies, and what I have liked has evolved over time. The trial packages are really ideal for finding out what works for the baby and caregivers.


For my twins and my middle boy, we have pretty much only used Fuzzi Bunz one size pocket diapers. I've replaced some of the leg elastics in many of them--the buttonhole elastic makes that pretty easy--and they're still going strong. I stuff as I change--I am not organized to stuff in advance--with cotton prefolds, since I don't like microfiber inserts.


I don't really like the way Bum Genius fit my kids.


With my oldest, we used fitteds and wool covers, which were lovely, but required a bit more work with the wool hand washing and all that.

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When my boys were babies my favorite was a basic prefold with a snappi.  Runner up would be all in ones.  Last would be pocket diapers, they were a little gross to get the insert out when dirty prior to washing. 


IMO she won't need that many and I second the suggestions to try out different types to see what works for her baby.

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Prefolds and covers. My favorite covers were Bummis Super Whisper Wraps. The prefolds were better than any fitted diaper because they were more absorbent and could be arranged in various ways....expecting a big poo ? Roll the edges. Well hydrated active toddler ? Bikini twist for extra fabric in just the right area. They were easier to use and wash than pockets or allinones, and way more affordable. The covers were easy to quickly wash and hang dry in hours. They also held up really well. With the wrap cover, I never needed pins or a snappi, because I just used the cover.

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We love grovia. They've worked and fit beautifully on three different kids, including short and chunky and my current long and skinny. We did pockets with the olders and after two kids, I hated stuffing the dumb things. Of course, prefolds and covers are mainstays. If I didn't do grovia, it would be. Blueberry diapers. Maybe see if you've got a store local so you can touch and see them IRL?

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I loved my bum genius both kids. I could swap in extra thick, super soaker liners with ease and use my sanitary cycle to get 'em fresh n' clean! I was sad to see them go. I did have a stash of 36 to keep a good rotation going and avoid wearing them out too soon.

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Ok, my experience--I used some Motherease diapers, and the Nikki, I think. Any time I used the covers that had velcro on them, the diapers did not keep the poo in (I mean the liquidy stuff) and the covers did not seem to be waterproof. The Nikkis also were very thin.


So, which ones have leg elastic that really holds stuff in, and are thick and absorbent? I ended up just going to prefolds and vinyl pants with pins, as I said, because they were adjustable and I could pull them tight enough (the dipe) by the legs and tummy, and then put the pants over and the pants were waterproof and I didn't get leakage at the legs. I always felt that the covers were easily dampened. I changed diapers frequently, too.


(And I also used environmentally safe flat disposables with a diaper cover, but those were just like a 6 X 10 or so piece of menstral pad without a plastic back--not even THAT absorbent--I used those for a good 2 months, but they were awful, so I switched.)

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So, which ones have leg elastic that really holds stuff in, and are thick and absorbent? I ended up just going to prefolds and vinyl pants with pins, as I said, because they were adjustable and I could pull them tight enough (the dipe) by the legs and tummy, and then put the pants over and the pants were waterproof and I didn't get leakage at the legs. I always felt that the covers were easily dampened. I changed diapers frequently, too.


If she goes the prefold route, I highly recommend a cover with double leg gussets. Both the Proraps (cheap, but very functional imo) and the Sweet Pea covers (very reasonably priced, very functional, amazing customer service, and slightly softer than Proraps for lack of a better term) I mentioned above have double gussets.)


IMO, double gussets are key to containing poop, especially runny NB poop.

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We loved GroVia 2-in1s, and they lasted us from early infancy through potty training. They held everything, they were easy to wash, and they were super-cute.


Our runner-ups were Smartipants, which are pocket diapers where the insert comes out itself in the wash so you don't have to mess with it. Great for ease of use, just not quite as cute as the GroVia.

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Ok, my experience--I used some Motherease diapers, and the Nikki, I think. Any time I used the covers that had velcro on them, the diapers did not keep the poo in (I mean the liquidy stuff) and the covers did not seem to be waterproof. The Nikkis also were very thin.


So, which ones have leg elastic that really holds stuff in, and are thick and absorbent? I ended up just going to prefolds and vinyl pants with pins, as I said, because they were adjustable and I could pull them tight enough (the dipe) by the legs and tummy, and then put the pants over and the pants were waterproof and I didn't get leakage at the legs. I always felt that the covers were easily dampened. I changed diapers frequently, too.


(And I also used environmentally safe flat disposables with a diaper cover, but those were just like a 6 X 10 or so piece of menstral pad without a plastic back--not even THAT absorbent--I used those for a good 2 months, but they were awful, so I switched.)

Like someone else mentioned, the gussets on the covers make a huge difference! I like Thirsties covers or my own home sewn ones because I make them with gussets. It holds blowouts better than disposables imo. Also elastic along the back waist is necessary to avoid back blowouts, and Thirsties covers have that as well. My thirsties have mostly lasted through 3 kids so i'm happy with them.

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Ok, my experience--I used some Motherease diapers, and the Nikki, I think. Any time I used the covers that had velcro on them, the diapers did not keep the poo in (I mean the liquidy stuff) and the covers did not seem to be waterproof. The Nikkis also were very thin.


So, which ones have leg elastic that really holds stuff in, and are thick and absorbent? I ended up just going to prefolds and vinyl pants with pins, as I said, because they were adjustable and I could pull them tight enough (the dipe) by the legs and tummy, and then put the pants over and the pants were waterproof and I didn't get leakage at the legs. I always felt that the covers were easily dampened. I changed diapers frequently, too.


(And I also used environmentally safe flat disposables with a diaper cover, but those were just like a 6 X 10 or so piece of menstral pad without a plastic back--not even THAT absorbent--I used those for a good 2 months, but they were awful, so I switched.)


Motherease One Size are giant and don't really have snug legs, in my experience. Motherease Sandy's have snug leg elastic and are squishy and absorbent. 


I like Thirsties covers--they have leg gussets. 


I personally don't like anything with Velcro at all. It gets stuck to everything (inevitably someone will forget to close the laundry tabs), it loses its stickiness, and it collects lint and just starts to look worn. Plus as baby gets older, it is far too easy to remove! I much prefer snaps on everything.

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