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Nooooo, pt. 2


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Personally as a foster parent I have my doubts they had a visit with all of the kids on a Saturday evening on a holiday. I am sure they have supervised visits due to flight risk and what agency is going to ask multiple foster families over a large area to transport the kids for a visit on a holiday AND likely find more than one worker to supervise the visit.


In our years as foster parents we have never had a visit ON a holiday, not even Christmas.


And again , if she was really sitting there with her 10 children at a visit she would not have time to be posting on Facebook at the same time.


Her Facebook followers seem to think they are reunited and back home full time. I highly doubt that as well.


And someone questioned why a family that is so anti government would be celebrating the 4th of July.

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I've read The Glass Castle and Pilgrim's Wilderness as well as as much as I can find about the Nauglers because I know a family in real life who shares so many of the same qualities.


I'm convinced it is the result of mental illness, but I can't put my finger exactly on what type of illness it is.

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She sure was vague enough. It's almost like she's trying to confuse people into thinking they're back for good, but I can't figure out why she would do that. Plus, if she had custody once again, we would certainly have pictures.


seriously?  you have to think about how N's mind works.  she posts for the feedback/approbation of her followers.  if they think they kids are back - she can tell herself she's won.


Personally as a foster parent I have my doubts they had a visit with all of the kids on a Saturday evening on a holiday. I am sure they have supervised visits due to flight risk and what agency is going to ask multiple foster families over a large area to transport the kids for a visit on a holiday AND likely find more than one worker to supervise the visit.


In our years as foster parents we have never had a visit ON a holiday, not even Christmas.


And again , if she was really sitting there with her 10 children at a visit she would not have time to be posting on Facebook at the same time.


Her Facebook followers seem to think they are reunited and back home full time. I highly doubt that as well.


And someone questioned why a family that is so anti government would be celebrating the 4th of July.


if she was sitting there with her kids - she'd have LOTS OF TIME to post pictures.  and she would.

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Her supporters are celebrating that the kids are back home. I think they are mistaking her saying that they had visitation possibly just for the evening (since the post just said that they spent the evening with the children) for getting them back for good.

Her wording was "it's a blessing to be reunited as a family again," so I can see how people might get that impression if they didn't read further.
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Someone like N who lives for attention does not care if they are caught out in a lie. They believe they simply "explain away" when they are caught in a lie. They avoid people who catch them out repeatedly, but they never admit defeat. Sadly, my oldest who is my step dd, has a mother almost exactly like this. My oldest came to live with us when her mother was evicted from HUD housing for the THIRD time and was living in a travel bus with a dope dealer. The similarities are shocking. N just went on until ALL her kids were taken away. When we took our dd away her mother moved a thousand miles away so that she didn't lose her other kids by other dads. She moved repeatedly for many years. She needs her kids for the support they give her, and she invests as little as possible into them, but expects them to be DEVOTED to her at all times. Since they live in her Neverland of lies and fantasy they are crippled beyond repair. She always has a man in her life who provides sper*. She can keep up an act for them for a few months, but even the most dysfunctional ones get tired of her and leave. 


Sadly for Nicole and Joe they are a perfect  blend of dysfunctional and I would not be the slightest bit surprised if this ends in a crime spree of some kind.

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seriously? you have to think about how N's mind works. she posts for the feedback/approbation of her followers. if they think they kids are back - she can tell herself she's won.



if she was sitting there with her kids - she'd have LOTS OF TIME to post pictures. and she would.

Yes, but if they think she got the kids back, that's also the end of the saga and the end of her attention. And of the donations.

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There's no way she had a visit yesterday. She's said that her kids are spread out over multiple foster homes. I highly doubt that her kids social worker organized a visit with 10 kids on a holiday evening.

It's interesting that this unlikely claim about having a full family visit on a national holiday clashes with their line that the state's social services and foster care system is corrupt and full of evil people who have no respect for family or the kids--only money.

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So at one point in the comments on her most recent BLH post, two people are sort of arguing about whether the kids are back permanently or not, and Nicole popped in and posted a smiley face.


If the state gave this nut her kids back for good, I am going to lose all faith in humanity.

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So at one point in the comments on her most recent BLH post, two people are sort of arguing about whether the kids are back permanently or not, and Nicole popped in and posted a smiley face.


If the state gave this nut her kids back for good, I am going to lose all faith in humanity.

The post dated Wednesday said they didn't have anything new to share.

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I thought birth parents had every right to post pictures of their children online, even when in foster care? I know that foster parents can not, and if the children are adopted then the birth parents wouldn't be allowed.


But if that's true, I'd assume if they were actually having visits there be bunches of pics. I don't know. Maybe each state us different when it comes to birth parents and pics.

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I thought birth parents had every right to post pictures of their children online, even when in foster care? I know that foster parents can not, and if the children are adopted then the birth parents wouldn't be allowed.


But if that's true, I'd assume if they were actually having visits there be bunches of pics. I don't know. Maybe each state us different when it comes to birth parents and pics.

Not necessarily. It may vary by state and case, but our foster kids' SW is adamant that no one - not even bps - post pics online.

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Personally as a foster parent I have my doubts they had a visit with all of the kids on a Saturday evening on a holiday. I am sure they have supervised visits due to flight risk and what agency is going to ask multiple foster families over a large area to transport the kids for a visit on a holiday AND likely find more than one worker to supervise the visit.


In our years as foster parents we have never had a visit ON a holiday, not even Christmas.


And again , if she was really sitting there with her 10 children at a visit she would not have time to be posting on Facebook at the same time.


Her Facebook followers seem to think they are reunited and back home full time. I highly doubt that as well.


And someone questioned why a family that is so anti government would be celebrating the 4th of July.


Some are still under the impression that there are four different foster families, but I thought I remembered the two oldest are in a group home. Are they allowed more visitation, or is there no difference?

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Yes, but if they think she got the kids back, that's also the end of the saga and the end of her attention. And of the donations.


N doesn't seem to think that far ahead. in some ways she does seem to only live in the moment, and what will get her what she wants "right now".  if she thought ahead - she'd be doing practical things to actually get her kids back.  and she's not stating this is a permanent return of the kids.  (whether any visitation is real or only in her deluded mind.)


plus, she can get more "we agree with you" to the "gov't is an evil big brother and wants my kids 'cause they're so wonderful so they can sell them to the highest bidder for adoption" (those supporters are completely blind to N is completely nuts.)

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Not necessarily. It may vary by state and case, but our foster kids' SW is adamant that no one - not even bps - post pics online.


Not even old pics? She's posted a lot of those on fb, but they are repeats from her older blogs. There was a big hullabaloo when Nicole's mom posted pictures of herself with some of the kids (as babies mostly) and fb removed them.

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Not necessarily. It may vary by state and case, but our foster kids' SW is adamant that no one - not even bps - post pics online.


since when has N, or J for that matter, ever given a flying fig what gov't authorities say?  I can see her posting pix (if she actually had them) while giving the state the proverbial middle finger.  (while yelling out like a four-year old 'You're not the boss of me!"  stomp foot for emphasis.)

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So at one point in the comments on her most recent BLH post, two people are sort of arguing about whether the kids are back permanently or not, and Nicole popped in and posted a smiley face.


If the state gave this nut her kids back for good, I am going to lose all faith in humanity.


I think your faith in humanity is safe in this instance.

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Not necessarily. It may vary by state and case, but our foster kids' SW is adamant that no one - not even bps - post pics online.

But what can the SW do? As long as the birth parents work the case plan, I can't see how posting pictures of their child to their social media account would stop them from regaining custody.

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Not even old pics? She's posted a lot of those on fb, but they are repeats from her older blogs. There was a big hullabaloo when Nicole's mom posted pictures of herself with some of the kids (as babies mostly) and fb removed them.

. I think old pics would be fine. Our SW is mostly concerned because of locations being disclosed via gps on pics.
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But what can the SW do? As long as the birth parents work the case plan, I can't see how posting pictures of their child to their social media account would stop them from regaining custody.

I suppose she could get a court order about it, if it became a problem. Then the BP would be in violation of that, and it would impact their case.


In our situation, the SW spoke sternly to the BPs, and the posting of pics stopped, so it didn't go farther.

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I suppose she could get a court order about it, if it became a problem. Then the BP would be in violation of that, and it would impact their case.


In our situation, the SW spoke sternly to the BPs, and the posting of pics stopped, so it didn't go farther.

Thanks. That makes sense.

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I was thinking about the poor foster parents of these kids. I raised a child who had a parent similar to Nicole for the first four years of her life. They are damaged. They have never been allowed to call the truth the truth, because a parent like Nicole invents new truth every few minutes. That is a hard thing to ever recover from. My oldest STILL does not see why you cannot just invent whatever truth you want when you need to and she is 27 in a few weeks.


Also, since someone like Nicole is only happy when everything around them is in turmoil and they are getting lots attention from their turmoil these kids have been trained to live in chaos. When life is running smoothly they panic and cause trouble. They not only want their own life to be topsy-turvey, they get nervous if the people around them are too comfortable in a steady routine. If somehow everyone around them is happy and they are not allowed to cause trouble they will go into a horrible depressive funk.


Nicole is a "victim". These kids have probably been raised to believe that unless you are a victim you are a bad person. That is a very hard thing to overcome. Taking responsibility for your own future and your own choices is something that these kids have probably been taught is wrong on a subconscious level. Not only that but some of Nicole's kids have been responsible for taking care of the others and even Nicole and Joe. They have been rewarded/ punished for this with no rhyme or reason. Those kids will think they are fine, but they are probably in need of a lot more care than people think.


Even the best foster parents are going to really be up against it with these kids because they have been allowed so much independence that they are going to not be able to be kids again. Almost certainly Nicole and Joe were using them as friends and confidants and that is like a weird form of incest that is very hard to deal with.

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My cynical side was wondering if they aren't getting ready to run and she needs her supporters to think they have the kids back home before doing so.  But then perhaps I've seen too many crime dramas. . . .


you think you're too cynical?  . . ...







(you're not too cynical.)

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So, the state took their kids because their home was unsafe but the state is allowing them long weekends without any improvments?? BS.

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After digging around I found out that a) locals saw her at Lowes with her kids and b) other locals know for sure that she doesn't have her kids back.


Who to believe... Hmmm...

I'm guessing those are the same locals that saw Ferris down at the 31 Flavors.

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After digging around I found out that a) locals saw her at Lowes with her kids and b) other locals know for sure that she doesn't have her kids back.


Who to believe... Hmmm...


At Lowe's. What.


Let's just think about this one thing.


You are separated from your kids for months and months. Some of them are quite small. You get them back for a few days.


Now, in my book. I can't imagine wanting to go to Lowe's with a child, ever. But also, I hate shopping with children anywhere. I mean, maybe if I had one child and that child was exceptionally well-behaved, maybe, but I also think it's impossible to have that many perfect kids. She must have one or two that are PITBs to go shopping with. She must. 


And if there is one thing that I could choose to do, out of anything, with my kids, if I got to see them once a month, I guarantee you, Lowe's would be #6,789,543 on a list of 7 million things to do.


Not that I don't like Lowe's. Hopefully what I am saying makes sense. Like, supposing they were at Lowe's, even one or two kids. What the heck? Why??? Chuck-e-cheese. The park. Reading. ANYTHING but a hardware store.

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At Lowe's. What.


Let's just think about this one thing.


You are separated from your kids for months and months. Some of them are quite small. You get them back for a few days.


Now, in my book. I can't imagine wanting to go to Lowe's with a child, ever. But also, I hate shopping with children anywhere. I mean, maybe if I had one child and that child was exceptionally well-behaved, maybe, but I also think it's impossible to have that many perfect kids. She must have one or two that are PITBs to go shopping with. She must. 


And if there is one thing that I could choose to do, out of anything, with my kids, if I got to see them once a month, I guarantee you, Lowe's would be #6,789,543 on a list of 7 million things to do.


Not that I don't like Lowe's. Hopefully what I am saying makes sense. Like, supposing they were at Lowe's, even one or two kids. What the heck? Why??? Chuck-e-cheese. The park. Reading. ANYTHING but a hardware store.

She might need supplies for the kids to use when they are building the cabin for the family - since you know, that is the kid's job and everything.  

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So, I lost my whole post responding to Tsuga and am just now able to get back on...


Anyway, you have to remember that the children have been wanting to build the cabin for a long time. Along with the criticism that the parents haven't done anything in the past two months, what better way to show progress than to take the children to Lowes to get the materials needed so the children can be involved with the building as they have wanted all along?  This isn't about the parents, it is about the kids. The kids want this. That is why they were at Lowes. For the kids.


Because, the kids don't need to spend all that time with the family, out of the public eye, even though they have been separated for the past two months. There are absolutely no mental or emotional effects to this separation, and the first thing on the kids minds when they got home, was going to Lowes to get cabin materials. And, it's about the kids. Don't forget that.

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Yeah, but if they have the kids back now is the PERFECT time to do a few little repairs around the house.



She might need supplies for the kids to use when they are building the cabin for the family - since you know, that is the kid's job and everything.  



So, I lost my whole post responding to Tsuga and am just now able to get back on...


Anyway, you have to remember that the children have been wanting to build the cabin for a long time. Along with the criticism that the parents haven't done anything in the past two months, what better way to show progress than to take the children to Lowes to get the materials needed so the children can be involved with the building as they have wanted all along?  This isn't about the parents, it is about the kids. The kids want this. That is why they were at Lowes. For the kids.


Because, the kids don't need to spend all that time with the family, out of the public eye, even though they have been separated for the past two months. There are absolutely no mental or emotional effects to this separation, and the first thing on the kids minds when they got home, was going to Lowes to get cabin materials. And, it's about the kids. Don't forget that.



And now... since I've spit my bed-time tea out thrice... I'm off to bed.  You gals are hilarious.  :lol:

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Hmmm. "Kids" doesn't specify how many, and for someone who raises goats, it doesn't technically specify human. I would think there would be some crowing if she actually meant all of her children were permitted to come back to GANC the homestead.

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